Have you gone through the common WordPress Treoubleshooting techniques guide? 1.3.0. Tweak: Fixed a bug in the legacy upgrader that caused versions with empty dates not to added. Reverted flush change in download handler to reduce memory usage on some hosting envrionments, changed download handlers and fixed corruption when resuming files, Calculate md5/sha1/crc32 hashes for files. There are several ways to edit the header in WordPress. Changed: Remove all non-related actions from admin_notices on Download Monitors pages. This can be filtered via filter dlm_accepted_request_methods. ; 15+ Free Business Tools See all other free business tools our team has created to help you grow Fixed: Issue with content restriction redirect url when it didnt contain http, Fixed: Now content restriction with more tag restricts the whole post if there is no more tag. Once you change the visibility to private, the post or page status changes to Privately Published as shown. We have set up the proxy on our own servers and used the Reverse Proxy plugin from this article (https://pressable.com/blog/2015/10/15/reverse-proxy-plugin-for-using-a-hosted-wordpress-site-in-a-subdirectory/) on the WordPress side of things. You need to either point the domain to our services or change the A record in DNS to point to our server. Afrikaans, Chinese (China), Danish, Dutch, English (US), Finnish, French (France), German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish (Spain), and Swedish. Thanks for the help, I have having problem connecting to my admin loginon wordpress, I tried the step above, but I was redirected to my home page instead of my login page. Before I get to the code, I need to do a little homework. When I tried getting the /wp offmy sites url, my entire site went into full spaz and I had to get one of my super coder buddies to figure out what I did. Download links are powered by endpoints. Fixed: Member payments history table pagination would break in some scenarios. When I uploaded my WordPress site it came out adding a /wp to the address of my site and all pages can only be accessed by adding that to the end of my url. Misc: Added message interpretation for a payment log. Tweak: Fixed a bug that caused logs not to be displayed in WP 4.2. For more information please visit our documentation page, https://www.cozmoslabs.com/wordpress-paid-member-subscriptions/, https://www.cozmoslabs.com/docs/paid-member-subscriptions/, https://www.cozmoslabs.com/paid-member-subscriptions-add-ons/. Fixed: Fatal error that happens on registration when checking for an amount in payment data. Im sure I did this before with another website years ago and it caused major issues! Tweak: Added Download Title to download log CSV export file. and wordpress dashboard is not displaying properly and if i open any other link from dashboard it gives 404 error. Feature: Added Paid Only option to downloads. Added: Meta tag with Download Monitor version ( #1062 ) Fixed: Escaping problem in the No-Access page ( #758 ). New: Added new Reports page where the administrator cand view a summary of the total earnings and payments for a given period. Removed $GLOBALS[DLM_Download_Handler] global. Fixed: pms-restrict shortcode wasnt working when sub expiration date was empty. Be sure to type in the path of your WordPress core files before wp-login.php. Tweak: Fixed an relative inclusion bug that sometimes caused bootstrap not to properly load. Tweak: Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4. I click through those warnings (I do usually trust myself) and I get an error saying my browser does not support modern SSL extensions (happens in IE, Chrome and FF). The dashboard widget no longer is affected by their custom order. 404 for missing files. i am not able to login with new domain this redirect me to old one.. when i am trying to login here couponinformer.com/wp-admin it redirects me to my old site www.freecoupondeals.in. Add option to export Canceled subscriptions. It seems the function it is calling is tied to that plugin. ( #663 ) The easiest way to do this is actually in the wp-config.php file of your wordpress website. Bimber is a viral magazine theme, that lets you launch a fully functional viral site in no more than 24 hours.It comes with powerful sharing buttons; popular, hot, trending listings and multiple ad locations. This is just one example of what can be done with WordPress URL settings. More payment gateways are supported via Add-ons. Tweak: Fixed the use of getTimeStamp() because PHP 5.2 doesnt support this. Tweak: Added dlm_download_count filter to fitler get_download_count() return value. WebHide login page from bots: Configure a custom URL for the WordPress Admin login page, making it harder for bots to find. Misc: Restricted post preview now displays only text. Props maphy-psd. We migrated our new wordpress site from its own directory into the public_html folder, following these directions. If youre still confused with configuring your WordPress then please contact our live technical support team for further information. If you dont know how to install the plugin, follow this step by step guide on how to install a plugin in WordPress. Fixed: manually adding a pending payment over an existing active subscription, changes the subscription status to pending, Added export functionality in PMS: you can now export payments and members to csv format, You can now add payments manually from the admin area, Refactored the login form to have greater compatibility with other plugins and wordpress.com, Hide Email Confirmation payment message on Profile Builder forms if no plan is selected, Added a filter to stop all emails from being sent, Added more actions and filters to the codebase, Fixed problem with Profile Builder conditional fields when the credit card info wasnt showing on stripe gateway, Fixed Automatically Login Feature breaks PayPal Express gateway. Allow a plan pre-selection based on an URL parameter. I will have to check to see whether I have enabled debugging. Tweak: Increased spacing of download title on reports summary block. If you are still being redirected to that you may want to try clearing your cache. If that works, then it is the combination of the plugin and theme. It is now showing only squares. Dont know what do do longer. I must had wasted a couple hours looking for a configuration file that had the right words. Fixed : [downloads] shortcode now displays both featured and not featured downloads when left as is ( thanks to @kadimi #526 ) All Premium Add-ons have been repackaged in new archives downloadable from cozmoslabs.com account. You may want to rename the wp-ecommerce plugin from the plugins folder to see if the site functions correctly without it (dashboard, regular posts, etc). They may know something we dont about their side. Fixed: Typo in file URLs WebThe superb fairywren (Malurus cyaneus) is a passerine bird in the Australasian wren family, Maluridae, and is common and familiar across south-eastern Australia. Whether you prefer to maintain your own records of your members database, do custom reports , or you simply need to import records into another service or application, such as MailChimp or Excel, you can do that with Paid Member Subscriptions. The original site or test site? Change: members_only column to locked_downloads in admin listing table and added filters so we can override from extensions ( #867 ), Fixed: Endpoint changing value notice and flushing permalinks on endpoint change ( #801 ) i got some problem here, firstly i do fix wp-option on phpmyadmin but it still no effect. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Bimber is the highly customizable WordPress theme that allows you to modify various elements and customize every single site aspect so it looks and functions the way you want. WebInstallation Automatic installation (the easiest way) In your WordPress admin backend, navigate to Plugins Add New; Under Search, type in Ecwid and click Search; In the search results find the Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart plugin and click Install now to install it; When plugin is installed click Activate Plugin link; Navigate to Ecwid Store Tweak: Added capability checks to log export and delete functionality. When I checked the domain physiocomfort.com, it is not point to our hosting service. If you are one of our customers, feel free to contact Live Support. you would place the following code in that file: define(WP_HOME,https://newdomain.com/); define(WP_SITEURL,https://newdomain.com); I have changed the URL https://xyz.com > https://www.xyz.com from the admin panel, since then the domain doesnt work (frontend+backend). Hi, Nice video except the script is so small in the normal view and if I make your video Full Screen the script is too blurred to be clearly visible. Wrapping content in a [download] shortcode will wrap it in a simple link. There i changet my domain www.jacob.si to www.jacob.si/home and my site is gone. Changed: Show grouped dates as period instead of a single day on repoprt chart tooltip ( #1082 ) If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Scott said, My apologies! He meant to say change the bottom one (site address), and leave the top one (WordPress Address) alone. Their support responses are spot on, and very timely. Our WordPress Trobleshooting guide can help you narrow down the cause of the problem further. Tweak: Also set the post_date_gmt value for version dates. Delete dlm_file_version_ids_ transient on save. Pretty lame. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Thanks dear , your post such a very good . You can use the instructions in the tutorial above to use the WordPress Admin to make it so that you dont have to type the wp in your URL. Since you put it back, try clearing your browser cache to see if that helps. Jacob is no longer with this company. If a filesize cannot be found, set to -1 to prevent re-tries. Access to detailed payment logs. Thank you for contacting us. We have a large Knowledge Base on our Download Monitor website that contains documentation about how to how to setup and use Download Monitor. Unless you have your www subdomain pointed elsewhere, it should not have had that effect. Fixed: Downloads not being filtered by categories ( #815 ) Misc: Add register/recover links to the Login form based on the pages saved in Settings. If I set the IP for the real world IP I can connect just fine from mobile, but I cant connect internally from LAN! Specifically the section on disabling plugins. Fixed: Browse for file should use WordPress Media Manager ( #670 ) define(RELOCATE,true);define(WP_HOME,https://ds.redknot.one);define(WP_SITEURL,https://ds.redknot.one); i want to cry about this because i just make a long landing page. videochat_bucuresti/index.php [L], WordPress Changing the Site URL and Home Settings. However I still want people just to type in https://www.example.com to get to my WordPress site, so Ive left that set as my Site Address so WordPress knows this is what I want displayed instead of the core files location. Documents .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, Video .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .wmv, .avi, .mpg, .ogv, .3gp, .3g2, Fixed: Uninstall now completely removes everything based on selection (, Added: New option to display featured downloads for the [downloads] shortcode (, Added: Shortcode visible on all downloads page (, Fixed: Set our own orderby param on Admin Dashboard (, Fixed: Issue preventing a product to be added to cart. bad updates not only destroyed existing features but also started asking for money to get some of them back. Fix: Reset update status for all add-ons when the serial number is updated. Enhance your Elementor page building experience with 90+ creative elements and extensions. In 5 years of using wordpress Ive never ran into this problem. I recommend troubleshooting your .htaccess file first. Added: Filter dlm_completed_order_download to filter download button in checkout page. Fix: a warning in the rare case when an unlimited plan was renewed, Feature: Setup Wizard when you activate the plugin for the first time, you will be redirected to the Setup Wizard allowing you to create the membership pages, setup the PayPal gateway and configure some settings, Fix: Issue with Payment Exports in a special scenario, Fix: Issue with Free Trials and Sign-Up Fees when a payment was retried, Fix: Issue with the default per_page option for the Payments and Members pages, Fix: Issue with the Payment Error message when the automatically login option is active, Fix: Correct padding for the Live/Test mode notice, Misc: Added the custom capability: pms_bypass_content_restriction that can be added to User Roles to bypass the Messages Content Restriction option, Fix: Issue with the Bulk Add New Members page, Misc: Improve back-end and front-end display for Unlimited subscriptions. We dont have an article regarding WooCommerce for that issue, but you can reference this article in regards to building a proper URL for WooCommerce. Tweak: Fix checking shortcodes for empty version strings, props, Tweak: Fixed a call of trigger() in DLM_Download_Handler, props, Tweak: Remove trailing space from downloads count, props, Tweak: Directory browser items are now always in alphabetical order, props, Tweak: The 60 seconds download counter increment cool down is now set to version ID instead of download ID, props. It looks like we will be adding more information to our WordPress knowledge base. Please let us know if that helps. I reversed the process, and now it is back as it was before. Includes advanced IP and Domain WHOIS to report malicious IPs or networks and block entire networks using the firewall. Added: DLM Rest Routes for dlm_download, dlm_download_category & dlm_download_tag Now if I change the urls to just be https://test.example.com/ (no s)then it just automatically redirects back tot he original site ofhttps://www.example.com/. Fixed: Password protected Downloads could not be opened ( #1055 ), Fixed: WP VIP servers bug ( #1052 ) thanks to @jesusfreak3 You can now sell your downloads via Download Monitor! Added: Notice for BETA testers ( #951 ), Fixed: Missing Files/Access denied for users with out of root wp-content ( #888 ) How do i undo it all until my new domain name is ready?? Type /download to use it! es:my domain is www.mydomain.itId like to change my site url in: www.mynewdomain.it/projects/, and if I change WP_SITEURL all is ok but I cant to login in admin page: my installation is a multisite. Essential for anyone in business online, our PremiumDNS hosting service is for websites with busy e-commerce traffic, commercial websites with mission-critical status, and websites needing simultaneous content and web-streaming power. Look for a line in the following format: $table_prefix = wp_; Be sure to change the setting to the prefix you wish to use. No Access Page : Added new template file for no access page. Everything in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. Youll be taken straight to the shopping cart, where you complete the totally free purchase. Before you update to 9.x Have an overview of all your members and their subscription plans. Changed: Uploader enhancement ( #869 ), Added: Included DLM Download Duplicator as core Download Monitor function ( #848 ) https://envymestudio.ro/studiouri-videochat-bucuresti/ (< this is a post) it bounce back to envymestudio.ro. If that is not working for you, then use one of the other 3 options explained above. In this article we will touch on the following: There are 2 WordPress options that you can adjust to change the behavior of how WordPress works. I have another htaccess on root directory, which belongs to the html site, i will post the content of it: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^envymestudio\.ro$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(. Beaver Builder modules for our shortcodes. The database connection settings remain the same. Fixed: Registration failing on Profile Builder register forms when Email Confirmation feature is active. Fixed: Issue with HTML elements not being saved in the e-mail and content restriction messages fields from the Settings page, Misc: Payment dates are now displayed by taking into account the websites timezone, Misc: Display correctly the currency symbol in the Payment History shortcode, Fixed: Subscription activation e-mail was being sent instead of the expiration e-mail when a subscription would expire, Fixed: Fixed security issues and performed a security audit, New: Added option for members to cancel their pending subscriptions from the account page, Fixed: Redirect to PayPal compatibility issue when registering from a Profile Builder form, Fixed: Content Restriction shortcode now displays the default message set in the Settings page, Misc: Removed the cancel subscription option if the website does not have HTTPS. I have to delete the www from the database in order that the page loads again correctly. Added: Reports page entries per page ( #1053 ) Content visibility is about controlling who can see your blog content. I contacted the host provider, they crosschecked and gave a conclusion that my wp_options table has some errors. Unfortunately we cannot troubleshoot on a local machine. did what i needed it to do. Made online by you. Fix: An error that happened sometimes with variable WooCommerce products, Fix: Sign-up fees not being applied when upgrading a subscription, Fix: Issue with the {{subscription_price}} tag not taking into consideration discounts correctly in some cases, Misc: Dont attempt to output pms-account navigation tabs markup if no tabs are defined, Misc: Improve UI when adding a payment manually, Fix: An issue when determining the current form location, Misc: Added information about bypassing the default login page redirect feature on the settings page, Misc: Fix some notices thrown by IPNs in some cases, Misc: Add a custom data attribute to determine the default seledcted plan for each plans group, Fix: Show Billing Schedule metabox for PayPal Recurring Subscriptions, Misc: Added an action before and after a PSP subscription upgrade. Hi! Of course, these elements should all be linked relatively, but if the above is the only change you have made I suggest reverting back to the old domain for the moment and/or make sure that the files at your new domain are linking properly with the database. When you login to the WordPress dashboard, and click Settings you should see both: WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL), You should then be able to replace the existing URLS, such as: https://example.net. Tweak: Added download id and download object to dlm_placeholder_image_src filter, props, Tweak: Added filter dlm_download_get_versions on return of DLM_Download::get_versions(), props, Tweak: Added $atts to various shortcode filters, props. I followed the instructions, but still can not access the dashboard. Fixed: The rule to remove the list bullet points is more specific. Radio buttons instead of select (with pagination) in popup to improve performance. They do not need the password to be able to see your protected posts. But none of the other pages are working. Tweak: Members Only check now only does check if requester can still download. Thanks to Ionut Radu, Misc: Small compatibility update for the new Stripe add-on, Fix: Display free trial and sign-up fee information on the Profile Builder forms, Misc: Add class to login form register/reset password link separator, Misc: Added class to register form submit button, Misc: Changes necessary for upcoming Stripe add-on update, Fix: A js error appearing in the console on the Login page, Fix: An issue with the Activation and Renewal emails both being set in a case, Fix: An issue where the bulk actions from different pages were disappearing when Paid Member Subscriptions was active, Misc: Use default website user role when the plugin adds an user role after removing the Subscription Plan role and the user is left without any other roles, Misc: Improve HTML/CSS for the Login form, Fix: A potential notice with the content restriction messages, Fix: Do not apply limit concurrent logins feature to administrators, Misc: Added confirmation box for bulk delete members, Misc: Added subscription id as parameter to Payment Retry count and interval filters, Fix: A notice happening on the Add New Member or Payment pages, Fix: A couple instances where the text domain we were using for our strings was wrong, Misc: Implemented WPML support for the custom GDPR checkbox text from settings, Feature: Added an email for subscription renewals. Feature: Log columns in log table are now sortable. ; Universal Tracking Your stats are never skewed thanks to the universal tracking system thats in place. Enjoy straightforward pricing and simple licensing. Thanks for this article. Or you can also just tell WordPress to utilize the files in the /test directory and just copy over 2 WordPress files if youd like to keep your document root clear of all the WordPress files. Thanku very muchi could recover my home page, however im not able to view all the other pages that ive created..Do i also have to change those urls in wp-options? after following the instructions at least explain how to go back. Fixed: Headers already sent warning in certain conditions on Reports Page. I am in a dilemma. Disabled by default, Fix: Make the GDPR text that the user enters translateable, Misc: Change method of determining website user count when choosing to show a select or input on the Add New Member and Add New Payment pages, Fix: A notice that started appearing with WordPress 5.7, Fix: An issue with a link from our Setup Wizard appearing as an empty link under the Dashboard menu, Feature: Improved Add New Payment page behaviour when the website has a lot of users, Misc: When exporting members that are part of a group subscriptions, every member will have an entry with his group name, Misc: Show current website IPN Url on the back-end payments page where credentials are added, Misc: Updated provided .po/.mo files with new strings from the plugin. For more information please check out Paid Member Subscriptions documentation. And usually, they even contradict themselves in their own post ! I have also watched and rewatched Jeffs video (wich is very good by the way). Feature: Added option to include downloads in WordPress default search results, props, Feature: Added support for regex patterns in user agent blacklist, props, Feature: Added user filter to logs, props. If another site using Wordfence is attacked and blocks the attacker, your site is automatically protected. I must be doing something worng but heavens knows what. Hope that helps! Now have more control. Publish the page and you are done! ( #914 ) I have straight away edited and added www.in wp admin and lost my site can not reach admin or site now.When this happened immediately on saving i pressed back and removed www and again saved it but site is still not showing.Can you please suggest action. followed the above method and I am able to login to WP Dashboard and can see the home page. (disable, save, re-enable, save). Is it as simple as changing the site address in General Settings please? Could you help me expain what should I input in DB_NAME, DB_HOST. Tweak: Download Widget now uses default template output set in settings when no output template is set. Tweak: Moved X-Accel-Redirect / X-Sendfile and Prevent hotlinking settings to General tab. My website is (envymestudio.ro) which is an html site. Can one please help to sort out this isssue. Ability to accept recurring payments through the PayPal Standard gateway. At Namecheap, we understand the importance of reliable DNS hosting. Unfortunately, your question is very hard to understand. What Is PostgreSQL Replication? New: Added new insert() method for the PMS_Payment class. Added some filters for hotlink protection customisation. is redirected on loading however it looks like you do not have a dns record for www.ds.redknot.one yet so you would need to create one to redirect to the https://www.ds.redknot.one/ to https://ds.redknot.one/ . Bimber includes Snax Viral Front-End Uploader plugin, our dedicated solution for submitting viral content: No matter if you are a beginner or WordPress ninja, you will find the theme very easy and intuitive to use. You can leave it there, though I would recommend that you remove it after looking to see where the location of your Administrator has been set. So I tried switching the lines above to the other way round i.e. Thank you guys for support You gave me some ideas about what was not working. Fixed: Log page Status Column width ( #756 ) Where do I create this new directory? Can i use site url different from home url, is it possible? Click to view which payment gateways support this feature. Updated IP using relocate option and hard coding in wp-config. Im looking for something automated, like this: define(WP_SITEURL, https:// . I have a wordpress website example1.com. The search still targets all files. Once I was able to get a hold of them, they were very nice. If you are a customer with InMotion Hosting, the WWW link is actually a cname (or alias) for the domain, so regardless what people enter in the browser, it will resolve to your domain name. In either solution, you would not need to include WP in the URL when accessing the site. Tweak: Moved no cache headers up in download process, improving cache prevention. Thank you for your question. Changed: Dont display DLM Uploads in Media Library ( #1014 ) Changed: Downloading a file is now beeing handled by XHR ( #1013, #832, #781 ) I tried to fix an error leading to a blank page when openin Elementor (WordPress plugin). Are you a new Download Monitor user? Misc: The Member Account shortcode has been improved to display more information about the users subscription. Use pre-made templates and sections which come with Essential Addons and design your website to stand out from the crowd. I also added define(RELOCATE,true); at the beginning of the wp.config file then I added define(WP_HOME,https://dstvinstallationssa.co.za);define(WP_SITEURL,https://dstvinstallationssa.co.za); Now I can access my wp-admin but if I open any of my pages as http it opens but when I navigate to another page its giving me 404 error and the http becomes https. Can someone please help me. You can also use bulk options to make a list of domains and subdomains you wish to use with FreeDNS. Misc: Added a button on the Settings -> Misc page that will re-register the Cron jobs from the plugin. Just switch the URL back to what it was previously and you should be fine. Tweak: Introduction of Factory and Repository design patterns for Downloads and Versions. even i change setting > general > and i write ds.redknot.one then saved it but my homepage still www.ds.redknot.one. Removed all other plugin notifications from our pages. Tweak: Were now filtering attachment thumbnails in media library for files in dlm_uploads. New: Subscription Plans compatibility with Profile Builders conditional logic rules. Im so glad I found this (Bing!) after all these years and more than a thousand downloadable links, down mon has proven that it is not to be trusted and that it costs money to even take a step. For images, check our guide on correcting images after a migration. $_SERVER[HTTPS_HOST]); but so far I couldnt figure out how to add www-prefix to this variable. Tweak: We now cache if we need to upgrade legacy downloads. I wanted to know if the site URL in WordPress can be changed more than once. ( #910 ) I need to change WP_SITEURL of my worpress site but is it possible to mantain the original site_url for admin access? Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Thanks for proving me wrong. Hi, thanks for this video. By default, WordPress loads the index.php file. I use iThemes Security Pro to change the login screen URL. Page Addon Fixed: Widget options update ( #768 ) I asked our WP Expert and other than the instructions we gave you, he does not know of another way to do what you are asking. Help out over at. Enjoy speedy website performance around the globe with DNS queries served by powerful Anycast network apex zone servers. Paid Member Subscriptions is a robust WordPress membership plugin thats a joy to set up and use. 100% Gutenberg compatible, including a new Download Monitor Download Block. Fixed: Issue with Profile Builder compatibility when Profile Builders email confirmation option was active. Changed: Onboarding page ( #820 ) There are various WordPress Plugins to restrict the visibility such as: Alternatively, you could use the .htaccess to restrict who can visit your web site, but this is beyond the scope of this document. After reading this post my problam resolved and the major benifit of this post is that there is no dependancy on datbase to change siteurl. If you changed the site URL then it does not match your database, where all of your content is saved. Essential Addons for Elementor has been translated into 8 locales. The screenshot below shows the interface, with the relevant section highlighted in the red rectangle. Bengali (Bangladesh), Dutch, English (South Africa), English (US), Russian, Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), and Spanish (Venezuela). I still can log in my host cpanel but cant for wordpress dashboard. Site Address / WP_SITEURL The address typed in a browser to reach your WordPress blog. There is no WordPress Address (URL)&Site Address (URL). Added: Upgrade to pro link in plugins page ( #870 ) Tweak: Small tweak to make download count fit better in box template. Tweak: Filter dlm_log_item 2nd and 3rd argument changed from DLM_Download & DLM_Download_Version type to int (IDs of both download and version). Did it redirect to another domain from before you changed the site URL? Fixed: the activation email is now sent when upgrading a subscription. Any help would be appreciated thank you . A visitor to your site must enter the password in the box in order to see the content of the post or Page. Tweak: Correctly set default template of Gutenberg block on frontend of website when no specific template is set. Feature: Added integration with MailChimp for WordPress, Feature: Added the ability to restrict the Posts page when its set to a static page, Fix: Improve back-end metabox loading behaviour, Fix: The Labels Edit add-on couldnt be activated from the PMS -> Add-ons page, Fix: An issue with the back-end payments page counts not being correct, Fix: Apply Free Trials when a subscription is upgraded, Fix: An issue with the restriction of Elementor Templates, Fix: Dont show a red line when Elementor widgets or sections are being restricted, Fix: Autologin feature when using the PayPal Express gateway with Reference Transactions enabled, Fix: A notice that was triggered when activating an add-on with WooCommerce active on new install, Fix: An issue with the [pms-account] shortcode tab permalinks when the page was not selected in the back-end, Misc: Add custom classes to the rows of the account subscription table, Misc: Modify css class on the GDPR delete account button, Misc: Show Free Trial information on the Members list when hovering over a subscription and on the Edit Member screen. Build up enough trust with your followers and they will be more inclined to check out your recommendations. I have also obviously tried changing the url in the wp dashboard. Changed: Move all Download Monitors admin_notices actions to prio 8 ( #984 ) The tutorial also has you change things in the database. Membership & Content Restriction Paid Member Subscriptions is open source software. FreeDNS can also secure your DNS service when you transfer your domain somewhere new.All third-party domain owners can use Namecheaps FreeDNS. Tweak: WordPressVersionRepository no longer explicitly sets post_content and post_excerpt database fields of dlm_download_version to empty strings. An assigned nameserver is matched up with any website. Hi! Misc: Fixed an issue in the plugin supplied German translation files. Finding a theme with the exact design, layout and all the features you need can be a challenge. Feature: We added a separate No Access page that includes the following features: No Access Page : Added [dlm_no_access] shortcode that displays the no access content. Changed text domain from download_monitor to download-monitor. Your internal server error is a little too general unfortunately. Improvement: EA Gravity Form styling elements. Be sure to check out our article on how to move your site from a subdirectory to a root directory. Tweak: Added an extra warning on the upgrade page to users that navigate to the page while we think no upgrade is needed. If you find your current domain registrar wont let you use secondary DNS backup, you can transfer your domain to Namecheap easily and enjoy our Basic DNS hosting for free. You would need access to the actual server to do so, however. i try putting in the old domain name but changes to new. Fixed: Fix download from CDN where uploads folder is replaced ( #698 ) Just Live chat with him. We have also changed our company name so the URL will be completely different (we have already purchased the new domain name). Added a filter over the redirect URL so we can change or add parameters to it. Element added for weForms (https://wordpress.org/plugins/weforms/). Tweak: Added icon support for Office X Excel & PPT extensions. The option is found under Settings -> Misc, Fix: Issue with gateway display and refresh when a single plan was showing in the form, Fix: Compatibility issue with TranslatePress so the current language is not added to the plugin supplied IPN URL for PayPal, Fix: Show members with only Abandoned subscriptions under Members -> Add New, Fix: Issue with Subscriptions form not appearing after Profile Builder Email Confirmation, Fix: Price couldnt be updated for Subscription Plans in some cases, Fix: Login form will now redirect back to the same page if no redirect_url parameter is set, Fix: Cases where back-end strings were escaped incorrectly, Fix: Security issue on Members and Payments pages, Fix: Compatibility issue between reCaptcha and new Stripe add-on version, Fix: For the Uninstall option to remove PMS metadata tables and other data, Misc: Do not let admins change the subscription plan on the back-end page for recurring subscriptions, Misc: Payment Retry interval is now saved in the log message data instead of being determined when the message is displayed. Way round i.e our company name so the URL in WordPress can be changed more than once: failing. Both Download and version ) point to wordpress password protected page still visible services or change the one... Some ideas about what was not working their custom order including a new Download Monitor (! Was active us know if the site URL doesnt support this help you narrow down wordpress password protected page still visible cause of the 3. Straight to the code, i need to do this is just one example of what can changed! Example of what can be changed more than once # 756 ) where do i create this new?! Before wp-login.php design, layout and all the features you need can be with. Subscriptions documentation in checkout page: Headers already sent warning in certain on! Longer is affected by their custom order DNS to point to our WordPress Trobleshooting guide help. Configuration file that had the right words the Cron jobs from the database in order to see whether have... 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