However, the ammo capacity actually increases to 63. Using a skill magazine consumes it, and another copy will need to be obtained to gain the benefit once it has expired. On the second floor, in the side room with metal shelves, on a lower metal shelf near an open footlocker underneath. WebFallout 76 has introduced a very complex and interesting Item system. WebThe alien blaster pistol is a weapon in Fallout 4. Switch between attachments (scopes, muzzle devices, magazines, etc.) For each point in a this change has the advantage of damage resistance values of those pieces properly applying to those body parts which affect damage calculations (incl. Fuzzy. In the southeast corner of the glade, at the eastern end of one of the walkways, on a thin wooden bench. On the ground behind the knowledge exam cabin. On the second to the top level of the treehouse platform ascent, on an end table next to a birdhouse, above the two mattresses. In the office connected to the west side of the kitchen, on a desk with a broken terminal. On, behind, or near the tall tool cabinet (1), in the middle of the interior northwest wall, to the right of the wooden steps (interior). Only required if you want the Universal Workbench in the Player Apartment. In the basement, on a table near the armor workbench. You can make those modifications in any situation, therefore it's especially useful in combat. Nuka Cherry grenade Nuka The second and more advanced way is by scrapping legendary items (items which have a legendary mod applied). WebThe fusion cell is a type of ammunition in Fallout 4. On the ground level, on the east side of the food court, near the support pillar and green trash can, below the plastic pumpkin on the booth diner table. However, the projectiles do not travel particularly quickly and suffer from a noticeable flight trajectory. In Dr. Cotton's tiny cave laboratory, near three radioactive barrels and a safe (. ability to add the Ballistic Weave slot to any item from within the game) and Complex Item Sorter's functionality (adding missing legendary attachment points, reducing biped flags for armour layering, etc.) Rather than individual bullets or cells, it uses plasma cores, generally only found in higher level areas of the map. In the middle of the command center, inside the top row of a metal cart, near the central steel support beam and by the "star" trunk and the overseer's cache. In the waterlogged chamber linking the underwater area to the destroyed mine tracks, on the northeast side of the slag heap, near an explosive canister. It is the site of a rumored treasure associated with Crane. On the upper level of the easternmost building (sewer maintenance), by the blue machinery and vertical pipe cluster, on the small wood crate near an ammo crate. Each of the Magazines tend to have multiple areas in the same named location, so read on to find out where you need to go to find them. You can limit yourself to this option by disabling legendary recipes via holotape or MCM. WebOur Commitment to Anti-Discrimination. The Cryolator is a unique weapon in Fallout 4. In the completely open-air and mostly demolished schoolhouse at the top of the tendril tower, by the steel support, one of the only bits of the schoolhouse still standing, on the teacher's desk. The easiest and most natural way of utilising legendary effects is by acquiring legendary items from enemies or other sources. A fusion cell nearly resembles an electric battery with positive and negative symbols, directional arrows, and a warning label on the side saying "WARNING WILL EXPLODE IF DISPOSED OF IN FIRE." In the flooded underground maintenance area, near a fusion generator and a steamer trunk, on a small metal table with foldable ends. To the side of the billboard lookout tower, on a table with two severed heads, near a red steamer trunk. In the red broken open shed, immediately east of the barn. Inside the cockpit section of the fuselage, on a TV stand. +30% chance to avoid damage from explosions. Equip cost Core stats On the metal desk, in the west corner to the left of the trunk, in the upper laboratory area (interior). It also increases the damage dealt by built turrets. Unlike the Shishkebab made in the Capital and Mojave wastelands, the Commonwealth version is compact. This is an optional part of the installer package. It has a three-round magazine, higher damage than the regular variant, and higher item HP. Behind the metal worker cabinet counter, by the trunk in the west alcove of the large curve-roofed maintenance warehouse and garage. Weapons: The Gatling Laser, Gatling Plasma, and Ultracite Gatling Laser can no longer spawn with the Quad Legendary attribute. Add a customizable and modular Targeting HUD to your (power) armor with corpse, friend and/or foe highlighting. The locations are listed by region. In the southeast corner of the library with the checkered floor, between the two broken terminals on the table. It automatically scans your installed mods for crafting recipes and adds them to ECO's multi-functional workbench. South of the "Sugar Heaps" trading post, under the boarded-up ice cream stall, on the deck by the fallen magazine display, near the ice cream sign. Better recoil. 100 Inside the northeast shack with the bear trap on the table, in the northwest corner of the shack, under a dark red sofa. All ammo is weightless, except in Survival mode. In the prison yard, in the remains of the chapel, on the lectern shelf. fadingsignal - custom workbench models from Compact Craftingdrdanzel - Crafting Workbenches used as reference for the ammo, armor, junk and weapon crafting recipesruddy88 - allowed me to use parts of his Simple Sorter script in order to adapt it for my Workbench Patcherbrandonp729 - the creator of Combat Helmet Illumination 2020Rom7977 - the author of the QGM modification guide/articlematortheeternal - the creator of MXPFRepzik - he had the idea for custom perk magazine covers and implemented themTobi Reiji - the creator of the gore control expansion that was integrated into ECO, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Certain issues may provide a temporary buff upon being looted. ARMO or WEAP forms, reverted Sprinter's legendary effect back to its vanilla state, it seems my fix had some unintended side effects, the expansion plugins for Armament and Caliber Complex were added to the installer, their separate mod pages were disabled, removed the obsolete World Series legendary effect naming rule from the weapon INNR (gun and melee) within the separate INNR plugin, 2076 World Series Baseball Bat's unique effect no longer occupies the L1 slot, it is also no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to that weapon; if you currently have that effect on the slots 2-5 on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update; the L1 effect will become inaccessible, so if you want to remove it from other equipment do that before updating, Shem Drowne's Sword unique effect no longer occupies the L1 slot, it is also no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to that weapon; if you currently have that effect on the slots 2-5 on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update; the L1 effect will become inaccessible, so if you want to remove it from other equipment do that before updating, Lucky Eddy's unique effect no longer occupies the L1 slot, it is also no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to that weapon; if you currently have that effect on the slots 2-5 on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update; the L1 effect will become inaccessible, so if you want to remove it from other equipment do that before updating, Atom's Bulwark unique effect no longer occupies the L1 slot, it is also no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to that piece of armour; if you currently have that effect on the slots 2-5 on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update; the L1 effect will become inaccessible, so if you want to remove it from other equipment do that before updating, Acadia's Shield (DiMA) unique effect no longer occupies the L1 slot, it is also no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to that piece of armour; if you currently have that effect on the slots 2-5 on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update; the L1 effect will become inaccessible, so if you want to remove it from other equipment do that before updating, Zeke's unique effect is no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to Zeke's Jacket and Jeans; if you currently have that effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update, Inquisitor's Cowl unique effect is no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to that piece of armour; if you currently have that effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update, Atom's Devoted legendary effect is no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to the piece "Robes of Atom's Devoted"; if you currently have that effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update, Acidic legendary effect is no longer craftable or removable/transferable, it is unique to the Acid Soaker; if you currently have that effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update, the Vampire's armour effect is no longer available, it become obsolete with the introduction of ECO's Targeting HUD armour enhancement option (vanilla option) that does exactly the same thing; if you currently have that effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" legendary effect is no longer available; if you currently have that effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them before updating because the effect no longer exists on those slots and would be lost after the update, tweaked some of the unique effects I overhauled in the previous version, cleaned up the INNR plugin and removed obsolete entries/rules, there's now a third Armour Override option in the installer, that one only enables Nick Valentine to wear all vanilla armour and clothing, several expansions and patches that had their own mod pages are now available from the FOMOD installer instead. On the ground level of the roofless white farmhouse, between the two ornate dressers, on the old writing desk. There should be fire around the crash site, making it easily spotted at night. This article is missing some required data. At the far end of the girls' restroom, under the wall clock near the chained door, in the last locker on the left (with the door propped next to it). Inside Slocum's Joe, on a yellow magazine shelf behind the front counter, on the top righthand row. In the eastern ruined lodge structure near the bus stop and with wood planks onto the roof of the bus, on the headboard of the double-mattress bed. #4 Locksmith Certification Special - Pass with Flying Colors, #8 Bushes, Boxes, and Beehives: Camouflage special, +5% chance to avoid damage from any enemy attack. 0001F66B. Damage To the east of the main building, on top of a single metal barrel next to a large light green container with a ladder. Along the southwest wall of a connecting corridor to the main plant, right of the window, with the double door marked "Turbine Hall" at the northeast end, on the small computer bank, to the left side of the filing cabinets. Credits Mobile versions of the Universal Workbench and PA Station, can be transported in your inventory. Vault-Tec Armor REDUX -- Another Combat Armor Expansion Pack -- CBBE - TWB - 3BBB - FG bodyslides included. The purpose of ammunition is to project force against a selected target or area. It includes a Patcher Plugin and item sorting rules for. Inside the overturned white boat setting half-buried under the southwestern docks, on a shelf. Form ID Extensive, modular and highly compatible equipment overhaul and expansion of the crafting system. Editor ID Improved magnification. Inside the large tent to the northeast of the gun emplacement, on top of the rear bed. If that's too cumbersome you can cheat the perks in via holotape or MCM. Fire rate WebThe plasma core is a type of ammunition in Fallout 76. There are a total of 12 publications and 104 collective issues that spawn randomly from a select group of predetermined locations. The perk needs to be equipped and active in order to craft certain types of explosives, as well as the laser tripwire. WebThe fusion core is a type of ammunition in Fallout 76. On the second floor of the penitentiary's main building, near the warden's mainframe, in Warden Brennan's bedroom, on the bedside table. upon starting a new playthrough), that often resulted in a mess and weapons not being recognised properly, the new version is 100% robust and doesn't care for the order in which items are getting injected or how many injections take place simultaneously, IMPORTANT: you have to update any mods that makes use of QM's weapon-specific menu as well, integrated Tobi Reiji's excellent "ECO - A tiny expansion (control gore with workbench)", there's now a new slot / attachment point available on both guns and melee weapons that holds several options for you to change how the game handles gore with your currently equipped weapon, the options in the new slot are as follows: Default, Dismember & Explode, Dismember Only, Explode Only and No Dismember/Explode (more information on what they do can be found in their descriptions), the new options also got incorporated into the Quick Modification menu so that you can control it while in combat, you can entirely disable these new options via holotape or MCM as usual, this includes both the separate slot in workbench menus and the new option in QM's menu, reworked the entire holotape, this should result in a better overview of all available options and more efficient usage, all necessary forms for the "ASM: Accuracy Stability Modifier" slot were included for over a year by now but nobody noticed that you couldn't access it, I just stumbled upon this hilarous circumstance by accident; this is fixed now, removed unnecessary description text from modifiers that already have all information in their title, made some changes to the gun INNR, more specifically its ammunition ruleset got rearranged/reordered and also some strings were altered, extended the aforementioned ruleset with more options to choose from so other mods (e.g. At the foot of the dish with the flagpole outside, inside the dish array control room, on a desk with a destroyed terminal in the eastern corner. WebThe Gatling plasma is a heavy gun in Fallout 76. Inside one of the two yellow trolley carts by the explosive canister, on the concrete bridge spanning both sides of the facility, above the road (exterior). 003440B3 eapons: The Mods Unlocked portion of the crafting menu now correctly displays a total of 65 available Mods for the Pipe Gun, instead of 66. It In the north corner of the kitchen, beneath the Nuka-Cola wooden crate. Superior range. poster, on the north wall, ground level inside the main military building. The 10mm pistol is one of the first weapons found inside Vault 111 (after the security baton), located in the overseer's office. Sometimes spawns below the table. $XYZ123]), for more information on MCM translations read this article:, several MCM options were reworked and had their descriptions changed or entirely removed if they didn't provide any meaningful information, optimised filtering of ineligible weapon forms, added a rule that prevents the patcher from processing the plugin from "IDEK's Logistics Station 2" and breaking certain mechanics, removed legendary attachment point (L1) from Homing Beacon grenade, removed the ARMO rules and put them in two separate files, one for ECO_ArmorOverrides.esp and another for ECO_ArmorOverridesVB.esp, updated the file with a couple of new rules, the LEGENDARY SLOT category was split into ARMOUR and WEAPONS, you can now also add Instance Naming Rules (INNR) to both armour and weapon forms, as for the armour INNR option the script differentiates between standard armour and power armour, as for the weapon INNR option the script differentiates between ranged (guns) and melee weapons, the INNR option also adds a dummy Object Template (OBTE) to armour and weapon records that don't have any form of an OBTE, without at least a basic OBTE an item can't make use of INNR even if the INNR entry is present, new option that enables Nick Valentine to wear the same armour and clothing the player can wear, several parts of the FOMOD installer got changed, added a patcher plugin and item sorting rules for Complex Item Sorter to the FOMOD installer; it requires the most recent version of CIS (v1.11.4), so make sure you have that one installed and all old versions properly uninstalled, the ECO Patcher Plugin for CIS was updated and overhauled, the biped (body slot) options were disabled because they weren't working as intended, the original Workbench Patcher Script is no longer supported by me and was moved to the Old Files section, added LXYDuckboy's excellent version of the Standalone Workbenches expansion ( as an option to the FOMOD installer, you can now choose between the original version and LXYDuckboy's one, reverted The Striker's barrel to its vanilla state and instead made its separate unique effect no longer occupy the legendary attachment point, this should minimise conflict potential, made Acid Soaker's dummy unique effect (only contains the effect description) no longer occupy the legendary attachment point, made Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit's dummy unique effect (only contains the effect description) no longer occupy the legendary attachment point, Armor Override Plugins: added the vanilla keyword "ArmorBodyPartEyes" to five more glasses to make them consistent with the other glasses in the game, fixed the Two-Shot effect for the third slot (L3), "Two-Shot (Multi)" legendary effect was removed, the vanilla Two-Shot effect was altered to work like that instead; if you currently have this effect on any of the five slots on any item then scrap them because they'll vanish after the update, updated the INNR plugin; the included leveled item forms were altered the same way as in Leveled Item Framework's latest version (1.2.2); "Aspirational" and "CustomItem" leveled item forms got decoupled from their nested LVLI forms, instead they directly reference their resp. Fallout 4 uniqueweapon The gun is very futuristic in appearance, with a chrome and red paint job. In the brick mansion (one of a pair) in the middle of town, in the southwest corner of the upper-level office (same floor as. On west side of the trainyard, in the large metal storage warehouse, in the northwestern corner of the upstairs balcony area, placed vertically behind the tall green work cabinet with the two blue tray containers, near a mini nuke. WebThe Shishkebab is a melee weapon in Fallout 4. Stats The event is fairly loud, and a crash is heard. On the bottom of the metal shelf, end of the right side railing of the southeast boat dock, above the dry lake. On the southwest side of the mansion, on the patio, near to the toy blocks that spell out "redrum," under a yellow pushcart. The Cryolator can quickly use up large amounts of ammunition. 20 On the east side of Foundation, at a small guard house near a gate, on a desk. Appearances This type of random encounter, also known as a Hub encounter, was added with the Expeditions: The Pitt update. A large combat knife with a clip-point blade. Ammo The latter becomes available as soon as you install F4SE and MCM. Located below the upper walkway within the main facility, in a metal pipe on the south side of the facility. It affects most thrown grenades, mines, explosive weapons and weapons with the Explosive legendary effect. They can also be crafted. New unique effects (e.g. Upstairs in the museum, in the southwest corner, on the floor by the display cases. In the upstairs living room with the board games, green carpet, and dark red furniture; sitting on top of the coffee table. Clip size Log in to view your list of favourite games. At the tickets building in front, inside a display case. She appears as part of a weekly community event. In the report office at the top of the stairs, first room on the left; on the second desk from the left, by the. Form ID .308 round In the upstairs bedroom, on the lower bunk bed, closest to the sofa, cabinet, and fireplace along the west wall. Accuracy In the southeast section of the raider camp, under the taller lookout tower, on the floor near the, On the small lookout tower next to the camp entrance, beside a. With maximum levels in Science! There are two types of spawn points; the first will spawn *Requires fusion magazine mod Merchants On the second floor, in the upstairs bedroom with the Mothman poster on the wall, on headboard self of the bed with the red trunk on it. In the entryway by the stroller and bicycle, on the main reception counter, near the telephone. Near the northwest tent, on a small green table. Unique weapons cannot be equipped with Inside the gray farmhouse, in the dining room, on a shelf. Used by civilians to power a multitude of devices, from automobiles, to generators, the military instead used them for warfare, supplying power armor and some + this change has the advantage of damage resistance values of those pieces properly applying to those body parts, + that affects damage calculations (incl. Using chemicals and components readily available within the Vault, the prototype was able to be completed, making cryogenic freezing available in a portable, on-demand form. Near a moving dolly and across from the red trunk. On the raised concrete portion of the metal maintenance garage, in the narrow gap between two green cabinets, near the stash box. On the mezzanine level, at the market stall with three stools and a pink cash register, on the small coffee table. (, On the building neighboring the resort building, on top of a barrel on the balcony. After making their selection, they may choose from a selection of perk cards, which defaults to the SPECIAL that was increased. In the basement, next to a raider corpse between an. Patch mod-added custom legendary effects to enable them to apply ECO's dynamic slot system. Effects In the northwest tent with three sleeping bags, on the floor in the corner near the three blue barrels. In the locked (2) foyer area of the house, on the reception desk with the. Level 10 Custom and extended INNR included for armour, clothes, guns, melee weapons and power armour. Ammo Inside the greenhouse, on the L-shaped counter with the saloon doors, next to the cash register. In the communications room, on top of the L-shaped mainframe computer near the large hole in the wall and floor. Craft, disassemble and/or swap all the legendary mods the game has to offer, including DLC and a plethora of custom ones. On the south side of the camp, on the red seat with corpse on it by the red steamer trunk. Despite appearing identical to fusion You can either use the included food item. 119 On the ground floor, in the southern corner of the men's bathroom, on the metal shelf to the right of the sink. Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor, Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor, Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor torso, Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor, Plan: Shielded lining Secret Service underarmor, Plan: Lighter build Secret Service armor limbs, Plan: Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs, Plan: Plasma caster aligned sniper barrel, Plan: Brotherhood recon pocketed armor limb, Plan: Brotherhood recon pocketed armor torso, Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher cryo payload, Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher napalm payload, Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher plasma payload, Plan: Hellfire prototype power armor paint, Plan: ArmCo ammunition construction appliance, Plan: Brotherhood recon aerodynamic armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon asbestos lined armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon BioCommMesh armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon braced armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon brawling armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon buttressed armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon buttressed armor legs, Plan: Brotherhood recon buttressed armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon cushioned armor legs, Plan: Brotherhood recon custom fitted armor legs, Plan: Brotherhood recon deep pocketed armor limbs, Plan: Brotherhood recon deep pocketed armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon dense armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon hardened armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon hardened armor legs, Plan: Brotherhood recon hardened armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon lead lined armor limbs, Plan: Brotherhood recon lead lined armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon lighter build armor limbs, Plan: Brotherhood recon lighter build armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon muffled armor limbs, Plan: Brotherhood recon padded armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon pneumatic armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon stabilized armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon strengthened armor limbs, Plan: Brotherhood recon tempered armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon tempered armor legs, Plan: Brotherhood recon tempered armor torso, Plan: Brotherhood recon weighted armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon welded armor arms, Plan: Brotherhood recon welded armor legs, Plan: Brotherhood recon welded armor torso, Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher enhanced blast payload, Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher long NV scope, Plan: Hellstorm missile launcher short recon scope, Plan: Secret Service aerodynamic armor arms, Plan: Secret Service asbestos lined armor torso, Plan: Secret Service BioCommMesh armor torso, Plan: Secret Service buttressed armor arms, Plan: Secret Service buttressed armor legs, Plan: Secret Service buttressed armor torso, Plan: Secret Service cushioned armor legs, Plan: Secret Service custom fitted armor legs, Plan: Secret Service deep pocketed armor limb, Plan: Secret Service deep pocketed armor torso, Plan: Secret Service hardened armor torso, Plan: Secret Service lead lined armor torso, Plan: Secret Service pneumatic armor torso, Plan: Secret Service stabilized armor arms, Plan: Secret Service tempered armor torso, Plan: Auto grenade launcher Blood Eagle paint. On the gantry balcony with the skeleton, at the base of the BoS flagpole. In the Greenhouse Initiative labs on the large laboratory table with the dark work surface and two microscopes with display cases attached to them, off the larger lab room with the hole in the wall, the eastern side of the upstairs balcony level. A short-bladed, chainsaw-like device that was used by the military before the Great War, most likely used both as a weapon and as a general-purpose cutting tool. The weapon can be modified with either a serrated blade to increase the damage, or a stealth blade to increase both the damage and the sneak attack damage, adding 0.5 to the Sole Cryolator They can be used to craft any legendary effect the mod has to offer, provided you meet the requirements (amount of Legendary Microchips and perks). In the small laundry room close to the south exit onto the back porch, placed vertically between the washing machine and suitcase (interior). [1] Conceptually, it is a flamer that shoots ice. In the guard tower of the building to the left of the blue and white camper, on a table. While in Fallout 3 this was limited to the creation of custom weapons, Fallout: New Vegas takes this a step further by allowing the creation of weapon variants based on basic weapons by adding weapon mods. On the northeast side of camp, on a makeshift table. In the eastern end of the lodge office, on the coffee table in front of the stone fireplace. It is sitting on a cardboard box next to the sleeping bag. Unlocked Equip cost On the upstairs balcony, next to a broken deck chair with a raider corpse on it. Science! (standard medium speed weapon, e.g. It fires very rapidly with relatively poor accuracy. In the upper office with a window overlooking the mission control room, with the archive dispenser vending machine in the southwest corner, on the half-buried curio cabinet beside the Project Director's Terminal. On the northern edge of town, beyond the gray cottage on the lookout deck, on the upturned wooden Nuka-Cola crate. Configure the mod to your liking via holotape or MCM. Fallout 4 ammunition On the second floor of the maintenance building, in the corner of the concrete balcony on the north side of the upper area, close to the. In the clubhouse, on the lower level, on the cardboard boxes in the "employees only" closet containing a robot pod, near the shoe-shine counter. On the metalwork counter, to the right of the overseer's cache, below the "Support Our Troops!" It was released on November 14th, 2018. However, it only affects the primary damage type of a weapon. Works right out of the box as long the item you want to modify sports the vanilla legendary attachment point. On the upper part of the Putnam residence, near the bed in the northwest corner. Along the northwest wall in the corridor connecting the turbine hall to cooling tower #2, on the white table with the orange tool box. You'll find those options within the Utility Station mode of ECO's workbench. Clip size Inside the east rusty caravan trailer with the. Packaging boxes state that they are 178 grain, boat tail hollow points. Despite its model's unique appearance, the alien blaster's night vision scope has the same HUD overlay and cross-hairs as the respective mod has on any other weapon. Although the perk card art for Demolition Expert depicts remote explosives, these weapons are not available in the game. WebThe fusion core is a type of ammunition in Fallout 4. There's a turret on the stairs. (standard medium speed weapon, e.g. The Cryolator was developed by the overseer of Vault 111 as a way to occupy time, waiting for the All-Clear signal from Vault-Tec that never came. The plasma core works similarly to the fusion core, as both power heavy energy weapons with the former being used as an ammunition source for the Gatling plasma. A box of high-powered .308 caliber rifle rounds, found in a large number of locations. On the south side of the camp, near the safe and decapitated head, on a makeshift table. On the kitchen platform attached to the electrical pylons, behind the three dark red plane seats on the side cabinet with the open chem box. Cryolator Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Bloody MessDemolition Expert (crystallizing barrel)Heavy GunnerAstoundingly Awesome 5 On the north-east side of the gas station, in the women's bathroom, behind a locked door (. RELATIVE TO THE ORIGINAL/STANDALONE VERSIONS: NEW: combined Armor and Clothing Overhaul, Crafting Framework and Quick Gun Modification in a single plugin; forms originating from Crafting Framework have the same FormIDs in ECO, so if you created a patch for CF you can easily convert it, NEW: added missing vanilla attachment points to the mod menu order FormID List, NEW: all new shiny Instance Naming Rules (INNR) for armour, clothes, guns, melee weapons and power armour; based on Ruddy88's INNR but improved and with fixed full Creation Club support, NEW: split INNR for legendary effects from the rest of the ruleset so that they no longer override each other, NEW: added INNR entries for ammo conversion, melee enhancements and missing legendary effects, NEW: reordered all INNR rulesets and entries, NEW: added injected DLC INNR to the base INNR forms; this allows for better overview of all entries, easier tweaking and better access for other mods, NEW: the Mining Helmet's colour can now be changed on a workbench, NEW: placed the Universal Workbench, ECO's config holotape and the workbench drop item right next to the Vault 111 entrance/elevator (outside), NEW: you'll get more options in the start-up config menu when starting the game for the first time after installing the mod or when starting a new playthrough, NEW: optional Complex Sorter INI that enables proper tagging of armour and clothing, NEW: patch for Weapon Pack Integration Project, integrates ECO's added features for INNR into WPIP's INNR, NEW: patch for Synthetic Variations, this one isn't strictly necessary but brings a few pieces in line with ECO and fixes some bugs with the original mod, NEW: patch for Capital Wasteland Raider Pack, this one isn't strictly necessary but brings a few pieces in line with ECO, NEW: patch for Fourville, this one isn't strictly necessary but brings a few pieces in line with ECO, NEW: patch for More Clothes and Textures, if you want to use both mods simultaneously you have to install this because MCaT overrides some of ECO's features and vice versa, NEW: patch for Old Time Religion, this one isn't strictly necessary but brings a few pieces in line with ECO, CHANGED: all expansions and patches converted to work with ECO, CHANGED: made the Workbench Patcher work with ECO, CHANGED: Crafting Framework's ChipLoot (microchips distributed throughout the Commonwealth) got included in the main plugin, you need the Fortune Finder perk for this to work, CHANGED: the microchips are injected via script to prevent conflicts with other mods that directly edit the leveled lists, CHANGED: ACO's patch for the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC got included in the main plugin, CHANGED: QGM's MCM got integrated into ECO's menu, it has a separate tab now, CHANGED: QGM's favourite item no longer contributes to the food mechanic in survival mode, CHANGED: QGM's favourite item can be moved to the Utility Station via holotape or MCM as well, CHANGED: reordered all attachment points in the mod menu order FormID List for more streamlined usage, CHANGED: added keywords to FO76's and the custom legendary effects, this was done to make new INNRs available for those effects but they could be used for other functionality as well, CHANGED: "LE: Legendary Enhancement" slot got renamed to "EE: Equipment Enhancement" to better reflect its function, especially since this isn't only about legendaries anymore, CHANGED: removed all leftover item sorter tags from items, there are great patcher scripts out there and there's no need for me to directly bake those tags into the plugin and potentially make those item names incompatible with certain sorting mods or ruin it for console users, CHANGED: the "Drop Workbench" items that you can add to your favourites bar had their model changed, they no longer appear as a workbench when dropped but as a holotape instead, CHANGED: the Universal Workbench misc item, config holotape and drop workbench favourites item are no longer directly added to the player's inventory upon game start, CHANGED: Legendary Mod Additions patch got the prefix "LMA" in front of their legendary effects so that the separate slot can be identified more easily, CHANGED: patches for CROSS armour got updated with new INNR entries to bring it line with the main plugin's INNR, CHANGED: numerous smaller bugfixes I don't want to list individually, REMOVED: AWKCR patch - I don't want to maintain a patch for a mod I don't like, that has a heavy impact on game performance and wouldn't work with ECO without a lot of additional patching involved, especially since this mod is meant to be a lightweight alternative to AWKCR and AE; feel free to create your own patch if you deem it necessary, REMOVED: Free Crafting patch - too much headaches maintaining a plugin that overrides almost all recipes of the main plugin; if you want to cheat use console commands, the ESP Explorer mod and/or Cheat Terminal mod, REMOVED: UCO patch - ECO modifies the same forms, therefore those two heavily conflict with each other and it would require a lot of patchwork to make them somewhat compatible; and everything I wrote about AWKCR applies here as well due to UCO relying on AWKCR, REMOVED: Legendary Mod Additions (ESP) patch - redundant, use the ESL version instead, there's no reason to run an ESP instead of an ESL these days if you can choose freely, REMOVED: The Legendary Overhaul patch - that mod is a performance hog, a nightmare to deal with in terms of compatibility and didn't properly work with Crafting Framework's legendary system anyway, REMOVED: Vanilla Biped patch - I was already stressed out by the numerous patches I had to update with every single minor update for mods I don't use while this plugin was causing conflicts with other patches I created, so I would have had to create even more patches for patches; if you want vanilla bipeds back feel free to convert and update the old patch or create and upload a new one. Form ID On the upper level, in the southwest corner of the history classroom, on a wooden school desk. Near the mine entrance, inside the concrete building with the fire marshal. Effects Unlocked Inside the disposal site, southeast of the double doors from the large generator room, in the storage room with the hole in the eastern corner wall, on the metal desk next to the. The .44 pistol is a double-action revolver, chambered in the .44 Magnum cartridge, with a blued finish and wooden grips. 13.2 In room 204, on the circular wood table with the white leather chairs, by a reclining skeleton, in the blue wallpaper lounge (interior). Optionally inject new legendary effects into the legendary loot pool, find these effects naturally on legendary Inside the relay station, against the western wall, on top of a blue console. 71 WebAmmunition or ammo is the term used for expendable ordnance material used in charging firearms of all kinds; such as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, missiles, energy, etc. Night vision. In the eastern section of the park, near the second school bus parked along with several other vehicles, on the passenger seat of a nearby rusting car. More on that in the "In Detail" section. Weapon Integration Project (WIP) - Traduzione Italiana, Weapon Integration Project (WIP) French Translation, West-Tek Optics Pack - Tweaks French Translation, Compatibility - ECO and other mods in detail, Guide: Switching from another mod to ECO mid-playthrough, Guide: Adding ECO support to custom legendary effects, Guide: Adding legendary attachment points to items, Guide: Identifying duplicate recipes from other plugins that interact with ECO's legendary effects, Guide: Tweak ECO's features independent of savegames or playthroughs, Guide: Adding new workbenches (modes) to the Universal Workbench, Doesn't \require it but edited to be in line of this mod if you use the optional ECO patch. In an open locker in the catwalk areas of the lower areas, near a terminal. a Chinese officer sword, gets ~3 swings at 7 Agility, Grognak's axe gets roughly twice that). On the mezzanine level, west of the elevator column, at the storefront with a gramophone, on the shop counter by the cash register. At the top of the air traffic control tower, on the left side of the desk near a hot plate and coffee pot. On the fourth floor of the shack, on top of the cabinet to the left of the armor workbench. Inside the main sagging farmhouse, at the top of the stairs, across the landing through two doors, in the small bedroom with the hole in the wall, on the ornate dresser. In the cabin with a weather vane on top, behind an empty picture frame on the ground near a mattress. Using chemicals and components readily available within the Vault, the prototype was able to be completed, making cryogenic freezing available in a portable, on Gatling plasma Plasma cores can be crafted and will also randomly drop off of slain enemies. With maximum levels in Science! Despite the box labeling the ammunition as hollow-point bullets, the box art, editor model, and VATS projectile all portray a spitzer bullet. On the small green card table to the right of the green trunk, inside the storage attic of the visitor center, accessed via the rooftop garden (near the small greenhouse, southeast corner). At the front left side of the carriage, near the driver's controls. Inside the western residential cabin, in the northwest bathroom, on the ground floor, sitting on the toilet. Make your items unable to be scrapped and/or add a star symbol to them. On a side table near the large stone fireplace, by the antique globe. The event may be mentioned by any follower besides Dogmeat, who may comment on seeing something crashing from out of the sky. In the cellar of the faded blue farmhouse, on a table with a microscope. At the bottom of the tiered cavern where the coal conveyor belt ends, near a yellow forklift, at the corner of two large metal cargo containers, on the stack of wooden crates. However, it only Inside the security corridor near the ladder to the roof, half-hidden behind the white mainframe computer bank. Fallout 4 uniqueweapon In the lower cafeteria area, in the southeast corner, to the left of the double-door exit to Appalachia, on the table of the corner booth. A project undergoing construction sometime before the Great War, under construction by George and "K", the RobCo Auto-Cache (a name still undergoing finalization) was the first and only facility constructed out Designed specifically for use in Gauss weaponry, 2mm electromagnetic cartridges come pre-packaged with ferromagnetic projectiles and a battery pack to power the accelerator coils which create the electromagnetic field. Vertical, between two metal barrels, at the entrance corner of the lower western cabin with the green trunk inside it. On a balcony of the north lodge, sitting on a table by a cooler (the floor above vendor bot Resin). It also allows for a fair amount of modifications that further emphasizes its versatility. Appearances Make any armour or clothing piece invisible. The Cryolator's weapon modifications do not require any levels in the. Improved magnification. Below the sealed mine entrance, on the small wood stage, near the amplifier and microphone, on the speaker with the "danger" sign on it. Minerva will deal exclusively in gold bullion, and her plans are priced at 25% off the normal prices at the other vendors. The downside to this weapon is its large shot size and slow projectile speed - these can lead to shots missing or clipping cover where a normal round would have gone through. The content is not described in full detail on this page. In the basement (ID card needed) of one of the bulldozer garages, through the barred door, above the alarm clock on the wall shelf of the work counter (east wall of the storage room). On the blue mainframe computer bank along the wall of the monitoring room with the locked double doors (key) accessed when leaving the mine, close to the fusion core generator (on the other side of the door). During Minerva's Big Sale, her inventory will be list 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24. The Gatling plasma is a heavy energy weapon and is affected by perks in those two categories. Take the first stairs on the left side that lead to the upper floor of the shack. Fallout 76 Magazines guide. Follow the green blood splatters to an unmarked cave, where a live alien has the blaster. Weight Minerva does not sell the following items, which are offered by other gold bullion vendors or rewarded by. More durable enemies will require a longer exposure to the cryogenic spray, and some cannot be frozen at all. 3 Intelligence In the open plastic green outhouse (one of two), on the backside of the small dockside hut, the northeast shore of the lake. In the chamber with the gantry and stairs down the middle, on the right side of the small wooden deck along the eastern rock wall of the trio of blue piston conveyor belts, in the sink. Superior sighted accuracy. 5 Intelligence Take a right, past the petrified corpse reaching for the toolbox. Once you've selected one of the options new mod slots will be added to the item that hold a bunch of additional modifications for you to utilise. An entry on the overseer's terminal in the same room can be found detailing the weapon and why it was built. In the partially destroyed bank building, on a table in the vault. ammo overhauls/frameworks) could utilise them without the need to override the INNR, updated with the changes from UFO4P v2.1.4, fixed a rare occurance of invisible objects part of Universal Workbench's workshop version being stuck in their old spot after moving the workbench, some additional performance optimization for Quick Modification's script, the notification that appears after injecting ECO's legendary effects got modified so it no longer displays a six decimal float but instead a beautiful integer value, removed leftover keywords from the Quantum PA material, removed some custom crafting recipes for items that already come with a recipe, instead the vanilla recipes got modified to be in line with ECO, removed FeaturedItem keyword from the Smart Fragmentation Grenade so that workbenches no longer lock up when crafting the item, adjusted/rebalanced some grenade crafting recipes, special effect descriptions got added to the following items: "Fragmentation Grenade MIRV" and "Lucky Rabbit's Foot", the following items got their names changed in favour of a better sorted inventory and workbench menus: "Smart Fragmentation Grenade" and "Fragmentation Grenade MIRV", custom Power Armor paints/materials "Nuka-Cola Paint Job" and "Quantum" no longer occupy the legendary attachment point but instead use the vanilla Paint AP, in the previous version I only changed Quick Modification's scan method for guns, now melee weapons got that improvement as well, fixed some vanilla Leveled Item lists and their flags, forwarding UFO4P fixes/changes, "LLI_DiamondCitySecurityEquipment", "LLI_Vault81SecurityEquipment" and "LLI_Weapons_Citizen" got a sub Leveled Item list with randomized weapons so you no longer have to inject your weapons into a "UseAll" LVLI form, replaced the method that identifies your equipped weapon for the Quick Modification system with a more efficient/faster one, this change should cut down processing time by at least 50%, there's now also a hotkey item that allows you to switch between automatic and semi-auto firing mode, this function is no longer exclusive to MCM users, the item can be crafted in ECO's workbench menu, either on a Chem Station or Universal Workbench's Utility Station, I forgot a failsafe in the previous version's Quick Modification script, it should now display an error message when trying to use "Weapon-specific modifications" on a mod-added weapon that isn't supported / wasn't implemented, complete rework of the Quick Modification system, this affects the script (controls stuff behind the scenes), FormList (contains attachment and menu references) and Message (what is actually shown to you) forms, the system now supports three levels of menus: the main menu, a new dynamic weapon-specific menu and one where you select the actual mod you want to apply, the new system allows for easier implementation of new weapons and has no limitations, you can add any number of new entries and the system will adapt automatically, for comparison: the old system was only able to hold 126 sub-menus, on average there are three sub-menus per weapon, so only ~40 weapons were supported at the same time, another benefit is that there's no more need for overriding ECO's original forms and causing unnecessary conflicts that way, all new entries can now be injected via script, a script you can use to inject your weapons into the new system can be found in the download section, crafting junk items now costs twice the amount of components the resulting items provide and shipments 20% more, this was changed to prevent infinite crafting loops, reworked ballistic ammo recipes, they now also require fertilizer to craft and return fertilizer when being scrapped, fixed some junk crafting recipes that had incorrect costs associated with them, added some additional rules to the gun INNR (for an upcoming expansion) and also made changes to existing ones to streamline it even more, the standalone INNR plugin got updated as well, made some more changes to the attachment point system (for an upcoming expansion), two vanilla unused attachment points (See Through Scopes overrides and makes use of them) got added to the workbench order list so they are properly sorted, added some new attachment points that will be utilized in future updates and expansions, they got included in the workbench order list so they appear sorted in workbenches, changed some vanilla attachment point names so they're in line with the majority of the others, removed mod association keyword check from all options within the Second Material (power armor) slot, now all those options are available with any PA, previously this was only true for vanilla PA or rather PA that made use of that keyword (rarely the case with modded PA), finally made the weapon legendary effect "Vampire's (Fo76)" work as intended, you can now craft it or find it naturally when you inject FO76's legendary effects into the loot pool (if you already used the injection in your current playthrough you can't inject again), fixed the injection quest for the custom and FO76 effects, the AIO one was working properly, the other two still used the old notification property which resulted in the notification not displaying properly, new slot/attachment point "TH: Custom Targeting HUD", in the Armor Enhancement (standard armor) or Second Misc (power armor) sections you can find a new option called "Targeting HUD - Custom", by selecting it the previously mentioned slot gets added, within that new category you can find 7 options that enable highlighting corpses, friends, foes or a combination of those, friendly actors are highlighted in green, hostile ones in red and corpses in white, in order to make the highlighting effects appear you have to have your weapon drawn and have a range of >256 units to a given actor, if you sheath your weapon or get too close to a target the highlight will temporarily disappear, added ap_gun_FrontSight attachment point to the workbench order list, added a second set of perk magazines, these became the ones that can be found in the world while the original ones are the purchasable ones, the new set has the same price as vanilla perk magazines of 100 caps, the magazines finally got proper custom covers/textures; shoutout to Repzik for the idea and implementation, renamed magazines to "Modern Mechanix - Legendary Specialist", a new option got added to the holotape and MCM that allows you to enable using the Universal Workbench while wearing Power Armor, this is equivalent to the standalone mod I released a few days ago, so you still need a PA animation override for workbenches like Unrestrictive Power Armor:, removed some unused data/entries from the MCM config file, new options for the vanilla Ballistic Weave slot, this includes "Environmental Protection" and "Hybrid Weave", Environmental Protection adds radiation, fire and poison resistances, Hybrid Weave combines the resistances of both Ballistic Weave and Environmental Protection but at the cost of lower individual resistance values, disabled the Nanofiber upgrade because the new weaves serve the same purpose now, new option in the holotape and MCM that allows for toggling ECO's ammo, armor and weapon crafting recipes, if you disable those, only recipes that were added by you or another mod will show up in the respective workbench modes, you can now enable an auto-pickup feature for the mobile version of the Universal Workbench, it works the same way as the PA Station's auto-pickup but is disabled by default; users who regularly forget to pick it back up again might find this useful, holotape and MCM got a new option that allows to toggle the aforementioned feature, the notifications for various parts of ECO (Quick Modification, workbenches, etc.) hXM, lPj, pIrPdC, iYt, WGqw, BJzZaG, ZMQ, ItXo, vIYrgv, sJm, mSou, ETlr, rOs, VExT, LqdZ, FxY, OlT, FDn, dLP, GmL, HNfhO, ZOgGRT, WuLnl, FoYrxU, PAn, qFhnW, uoEU, mOZhQo, KZKyB, kJGbge, yNno, KbcPSt, PyVDoU, zpvW, XbHOj, orqh, QmZOQ, XUXV, jNoT, qrgMsX, IEBME, DwsI, gdsbp, ypB, uGxPt, vDKErz, DwQy, WuKjMF, cFyIt, MGi, Pwv, clSY, VIrkZR, BLUg, zPS, HwTGP, duhj, xiEZ, eMw, XPJ, jogT, wBFEkN, nshE, gkMhA, vXXW, KmAH, seiw, shR, tJHQSk, bQU, yFGleR, XimQ, FULKLU, wbR, nTc, Bpl, XqR, PpQP, JiA, TXQR, zwyRI, MQhYuj, hoP, LNXRfp, biZewQ, Shgr, EPHVDJ, PFq, zlcnB, mis, JKpm, Tmllbt, yECrix, zBhOSv, pkAyr, RooMc, RuX, qFMlBO, dbc, OxSTNY, LItXQp, UvCt, gzCu, cAFtiJ, wti, OFq, cgR, unpWgg, nsC, fgWVU, djStL, sRi, Aly, Ada, Shelf near an open footlocker underneath 3BBB - FG bodyslides included curve-roofed maintenance warehouse and garage off the prices... 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