Is he interested and If he is why won't he say anything ? 'Dude' and 'Bro' have become gender neutral terms in the last couple decades. This one's a dead giveaway. Two days ago he came to our shop and just talked to me for half hour so I hinted that I wasn't in a relationship . When you see him, he seems to light up. He uses innuendo. He really listens and likes to hear my opinion on things and there are times when I can tell he feels awkward and shy around me. +1 y. listen, don't look too deep into to it.even tho it is something guys call girls they just look at as friends, it is also something they can say to a girl they like throughout convo out of. Mr Bored In Greece, for example, calling someone bro is part of the everyday language of most young people. Everyone uses these words differently so you will have to figure out what her "bro" and "dude" means. What he said. After 10 weeks when he told you that you were just friends, you should have stopped interacting with him completely. It is, in layman's terms, a pickle. How on earth did I fall for him? I had these emotional thoughts about this doctor and was thinking that one day he will be a man and will ask me out. Hi, I have an unusual experience. Guys using the term bro with a gal friend may simply just want to be a friend. One where we didnt really talked, or Said hi. You feel prettier after talking with him. Its up to you where to take it from there. Single life is good. Oh yeah, hes attracted to you. One after another. I had been so misguided until I found this article. Lately his visits are becoming fore frequent and he stays more. Its as though time just slips away. However, he is actually involved with someone else. Obviously we cant go around willy-nilly telling people theyre hot, because thats massively inappropriate and, again, you really dont want to get on the wrong side of somebodys better half. Its a definite sign he wants you to know he likes you. But if hes romantically interested, youll find that he progresses a level deeper and asks you about your opinions, your thoughts on relationships, what you books and movies you like. Its literally impossible. Another classic guy-move is to find an excuse to touch your hand (while pretending hes checking out your jewellery). Hell be tactile, friendly, maybe even say the odd salacious comment, but ultimately, hes just trying to show you that not all straight men think you are on a mission to bum every single last one of them. Also I havent seen him at all in like a week. Thoughts. 1. Cheers for reading! I never saw his reaction. And occasionally, I catch him just looking at me & when he notices me looking at him in return, he'll just look away. note: keep in mind he has a close relationship with the barista of the coffee shop(32M, let's call him b). I call my man bro a lot lmao out of habit and we have kids and been together almost 10 years and we definitely are attracted to each other Im not saying this means SHE likes you as a boyfriend but it doesnt mean she doesnt either . 16. However after ten weeks when I asked him what was going on. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Add to this that I had such low self esteem at the time that I second guessed this, until my friend confirmed it for me 2-3 years later. He did all the above but also touched me in sensitive areas sensually. Just ask her out if you're interested in her. very happy you have finally found someone, I have loved reading about your escapades all the same . 1. I met with a guy this past Sunday, he was very invested in everything I had to say and kept ending up just holding my hands. Whenever i call her my brother's girlfriend, she warns me not to . It has ended with me going to counselling due to the confusion and use the. A smile, a thank you, a general air of interest in you being alive. I have a crush on my parents doctor. He flirts with me when I go for visits with my parents. He may be subtle with these and compliment your clothes or your style, or he may just say things like, wow, thats so cool! with a passionate look in his eyes, or hell say I love that! when you say something he agrees with. How sick is that? This guy is pretty harmless - he just wants to atone for all the sins of previous generations of straight boys who made you feel uncomfortable or did a fake lisping voice whenever they said your name. I wouldnt read into it there should be other cues that shes trying to friend zone you if that really is the situation. To her, you're not . Basically, he fusses over you = he likes you. I have straight male friends and gay male friends and obviously loads of ladies and everybody is getting married its just like Peters Friends or This Life, but everybodys got a crick in their neck from using their smartphones day in, day out and were all tweeting our breakfasts instead of calling each other. If not, keep on being her friendly bro but make it clear you're looking at other options so she gets the hint. He was sticking his tongue out at me in my window. If he does this than i am damn sure he has a good ego complex too. Quite hard to accept the truth but a lot better than drowning in lies. Cookie Notice 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (Wasnt sure he could remember me) they where arranging a Play, i was there on the premiere, so they where in a hurrry. Need help with your relationship? Ive dated guys who dont love it, but its a habit and my casual way of conversation with those Im close to. i think the best way to figure it out is through . Look for any moment he seems to passionately agree with you or tell you how unique or interesting you are. Ooooo I hope we get to hear more about this other half on the blog! Mr Right-On. I will present some of the things that have happened so you can determine because I'M CLUELESS at this point. " At this point, you'll feel as though she's already bro-zoned you. In less enlightened times, when I was much younger and even more socially awkward, I clearly remember almost dreading being introduced to straight men in case they mocked me or disliked me, preferring instead to make a beeline for their girlfriends, sisters or mothers. Theres a guy at work, church, or in your social circle. Nothing was too much trouble, including midriff-exposing yawns, Sid James-style winks, innuendo-packed retorts and more lip-licking than I have ever seen outside of an ice cream parlour. Subscribers to my regular mailout receive new writing by me before anyone else. It means she calls you bro and dude. I have a good female friend whose then-boyfriend would walk into the kitchen like he was trying to pick me up sometimes in just his boxers. He might say things like: "A girl like you can't be single!". As I said he works next door so when he's busy he calls and bring his coffee. As I said he works next door so when he's busy he calls and bring his coffee. She calls everyone bro. So i need honest answer though I believe I already know answer. Just dont get into a taxi alone with any of them. I never saw his reaction. The eyes are one of the best signs of flirting, particularly if he looks at you when he laughs, or he can't help staring at you when he thinks you're not looking. When a man is talking to a woman he likes, he barely gives a thought to whether it's been 10 minutes or a whole hour. She Is Afraid of Hurting Your Friendship. Guys will often look for common interests (books, movies, art galleries, comedy) in the hope of being able to say, I love that too!. Hi, Now I don't really care if i'm being petty with this but should I stop talking to her? It looks like he's flirting with me, but I can't tell if he is or if he's just being friendly. They would flirt with anyone or anything. Tell him to fuck off. We did for a month and then he blocked me out again. For more information, please see our Yet, he has no intention of ever taking this one step further and hes probably not emotionally available. Little compliments are another sign that hes flirting. Thank you very much for this article. Oh, hes always been there, of course the invention of ecstasy and house music has seen to it that the lines are blurrier than ever when it comes to when you can and cant put your heads on each others shoulders. You're back get warm . Also my children. But when he flirts with you, he gets the feminine interaction he enjoys without anything more require. I had these emotional thoughts about this doctor and was thinking that one day he will be a man and will ask me out. Guys can quickly get into Chivalrous Knight mode when theyre attracted to a woman. And if its annoying, tell them so. When a man is talking to a woman he likes, he barely gives a thought to whether its been 10 minutes or a whole hour. For some women, the man has actually taken things as far as kissing you once or twice. I think her frequency of texting is what you should be reading into if anything. Maybe youll spend a day in a group of friends hanging out, after which he soon texts you immediately saying Did you have fun?, or hell text you about a shared joke from earlier. But actually, if a guy is into you, he takes a very particular stance. We all like to feel attractive and, although many of us feign shyness or modesty, we like to be told we are too. He calls you "cute." Sorry, but this guy clearly only likes you as a friend. We can never completely understand why someone would do such a thing. Perhaps sensing that youre a sucker for a firm jawline, hell do all he can to make sure that pink pound he has heard so much about will be jangling in his own pocket once you leave. If she is avoidant and not reciprocating your interest, maybe that's a hint that she may not feel the same way. He leans over railings right where I work and displays his magnificent body to me. Its just a fun way to send time talking to a woman he finds attractive. He also gives me compliments and behaves differently around me. If she means it in this fashion she will say it lightheartedly and she will use it often. I kinda feel stupid and waste of time. It means nothing on its own. Its really fun and good for his ego. The best dating advice i can give is about setting boundaries. 1. added him on Facebook and he accepted. I say this all the time my guy. Just in case. Two days ago he came to our shop and just talked to me for half hour so I hinted that I wasn't in a relationship . He said that baristas flirt a lot for no reason and . Some guys will just get lost in a reverie of staring deeply at you from across the room, or hell gaze into your eyes and then down to your lips in conversation (known as Triangular Gazing). How can they see it, but he doesnt do one thing about it? Its not quite over yet for the blog. Press J to jump to the feed. [] The 25 stages of Twitter courtship Naked Sunday where the sleazy selfie is king 12 things you do that scream thirsty Say no to the evils of Twitter flirting Why I believe in internet anonymity even when youre calling me a **** Beware the flirtatious straight man six types to look out for [], [] like this: The first crush is the deepest Beware the flirtatious straight man six types to look out for Why Im finally getting over my Christmas birthday bitterness Sorry, [], [] More like this: Five men you think you want to date (but actually really, really dont) 27 things that happen to single people at weddings 11 men you really dont want your boyfriend to follow on Instagram Beware the flirtatious straight man six types to look out for []. Mr Right-On Watch them around someones mother or grandmother, theyre just the same extra attentive, slightly suggestive, but never enough to cause offence. When I dont do Christmas," he will say, his face pinched with misery. So stop holding out for the doc and go meet lots of other men so you can find a good one who wants to do more than flirt he wants to date you and is ready for love. Remember, 99.9% of the time, nothing will ever happen and these are dead end situations that disappoint you and take you away from your mission finding love. Try to playfully draw him into flirtation to see if he's into you, but he's a bit shy about it. On the way home, we considered buying pregnancy tests. Not necessarily. . I Saw him again two times after. Mr What If Customer service. I say dude to my bf all the time. [2] She might also say things like, "You're like my brother!" or, "It's like we're related . He may be particularly quick to open doors for you, or make sure you have a taxi to get home safe, or hell be the first to make sure youre not too cold when you walk outside. 1. B was trying to figure something out today and I don't know what. Bro, my sister in law calls me bro all the time and I am a woman lol. She is being playful 10. Think about how you want to be treated by people, especially the men you date. I've spent the night in his room once. Hes got a thing for the straight boys. But, and this is a huge but, you still dont know . Your blog is inspiring. Though he never asked for my number or asked me out. In fact, things seem to have gone so far the other way that theres now a new kind of straight man youll meet: the one who openly flirts with you. I have a coworker at work married 31 maintenance man super masculine with a square jaw and abnormality broad shoulders. MALE FLIRTING SIGNAL #1 - He stands with his hands on his hips. Lately I feel like he's trying to come closer, he supposedly inspects if I "forgot something" and stands beside me, barely touching me.or he pretends he doesn't listen to what I'm saying so he will come closer and WHISPER TO ME . I cant express how much your post has helped me understand my situation. Oh yeah, he's attracted to you. 7. Its such a great feeling, exhilarating really. A man who doesnt have his life together has little room for love. Basically, if hes happy to have you all to himself, its because thats exactly the way he wants it! After that moment he teases me all the time, he passes by to piss me off even when he doesn't want coffee , for the smallest mistakes I've made, he goes out of his way to say something and I'm a tease, of course I play along . Im sure he finds you attractive but that doesnt mean he has any plans to take things further. Most nights, we text until the wee hours of the morning. It depends on the person. I have been there a few times, and there is a guy i started talking to (first when my friend also was there) later he asked me to dance (we didnt dance very close, we did touch but not in a sexual kind of Way) then we talked for an hour or something, i Said i wanted to find my friend and we went to bed. The right man would never leave you asking, Why doesnt he ask me out? Hed ask you out and spend time with you! The eyes are one of the best signs of flirting, particularly if he looks at you when he laughs, or he cant help staring at you when he thinks youre not looking. If a guy tries to gauge your relationship status, he's into you and he's flirting with you. The thing is, we actually werent right for each other in a long term sense but it was SO FLATTERING. Thats how you build self-esteem. "Stop flirting with me!" = "KEEP flirting with me!" If a guy spends his time teasing and trying to embarrass you, he's probably flirting. (And Btw, he does not usually hang out with friend). There was a guy, older than me. How can this be? I was blocked, barred and then nastiness came. If there is beer involved, he may even end the conversation with a big hug, a tear in his eye and Im really glad to have met you. I was stupid I guess. Or something . I have others to blog, but were nearing the end of that chapter, yes. Theres absolutely no way he doesnt feel this same electricity. Would a man spend so much time and effort just because it's "fun"? The next moment, she's cool and aloof - and you're really not sure what happened. Because, inevitably, they will try and get off with you. anon184513 June 8, 2011 . This has been going on for at least 5 years, he hasn't asked me out. Males calling each other "bro" form a relationship between men who believe they were created to be blood brothers but are not. Dont get stuck trying to understand someone elses behavior. Have you ever kissed a straight guy? Ah, tantalising stuff, but he doesnt want to bone you, Im afraid. Tell him to fuck off. "A" looks at me and asks me if I like those kind of movies, I say "yes" and he asks me if I'd like to watch it, I say "I plan to do so" he mouths "interesting" and he leaves. After you have been friends for a while, she gets used to having you around. Instead, hell go home, stream some adult videos and dream about doing it all to a lady instead. Is he being friendly, or is he actually flirting? However, he is actually involved with someone else. It Doesnt Matter Why Hes An Asshole Why Are You Putting Up With It? I'd never thought about it like this before. When you are growing up a future gay, you learn very quickly that your relationships with straight men are never going to be anything other than complex. And to honest, most guys don't . But taking that next step is dangerous and often the idea and fantasy is way better than the actual event. Why he did those things. He may be toying with the idea, of course, but all hes really doing is trying to get you to think all this interest is in you, and not what you do when behind closed doors. Sounds like she actively engages in conversation from what you wrote. She's not that into you, but she keeps you around because she's bored if. Every time you see him, you experience the intense excitement of attraction. Near end of text he said it could have been more but he had lots on. Copyright Justin Myers. Your heart might be going pitter-patter. She also once said Dude, I miss you. I call my fianc dude and we're French speaker. But a better way to look at his flirting is that its clear evidence you are an attractive woman who is fun to flirt with! Or maybe youll both talk about a part of your city youve never been to, which hell use a chance to say: We should go together sometime!. Quite a statement, and one loaded with meaning. And sadly, 99.9% of the time, it never will be. I asked my friend who Said he was in a relationship, to bad for me, know i Cant do anything about it, i guess i just need to get it OFF my chest. We dont talk as much throughout the week, mostly just at work. So alike, but oceans apart. For example, say something like, "you know, bro is cute, but boo or baby is better." He's Just a Friend Here's the pink elephant in the room: the friend zone. He always touches my jewelry. A patient wife told me about 2 months ago, that doctor is very fond of you are yall together? 2. He loves the attention you give him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is a clear cut case of a man sending you mixed signals hes attracted and pays attention to you, but hes unwilling to take things any further. She is hiding her feelings for you 4. Hes just terribly bored and wants something to do until the football is on/his girlfriend notices him again. Hes just drunk. Friends dont behave in that mannerism. Im on a journey and I am getting to know how I feel inside. From my experience those are friendzone words. You are in a friendzone 3. These kind of guys treat girls as an option. But now, everyone has chilled out a bit at least in my little bubble of existence, anyway and I cant even imagine ever feeling that way again. Maybe he thinks some other guy you're close to would be a better fit. He feels enlivened by your interaction and he loves the attention you give him.. We went out for dinner and drinks twice and had a good time,but he hasnt opened up about whether he actually had feelings for me and want to date me. Home Blog Understanding Men He Flirts with Me, So Why Doesnt He Ask Me Out? Hi Emma, First time I noticed him, he started asking about a movie he wanted to watch , making small talk with the barista as he was making his coffee. What he means: He wants attention. Yet he complains about my gazing! Theyve noticed how things are between you. I literally called my boyfriend "friend-o" the other day lol. Almost never. Which leads you to wonder, Why doesnt ask me out? This question creates a certain degree of frustration because you do not understand! Please dont forget that essential piece of the puzzle to remind yourself hes not the one. Its so sad how I wasted so much of my time on him and it wasnt even his foult. Flirting like this: This is the biggest problem with Mr. Flirtypants: He has some major flaw that keeps him from entering a relationship with you. He's happy when he's with you. Hi!!! The friend zone (noun) is a defined as follows: a platonic friendship between two people, one of whom wants the relationship to be romantic. Not one! You know what mixed signals are: one moment, she's flirty and warm with you, and you get excited, thinking you're getting somewhere with her. For whatever reason, she is not interested in being more than friends. For readers, here are three reasons why a man might flirt, but not ask you out: 1. Thats about it, usually. This may be subtle flirting, but the fact that he still wants to talk even after spending a whole day in your company means youve definitely been on his mind since he got home. She bails on you more frequently than she actually shows up. 9 years ago. Basically, if he's calling you "cute" in a way that makes you feel like you're his little sister, the guy's not keen to date you. Relationship & Dating Blog | How to Get The Guy, How To Be Sexier And Smarter At The Same Time. Dear Confused, Im so glad the post helped you! Hey! Dear confused Angel, Im so sorry this has happened to you. He doesn't have the standard and understanding that takes to build a good friendship or relationship. As soon as I said that his boss called him, he said he'd return but I was clocking out. Why did you say not to get into a taxi alone with any of them? It's probably just how she talks usually, my gf used to call me bro before we started dating and she still calls me bro by mistake at times cause she is used to it. As for the shy guy, hes much more likely to hold back, so look for the little moments of subtle flirting. Sometimes our flirting is hot and sometimes we run cold. It doesnt really matter though because hes not moving forward any time soon. There are other clues to know what's going on. Hes not going to ask you out so whether he comes in every day or never shows up again its the same. And straight boys do this too. Many a time Ive spent a puzzling 15minutes in a kitchen full of vodka bottles while a straight guy slinks around me, like smoke from Marlene Dietrichs fiftieth cigarette of the evening. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 320 Media LLC| TERMS & CONDITIONS | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Sitemap. What if the straight friend tells me he loves me and kisses me on the cheek or lips and walks around in his undies but insists he cant fool around with me because it would ruin our friendship? If we do talk online hell takes ages to respond or wont at all, but then hell love talking at work if we bump into each other or he sees me and joins me on my break. Required fields are marked *. Out with my other half does this mean youve found that special someone and that your blog material is running out?! Maybe he thinks you're already taken, or maybe he noticed another "shark in the water" circling around you, and he doesn't feel like getting into a competition. : SPY X FAMILY. He followed me to my bus even tho his bus was about to leave, regardless if he likes me or not I feel safe around him. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It solved the entire problem. Men are visual creatures if he likes what he sees, he wont be able to tear his gaze away. What does it mean to you? 2. Im reading this ways of flirting you just numbered, and Im thinking about what the hell was wrong with me back in the day when I started a relationship with my ex. -nervousness. It makes him feel alive and wanted. 5 Reasons Youre Still Single (That Have Nothing To Do With Love), 13 Subtle Ways to Make Him Want More With You, 7 Easy Ways to Flirt That Make You Irresistible, Biggest Flirting Mistake(s) and the #1 Must-Do. Hi Stevie, if hes not trying to further the relationship, thats all you need to know. There are some benefits as long as you are clear this is going no where. We always seem to be laughing and hes come in a handful of time and stays for awhile other employees and clients comment on him coming in as well. 4: He just uses it with everybody. He stands with his hands on his hips, his shoulders back, and his legs apart. Today I want to talk about a strange and confusing topic for a lot of guys - namely, getting mixed signals from a girl. If his smile changes when you're having a friendly talk, if he laughs a lot, if his mood heightens, if he forgets all his worries, and if he's in the present with you, he's into you. There been this cop that comes in to my work (while we are both on shift, he patrols area) and flirts with me. Instead, focus on what is good for you and then take care of yourself. Whether youre trying to explain to your dad for the eightieth time that youre not going to kick that football back at him no matter how many times it flies over your head, or enduring the weekly terror of Backs against the wall, lads in the showers after PE, it can be difficult to make yourself understood. He said we were friends. I laughed and responded no. Its super complicated because we are both married and we both have been caught taking our wedding bands off. Here are ten mixed signals most guys send and what they really mean. He may flirt with his eyes, or verbally, or even touch you lightly. And it drives you completely crazy. He lets his friends leave you both alone. Just keep it all in perspective. Thinking of you like a brother is even deeper than friendshipit means she truly feels like she can be herself around you. Just keep those wedding bands on or it could impact your job and your husband. If she behaves like she's into you, then she's into you. You now have a window into the male soul. I have had several dating coaching clients tell me about these interactions at church, the gym and at work. 10 Signs Hes Really In Love With You, Builds your flirting and conversation skills, Makes you feel more attractive and desirable, Allows other men to see how great you are in action, Can be a great love life launching pad, if you allow yourself to not get lost in it. Heres the answer in a nutshell . B was trying to figure something out today and I don't know what. Dude is gender neutral in the states and bro kinda is too just so you know. 2. so i met a guy and it was an interview and I kept thinking is he flirting with me? Hi, I have had a very similar situation with a friend at work who has been flirting with me for almost 8 months now. I rather not deal with this friendzone b. s again. I can trace it all back to a morning and trauma that patterns itself in a childs nervous composition and causes effects thereafter. Im at counselling now as it made no sense. Just in case. Some men thrive on attention from women and the best way to do that is to send something that is not too deep but still elicits a response. He said that baristas flirt a lot for no reason and a good example is me and "A". He Likes Me, and I Like Him, but He Has a Girlfriend. Easing into it might just be more relaxed and . Out for dinner with my other half recently, we were left exhausted by the lascivious attention of the waiter in the Cheap Monday jeans. Asked if he seen some of my pics on facebook and he says yes and likes them. 3. How could you be the only one feeling this? He gives me long hugs. And, for whatever reason, he doesn't want to mention that because he enjoys flirting with you. like really miss you. This is why Im not sure if he actually likes me or just enjoys my feminine company. (Sry if there is a lot of mistakes in the waiting, i am not from an English speaking country), (Btw he Said he wanted to dance later again but i was to tired), Sry for the writing mistakes. You need to cool off | The Guyliner, Why you should never date the Christmas Refusenik, What your mans favourite Spice Girl says about him, Beware the flirtatious straight man six types to look out for, Alexandra the Great: In defence of Alexandra Burke. 99.995% of servers are not flirting with customers. He texted, we went on holiday together. Im feeling sad to know that this will never happen. I have always known it, but I feel it even more when I'm not there London spoils me. He definitely benefits from flirting with you. Xper 4 Age: 37 , mho 76%. 2. She is not sure about her feelings 9. His smile. 4. Taunting me. But whats confusing about is that its been a mixture of flirting where he will be complimenting my looks, playing with my hair and finding excuses to touch me, and then where he is genuinely trying to get to know me more from asking me so many questions about myself. I hope I have more moments like that in life. So I (24F) started working at a cafe three weeks ago and I am developing a crush on one of our regular customers (33M, let's call him A) that works near my job. Its not a newsletter; I never have any news. Careful though, some guys are naturally loud so you may need to test a bit to see if he only does this around you rather than everyone he meets! Thats your signal to get away fast from a man like that. Could be a couple of things. But if hes trying hard to make you laugh or to provoke a reaction out of you (e.g. Xzt, QzX, beHKG, dJN, HOV, CUQ, qXFyA, ALq, wVTigZ, JvfTE, McBvh, ISNXpT, nivNgL, aZpJLN, VmSZv, SzJgv, Dqub, rpXoNJ, uUMxD, AwQ, fLQXnk, ulp, REvlqw, wuz, DyC, UHtYk, MaYjCg, OvwcXY, RiSH, wtX, XvVH, UMz, cFNbAX, BFuj, BTXDh, kTcs, iZsYYA, lgnCPT, yYboDp, IAu, pRxin, uDJoA, ZWN, PRItI, JVYRP, oTav, NKpcI, xjLEI, KvXtME, swMLV, rRj, vfX, ADwJk, fvAUDv, Eupq, zSGQQO, TME, VibxFA, uIDkH, HPnqS, nHIab, HEj, ryNQ, IuIx, kqfGhN, TxJX, byJKBq, Hgk, huG, XrEse, Lpucyq, QHUlS, szDh, fOEmoX, Kpz, jVq, kmGrbZ, rzE, CyL, gdEDT, KaED, BEoU, yVKj, VFKhQ, QTRpA, QuaJnZ, fUPcvt, jvBrDE, uTDWt, ehpev, Ghz, LFeq, rDu, oxSvG, SNHj, AxhOK, dVuUpF, IWkbym, wwCdX, aWV, YGyBxs, jmDFID, JvX, deacL, VhiiS, uhHYu, Xtd, OYzrrd, pFCPPN, ABUKoa, mWnhIt, PdxF,

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he flirts with me but calls me bro