Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Schunk DH, Zimmerman B. Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (Educational Psychology Handbook). Secondly, learning studies are not a fixed trait; it is a skill that can be developed via experience and practice (Zimmerman, 2015). I recognize the role of learning strategies for memorizing, 9. See more ideas about butterscotch chips, delicious desserts, dessert recipes. The questionnaire was administered to 4,452 undergraduates using SurveyMonkey. 2, pp. Additionally, qualitative data identified a clearconsiderations for the integration of new technology into the new teaching and learning experience. This happens when students integrate new acquired information with their existing knowledge. al., 2009) Young (1999), held the view that student performances are linked with use of library and level of their parental education. Das. Babbage, R., Byers, R., & Redding, H. (2008). Vega-Hernndez, M. C., Patino-Alonso, M. C., Cabello, R., Galindo-Villardn, M. P., & Fernndez-Berrocal, P. (2017). Learning, Culture and Social Interactions, 16, 4554. A self-administered questionnaire, consisting of demographic information, learning strategies, and outcome expectations, was used based on the study objectives. When I study I try to mentally summarize what is most important, 21. The findings of this study suggested that cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies and motivational strategies are predictors of academic achievement of students. I make summaries after the end of each topic, 3. In a medium bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa powder, and espresso powder together. The MSLQ is based on the general cognitive and social cognitive theory of Bandura regarding motivational and learning strategies. The study focused on a sample of 6045 students, collected from the enrolment of University College students in spring 2020, at United Arab Emirates University has used online teaching strategy in comparison to fall 2019 teaching/learning experience, which used conventional teaching strategy involving 7369 students (See Table 1). Traditional, campus-based college students typically enroll college or university directly after finishing high school, study full-time, mostly depend on parents' financial support and do not work or work partly (U.S. Department of Education, 2002). Radovan, M. (2011), The relation between distance students' motivation, their use of learning strategies, and academic success, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. Students of medical sciences encounter massive information to be learned, and more importantly, to be applied in clinical practice. It is necessary to find out how a Furthermore, they performed a regression analysis to analyse which learning strategies predicted GPA. BMC Med Educ. So, it transformed the conventional course and current learning process into e-learning concept. Furthermore, for effort regulation strategies, the effect is moderated: the effect vanishes when conscientiousness is low (though this effect occurred only in Study 2). The approach involves students to reflect on their learning, on the impact of their actions and to publish their solutions to a worldwide audience [14]. J Vocat Behav 45:79122. However, the RASI focusses on other facets of learning strategies than the MSLQ-B. (2022), "The impact of learning strategies on the academic achievement ofuniversity students inSaudi Arabia", Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, Vol. In addition to that, poor students struggle to get the necessary electronic equipment to access this new mode of learning to interact in due time with their instructor, make necessary comments and raise questions to clear ambiguities and any equivocal statements and get appropriate feedback from their instructor. It gives me satisfaction when others value my work positively, 17. Some programmes might need a formal and highly structured educational background for the students to study well at a higher level, while for some programmes, additional independent readings might be enough for the APEL entry students to study as well as the regular entrants. As can be seen in Table8, the overall model (microstrategies, keys of memory and metacognition, emotional-social support and study habits) was a significant predictor of student achievement (F(4, 360)=10.167, p<0.01), where the model explained 10% of the variance in academic achievement and had an appositive mild correlation (R=0.31). Both instructors and learners decide on what to learn online and how it should be learned. (2019), as items from the original MSLQ-B subscales help seeking and peer learning are combined to form one subscale, namely contact with others. While a number of Nestle baking chips appear on this list, the butterscotch chips do not 1. WebThe study further established that the various self-regulated strategies jointly accounted for 77.6% of variance in student academic performance in physics (R 2 = 0. Pearson correlation was conducted to explore the relationship between the learning strategies and academic performance of regular entrants. Finally, in spite of complete response rate to our study questionnaires, we did not explore such academic achievements determinants of students who did not or refused to participate in this study, therefore, this problem should be considered in future studies. We tried to measure in quantifiable terms the students final academic performance after their exposure to online learning during this pandemic lockdown. By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. These students leverage on their prior learning acquired through formal/informal training, life and/or work experience to compensate for the lack in their academic qualifications. Within DE, research on learning strategies associated with academic performance is limited. Scaffolding in education, is a teachers' strategy for providing assistance while students master new skills and concepts. Dr. Yousef Almoslamani is an Assistant Professor at the Instructional Technology Department, Faculty of Education, Ha'il University. . The psychometric properties analysis of the SOES in an Iranian methodological study has been confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis through the Principal Component Analysis of 11 items and 4 factors (Table2). Simple cognitive strategy use as well as academic thinking were not related to academic performance. full-time vs. part-time). Bag. Monitor their memorization and comprehension periodically to ensure their understanding and their knowledge. The data was collected from archival data and a questionnaire. This scale was first developed by Pintrich and his colleagues in 1990 for assessing college students motivational orientations and their utilization of different learning strategies for teachers or researchers in education [20]. Through this study, we can see how, given the central role of the brain, using learning strategies by students improve their academic performance. This descriptive-analytic study was conducted on a sample of undergraduate female and male students of medical sciences in Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran. Future studies can be conducted by comparing the academic performance of these two groups of students from several ODL institutions. Based on the findings there was a positive correlation between Neroni, J., Meijs, C., Gijselaers, H.J.M., Kirschner, P.A. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 165, 217221. Moreover, number of hours someone studies is related to academic performance (Bernt & Bugbee, 1993). To date, not many researchers have used this questionnaire to study the DE learners learning strategies. The original ACRA-C scale was adapted to the study context and the scale used in the study comprised 22 items (17 items for learning strategies and 5 items for learning habits). Kizilcec RF, Prez-Sanagustn M, Maldonado JJ. October 20, 2020 at 9:43 am. A total of 460 second-year engineering students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia participated in the research. Nestle Baking Chips, Butterscotches, Nestle Cereals and Breakfast Foods, Nestle Milk and Non-Dairy Milk, Butterscotch Boiled & Hard Sweets, Philodendron House Plants, Bluebirds Bird House Bird Houses, Chips, Hoop House, Bromeliad House Plants 160 Cal. This means that 97.6% of students did not have basic information literacy knowledge, but after going through intensive 12week learning under e-learning conditions, 65% achieved the course outcomes with higher scores. Participants' grade point average (GPA) varied: 44.9% had very good grades, 34.5% had good grades, 18.9% had excellent grades and 1.6% had passing grades. Larger and multi-institutional samples would provide a broader and clearer picture of how well APEL students perform as compared with their regular entry peers. Results of both studies indicate that the effect of conscientiousness on academic performance is mediated by using effort regulation strategies and time management strategies. 2, pp. This study used the quantitative methodology approach. How do you rate your online experience with your team? Participants were asked to evaluate each item using a four-point Likert scale according to the knowledge process (from 1=Never use to 4=Always use). For both regular and APEL entry students, both time and study environment management, as well as effort regulation, were positively correlated with their academic performance. By Dominique Verpoorten, Johanne Huart, Pascal Detroz IntechOpen Limited The first feedback loop begins at the node called Students. Persistence and performance: does prior learning really matter? Did you have a flexible schedule when online learning was used? suggested that awareness of metacognitive strategies and promotion of study skills have a positive effect on academic achievement and intrinsic motivation as self-regulating learners will be able to use different means to acquire active learning experiences and, whenever necessary, organize learning strategies according to their requirements, task features, and context-specific conditions [28]. Hence, the current study contributes to closing this gap in the literature by looking at the use of learning strategies by university students in Saudi Arabia and the relationship between strategy use, gender and academic achievement. Overall, the results indicate the online learning was beneficial for students as it shown in their academic achievements and in tables below. With regard to academic performance, Narad and Abdullah (2016) define it as the knowledge acquired that is assessed by a teacher via grades or educational objectives set by students and instructors to be fulfilled over a defined period. Overall, all learning skills strategies have a significant impact on students performance. (2014), Cheng and Siow (2018) and Latifah et al. The institution could organise social events or in-person sessions for the students to meet up with their peers, tutors and lecturers from time to time throughout the semester. On the other hand, Cheng and Siow (2018) found no statistically significant difference in academic performance between regular and APEL-routed entrants. (2014). The University College is the largest college in the University with more than 4000 students. In other words, the outcomes that people expect are related to their judgment of their ability to perform their tasks. In this study, all variance inflation factors (VIFs) were less than 3, which means that there was no multicollinearity between the learning strategy dimensions, while linearity between the learning strategy dimensions and students' achievement was diagnosed. A qualitative approach was employed with 5 steps: (1) a study of environment in tutoring management of high schools in the sensitive areas of southernmost provinces, including the SWOT analysis and the Balanced Scorecard framework, (2) an analysis and synthesis to set the goals of the project, (3) a specification of strategic framework for distance learning system development, (4) a strategic plan developed from a strategic framework, and (5) a proposal of model and strategic plan of high school students academic achievement high school in the sensitive areas. Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspective, Want to get in touch? Enjoy their versatility in a variety of recipes or right out of the bag. London, SW7 2QJ, Planning and self-regulation are the main pillars of macrostrategies while summarizing and highlighting information are related to tasks and situations that are present in microstrategies. Alenezi, A. M. (2020). Various approaches can lead towards strong students behavioral changes especially when combined with ethical principles. Therefore, it is crucial for them to acquire a high level of self-regulated behaviour. As Hsu (1997) partly investigated the learning strategies of the MSLQ-B, he may have overlooked that the original factor structure of the MSLQ-B was not suitable for DE students. Therefore, A Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) is recommended for the university to apply based on the nature of the courses. Students learning processes and responses in different circumstances are affected by their learning strategies (Duff et al., 2004; Stumm and Furnham, 2012). The findings showed that hospitality management students prefer a learn by doing approach to that of computer-based learning and lecturing. Stumm, S. and Furnham, A. Virtual world represents an effective learning environment, providing users with an experience-based information acquisition. Two types of analyses are conducted quantitatively and qualitatively; the first analysis relies on the learning activities grades and course final scores. Subsequently, two datasets were obtained. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 22(2), 124134. Knowing the cognitive and metacognitive strategies in student learning skills and identifying the most important motivational factors and goals in the success of their academic achievement can contribute to better understanding of these strategies and factors affecting the performance of students by lecturers and educational planners. It is important for an educator to evaluate which type of learning activity that has an important impact on students performance. The present study utilized a scale to examine Saudi students' use of learning strategies and the extent to which strategy use is related to academic achievement and gender. According to the output report, the model is significant at 95% (p<0.000), and there is a strong correlation between 95.8% of the learning skills and students performance (r2=0.919). Kek MY, Huijser H. The power of problem-based learning in developing critical thinking skills: preparing students for tomorrows digital futures in todays classrooms. For example, Tuckman and Kennedy (2011) compared the Back Go to State Facts. Please sign in or create an account. The study also showed the importance of the educational level and the context of individual courses for the interaction types supported. Latifah, A.L., Mansor, F. and Kek, L.S.Y. The average scores for time and study environment management, peer learning, effort control and assistance seeking were 3.96, 3.60, 2.50 and 2.36, respectively. These butterscotch morsels help to make delicious melt-in-your-mouth candies and other baking treats. 100 % 18g Glucides. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). For the question (1), Do you like online learning technology? 84 respondents representing 97.6% of the students said they do. Conversely, the concept of macrostrategies is seen as a set of approaches encompassing monitoring, revising, checking and self-assessment. They further stated that students could use strategies such as the rehearsal, organisation, elaboration, critical thinking, effort learning, time and environment management, help-seeking and peer learning (Stumm and Furnham, 2012). Nestle's Nestle's - Butterscotch Chips. A core curriculum is designed, but the facilitator has the freedom to innovate and customize course content accordingly up to the aspiration of the learners; this means that the learners knowledge of the material will mainly come from his own online research (formal and informal content), and from his own creativity and collaboration with his peers (teamwork). The present study was carried out to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance in DE. Classification models based on the Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) were created to predict academic outcomes of student performance at the end of the school year for each dataset. Front Psychology, 8. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01888. Many scholars emphasize the impact of mental and cognitive abilities on academic achievement; however, having high intelligence does not guarantee academic achievement, and individuals need to be aware of their learning styles [2]. Kaprawi, N. (2011), Leveraging Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) for Human Capital Development, Syarahan Perdana UTHM, Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Johor. However, not many studies have been done on this relationship among distance education (DE) students. These findings are consistent with Mukhtar et al.s results who concluded that the assistants in different medical fields who feel more attached to their profession and, as a result, to other people, use more self-regulation skills for learning and had a higher academic performance [27]. Save . Awang et al. (2016), The relation among self-efficacy, learning approaches, and academic performance: an exploratory study, Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, Vol. It is important to look into other influences on academic performance and learning strategies, to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance. Prediction of academic achievement based on learning strategies and outcome expectations among medical students. We regressed course achievement on students timing of watching the pre-class videos. Furthermore, the current study only explored the learning strategies used by the students. This emphasises the importance of the present study, as it is relevant to know which learning strategies are most beneficial for performance in this growing population. 340g 6.65. BMC Medical Education In addition, the overall model used in this study (microstrategies, keys of memory and metacognition, emotional-social support and study habits) was a significant predictor of student achievement, in which the model explained 10% of the variance in academic achievement. Microstrategies are strategies that control leaning (e.g. Duff, A., Boyle, E., Dunleavy, K. and Ferguson, J. Montero, C. R., & Arizmendiarrieta, B. S. Y. Ann Arbor, Mich, USA: National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning, University of Michigan; 1991. The first section consists of 31 items which assess: students goals and value beliefs for a course, as value component, with 14 items including intrinsic orientation (4items), extrinsic evaluation (4 items), and task value (6 items); students beliefs about their skill to succeed along with their anxiety about tests in a course, as expectancy component, with 17 items including, controlling learning beliefs (4 items), self-efficacy (8 items) and test anxiety (5 items). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. The Cronbachs alpha coefficients across the four sub-scales were between 0.65 and 0.79, indicating that the questionnaire had acceptable internal consistency [26]. For students, it is important to know how to study in a way that the acquired knowledge and skills endure (Weinstein & Underwood, 1985). Apart from academic achievement, studies have also looked at other psychological aspects in the context of effective use of learning strategies. There is extensive literature on investigations into the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance among on-campus students. The brief-ACRA scale on learning strategies for university students. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed), Coefficients of the relationship between learning strategies and academic achievement of APEL entrants. Richardson M, Abraham C, Bond R. Psychological correlates of university students' academic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process. Knowing which learning strategies are most helpful for academic success is not only important for students, but also for their instructors, who can implement effective supportive techniques in their curriculum (Donker, de Boer, Kostons, Dignath van Ewijk, & van der Werf, 2014). However, the CGPA of students showed no significant difference in terms of age, gender, parents education level, marital status, employment status (other than education), field of study, previous interest in the field of study, and satisfaction with the field of study (Table 2). In addition to focusing, practicing and planning, self-learning, memorizing, and mentally reviewing tips and points and asking for peer help in obtaining favorable grades in exams, it is necessary for these students to apply this information in real-life context and to obtain clinical competencies. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education systems in educational environments, especially in universities. The questionnaires were administered in regular classrooms. and de Groot, R.H.M. Future studies should use larger samples from different colleges and universities in Saudi Arabia and incorporate a variety of measures of academic achievement, such as students' grades in specific courses rather than the overall grade average. Cred M, Roch SG, Kieszczynka UM. For question (7), How do rate your experience with your team online 58 students representing 60% of the respondents said that online learning class is like normal class. Some demographic features of the participants are presented in Table1. I absolutely love butterscotch flavor things. Despite its limitations, the current study contributed to the field of learning strategy use and filled a gap in the literature by shedding light on the Saudi Arabian context. Well my triple butterscotch pound cake has butterscotch batter, butterscotch chips baked inside, and a totally addictive browned butter butterscotch glaze drizzled on top. Tan, S.F., Din Eak, A., Ooi, L.H. To rule out these possible confounders, age, sex, and intended number of study hours per week were investigated in relation to learning strategies as well as to academic performance. Moreover, a multiple regression test was conducted to investigate the source of the impact of various learning strategies on students' achievement. Student Research Committee, Department of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Vali Asr Ave., Ayatollah Rafsanjani Cross Road, Niayesh Complex, Tehran, Zip code: 1985717443, Iran, Department of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Department of biostatistics & epidemiology, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Alam-Al-Hoda Street, Shahid Shiroodi Street, Arak, Markazi Province, Zip Code: 3819693345, Iran, You can also search for this author in The study was conducted to examine the effect of constructivist learning strategy on academic performance of secondary school students in Biology in Essien Udim Local Government Area. kzz<13 M5R9tLqL,KP KF|U&DT& ?e,#=68jG6aaQ_?-u`3k, D$F}0r4tA2L.hfN^$,)2u&]hRgqR!_:jcuY|?N%eyDt^SEJ";. Pintrich PR, Smith DA, Garcia T, McKeachie WJ. This research aims to examine the relationship between both variables among regular and APEL students in DE. Los Gallinazos Sin Plumas English Analysis, Do Law Schools Look At Cumulative Gpa Or Degree Gpa. Organize the content and material using the specific plan and obvious objectives previously formulated by learners. The findings from two different studies on medical students in Turkey suggested that most medical students used self-regulation skills and believed in their ability to learn effectively [29, 30]. The adult ODL learners faced many challenges in their studies like studying off-campus and having both work and family obligations (Ronning, 2009). The study population comprised all students enrolled in the College of Education at a university in Saudi Arabia. Another benefit of using online teaching/learning is that here is a need to explore new teaching strategies and principles that positively influence distance education, as traditional teaching/learning methods are becoming less effective at engaging students in the learning process. Educ Res Int2010 Dec 27; 2011. As shown in Table 4, only time and study environment management and effort regulation are positively correlated with academic performance. Furthermore, more academic research should be done about e-learning theories/distance learning to truly improvise a new and adequate teaching/learning approach. They emphasised that it shows and measures the degree to which an educational institution, its faculty and students achieve their educational goals. Our findings further confirmed the potential of the use of trace data and learning analytics for studying learning and teaching in online settings. The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. In order to ensure that the respondents understood the questions, the instrument was presented to a panel of academics in the field to ensure the translated scale was linguistically and culturally valid. (2017). All these studies including the current study only focused on students from one ODL institution. Griffin et al. Path analysis revealed that self-regulating learning strategies and motivational strategies can predict the academic achievement of these students. Neroni et al. International Journal of Engineering, 11, 110. Using language learning strategies to improve the writing skills of Saudi EFL students: Will it really work? Learning skills and motivation correlates to superior academic performance. On the other hand, 42 students representing 48% said that there were no issues with their internet connections (See Table 14). The remaining five MSLQ-B subscales were not investigated. Determining sample size for research activities. Informed consent was obtained through the questionnaire. Therefore, future studies could compare the academic performance and learning strategies of these two groups of students who are in the first year, mid-way through their studies and in their final year. Procedural knowledge includes knowing the appropriate way to apply the different learning strategies. One of the reasons can be the nature of educational curriculum in medical sciences and the critical role of clinical professions in dealing with the health of patients. 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learning strategies and academic performance of students