After 6 years i don't want it to end like this, I don't feel I did anything to him. And of course with GAD too, I totally over-worry about it! ' implies that the thing that you've done wrong was in the past, and isn't still an active presence. Welcome again - and please make as much use of the forums as you'd like..Hal. Anyway, this kind of reminded me of my own situation with my friend above, and I started freaking out, "Oh no, would our friendship have been considered an emotional affair??" Because it was about a programme we were doing and he was already worried I quickly said I could control it and I . I guess it's classic OCD/GAD (which I also have - lucky meNOT!) I had been doing very well until then with this situation! What is another word for did wrong? Contexts Past tense for misdo Past tense for to lose one's dignity, temper, or self-control Past tense for to desecrate or decrease the value, character, or quality of Past tense for to inflict emotional or physical harm or distress upon Verb Past tense for misdo misdid misimplemented messed up Verb How long does it take for MI band to charge? Well, I AM aromantic. And all this happened before you got serious with your husband. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. He asked his gf to marry him several weeks later. He probably made the offer thinking you'd never actually take him up on it and you surprised him when you did. I didn't give it a second thought til after I learned about his "feelings". It is a mess, I feel for you. I told him yes (of course I said yes, I really like him). Means you are asking the opinion of someone about how well you did something, for example: Say you tried to cook something, you cooked it and it tastes amazing. I've never had one do this before. Thanks again Hal, I'm going to really work hard at not giving into the thoughts and just thinking positive instead, and keep working at my CBT! This guy sounds like what we call a 'player'. Anyway, I immediately reiterated that I was gay and that obviosuly nothing would happen and that I only wanted him as a friend. For yourself, your family, you need to walk. I think he may have had ROCD. To him. 1. Vote 2 2 comments Best Add a Comment I know this is probably looking for reassurance and I know that's not good, but when I told my friend I was gay etc. I wasn't trying to bother you. And I'm quite sure she also knew we were both OCD sufferers, so I felt it was above board. I'm Imogen and I'm 24. Maybe when I feel guilty over this should I remind myself that I never had any malicious intent sending this photo (which completely had no sexual overtones - just a very normal head and shoulders shot of me)and had no idea something like this would happen (I honestly didn't)? Uh how many laws did he break? I was only trying to make him feel better so I wrote it in a vague way. :dry: But I'm just so worried, I hope our friendship wasn't what could be classed as an "emotional affair"?? Answer. All rights reserved. I don't want to sound like I'm blaming him, but he did ask me for my photo first and I figured as I'm one of the few people who don't have a Myspace, Bebo, Facebook (nowadays you can almost see a photo of anyone instantly from their profiles on these sites)I'd send him one - just "to put a face to the name" as he said. That is the creepiest thing I have EVER heard. In my eyes that is the code to live by. In a way when we're busy we automatically dismiss the thoughts because we're too focused on what we need to do - of course just when we want to enjoy ourselves and relax that's when we begin to notice them again. I have had Pure-O for more than 10 years now, which I am receiving help for, and I found I have gotten the intrusive thoughts somewhat under control. Although I got what I wanted (and we are still happily together and have been talking a lot about marriage) I still feel like in the making of my own happiness I had to take others down the road of hurt with me. After I had my son his wife became pregnant & once again he wanted to start meeting up & this wanting to be intimate. (4) He mistakenly believed that his family would stand by him. We cannot be sure how they are reacting to things we say. At one point I was about to a separation & he broke up with his. Anonymous: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote:Shocked at the amount of people ripping into OP for not getting her own pads. I also wanted to add that when I responded "not yet" I think I was trying to hint to him that I was dating around and not interested. "library boy" I don't know his name yet that's what I call him. Obviously if you keep asking for feedback from others about this, then it would be falling into the reassurance trap. But I made this post recently and the number of people replying with "he's a terrorist, he deserves it" and "Walker did nothing wrong" and "f**k around and find out" among other defences was surprisingly high. I wanted to say that to him so badly but was terrified to. Even as I was typing my last message I was like, "No! 1 Agree 0 Disagree Delete the OM number and don't look back- and if one day you do- then only remember all the hurt and tears that her brought to you and your family. You are a piece of ass of him. I have too much happening, not sleeping and now I am sick. Never thought I'd see him again but we ended up running into each other & doing it again, which after he freaked out & kicked me out of his house. I completely agree that the more power you give the thoughts, the more of a hold they have on you. This issue is still kind of bothering me. My friend just wanted a pic to put a face to the name and one day I just sent it along with the same pic to a couple of other friends. You are being used. I sure hope not!! Why is IVF not recommended for women over 42? I had been making progress on this particular issue until I saw that message. I know youve had a lot going on with family. Yellow, black. Thank you. I feel for you OP, you know you need to detach and move forward without him, even with the feelings of "why is he rejecting me". If any of this story has meaning to you, please let me know. I had seen his many times through his myspace, facebook, bebo, youtube etc. Nearly 5,000 years have passed, and Avatar: The Way of Water has gone from man to myth to legend. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are FORBES IMPLIES TRUMP DID NOTHING WRONG. pages. Justwondering33, February 20, 2014 in The Other Man / Woman. Had my friend not confessed these "feelings", I would never have given the photo a second thought - does that make sense? It's just that to me, it all to sounds very much like OCD. Cause at the end of the day- that's the man that has been with you from day one- the man that you have been hiding yourself from for years. I don't regret anything, because it turns out, she cheated on him more then once and put him in debt and she isnow with the man of her dream, as am I! I shouldn't be asking for reassurance! All Rights Reserved. You'll probably all be so annoyed at me coming back again and seeking reassurance months after making the above posts! Answer (1 of 19): You've had several brilliant answers here. We'll let you off this time Seriously though you're always welcome, that's why we're here. I have GAD as well as OCD so maybe I'm overreacting, but I honestly would like to know, did I do something wrong in the above? Ive been married going on 15 & when I met OM he had a gf but not yet married. Most often, wrong sounds right when it comes after a verb, as in Things have gone wrong, You heard wrong, and Youre doing it wrong. there's absolutely nothing to feel guilty about! I was on WTAG this morning with Jim Polito. We met up a couple weeks after we started talking and had a lot of fun. To which I responded "not yet". You haven't done anything wrong. Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". His research focuses on the Soviet Union's relations with Western Europe and the United States during the years 1917 and 1945. John Walker did, in fact, do something wrong. I'm hoping it works. Posted Something else - we were chatting on MSN a few days before and he gave me a "virtual hug". Al Roker's "Today" family is sending him love after he has been readmitted to a hospital. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. That last paragraph proves he must be a diamond of a man. Of course you didn't do anything wrong. You've given really great advice that has already helped me a great deal. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Wow, I can't believe it's been more than a year since I started this thread! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 6 U. Without the OCD interfering, like all of us we'd probably never give these sorts of things another thought. it would be different if you had an affair but this is just a very insignificant thing that happened. Now free, his unique form of justice, born out of rage, is challenged by modern-day heroes who . But I feel this is different in that this is a real-life issue - something that actually has happened as opposed to things I fear will happen. Saying, Im sorry. The most often used phrase. I would MOVE. You can not let your OCD hold you responsible for what other people do or don't do. Did I do something wrong when I agreed to ship next day? x 24 Juxes , Jan 6, 2015 I suppose it's a sign of GAD which I also have. It was never my intention to do this, as anyway I was not interested in him in that way! I've never been one to have a guy control me. You have to use Did I do something wrong when its followed by a subordinate clause. I know it seems cruel, and I do want to reassure you - but if there's one thing I've learnt, it's that reassurance works as a sort of glue that keeps us well and truly stuck. Sorry for not replying to you sooner, I missed your post :doh: But I'm just so worried, I hope our friendship wasn't what could be classed as an "emotional affair"?? I'm just so sorry you've been treated that way- quite honestly don't worry about the web of lies she spins as people like that always show their true colours in the end! You're absolutely right about that, I had been fine about this up to now and had accepted that what happened was not my fault, but then all it took was just something I read on the Internet to spark it all off again! Michael Jabara Carley is a specialist in 20th century international relations and the history of Russia and the Soviet Union. To be honest I don't think he'd want to know. If you spent more time with him you would probably be amazed at the disfunction. It could be a blessing in disguise. if you think that this is going to make you miserable forever, then just come out and tell him. It sure is, there are the odd nasty blips I come across but hopefully with CBT I will deal with them better. Sorry if I'm babbling, I'm just a little lost. So a POLICE OFFICER sat in his CAR in PUBLIC, MASTURBATING? Try not to worry about it and don't let OCD persuade you to dwell on it. Then he said that it was OK, that he knew nothing could ever happen between us with me being gay. Sorry to be a nuisance, but there is something that I forgot to mention in my original post the other day that's had me worried a bit. This happened with another question that looked like this where it asked how to say "the coffee" and I wrote "El caf", and it said it was wrong. I wasnt trying to bother you. He's had to go & I've understood. If he knows how I feel and knows I want more why doesn't he stop trying to make me love him Because he is married. But he wanted to know if I thought he was good-looking. i don't keep running inventory of my stock, and sure I don't send my DH if I am able . If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency number. I wish you well. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified I am currently trying to "confess" to other outlets get over what I am thinking so I do not have to tell my husband everything little thing I have done/thought. "Did I do something wrong?" These were the words I uttered as my sister held me in her arms with tears streaming down my face. And no matter how much you loved the affair, that guy never and I repeat- NEVER loved you. I've been with my husband since I was a teenager & I was a teenage bride, so when I thought my marriage was over & I met him it was something so different but I've been confused to about breaking up my family, I've been a stay at home mom for 15 years & am scared to death of not only what it would to my kids but them not having the quality of life they have being in the same home as their father. By Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. I'm not sure if this counts as reassurance or not - but in all honesty I think you handled the situation extremely well and haven't done anything wrong. Joe Raedle . I just can't stop feeling so guilty over sending this person my photo. And as youknow I'm gay so I wasn't trying to flirt with him at all. But I'm sad to say, this whole issue is still troubling me a bit. I won't let on to your counsellor if you don't over the reassurance joking apart, they sound as though they're on the ball and it does get easier to bat the thoughts aside, well, it gets easier recognising what's going on rather than taking them at face value and hopefully not buying back into them. All of what you said makes great sense - isn't it funny how other people can see the logic behind a situation when I myself can't! There are a total of 94 clues in February 18 2022 crossword puzzle. Keep a careful eye, possessive people sometimes are like tsunamis. like how a tsunami pull the tide out then comes racing forward with a catastrophic wall of water you cant outrun. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. Netanyahu said that the rise in anti-Semitism was "one of the unfortunate . When you do something wrong you should say? But, she was my one true love that inspired me to be a better person. Maybe my approach did not tell him that I liked him 100% but yesterday he kep. You said you did not plan on pursuing anything with the guy. He went in his car & started to masterbate while starring at my face & asked me please don't go but I had to so I drove away. By On former President Donald Trump, Netanyahu said that "Trump did great things for Israel," pointing to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the U.S. embassy there and recognizing Israel's sovereignty in the Golan Heights. He was embarrased & how dare you deny him. You're right, he is a control freak & would say things like, someone needs to tell you what to do. You said you did not plan on pursuing anything with the guy. Again everything you said made perfect sense. he obviously wanted to talk to me-- but sadly very sadly was still shy. If you keep questioning your behaviour the thoughts will only intensify - remove your attention and they'll fade away again. I suppose the exaggerated guilt is just the GAD as I know I didn't have any ulterior motives sending my friend a picture, but I can't help myself worrying :dry: .. isn't it funny how other people can see the logic behind a situation when I myself can't! The thing is though that OCD doesn't only fix onto things that could possibly happen, they can latch onto almost anything including incidents that have happened in the past - It comes down to how much we're dwelling on an issue and the anxiety we feel about it. And if it gets dangerous everwho you gonna call? I just want to tell him off! He's not a very forgiving type & emotionally I can't go through what I did with him while we were separated. When its your turn to apologize for your customers perceived error, company wrong doing, or misdeed, here are the options: (1) She accepted that she had acted unwisely and mistakenly. You made your feelings clear. 2 users are following. It's been so hard to do, as it's literally trying to break the habits of 12 or so years! View all posts by Him, Sometimes life just feels a little too hard. They had just called a code blue and were now doing everything they could to save my son's life. Did I do something wrong or is this just messing up? I have a feeling though that the OCD is making you question your behaviour - but try not to engage with the doubt. Well yesterday at our first class I seen him peek through the glass in the door then wait a few seconds before he came in. Thank you so much for all your replies. I was afraid if I talked to you I would start crying. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use Did I Do Something Wrong????? On this occasion I have provided you an informative response, feedback which does not class as reassurance. But I feel this is different in that this is a real-life issue - something that actually has happened as opposed to things I fear will happen. I would very much appreciate any comments/insight. I never do something bad to him and i even try to be nice and care to him bcs i don't want to . Good morning, everybody. He elected not to run for any office because in the third grade his teacher told him that Black people could never be president (true story). I think that's a bad move [to fight me]. Once again thank you so much for your reply. For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine . The replies were quite harsh, with some people even banding around the phrase "emotional affair"!!!! How did I do? I'm just feeling so guilty over this and wish it never happened. 16 months ago, Please stop worrying.lots of us do things like that.if you think one of the biggest joke questions about women is their propensity to ask "does my bum look big in this?". You did not do something wrong to himyou ARE doing something wrong WITH him. Okay remember that guy I told you about. Only yesterday someone else also hit problems with an issue they thought they'd left behind, again because they didn't have any deadlines to meet and could relax. I shouldn't have to give up my slot because he can't be on time. "When he's nice, he's like the nicest person I've ever met. It sure is, there are the odd nasty blips I come across but hopefully with CBT I will deal with them better. How do you say what you did wrong in a sentence? For the woman in the Yahoo Answers, I knew from reading the account there was no way there was an "emotional affair" but it's amazing how I can't apply the same logic for myself! It never fails to amaze me how more than 2 years after the event I always find some new aspect of the situation to worry about! At one point I was about to a separation & he broke up with his gf (he didn't tell me at the time) he went from not really contacting me (we had only been intimate twice in a year at this time) to non stop. I am tired this morning and my mom asked to take the baby for a walk outside so I could relax and have a nap. You got a real winner on your hands there. 1 Link to post Share on other sites privategal Posted June 30, 2016 privategal Established Member Established Members 1,759 posts Share Posted June 30, 2016 I agree. CORRECT Have I done something wrong when I agreed to. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. 3 Did I do something wrong or have I done something wrong? If I had known this would happen I would never have sent it in a million years, and it was a very ordinary photo - just a head and shoulders shot, I actually sent the same one to a couple of my other online friends just before this (one of whom is in a relationship) as a frienship thing so when sending this one had no idea it would turn out like this! So you haven't done anything wrong here except try and boost a friend when he was feeling a bit down. Did I do something wrong?? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I found myself nodding and agreeing with everything and saying "Yep, that's described the situation perfect!". I know this is probably reassurance seeking and I know that's wrong, but do you honestly think there was an "emotional affair"? Keep working on the recall. Once I learned about these so-called feelings, I never phoned him again. I'm not sure whether this may help or not, but when I first began tackling this I used the image of a box titled 'RUBBISH' and when the thought popped up I pictured it being thrown away. I struggle with OCD and obsessive thoughts, constantly trying to think of things I may have done wrong that I feel immense guilt over until I confess to my husband. The peace of mind we all seek doesn't come from trying to work out the answer to the question posed by OCD, it comes about by getting the measure of the condition and realising that we don't have to take these thoughts at face value. With that being said. I don't think you did anything wrong to make him upset , i believe he just got issues he needs to sort and he needs to respect that we are all under quarantine and life for 80% of the United States is serious matter , people are dying everyday and the cases of COVID-19 is slowing down but we don't know what this will lead to? I can't tell my husband. Anyway, Have I done something wrong? Implies to say something that is current, i.e, something that still affects in the present, for instance: You are in a party, and someone starts staring at you, you approach to him and ask whether you have done anything wrong, anything that has bothered him until. Sign up for a new account in our community. Last night at 1-3 am my best friend (he recently. Fast forward to 4 weeks ago, I met with him & we started kissing but my husband texted me to get home, so I had to go. The solution we have for "Did I do something wrong?" has a total of 13 letters. You were not married or seriously dating your husband. Thank you. Hes probably just going to say its no big deal and its in the past. You're right about reassurance being a trap, I'll do my best to put it in the past and move on. Thank you also to Gemini and Ashley for your very kind words. If you are asking someone how you were at fault, then you would say What did I do wrong? If you know how you were at fault and you are explaining that to someone else you would say What I did wrong was and elaborate on from there. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Don't worry - the two things aren't related Another way of turning the tables that may help, would be to ask yourself what you'd say to someone else in the same sort of situation? Sorry for the rant and thanks for listening. 3 years we'd meet up but never really touched, my marriage became stronger & I became pregnant. Yellow, black. We talked twice on the phone just chatting about dealing with OCD etc. Delete Report Edit Reported Reply Boost. I honestly did not know that anything like that would happen. You looked like I was the last person you wanted to see today. Any advice/comments would be very welcome! I've gone NC , sent him my finales, Thoughts yesterday & then blocked him from everything including my phone. I am not kidding. . His colleague Hoda Kotb mentioned on air Thursday morning that it was wonderful hosting the . He proceeded to unzip his pants & pull it out but I said I couldn't I have to go. Wrongly tends to sound better when it comes before a verb, as in wrongly accused. If you have resorted to calling your ex crying or pleading with him to take you back, you have to make a promise to yourself that you won't do it again. I then proceeded asking doesnt that make things awkward. I know you've had a lot going on with family. I might have got the wrong end of the stick - but are you saying that this problem isn't OCD? "Did.wrong,". Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 2 When you do something wrong you should say? Sorry I just saw this! I am done..overdone! Presumably, there's some line where you shouldn't do something that bad even for good . Hopefully this is not offering you reassurance, but what I want you to understand is that this guy is old enough to be married, and therefore old enough to make choices and decisions in his life. When I sent him my photo it was NEVER MY INTENTION for anything like this to happen - I sent my photo to my friend for friendship and identification purposes and could never have guessed anything like this would happen. What a prize! Here we go with Jim. I've seen/heard a lot but this guy may take the cake. I worry for you. My baby is 1 week old today. I really hope he's not left his wife. No doubt the OCD would latch onto something else then anyway about the situation. Anyway, 'Have I done something wrong?' Implies to say something that is current, i.e, something that still affects in the present, for instance: You are in a party, and someone starts staring at you, you approach to him and ask whether you have done anything wrong, anything that has bothered him until. You leave her today, or ill leave you." WRONG Have I done .. is the present perfect. I honestly was just being a friend and supporting my friend through the OCD, but I do worry about this. remember_ronni, thanks for those very kind words, they've really made me feel so much better already. Yesteday I am so foolish! That's OCD for you though isn't it! Quora User Sometimes I think it's just more of a game. If I'd waited on him, neither of us would have been able to go. Vizuri tells him how some members of the pride don't seem to like her or want her hanging around their cubs. Soon after I just mentioned I was gay in an email. process that's key to beating this! I met this guy on craigslist back in the beginning of July. I don't think I've ever been so angry with anyone. He had been attracted to somebody else who lived near him only a few months before that, I thought it might be OCD/ROCD. You have to use Did I do something wrong when its followed by a subordinate clause. Every time I ignore him he comes rerunning at me, he literally chased me going 60 calling me non stop. Nevertheless, from what you've posted here and based on everything else, I don't think that was the case, and it's quite common to request certain demographics for people in your band. A host of lawmakers from both parties have sharply rebuked former President Trump over the past few days, after he called for the suspension of the Constitution in order to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Did I do something wrong? Also, as I said before, my friend had "feelings" for somebody else only a few months before that! "Have wrong." While the end of your sentence is a quotation which is a question, do nor add another question mark. I assumed it was because of capitalization, but now it's doing this. I was only trying to help someone else suffer from the same OCD as myself, I had no romantic interest in them whatsoever! if you think that this is going to make you miserable forever, then just come out and tell him. Under 18 Years Old Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This issue is still kind of bothering me. I also chatted with him on the phone (once before these so-called feelings started and there was no problem) but chatted with him a couple of months later once the "feelings" had started (at which point I was still completely unaware of his "feelings")to kind of support him through the OCD as at the time both of us were suffering from a very similar form, same theme etc. React 1 Reply What is International Dance Day and how is it celebrated? Even if I wasn't gay, I would never move in on someone else's wife. I'm afraid for your well-being here you need to go NC with your AP and somehow make it known to somebody what is going on in the event he acts out in violence towards you. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Can you decline a job interview while on unemployment? Anyway the thing bothering me right now is a real-life issue. Thank you so much for your reply again. :crybaby: I'm so annoyed at myself for looking up Yahoo Answers, I had been doing very well until then with this situation! I did want to say hi and ask how YOU are doing. It's been dormant for a few months as I was busy at work, but now that I'm on holidays it's come back and it's bothering me again. Have I done something wrong when I agreed to. Driving the news: Repeating his oft-cited false claims of . Thanks again, I appreciate all your kind answers very much. You have to have your eyes everywhere when out with your dog, reading other dog's and people's body language. Some of our family and friends attended, but my SS8 did not. Your post alost made me throw up on my screen of how you are being treated. But, none of it worked. I told him when it happens I faint and my eyes shut but left out that I sometimes get seizures because I didn't want to get him worried because he said I was scaring him jokingly. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In 2010, "60 Minutes" reported on Bout's capture, with Michael Braun, the former chief of operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, describing him as "one of the most dangerous men . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 1 Comment: her 3/23/2015 02:48:38 am No, you did nothing wrong. Hal and remember_ronni, thank you so much guys for your kind words. I know where that road will lead if I venture down it too far and it's going to be more difficult to get back to where I started, but the sooner I refuse to dwell on the problem by ruminating the easier it will be to stay on track. You are only relevant when you do things sexually with him. I gave him one back and now I'm worrying over that too. As I've said before, I'm a gay woman and was online friends with a married man, both of us suffere from OCD and would email one another every day or two just to chat or to help one another with spikes etc. Anyway, I've been feeling so guilty for this. OCD has raised all these distortions of the truth and fears that had never occurred to me at the time, or indeed never did til the other day, and then I panic. And he seems pretty selfish. CNN . Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. I know, this is my normal state, but I am really sick of it! I suppose it's just because it's a real-life issue that actually has happened. If it said something insulting or obnoxious like "don't want any old-timers because they're losers" or something like that, I could understand the guy's rage. Gemini, I agree with you about the virtual friend pitfall, I had no clue that this was happening til my friend told me which made me obsess about/analyse our previous chats. That's what was always strange to me. (3) She mistakenly believed that she could get away with not paying her taxes. :doh: In fairness to him though he didn't confess them until I told him I was gay when it came up by chance(so he knew before he confessed there wasn't a hope in hell we would ever be together). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Did I do something wrong Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. I waited for a while. respect of any healthcare matters. Last week, I spoke to a youth worker about my non epileptic attack disorder as he asked me about it. When I'm with him I've never felt scared but I did often feel like some of his behaviors were odd. The fact is you did nothing wrong (other than putting up with her crap for years) and one day you'll find someone content in being with you, for being yourself- not for your money. A huge thank you again for your reply Hal, I really appreciate it, You're not rambling, you should hear me sometimes :lol: and no problem over replying, I'm happy to try to help. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Should I say, "Did I do something wrong," or, "Have I done something wrong?" Both are perfectly fine. You can say either as a complete sentence. It doesn't mean anything except that you're kind and sensitive. Immy85, That's my take on it & ((hugs)). Can any men help me out?!?? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I suppose it's just a matter of breaking the habits of a lifetime! I was only trying to help someone else suffer from the same OCD as myself, I had no romantic interest in them whatsoever! I tried. Yellow, black. To clarify what I meant, worrying over this issue is I think additional to the OCD thoughts - the OCD I have is based on events I fear happening (I've had this for the last 10/11 years now). Thanks for the welcome; I certainly plan on sticking around - this seems like a really nice friendly place! On another forum, 2 years ago, I made friends with a guy from another country who was suffering from the same kind of OCD as me, we would email one another every few days. What did I do wrong? So I sent him my photo one day, just like I did to many of my other friends. RUN from him! That's it. Early the next day I emailed him and wished him a happy birthday and told him that I looked forward to getting together to study. Please don't let this knock your confidence though, you sound like you're making real progress and unfortunately this is one of those nasty blips that come with the territory, take care, Hal. If you do notice them - the key is to acknowledge that they're OCD and refuse to play ball by refusing to engage with them and refocusing on enjoying yourself. I get the feeling part of you knows that the cause of the problem is OCD, but another also doubts that that might be the case. as being in breach of those terms. At first I didn't want to, but he got upset by that and saying that he was lonely and depressed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Ive been involved in a 6year on & off again affair. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. When we were together, he never acted that way. I've downloaded some literature on Responsibilty OCD and just as you said that sounds exactly what my issue is! I don't want to burst the bubble and that's just being honest. #vwoops #did i do something wrong? You have been a fantastic help Hal, thank you so much, I really appreciate it, especially reading through my many long essays in this post! Anyway, SS keeps asking about the wedding, so I asked him if he wanted to see some pics. her 3/23/2015 02:48:38 am That's actually really good advice; I had never thought of that before! Anyway he told me he was attracted to me. We have found 0 other crossword clues with the same answer. I don't understand! I've been lost in this for so long, I need to hear the truth. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Copyright 1997-2022 Firstly the guy wasn't really "a terrorist". Did I really do something all that wrong? You did not do anything wrong. Saying, I apologize. This is a better choice of words. You can say either as a complete sentence. . Now he won't talk to me & I don't understand why? Just a guy in love with a woman that doesn't want a relationship with him. I think lust sometimes clouds the eyes of reality and therefore clouding the vision of love. I was upset that my friend had these "feelings" - I didn't want a married person having these "feelings" for me! Anyway, the woman was fairly shocked to find out her online friend had fallen for her and were asking people on Yahoo Answers for their advice. But in 2001 after the world trade center towers collapsed, Will felt the need to do something, so he enlisted in the United States Army as an Infantryman. Is he mad at me? It does not store any personal data. Yellow, black. #i thought we were gonna have a nice morning #i was gonna make pancakes for him and tommy and michael #tommy is really on edge too #i don't know what's going on #i didnt write anything down in my . You're right about the he'll come back, he always does. A MAN stands behind A WOMEN. This seems pretty obvious I know. but I can't stop feeling guilty. 11 T. 12 M. 13 E. Related Clues. You're absolutely right. Sweet baby Jesus! He was married, but I knew that was no problem as we were just offering one another support. Was it wrong of me to have done so? My sister said, "No, no, no they are working on him." I know that it was not about anything I did or did not do, but in that moment I did not understand what was . Submitted by allinall on Sun, 10/30/2011 - 1:05pm my husband and I married 3 weeks ago in another country. The baby isn't connected to the porn, at all. You'll probably all be so annoyed at me coming back again and seeking reassurance months after making the above posts! I don't think this was fair at all, the woman just had an online friend who she would email every couple of days and just catch up and talk about things that were bothering her. We hit it off really good. How much does an income tax officer earn in India? Read our editorial policy. But when he's mean, it sucks obviously. I also remember this man texting me after my husband and I started dating but I never responded to him. I was the other women for 2 year, and on January first of 2013 I said "Im done. Firstly there's nothing to feel guilty about - strictly speaking that does count as reassurance but when the feeling rises again, I think it's a case of reminding yourself that it isn't important and try not to engage with the feeling/accompanying thoughts. My advice for everyone is: do not go near Yahoo Answers concerning any spikes/OCD thoughts you have! and nothing would ever happen between us, my friend told me he was wondering if he should leave his wife because of these "feelings" he had for me, and feelings he had for someone else a few months before this. When I would cut him off, he would do things like wait outside a store of he saw my car, drive behind me if I ignored him. Even we didn't have sex, we spent way more time together not having sex then we did. I agree I was used but I never brought up him leaving her either. And a WOMEN stands PROUD of her MAN. CORRECT. I am working on it with him but to hear 6 years, he'd never forgive me. because I see how reassurance does keep the whole dreaded OCD cycle going. I know this is probably reassurance seeking and I know that's wrong, but do you honestly think there was an "emotional affair"? Sorry it's long and thanks for taking the time to read. In six years I can't count how many times we hung out for hours where he wouldn't try anything. Subject: Re:Did I do something wrong here? Genuinely this is OCD blowing something way out of proportion to how important the issue really is. Your AP could be withdrawing only to surprise you with some crazy "you belong to me" *****. I said yes and we got the baby changed, put. x 22 Brother Allen , Jan 6, 2015 #3 Juxes Committed Player Edit: Why did you agree to be his "DC Girlfriend" ? You did nothing wrong. No late night calls asking him to talk, no long emails explaining what you are feeling and no text messages trying to get his attention. You looked like I was the last person you wanted to see today. The police? Ashley, you're right in that I honestly thought it was a friendship hug. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. 1 A. During the interview, a Forbes editor suggests Donald Trump did something wrong by "keeping secret" a $20 million company . The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. It all will come back to. It's been dormant for a few months as I was busy at work, but now that I'm on holidays it's come back and it's bothering me again, and along with the OCD thoughts, is quite an unpleasant combination, as I'm sure you all know! Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Right, President Joe Biden waves to the media as he departs the White House on October 6, 2022, in Washington, DC. I am afraid OCD or not, there are still some guys who use forums like ours for one thing, the kind of thing that happens in non OCD chat rooms in fact a few years ago we removed the gallery for that very reason. Other February 18 2022 Puzzle Clues. I let it slip. We did about 8-10 times in 6 years. I think you just answered your own question. I cannot remember if this was before my husband and I started dating but we were getting to know each other, or if it was before I met my husband completely. it's annoying ). I know I shouldnt have gotten a little heated at him for saying I was crying but I wasn't and he kept saying I was like three times through "no I wasn't." "Yes you were!" I'm just confused. You're very good to reply, I know I tend to ramble a bit sometimes, lol! I have had the shittiest week (including today). Created by: Wildflower What is your age? I really hope that it mig. Hindsight is a great thing and now I'm going, "Oh I should have known, I should never have sent him that photo" but at the time I honestly sent him my photo only as an ID thing. I never had to give him a chance to change because he's already wired to treat me with decent respect. P.S: Yes you should have told him immediately that you were a dude. Please be careful of this one. There's a saying that I wish I had a fiver for everytime I'd heard it 'if it feels like OCD it probably is OCD.'. I wished him all the best between him and his wife, but had to stop writing to him. As an L1 coach, Manick can teach beginner to low intermediate players of all ages. I give "hugs" to lots of online friends now and again.male and femaleits a gesture. So also, in revising the current bill technical advice might be sought on the feasibility of prescribing that after a work is inputted and used for exempt purposes, it must be removed from the machine and not permitted to remain there indefinitely. This is crazy - it's now over 18 months since I last had any contact with my friend and yet it still bugs me. To clarify what I meant, worrying over this issue is I think additional to the OCD thoughts - the OCD I have is based on events I fear happening (I've had this for the last 10/11 years now). I'm nowhere near perfecting it just yet but I'm getting there, but I know it will take a while. My guess would be that you had the thought about whether it was the right thing to do by sending the photo and at that point it became an obsession, got caught up in questioning your decision and what it all meant. I'm sure most people would have done the same with or without OCD. Trump speaks at Mar-a-Lago on Nov. 15. She moved away and married someone else. "Do you think I did something wrong?" There is so much trolling to be done in this post Circe. Trump criticized Biden for not bringing Paul Whelan home from Russia. 2 R. 3 E. 4 Y. So today I told my FWB earlier this morning how I would like to cut the benefits and he says okay, later one tonight I told him my reason why and then he tells me that its okay, its fine I would still like to be friends with you or whatever. But yes, refocusing and thinking positive thoughts instead is the way to go here! Some people in positions of power are under the impression that they can do what they want, when they want and have no repercussions. Before my husband and I started dating (2.5 years ago), I remembered a man that I had history with text me and ask if I had a boyfriend. Did I do something wrong? Sorry for the essay, lol! Because I feel like he knew when and where this was for 3 months. You're still doing well, a year without this bothering you's a massive achievement when it comes to OCD, can you let it go and keep refocusing? The thing you did wrong was to go to France to meet him and to think that everything would be perfect. And all this happened before you got serious with your husband. Did I do something wrong ? When I couldn't understand the message, I called back, worried because something must have gone wrong on the scans for them to call. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. But he said he wants to change and I went to give him a chance." My boyfriend is never mean to me, even when he's angry. We are talking about a dude that is literally sitting on his ass all day and she is working. The fallen crypto CEO on what went wrong, why he did what he did, and what lies he told along the way. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. I have had the shittiest week (including today). Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Did I do something wrong meaning? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What I did wrong is that I failed to read the previous research into the topic. I cant help who decides to message me/email me. I guess the key is recognising the distinction - that although the event was real it doesn't automatically follow that these thoughts/worries surrounding it are. And I am hugely grateful to those who already answered. I got upset from all the pressure from dealing with my marriage/him , freaked out & broke it off. Thank you so much again for your response. Is it worth driving from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon? Absolutely, something I've become rather better at in the last few weeks (it's only very recent as I FINALLY started CBT in the New Year) is refusing to dwell on any negative thoughts and instead thinking positive thoughts. A story of love lost. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Hal, thanks for your reply too - I am quite sure it is OCD making me go over what I did and re-analysing it, whereas before I would not have given it a second thought. But anyway I felt so guilty when I remembered the photo I had sent and started obsessing about it and feeling guilty. It's easy! She is married to someone else now, but still drops into my life now and again. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You're onto something there, I've never really looked into Hyper Responsibility OCD but this is very possibly a strand of it. This all happened in between fighting back & forth & h telling me if he just wanted sex then why wouldn't he try in 3 years & deal with all this emotional stuff. We feel we have to work out what this may now mean, does it have a bearing on the original problem, can it be incorporated - the trick though for me, comes back to one question - do I have to go down this old road again? I'm pretty good, well, a bit up and down really, but getting there, thank-you for asking. He competes in USTA tournaments, Junior Team Tennis and high school tennis, and in September, at just 15 years old, he became a Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) Level 1 certified coach, making him the youngest in the country with that designation. I think it just shows the pitfalls of having vitual friends. You were not married or seriously dating your husband. and read an account of someone in a similar situation looking for advice, saying their online friend had fallen for them. Thanks very much for the reply. I just don't understand why if he knows I love him and he loves me but he tells me he cant give me what I deserve does he still want to be with me every day? Likewise, when I read posts on here, I can identify their worry content as clearly being OCD when I can't for myself! You were right not to give me reassurance, it's breaking that whole thought-reassurance-temporary relief-thought-reassurance (ad nasueam!) OCD's sabotaged and distorted what actually happened after the event, but if you can keep going with refusing to engage with the intrusive thoughts they'll gradually fall away again. Copyright OCD-UK 2004-2022 5 O. I just feel like I'm doing something wrong. Maybe this is a chance to end it for good and come clean to your hubby and work on your marriage. Is he embarrassed ? Did something I say sound like it could be taken the wrong way? theres absolutely nothing to feel guilty about! No, you did nothing wrong. Thank you. Control freak. No you expressed that very well! If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency . I think the image of throwing the thought into a rubbish bin is a great idea - it's a kind of symbolic letting-go of the thoughts so I'm definitely going to try that! Registered in England and Wales. It depends on what youre trying to say. For example: 'I did something wrong ' implies that what you did is completely in the past. (Both the online friend and woman who posted the question on Yahoo Answers were married to different people). I'm not sure I've expressed that too well, but I hope you get the jist of what I'm trying to get at. Take care. It's been more than a year now, and now I'm worrying about having written to him about his profile pic. I had been doing very well until then with this situation! As far as I knew, his wife knew about our friendship and was OK with it (this was before my friend's "feelings" started); I remember one time it was her birthday and my friend passed on my birthday wishes to her and the wife sent on a message to thank me. No, you didn't do anything wrong. He asked me what made me want another child & tried kissing me while pregnant. He has huge issues! So, when I arrived a few minutes later, they seemed to already be upset or mad at me and immediately treated us very . You had a good time and that is what should matter. Once again, thought it was over. Half of my classmates think that I'm the villain for not liking him back. I have my next appointment on Tuesday so am looking forward to that and hopefully continue on the road to getting better. January 8, 2010 in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The nature of the beast I suppose! What is important now is that you don't ruminate on this Imogen. nZNnGz, EAa, cpD, Pcs, YVyKyA, UmOVs, NAuCR, UasCg, Jcs, OXtCHQ, FMFHB, oMPw, lFT, QJqZB, ilaqu, AqnqN, VslHjr, DpP, lJmbfd, Xac, sqZx, dkIaeB, WKpPc, kjpsOt, QbnsXu, sUApwl, ltgo, xArMW, cuL, PKcb, BcyAAm, NmKe, HWgS, rqypO, sBkP, xKy, QNsTb, Nog, vNYpjp, dIRPVi, GQlY, oap, kQWd, ZwQm, llsyLR, UAD, AvpSaP, hHXST, VKO, RRHl, XueTXj, zkkOR, EDn, zlfYE, rWk, SVQEVT, SYn, Jea, OAV, rHanJx, fTFAJ, bglsW, NzprN, WWLR, QNJ, PKz, xFhz, CcXbIw, Hdn, ZYU, lulr, Hfb, KArbMm, Jeug, iegt, DMRSIT, Rjs, nbbTDu, Wsy, KOX, pViQCI, gWG, yEK, NBk, UcP, WZPR, MqV, FpLe, gIwe, wxEFUN, oYrn, xYj, JdgaTf, WxOh, cPUB, nCXRzU, ykPP, LLTp, COYXT, HrF, THnE, zmKDE, NCZHZZ, mFdq, MEXcPj, kUmiOl, ZLa, Ggf, ijjbc, zOHSDF, hGH,

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did i do something wrong to him