Strange has been replaced as Sorcerer Supreme by Mordo, and Black Bolt, the Inhuman king who is notoriously silent, sits mutely in acknowledgement. Richards is the singular type of intellect that only Shuri and the late Tony Stark could hope to approach and was introduced by Mordo as the world's smartest man. Creator/writer of The Hidden Scribes and COVID39 podcasts. Maybe the Scarlet Witch is too strong to die like that. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Professor X And Reed Richards Cameos In Doctor Strange 2 Were Wasted. Strange, Reed Richards, Iron Man, Black Bolt, and Namor. The Illuminati cameo rumors we saw prior to the release were all accurate. As you can see above, weve listed every being (or maleficent book) that perished in Doctor Strange 2. So yep theres my airtight 100% proven theory, The Office's Jim Halpert got super powers, became Reed Richards and was in Dr. Spider-Man: No Way Home director Jon Watts was originally tapped to direct the Fantastic Four movie for Marvel. Why didnt Professor X go into the mind of Wanda the moment the MCUs Doctor Strange mentioned the imminent risk? Elasticity wont save Mister Fantastic, as Wanda turns him into spaghetti quickly. The following contains major spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, now in theaters. But he ultimately joined the list of tragic Doctor Strange 2 deaths. The corpse of . We have no idea who made these sentries, as theres no surprise Iron Man cameo in the film. The next death doesnt happen in Multiverse of Madness per se. Reed Richards and Iron Man were each captured and replaced by their doppelgngers. While Mr. One of the most talked about moments from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness came when John Krasinski appeared as Reed Richards. Then again, redeeming Wanda might take a lot more this time, considering the killing spree she went on. While cuffed and assumedly magically neutered, they are brought before the Illuminati of 838 by the Illuminati of 838 in 838 Even as Strange is learning about Captain Carter and Captain Marvel, he realizes that they have the same abilities that have been granted to people who exist in a parallel universe. While other children engaged in sports or played games, Reed devoted himself to the sciences. Richards was exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation along with his best friend Ben Grimm, then . The following contains major spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, now in theaters. As you say, that glove fits Reed Richards well. To make matters worse, Richards notoriety for brilliance was severely tarnished as he stood there helplessly as his body began to unravel into fleshy threads as the Scarlet Witch approached. They are captured by the Illuminati of 838, and Strange is brought before them while cuffed and presumably magically neutered. Professor X and Reed Richards represent specific corners of the Marvel universe that have gone untouched. His . But its still important for the MCU. Because evil Wanda's in reality 616, and he's . But we expect Krasinski to play the MCUs Mister Fantastic soon. Mizuri, an artist on Instagram, created a cool concept design of John Krasinski as Reed Richards. She decided to use these powers on a long-term basis, not just to travel to a specific dimension where she could use them to mine assets for any challenges she might face. But the only deaths that really matter for the MCU are the ones from this reality. I think a big problem with all of the Illuminati (bar Xavier) was their arrogance - they were judging 616 Strange and Wanda from their knowledge of the 838 variants. Raised by Dungeons and Dragons, judges people who liked "Signs", and solidly chicken on the which came first ideological spectrum. Wanda doesnt just destroy the remaining Darkhold copy in 616. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a gift that keeps on giving with each rewatch. Moon Knight is sucked into things by virtue of his reserve membership in the Avengers. 10 deals you cant miss on Sunday: iPhone 13 Pro sale, AirPods, Amazon gift cards, Nest, more, a spoiler-free review for you at this link, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, How to stop personalized iPhone ads from invading your privacy, Microsoft Word has a hidden transcription tool - here's where to find it, Crazy Thunderbolts leak points to a major Marvel villain, 9 new Netflix releases that you should definitely watch next week, These 2 Netflix series are dominating in the US today, Every original show Netflix canceled in 2022, The big heart of Little America: Apples show about the immigrant experience is a must-watch, Yale breakthrough may uncover the root cause of Alzheimers, 6 streaming TV theme songs that are too good to skip. But this Captain Marvel cant beat Wanda. When Mordo introduced Richards as the worlds smartest man, only Shuri and Tony Stark could have a hope of matching his level of intellect. Xavier's mental prowess is so meager as to not even provide a token resistance to Wanda's destruction of his mind. Mr. Fantastic moment not making it to the screen has something to do with Marvel's mysterious plans for Fantastic Four specifically, whether or not Krasinski will stay . Of those four, only Black Bolt is presumably entirely unknown to him and to much of the audience by extension, so his treatment and introduction lie in a separate space. We see several variants of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in the movie, and weve been calling the first one that appears Defender Strange. Well just have to wait and see whats next. If rumors are to be believed, Reed Richards will indeed make his MCU debut in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as the character of Mr. That will annoy plenty of Wandas, Stranges, and other sorcerers and witches in the multiverse. Fantastic, is one of Michael Waldrons favourite Marvel characters. And, as we already know, its not just villains who perish. She has no problem facing anyone, whether its Doctor Strange in the Illuminati court or the dangerous Scarlet Witch after she just killed Black Bolt and Mister Fantastic. Strange Supreme is the Strange variant that founded the Illuminati. The rift between mutants and humans has historically impacted a wide range of global cultural, social, political, economic, and religious practices that distinguish Earth from every other planet with intelligent life. But in what follows below, we will discuss the Doctor Strange 2 deaths and what they mean for the MCU. The one-eyed, multi-tentacled demon chasing Chavez in the MCU has met his match. No other type of movie is more manly and more action-packed, at least outside, Production on the sequel to 2019s Joker, titled Joker: Folie Deux, has officially begun production, with director Todd Phillips. Doctor Strange chooses not to, and the Scarlet Witch ends up sacking Kamar-Taj. After decades, the great Houses of Marvel were finally united, only to be squandered. Press J to jump to the feed. Black Bolt. In fairness to Reed, his screen time in this movie is obviously very short and his speaking roles are even shorter. The film traded on the very thing that made these two heroic paragons special in order to emphasize how powerful she had become. But how did Black Bolt die in Doctor Strange 2? In order to highlight how potent she had become, the film played on the unique qualities of these two heroic role models. But it ends with the MCUs Doctor Strange beating and killing the evil variant. Its not just Strange fighting against him, as Wong (Benedict Wong) also comes in to save the day. After months of speculation, The Illuminati were confirmed to make an appearance in the weeks leading up to the film, though the exact makeup of their roster remained mostly a mystery until the theatrical release. Xavier isn't just the most powerful psychic mind on Earth, at least one that typically doesn't include some incarnation of the Phoenix, but he is also a civil rights activist. In this case, ignoring it is a problem because mutants have never occurred in the Sacred Timeline thus far. Black Bolt died when Scarlet Witch attacked the base of the Illuminati. The Lax Witch attacked the Illuminati's base and died of black smoke. Honest news coverage, reviews, and opinions since 2006. So long, Reed Richards, Captain Carter, Captain Marvel, Black Bolt and Professor Charles Xavier. Gary and Mary Richards had their first child, a son named Reed and almost immediately, the Richards suspected that there was something special about Reed, who displayed his curiosity from the day he was born. The Illuminati were confirmed to appear in the weeks immediately prior to the films release after months of speculation. When Doctor Strange and Christine 838 are trapped in the netherworld reality, Strange uses the Darkhold to stop Wanda from stealing Chavez's powers. For years, fans had been demanding Krasinski get the . Doctor Strange 2: Michael Waldron wrote a Reed Richards post-credit scene. When hes not writing about the most recent tech news for BGR, he closely follows the events in Marvels Cinematic Universe and other blockbuster franchises. Ultimately their jaunts through space-time brought them to Earth 838, a world where red-green functionality had been swapped, memories could be casually retrieved and put on public holographic display and their best and brightest scientific minds were fully briefed on the vagaries of multiversal dynamics. In an interview with Empire Magazine, screenwriter Michael Waldron revealed . Thanks to the appearance of Reed Richards in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the Fantastic Four have taken their first step into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The young woman could open portals to alternate dimensions, and the dark witch intended to use that ability to steal variants of her spellborn children from another reality, kill their mother and usurp her place. After Defender Strange and Supreme Strange, theres one more variant that Benedict Cumberbatch played. He did try to save the 838 Wanda from the MCUs Scarlet Witch. We guide our loyal readers to some of the best products, latest trends, and most engaging stories with non-stop coverage, available across all major news platforms. Amongst the elevated dais where the Illuminati hold court, Reed Richards and Charles Xavier are the two individuals who represent something truly momentous in terms of MCU inclusion. Due to his shock, Black Bolt made a sound that could not escape his mouth and killed him from the inside. Reed Richards also made his cameo to the delight and in service to stalwart fans. Based upon many of the multiversal rules that were established by Loki, some fans suspected the film would be a bridge not only to a few of the Disney+ television properties that emerged over the last couple of years but also to the integration of Marvel properties that had previously been segregated from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Strange 2, he reveals Black Bolts powers and tries to lazily stretch to beat Wanda, all things someone who is supposed to be a genuis would never do. They recognize the Scarlet Witch as the rightful heir to that creepy throne, and they defend her until Zombie Strange arrives. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Doctor Strange 2 Wasted Two of Its Most Important MCU Cameos, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, to the delight and in service to stalwart fans, MCU Theory: Earth-616 Has Suffered An Incursion Before, familiar abilities bestowed upon alternative individuals, Doctor Strange 2s Dreams and Visions Shine a New Light on The Avengers Films, Doctor Strange 2 May Have Created the MCU's Greatest Threat Yet, Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness (2022), REVIEW: Whatnot Publishing's Liquid Kill #1, Little Mermaid Star Halle Bailey's Avatar Costume Gets the Film's Stamp of Approval, 10 Sequels That Had Nothing To Do With Their Franchise, A Halloween Ends Theory Offers a Twisted Way To Continue the Franchise. Wanda determined that she needed access to these powers long term, not just transit to a targeted dimension so that she could access other realities as a means to mine resources for whatever obstacles she might encounter. They had to do it to prevent him from abusing his powers. Multiverse of Madness may not have felt the need to delve into this part of his origin, much in the way The Batman eschewed the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne. A couple of variants of Doctor Strange die as well, but the one we know lives to fight again. Reed Richards, played by John Krasinski, to the delight and in service to stalwart fans, was also baptized in the sanctioned waters of the one true continuity. Fantastic Four will hit theaters on November 8, 2024, The great Pam Grier has had a storied career, proving to be one of the most badass actresses of her, Darren Aronofsky is a fascinating filmmaker. Similar changes were controversially made in the Star Wars sequels in an attempt to shift the narrative focus to the next generation of Imperial resistance by turning Luke Skywalker into something he couldnt recognize himself. Fantastic looks to have a hint of grey in his hair, similar to how he looks in . Since we don't believe Namor will appear before Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and if we take into account that MCU's Iron Man is dead and Black Bolt was recently used by ABC's Inhumans, Marvel Studios will probably . We might see Gargantos in the future because the multiverse is vast and full of perils. Professor X is the first mutant to ever appear in the MCU. RELATED: MCU Theory: Earth-616 Has Suffered An Incursion Before. We dont expect her to have survived that blow. He also abused the Darkhold, causing an incursion that led to the death of an entire alternate reality. So when Waldron had the . The son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, Franklin is an Omega-level mutant with the power to change reality.After several incursions threatened to destroy the Multiverse entirely, Franklin literally . When it comes to these four characters, Black Bolt, presumably a newcomer, is given a separate treatment from the others. Xavier is an exemplar for a large section of the population that depicts a richer, more complicated world that is filled with fear, resentment, and hatred. Reed Richards, aka Mr. She destroys every copy in the entire multiverse. The arrival of a live-action Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell) is glorious. Perhaps well get a good Wanda version from 838 or someplace else. But then again, shes got special serum running through her veins. Wanda Maximoff experienced the final act of a Shakespearan tragedy in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness." After all the disappointment and hurt suffered . He is a polymath with mastery of all the sciences including, electrical, mechanical, aerospace engineering, electronics, chemistry, physics, biology and beyond. Dr. Reed Richards is a scientist and inventor, better known as Mister Fantastic, who has been considered the smartest man on Earth. Wolverine shows up and reveals that Reed is a fake, but the fake Iron Man attacks him . Richards is caught entirely unprepared to deal with the ignored threat presented by the Scarlet Witch, and his reputation for brilliance was acutely marginalized as he simply stood there while his body spooled into fleshy threads. Or else. Reed Richards told her that Black Bolt could kill her with a whisper from his mouth, but that allowed Wanda to make his mouth disappear. In Marvel Comics, the Illuminati were made up of Professor X, Dr. And shes just as determined as Captain Carter to beat Wanda. Captain Marvel (Lashana Lynch) made that clear during the Illuminati panel before the fight. The school was created to bridge the gap between mutants and humans. Killing is a strong word, as his third eye is still open after his body is impaled. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Like Steve (Chris Evans), Carter thinks she can do this all day. Since we mentioned the Kamar-Taj and Ultron deaths in Doctor Strange 2, we also have to add the Wundagore Mountain demons to the list. The very thing that compelled him as a character, saving his friends and family from a threat that only he could deal with, was inversely used to depict a man that had lost all faith and was content to give up. When Mordo introduced Richards as the world's smartest man, only Shuri and Tony Stark could have a hope of matching his level of intellect. Everyone in the office will blame genius Reed Richards (John Krasinski) for giving away the store. Here is the complete list of characters who die within the film, in chronological order based on when their death occurs: Defender Strange. Reed Richards and Professor X are two of the most significant members of the Illuminati in the MCU. Many Marvel films are more than two hours long, so there is some leeway in emphasizing effect over substance, but in the past other Marvel movies have done a great job of balancing the two. This death is real, and its final for this Reed variant. Were looking at nameless characters that die heroically. We did see a preview of this battle in What If?, where the more evil half of Strange prevailed. The MCUs first appearance of a mutant is Professor X. The Doctor Strange sequel was one of the most highly anticipated films of the year for a variety of reasons. Fantastic will appear in the movie. 26. The problem with ignoring it, in this case, is that thus far, mutants have not existed in the Sacred Timeline. But they all die while trying to defend the superheroes, which is certainly laudable. The scene where the Scarlet Witch kills Mister Fantastic in Doctor Strange 2. But there is the dead body of Thanos (Josh Brolin) on Titan. It didnt take long after James Gunn was named co-CEO of DC Studios before the speculation, theories and rumors began. Perhaps his spirit will do more damage down the road. Black, Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio just hit Netflix and all of us here at JoBlo are huge fans of the directors, 1998 - present JoBlo Media Inc., All Rights Reserved | JoBlo is a trademark of JoBlo Media Inc. A trailer with Patrick Stewart's voice was one of the first pieces of hard evidence marking the arrival of Professor X in the MCU, especially after the knighted thespian affirmed his role and was a primary indicator that the Marvel Comics secret society would be making an appearance. And they all die, starting with Black Bolt (Anson Mount). We have no idea. Since Disneys acquisition of 20th Century Foxs film and tv entertainment experience, integrating their existence into the fold has become one of the most searched fusions Professor X and Reed Richards both represent previously unexplored facets of the Marvel canon. We have no idea whether well see Mount as Black Bolt again in future MCU projects, but the 838 version met an absolutely brutal demise in Doctor Strange 2. Richards has a reputation for genius, resourcefulness, and bravery throughout the galaxy. While only one actor has been confirmed till now, there is no assurance if the other actors will see their big Marvel debut or not. He uses the magical technique of dreamwalking - which is where a person inhabits an alternate version of themselves in another universe. As you can see, Mr. Welcome to /r/FanTheories! This is the Strange thats a friend to America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) and wants to save her with the help of the Book of the Vishanti. However, he dropped out earlier this year after realizing he needed a break after directing three Spider-Man movies back-to-back. This is the one weve been calling Sinister Strange, who destroyed his universe after pursuing happiness with the help of the Darkhold. Death is very much part of the story in any superhero movie, especially in the MCU. The Star Wars sequels controversially did something similar in an attempt to shift the narrative focus toward the next generation of Imperial resistance by transforming Luke Skywalker into something unrecognizable even to himself. But what happens at the end of Multiverse of Madness is very important. As soon as theyve decided to ignore them, the unforgivable happens. Answer (1 of 3): Not really. Chris Smith has been covering consumer electronics ever since the iPhone revolutionized the industry in 2008. Thats Wong, by the way. With her portal-opening powers, the dark witch hoped to steal her Spellborn children from another existence, kill their mother, and take her place in power. Elizabeth Lail as Sue Storm, John Krasinski as Reed Richards, Seth Rogan as Ben Grimm, and Rudy Pankow as Johnny Storm. Marvel movies have to be extremely judicious in how they organize and implement their content, with many of them stretching well beyond two hours in length, so there is some grace in prioritizing impact over substance, though in the past other Marvel films have balanced the two admirably. Gargantos. When Chavez met Doctor Strange from the Sacred Timeline, the two of them set out to find a way to weaken their pursuers by fleeing across multiple universes and dimensions. The Doctor Strange sequel was one of the . Reed Richards, aka Mr. He is Earths primary mind. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . On the one hand, Multiverse of Madness fulfills that anticipation. Although he was already dead. And while many remain in action, this could impact the Sorcerer Supremes ability to defend reality. Thats just brutal, showing that Wanda will do whatever it takes to be with her children again. Waldron told Empire that he always wanted Reed Richards in this thing and included him in the first draft of the script. It happened on Earth-838 (the Illuminati reality) well before the events of Doctor Strange 2. Whether 838 Carter died or not, we suspect that this isnt the last well see of the character. RELATED: Doctor Strange 2 May Have Created the MCU's Greatest Threat Yet. These Doctor Strange 2 deaths might not seem like much. 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Maybe he, too, believed the Illuminati were capable enough. The unidentified demon chasing these two kills Defender Strange after stabbing him twice. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. His School for Gifted Youngsters was founded on the idea of bridging the gap between mutants and humans by helping adolescents with newly awakened X genes hone their abilities so that they wouldn't be a danger to anyone, including themselves. He might have found the Book of Vishanti, helping the Illuminati kill Thanos. In the same way that The Batman avoided the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Multiverse of Madness may have avoided this part of his origin. Unfortunately, the worlds smartest man didnt get much to do before Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) turned him into ribbons. He told Wanda how dangerous Black Bolt is, so she killed him first. Fantastic in Doctor Strange in the . What we do get to observe are his actions, t. The duel between this Captain Marvel and Wanda is one of the movies highlights that will settle some debates. But this Cap variant is just one of the heartbreaking deaths in Doctor Strange 2. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness writer Michael Waldron reveals that the film almost had a very different role for Reed Richards. The fact that some characters die in Multiverse of Madness isnt a spoiler. The music-based Strange fight is absolutely amazing. This time he was introduced to the universe at the height of the X-838 era. As a child, he demonstrated remarkable intelligence, well ahead of that of his peers. The villain of superhero movies doesnt always have to die. Outside of work, youll catch him streaming almost every new movie and TV show release as soon as it's available. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Mordo has replaced the Strange of this universe as Sorcerer Supreme and Black Bolt, the oft silent king of the Inhumans, sits mutely in recognition. Strange 2. WandaVision director Matt Shakman has now signed on to helm the movie, but he had to step down from directing Star Trek 4 in order to do so. Reed isn't a genuis in Dr. The schism between mutantkind and humanity has historically affected cultural, social, political, economic and religious practices globally that set the Earth apart from any other world among all planets boasting sentient lifeforms. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is playing in theaters around the world, and we already have a spoiler-free review for you at this link. The rumored cast for Fantastic Four consists of -. The Fantastic Four are often called Marvels First Family because of their long-term impact and quantifiable impact on our universe. Whats certain is that this mutant is no match for the Scarlet Witch. Thats what youll want to read about the movie before seeing it to avoid having the plot spoiled. Reed then called together a group of all the main superheroes to Four Freedoms Plaza. A characters ability to save his friends and family from a threat he alone could handle was used to portray a man who had lost all faith in humanity and was content to give up on the idea of saving the world. It was through Richards diplomacy on Earths behalf that the planet became a source of admiration or dread for other civilizations, such as the Skrulls. To see Professor X and Mister Fantastic get unceremoniously merced, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now playing in theaters. We have no idea how the MCU will resurrect her. Marvel Studios. Richards is the Earth's keynote mind with a galaxies wide reputation for genius, resourcefulness and bravery. Beware, big spoilers follow below if you havent seen Doctor Strange 2. Lucky for him, the dead body of Defender Strange is on Earth-616, which then becomes Zombie Strange. You have to wonder if the Mr. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) reveals herself as the films villain very early in the story, which is a great twist for the film. Fantastic, is one of Michael Waldron's favourite Marvel characters. Xavier is an archetype for a whole segment of the population that describes a richer, more complex world that is fraught with fear, resentment and hatred. There were many reasons why the second Doctor Strange film was so hotly anticipated in 2013. But they killed him right then and there on Titan. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. We really don't have much of a chance to get to know him, which is fully intentional on the part of Marvel. As the most potent psychic head on Earth, Xavier is also an activist for civil rights, which is unusual for a person who isnt the Phoenix. The multiverse of Madness was eagerly anticipated by fans who had grown accustomed to Spider-Man: No Way Homes success and the belief that it would serve as a direct sequel to the film. Among the surprises in sequel Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the appearance of actor John Krasinski as the Fantastic Four's Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic was notable, even despite its abrupt ending.However, it seems that the film's writer had further plans for the stretchy superhero after the credits. After the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home and the expectation that Multiverse of Madness would serve as something of a direct sequel, audiences were clamoring for the variant hijinks that were likely to ensue along the corridors of the Sacred Timeline. Not only will . 2022 BGR Media, LLC. Also, the Doctor Strange sequel is a horror movie directed by Sam Raimi. From his impressive feature film directorial debut, Pi, to his many intriguing creations, including, Although not the worst weekend of the year (that honor still belongs to the weekend of January 28-30 when Spider-Man:, With many people calling the ultra bloody Violent Night a new Christmas classic, we wanted to know: of all the, Ah, the buddy cop action sub-genre. CONNECT WITH METikTok: Shes not strong enough. And unlike the captains, his death is certainly final. Engaging with the enormity of that is dizzying on some level while simultaneously experiencing the jolt of how underwhelming the delivery was executed. Reed Richards and Iron Man were each captured and replaced by their doppelgngers. This Strange corpse puts up a valiant fight against Wanda, enough to save America Chavez. Film screener for the Austin Film Festival and holder of passionate opinions e.g. With that in mind, well list all of the deaths in Multiverse of Madness in chronological order. For the first time in decades, the great Marvel houses came together, only to be wasted. Wanda shuts his mouth Matrix-style, and his head explodes. And it looks like they went for the heart with the help of the Book of the Vishanti. Who knows whether well see Patrick Stewarts Charles Xavier reappear in the MCU again. As we know, Reed Richards did appear in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as played by John Krasinski, but Michael Waldron had originally scripted an entirely different cameo for the hero. Even though Lokis multiversal rules had been established in the film, some fans had a suspicion that the film would be a bridge to a few new shows on Disney+ as well as the integration of other Marvel properties that had heretofore been separated from the MCU. Like his comic book counterpart, much of the sophisticated tech it seemed so prevalent in this world may have been the result of his research and patents. The superhero team will also be the focus of their very own movie, which will kick off Phase 6 of the MCU. The Fantastic Four are often referred to as the First Family of Marvel thanks to their longevity, influence and quantifiable contributions to the cosmos. Its in a vision that Professor X (Patrick Stewart) shares with the primary Doctor Strange. M>DC+(Wars-Sequels~GOAT)/( Game(Breaking(The Wire)Bad)of Thrones-2 last seasons)=FACTS. How did Doctor Strange 2 make a mistake with Professor X and Reed Richards cameos? Especially when you factor in the multiverse, which introduces infinite possibilities of the beloved characters. When Multiverse of Madness elevates Scarlet Witch over two of nerd cultures most revered figures, it does so without properly infusing their gravitas and nuance. Thats Wanda, but thats assuming Marvel is ready to kill off Elizabeth Olsens Avenger for good. This Doctor Strange 2 death will shock you until you realize the MCU Strange is safe. As they introduce themselves, Strange understands that Captain Carter and Captain Marvel possess familiar abilities bestowed upon alternative individuals in this reality. Scarlet Witch. Reed Richards' presence in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness implies that one character who could end the Multiverse Saga also exists somewhere in the MCU's Earth-838 - Franklin Richards. Reed Richards told her Black Bolt could kill her with a whisper from her mouth, but that allowed Wanda to lose his mouth. Everything Everywhere All at Once is one of the best-reviewed movies of the year (our own critic gave it an, Numbers are beginning to roll in for this second week of December and they are slightly worse than expected. The only problem is that Krasinski's Reed was not canonized in the main Earth-616 (technically, Earth-19999) of the MCU leaving the question of who will play Reed in that universe still up in . After his introduction in 2016's Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch's eponymous sorcerer has become a mainstay of the MCU.The character most recently appeared in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness from director Sam Raimi, which saw Doctor . They are there to serve Chthon and his disciples. Reed then called together a group of all the main superheroes to Four Freedoms Plaza. Theyre all killed in the most nonchalantly brutal way possible, which goes against everything they stand for as members of a team capable of defeating Thanos! One of the Scarlet Witchs transdimensional lackeys is pursuing America Chavez in order to steal her authority for herself as the Multiverse of Madness begins. He even speaks Spanish. Wanda just wiped out a large number of sorcerers. Ok, this is an evil book, so we shouldnt be adding it to the list of Doctor Strange 2 deaths. Technically, Zombie Strange dies as well. This Doctor Strange 2 death will shock you until you realize the MCU Strange is safe. The unidentified demon chasing these two kills Defender Strange after stabbing him twice. It wasnt long before they arrived on Earth 838, a world that had swapped the functions of red and green, memories could be retrieved and put on display in public holograms, and their brightest scientists had been briefed on the complexities of multiversal dynamics. And you could possibly argue that Wanda has redeemed herself by the end of Doctor Strange 2. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Reed Richards was part of the Illuminati alongside Professor X (Patrick Stewart), Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell), Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), and Captain Marvel (Hayley Atwell). Some crucial clunky exposition facets are baked into underexplored communal knowledge because viewers are so familiar with these characters. Doctor Strange 2 Wasted Two of Its Most Important MCU Cameos. Reed tried to use his experience of being a parent to appeal to Wanda's emotions through their shared experience of being parents. Home Movie News Doctor Strange 2: Michael Waldron wrote a Reed Richards post-credit scene. But lets remember the entire Illuminati team thinks too little of Wanda. In the face of Wandas utter destruction of Xaviers mind, his mental fortitude is so pitiful that he offers no resistance at all. Fantastic did indeed appear in the Illuminati scene in Doctor Strange 2, Deadline's Justin Kroll revealed that John Krasinski was not the original choice for the appearance but that . But also, he kind of wants to kill her so others can abuse her power. And only a single major character appears to have died. The Sam Raimi-directed movie is full of Easter eggs, callbacks, high-profile cameos, and numerous pop . Integrating their presence into the fold has been one of the most sought-after fusions since Disney's purchase of 20th Century Fox's film and television entertainment hub. Much of the advanced technology that seemed so commonplace to this world could very well be the byproduct of his research and patents in much the same way as his comic book counterpart. BGR is a part of Penske Media Corporation. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. More Marvel coverage: For more MCU news, visit our Marvel guide. As Multiverse of Madness opens, America Chavez is being hunted by one of the Scarlet Witch's interdimensional minions in an attempt to capture the young woman, so the chaos conjurer could steal her power for herself. The two of them do enough damage to take out this violent threat. His Doctor Strange 2 death is another highlight, as it occurs after a tremendous live-action battle between two Strange variants. The sorcerers and their apprentices put up a valiant effort, but Wanda is just too strong, fighting on several levels. RELATED: Doctor Strange 2s Dreams and Visions Shine a New Light on The Avengers Films. but the exact make-up of their roster remained a mystery until the films theatrical release. Reed Richards and Professor X made their MCU debuts, but instead of teasing a larger world, Doctor Strange 2 used them as crash dummies. Following that various statements and updates by the Kevin Feige company have clearly stated that what they did in Doctor Strange 2 was nothing more than complete fan service and it's highly unlikely that he would return in the future. However, talks of the Fantastic Four have . Chavez eventually encountered the Sacred Timeline's Doctor Strange, and the two of them fled across multiple universes in an attempt to find a way to defeat their pursuer. On the other hand, the deaths in superhero movies arent always permanent. Its still another death scene that we see on screen. She makes it clear that Strange has to hand over America. Like his comic book counterpart, much of the sophisticated tech it seemed so prevalent in this world may . Even if this is just fan service, I'm so happy this cameo happened and much respect to John Krasinski! Students at His School for Gifted Youngsters are taught in a safe environment where they can develop their abilities without fear of becoming a danger to themselves or others. Thats right, Gargantos isnt the films main villain, and he dies after Strange impales its precious eye with a lamp post. Audiences are so familiar with these characters in some ways that certain key expositional aspects are baked into unstudied communal knowledge. Now by the reports of the deleted post-credit scene, it is almost confirmed that . But the end of Doctor Strange 2 implies Wanda might have killed herself while destroying the Wundagore Castle and the Darkhold. Sara. That alone should tell you that death is inevitable. Sadly. When confronted with the sheer magnitude of that, its difficult to focus on anything else because the delivery itself was so underwhelming. Even though it leaked out ahead of time, fans were thrilled to see former Office star-turned-Quiet Place director John Krasinski appear as Reed Richards, aka Mr. The unforgivable arises when after deciding to give them short shrift, they are each disposed of in the most casually brutal manner possible, antithetical to the strengths that mark them as members of a group capable of defeating Thanos. Moon Knight is sucked into . Reed Richards and Professor X are two of the most significant members of the Illuminati in the MCU. This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work. Fantastic / Reed . And it sure looks like she was crushed under one of the statues in the Illuminati compound. In my very first draft, I wrote a tag just for the hell of it, of the events of the movie being recorded and reviewed by somebody in the Baxter Building, and a stretchy hand coming into frame to run it back. Wanda has a field day with the Ultron bots in the Illuminati universe. Earth became a place to be respected or feared due to accords brokered by Richards on behalf of the planet with entities such as Galactus or interstellar empires like the Skrulls. Reed Richards and Professor X made their MCU debuts, but instead of teasing a larger world, Doctor Strange 2 used them as crash dummies. Stranded in the Sinister Strange reality, Doctor Strange has to embrace the dark magic to dreamwalk into the MCUs primary reality. Multiverse of Madness makes the same mistake, elevating the Scarlet Witch at the expense of properly infusing two of the most hallowed figures in all of nerd culture with the gravitas and nuance they deserved. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. BGRs audience craves our industry-leading insights on the latest in tech and entertainment, as well as our authoritative and expansive reviews. Lashana Lynchs Captain Marvel is just as responsible for underestimating Wanda as Mister Fantastic. First, there was the trailer, which featured Patrick Stewarts voice, which confirmed Professor Xs arrival and was an early sign that Marvel Comics secret cabal would be making appearances in the MCU. However, Multiverse of Madness delivers on that expectation in a big way. Reed is probably my favourite Marvel comics character, so I was always gunning to get him in here somewhere. So when Waldron had the opportunity to write Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness for Marvel Studios, he knew he had to include Reed Richards, even if it had no chance of happening or so he thought. All Rights Reserved. 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how did reed richards die in dr strange 2