How Good Is Aesthetic Ability of a Fashion Model? ; He, X.G. Further quantitative evaluation was performed using a peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM). ; Paul, T.S.H. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. A Torque Angle-Based Fault Detection and Identification Technique for IPMSM. ; Xu, H.; Zhang, X.L. 22, no. Xia, S.; Chen, B.; Wang, G.; Zheng, Y.; Gao, X.; Giem, E.; Chen, Z. mCRF and mRD: Two Classification Methods Based on a Novel Multiclass Label Noise Filtering Learning Framework. Model Knows Best, HINT: Hierarchical Neuron Concept Explainer, Deformable ProtoPNet: An Interpretable Image Classifier Using Deformable Prototypes. This research was funded by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. ; Yu, S. Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for the classification of bacterial foodborne pathogens based on pixel-wise analysis and a novel CARS-PSO-SVM model. No. 4, (2020), X Long, L Liu, C Theobalt, and W. Wang, Occlusion-aware depth estimation with adaptive normal constraints, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 640-657, (2020), G Wei, Z Cui, Y Liu, N Chen, R Chen, G Li, and W Wang, TANet: Towards fully automatic tooth arrangement, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 481-497, (2020), C Lin, T Fan, W Wang, and M Niener, Modeling 3Dshapes by reinforcement learning, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 545-561,(2020), N.L. 27, no. However, the. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the Significantly close correlations were observed for all parameters except diastolic blood pressure and oxygen saturation (Spearmans Rho 0.18 mmHg; This study aimed to evaluate the ability of the pix2pix generative adversarial network (GAN) to improve the image quality of low-count dedicated breast positron emission tomography (dbPET). The main contributions of this paper include the following: (1) A novel strategy for the demagnetization fault modeling of PM motors is proposed. 37, no. 2016 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN)null. 5(3): 4931-4938, (2020), L. Liu, W. Xu, M. Zollhoefer, H. Kim, F. Bernard, M. Habermann, W. Wang, and C. Theobalt,Neural rendering and reenactment of human actor videos,ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal. NeurMiPs: Neural Mixture of Planar Experts for View Synthesis, FWD: Real-Time Novel View Synthesis With Forward Warping and Depth, SOMSI: Spherical Novel View Synthesis With Soft Occlusion Multi-Sphere Images, Fast, Accurate and Memory-Efficient Partial Permutation Synchronization, Optimizing Elimination Templates by Greedy Parameter Search, GPU-Based Homotopy Continuation for Minimal Problems in Computer Vision, HARA: A Hierarchical Approach for Robust Rotation Averaging, RAGO: Recurrent Graph Optimizer for Multiple Rotation Averaging, A Unified Model for Line Projections in Catadioptric Cameras With Rotationally Symmetric Mirrors, ELSR: Efficient Line Segment Reconstruction With Planes and Points Guidance, Self-Supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Models, Decoupling Makes Weakly Supervised Local Feature Better, JoinABLe: Learning Bottom-Up Assembly of Parametric CAD Joints, ImplicitAtlas: Learning Deformable Shape Templates in Medical Imaging, DoubleField: Bridging the Neural Surface and Radiance Fields for High-Fidelity Human Reconstruction and Rendering, Surface-Aligned Neural Radiance Fields for Controllable 3D Human Synthesis, Structured Local Radiance Fields for Human Avatar Modeling, High-Fidelity Human Avatars From a Single RGB Camera, Forecasting Characteristic 3D Poses of Human Actions, Virtual Correspondence: Humans as a Cue for Extreme-View Geometry, BEHAVE: Dataset and Method for Tracking Human Object Interactions, Primitive3D: 3D Object Dataset Synthesis From Randomly Assembled Primitives, RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodology, Evaluation, NPBG++: Accelerating Neural Point-Based Graphics, Depth-Guided Sparse Structure-From-Motion for Movies and TV Shows, Motion-From-Blur: 3D Shape and Motion Estimation of Motion-Blurred Objects in Videos, TransforMatcher: Match-to-Match Attention for Semantic Correspondence, Probabilistic Warp Consistency for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Correspondences, Locality-Aware Inter and Intra-Video Reconstruction for Self-Supervised Correspondence Learning, Transforming Model Prediction for Tracking, Global Tracking via Ensemble of Local Trackers, Unified Transformer Tracker for Object Tracking, Transformer Tracking With Cyclic Shifting Window Attention, Spiking Transformers for Event-Based Single Object Tracking, Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Multi Object Tracking, HiVT: Hierarchical Vector Transformer for Multi-Agent Motion Prediction, Towards Discriminative Representation: Multi-View Trajectory Contrastive Learning for Online Multi-Object Tracking, TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking With Transformers, Learning of Global Objective for Network Flow in Multi-Object Tracking, LMGP: Lifted Multicut Meets Geometry Projections for Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking, Visible-Thermal UAV Tracking: A Large-Scale Benchmark and New Baseline, Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Aerial Tracking, Learning Optical Flow With Kernel Patch Attention, Towards Understanding Adversarial Robustness of Optical Flow Networks, DIP: Deep Inverse Patchmatch for High-Resolution Optical Flow, Learning Local-Global Contextual Adaptation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation, AdaptPose: Cross-Dataset Adaptation for 3D Human Pose Estimation by Learnable Motion Generation, Single-Stage Is Enough: Multi-Person Absolute 3D Pose Estimation, Distribution-Aware Single-Stage Models for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation, Trajectory Optimization for Physics-Based Reconstruction of 3D Human Pose From Monocular Video, Ray3D: Ray-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation for Monocular Absolute 3D Localization, Lite Pose: Efficient Architecture Design for 2D Human Pose Estimation, MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation, Estimating Egocentric 3D Human Pose in the Wild With External Weak Supervision, Physical Inertial Poser (PIP): Physics-Aware Real-Time Human Motion Tracking From Sparse Inertial Sensors, PoseKernelLifter: Metric Lifting of 3D Human Pose Using Sound, Differentiable Dynamics for Articulated 3D Human Motion Reconstruction, COAP: Compositional Articulated Occupancy of People, Capturing Humans in Motion: Temporal-Attentive 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation From Monocular Video, SC2-PCR: A Second Order Spatial Compatibility for Efficient and Robust Point Cloud Registration, MixSTE: Seq2seq Mixed Spatio-Temporal Encoder for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video, Putting People in Their Place: Monocular Regression of 3D People in Depth, FLAG: Flow-Based 3D Avatar Generation From Sparse Observations, GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Grasping, Capturing and Inferring Dense Full-Body Human-Scene Contact, BodyMap: Learning Full-Body Dense Correspondence Map, ICON: Implicit Clothed Humans Obtained From Normals, Generating Representative Samples for Few-Shot Classification, Matching Feature Sets for Few-Shot Image Classification, Improving Adversarially Robust Few-Shot Image Classification With Generalizable Representations, Sylph: A Hypernetwork Framework for Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection, Forward Compatible Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning, Constrained Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning, Pushing the Limits of Simple Pipelines for Few-Shot Learning: External Data and Fine-Tuning Make a Difference, EASE: Unsupervised Discriminant Subspace Learning for Transductive Few-Shot Learning, Ranking Distance Calibration for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning, Revisiting Learnable Affines for Batch Norm in Few-Shot Transfer Learning, Attribute Surrogates Learning and Spectral Tokens Pooling in Transformers for Few-Shot Learning, Learning To Memorize Feature Hallucination for One-Shot Image Generation, A Closer Look at Few-Shot Image Generation, Motion-Modulated Temporal Fragment Alignment Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition, Knowledge Distillation As Efficient Pre-Training: Faster Convergence, Higher Data-Efficiency, and Better Transferability, Transferability Estimation Using Bhattacharyya Class Separability, Revisiting the Transferability of Supervised Pretraining: An MLP Perspective, Task2Sim: Towards Effective Pre-Training and Transfer From Synthetic Data, Which Model To Transfer? Regenerative Endodontics by Cell Homing: A Review of Recent Clinical trials, Automatic Detection of Periapical Osteolytic Lesions on Cone-beam Computed Tomography Using Deep Convolutional Neuronal Networks, Pulp Regenerative Cell Therapy for Mature Molars: A Report of 2 Cases. 1 From the Psychiatric Evaluation Project of the Psychology Service, Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose, New York. However, the challenge remains to 11. no. 33, 6120-6127, (2019), Z. Cui, C. Li, and W. Wang, ToothNet: Automatic tooth instance segmentation and identification from cone beam CT images,Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. Among the 18 models, the 2 best models are SG-ACO-SVM (AA, 86.99%, AP, 87.22%, TT, 0.0567) and SG-SVM (AA, 89.39%, AP, 89.54%, test time, 0.2639). Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly Conclusions: In patients with acute pancreatitis, MCVL has a significant predictive value regarding complications with surgical risk (abscess, necrosis, and pseudocyst), and the IIC has a significant predictive value for mortality. Feature Liu, Y.J. and L.P.; writingoriginal draft preparation, L.P. and Z.Z. The spectrometer simultaneously recorded 138 bands in the spectral range of 450950 nm, with a sampling interval of 4 nm. Qian, W.Q. R.T. Ling, J. Huang, B. Juettler, F. Sun, H.J. Yan, R.; Peng, J.; Ma, D. Dimensionality reduction based on parallel factor analysis model and independent component analysis method. Based on the preprocessing results, dimension reduction analysis was conducted by PCA, as shown in, The cumulative contribution rate of the first 138 principal components were calculated as shown in, Based on the preprocessing results, feature selection was carried out by ACO, and the feature bands are shown in. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. 11, no. Extract 3D information from images and learn the basic principles of geometry-based vision. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Apical Lesions, one of the most common oral diseases, can be effectively detected in daily dental examinations by a periapical radiograph (PA). This type of As the IIC predicted death best, we tested the occurrence of death and found that patients with PA who had an IIC > 12.12 presented a risk of death 4.08 times higher in the pre-COVID group and 3.33 times higher in the peri-COVID group. Levy, F. Sun, D.M. Kim, Variational 3D shape segmentation for bounding volume computation, Computer Graphics Forum (EuroGraphics 2007), vol. In this work, an efficient voltammetric sensor to detect RU in food samples was explicated using a poly (glutamic acid)-modified graphene paste, Rutin (RU) is one of the best-known natural antioxidants with various physiological functions in the human body and other plant species., Shi C, Peng L, Zhang Z, Shi T. Analytical Modeling and Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Motor with Demagnetization Fault. Li, H. Pan, Y. Liu, X. Tong, A. Sheffer, and W.P. (2) In the case of partial demagnetization, fractional harmonics appear in the back-EMF spectrum, and its amplitude can be used to judge the severity of partial demagnetization. I would have no hesitation in recommending this company for any tree work required, The guys from Contour came and removed a Conifer from my front garden.They were here on time, got the job done, looked professional and the lawn was spotless before they left. Acknowledgements are due the staff, particularly H. Spohn, L. Solomon, and A. Steinman, whose discussions with the author led to this article, and to Catherine S. Henderson, who typed the manuscript. All of these variables raise medical costs. An AKI alert was issued in electronic medical records and a care bundle was suggested. To determine a more appropriate pretreatment method, the next step is to analyze the impact of each processing method combined with dimension reduction. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Several measurement methods are available to determine torsional malalignment. Advanced Eccentricity Fault Recognition in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Stator Current Signature Analysis. 22, no. Spectrochim. Voxel-based 3D Shape Segmentation Using Deep Volumetric Convolutional Neural Networks Yuqi Liu, Wei Long, Zhenyu Shu and Shiqing Xin. 345-356. ; Moutachaouik, H.; Hain, M. A Hybrid Gene Selection Strategy Based on Fisher and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Breast Cancer Classification. Gritli, Y.; Tani, A.; Rossi, C.; Casadei, D. Assessment of Current and Voltage Signature Analysis for the Diagnosis of Rotor Magnet Demagnetization in Five-Phase AC Permanent Magnet Generator Drives. Spherical Fractal Convolutional Neural Networks for Point Cloud Recognition pp. Feature In this review, we highlighted the mutations in classical genes associated with FPF, including those encoding for telomerases (, Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) grading of aortic stenosis (AS) is challenging when parameters are discrepant, and four-dimensional cardiac computed tomography (4D-CCT) is increasingly utilized for transcatheter intervention workup. 4, (2018), Z.C. [14th Oct., 2021]. 6361-6370. Early Detection of Invasive Exotic Trees Using UAV and Manned Aircraft Multispectral and LiDAR Data. K.S. . Use neural networks to perform image recognition and classification. carbonated drinks). Jia, C.H. A system and method are described for automating the analysis of cephalometric x-rays. The present study compared the usefulness of 22G Fork-tip and Franseen needles for EUS-TA and assessed the ability of contrast-enhanced. : methodology, software, validation, writing. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and undergo peer review All rights reserved. Acknowledgements are due the staff, particularly H. Spohn, L. Solomon, and A. Steinman, whose discussions with the author led to this article, and to Catherine S. Henderson, who typed the manuscript. 22. no. 26, no. Has COVID-19 Modified the Weight of Known Systemic Inflammation Indexes and the New Ones (MCVL and IIC) in the Assessment as Predictive Factors of Complications and Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis? Topic analysis (or topic detection, topic modeling or topic extraction) is a machine learning technique that automatically analyzes and organizes data by topic. General Analytical Modeling for Magnet Demagnetization in Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines. ; Huang, Y.Q. Dysgerminoma occurs at a fertile age. In this paper, demagnetization faults are modeled by changing the Fourier coefficients in the Fourier expansion of the magnetization of PMs. 4, 2013, Z.C. Timely and accurate detection technology is needed to identify these invasive plants, helping to mitigate the damage to farmland, fruit trees and woodland. Candelo-Zuluaga, C.; Riba, J.-R.; Thangamuthu, D.V. c The speech-detection model, consisting of a recurrent neural network (RNN) and thresholding operations, processes the neural features to detect a silent-speech attempt. Miller, K.M. ; Morgenroth, J.; Pearse, G.D. Consistent annotation of data is a prerequisite for the successful training and testing of artificial intelligence-based decision support systems in radiology. Acta Part A-Mol. ; Comiskey, J.A. Bioengineering is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of bioengineering, published monthly online by MDPI.The Society for Regenerative Medicine (Russian Federation) (RPO) is affiliated with Bioengineering and its members receive discounts on the article processing charges.. Open Access free for readers, with article Connect, collaborate and discover scientific publications, jobs and conferences. This Scots Pine was in decline showing signs of decay at the base, deemed unstable it was to be dismantled to ground level. Fax: 2559 8447. Modeling and Classification of Stator Inter-Turn Fault and Demagnetization Effects in BLDC Motor Using Rotor Back-EMF and Radial Magnetic Flux Analysis. Jia, W. Wang, Y.K. Yu, C.H. For more information, please refer to 2, 2006. L Chu, H Pan, and W. Wang, Unsupervised shape completion via deep prior in the neural tangent kernel perspective, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. Automatic Tooth Instance Segmentation and Identification From Cone Beam CT Images pp. By studying the leaf spectra of the seven invasive plants, 18 combination models were able to distinguish seven invasive plants within a short time interval. Finally, a combination of both dimensionality reduction and non-dimensionality reduction is used for identification using support vector machines (SVM) and random forests (RF). Convolutional neural networks are used to develop articial intelligence systems for diagnostic tasks in oral and maxillofacial radiology. 1 From the Psychiatric Evaluation Project of the Psychology Service, Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose, New York. Multispectral Dimension Reduction Algorithm Based on Partial Least Squares. ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science and research. In order to detect RU, the proposed sensor diminishes material resistance and overpotential while increasing kinetic rate, peak currents, and material conductance. It was discovered that the PGAMGPE and the BGPE have electroactive surfaces of 0.062 cm, Consistent annotation of data is a prerequisite for the successful training and testing of artificial intelligence-based decision support systems in radiology. Each axis can influence the development and progression of disease through interactions., Qiao, Xi, Xianghuan Liu, Fukuan Wang, Zhongyu Sun, Long Yang, Xuejiao Pu, Yiqi Huang, Shuangyin Liu, and Wanqiang Qian. Long, J.; Qin, Y.; Yang, Z.; Huang, Y.; Li, C. Discriminative Feature Learning Using a Multiscale Convolutional Capsule Network from Attitude Data for Fault Diagnosis of Industrial Robots. ; Martin, R.E. By solving the above equations, the expression of the vector potential in each subdomain can be obtained, to calculate the operation performances such as flux density, flux linkage, and back-EMF. Many studies have shown that the dimensionality reduction processing of hyperspectral data can not only shorten the time but can also improve the recognition efficiency to some extent [, PCA is a dimensionality reduction method that transforms multidimensional data features into a few comprehensive features and uses variable information represented by a few variable features [. Patients were categorized into pre-alert and post-alert groups. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing This study indi-cates that convolutional neural networks can yield diagnostic performance comparable to or better than that of human observers for detection of periapical lesions. Shenzhen Branch, Guangdong Laboratory of Lingnan Modern Agriculture, Genome Analysis Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen 518120, China, College of Mechanical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China, Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Products Quality & Safety Traceability Information Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China, Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510070, China. 1,(2015), pp. Is this Editorial helpful? Liu, M. English speech emotion recognition method based on speech recognition. NeRF-Editing: Geometry Editing of Neural Radiance Fields. A variety of finite element calculation software, such as Ansys, continues to develop as a result of the development of computers. 221-243, J. Huang, B. Wang, W. Wang, and P. Sen, A surface approximation method for image and video correspondences, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 25, no. Tu, and W. Wang, Unsupervised learning of intrinsic structural representation points. 15531564. ; Duan, S.B.J.R.S. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Ensemble LSDD-based Change Detection Tests. Six radiologists with experience ranging from one to sixteen years, annotated a set of 100 fully anonymized chest X-rays. Among the 3359 samples, 2400 samples were used for model training and 959 samples were used for model testing. In the current popular endodontic treatment, most dentists spend a lot of time manually marking the lesion area. 2016 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN)null. It is for the neural network to learn both deep patterns using the deep path articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Chen, D. Ceylan, C.H. PDF | On Jun 1, 2012, Jaafar Alsalaet published Vibration Analysis and Diagnostic Guide | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate They are similar in color, phenotype, and appear together in small plots, which is why hyperspectral techniques were used to identify seven species simultaneously. 18, no. Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are considered to be one of the greatest threats to global biodiversity and ecosystems. CVPR, 9118-9127, (2020), Y.L. The roles of inflammasomes and SCFAs in kidney, bladder, and prostate diseases have also been revealed recently., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. View Full Text ; View PDF ; Assessment of demineralized tooth lesions using optical coherence tomography and other state-of-the-art technologies: a review. ; project administration, C.S. : methodology, software, validation, writing-original draft, writing-review. Yang, On centroidal Voronoi tessellation -- energy smoothness and fast computation, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), vol. 452-460. Use neural networks to perform image recognition and classification. Studies have shown that the interference of noise, astigmatism and baseline drift caused by human factors and background can be reduced by preprocessing [, First derivatives (FD) can reduce hyperspectral mutual interference and reduce noise in the analysis of hyperspectral data [, The smoothing methods include moving window smoothing and SavitzkyGolay (SG) convolution smoothing [, The standard normal variate (SNV) transformation is mainly used to eliminate the influence of solid particle size, surface scattering and optical path changes on the reflected spectrum [, The raw and preprocessing spectral data are 138-dimensional, and a high number of dimensions may lead to low efficiency of hyperspectral modeling and poor model performance. However, the accuracy of these systems is not up-to-the-mark, and the methods require high computational power and huge training datasets. 1, Article 8, (2015), H. Pan, Y. Liu, A. Sheffer, N. Vining, C. J. Li, and W. Wang, Flow aligned surfacing of curve networks, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2015), vol. View Full Text ; View PDF ; Assessment of demineralized tooth lesions using optical coherence tomography and other state-of-the-art technologies: a review. The Journal of Endodontics, the official journal of the American Association of Endodontists, publishes scientific articles, case reports and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods of pulp conservation and endodontic treatment.Endodontists and general dentists can learn about new concepts in root canal treatment and the latest advances in techniques and Gonzalez-Perez, A.; Abd-Elrahman, A.; Wilkinson, B.; Johnson, D.J. Logistic regression (LR) continues to be one of the most widely used methods in data mining in general and binary data classification in particular. Regarding its incidence, we do not have precise data due to its rarity. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. You signed in with another tab or window. Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video, TransRAC: Encoding Multi-Scale Temporal Correlation With Transformers for Repetitive Action Counting, Animal Kingdom: A Large and Diverse Dataset for Animal Behavior Understanding, vCLIMB: A Novel Video Class Incremental Learning Benchmark, Bongard-HOI: Benchmarking Few-Shot Visual Reasoning for Human-Object Interactions, CNN Filter DB: An Empirical Investigation of Trained Convolutional Filters, Failure Modes of Domain Generalization Algorithms, A Comprehensive Study of Image Classification Model Sensitivity to Foregrounds, Backgrounds, and Visual Attributes, Grounding Answers for Visual Questions Asked by Visually Impaired People, Learning To Answer Questions in Dynamic Audio-Visual Scenarios, ScanQA: 3D Question Answering for Spatial Scene Understanding, Learning Part Segmentation Through Unsupervised Domain Adaptation From Synthetic Vehicles, BTS: A Bi-Lingual Benchmark for Text Segmentation in the Wild, Stacked Hybrid-Attention and Group Collaborative Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation, Structured Sparse R-CNN for Direct Scene Graph Generation, PPDL: Predicate Probability Distribution Based Loss for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation, RU-Net: Regularized Unrolling Network for Scene Graph Generation, Fine-Grained Predicates Learning for Scene Graph Generation, HL-Net: Heterophily Learning Network for Scene Graph Generation, SGTR: End-to-End Scene Graph Generation With Transformer, Classification-Then-Grounding: Reformulating Video Scene Graphs As Temporal Bipartite Graphs, RelTransformer: A Transformer-Based Long-Tail Visual Relationship Recognition, Spatial Commonsense Graph for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes, The Pedestrian Next to the Lamppost : Adaptive Object Graphs for Better Instantaneous Mapping, Category-Aware Transformer Network for Better Human-Object Interaction Detection, Exploring Structure-Aware Transformer Over Interaction Proposals for Human-Object Interaction Detection, Distillation Using Oracle Queries for Transformer-Based Human-Object Interaction Detection, Human-Object Interaction Detection via Disentangled Transformer, MSTR: Multi-Scale Transformer for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection, GaTector: A Unified Framework for Gaze Object Prediction, STCrowd: A Multimodal Dataset for Pedestrian Perception in Crowded Scenes, Boosting Crowd Counting via Multifaceted Attention, Rethinking Spatial Invariance of Convolutional Networks for Object Counting, Cerberus Transformer: Joint Semantic, Affordance and Attribute Parsing, Collaborative Transformers for Grounded Situation Recognition, Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Instructional Videos, SVIP: Sequence VerIfication for Procedures in Videos, Set-Supervised Action Learning in Procedural Task Videos via Pairwise Order Consistency, Exploring Denoised Cross-Video Contrast for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization, GateHUB: Gated History Unit With Background Suppression for Online Action Detection, E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocentric Action Recognition, Hybrid Relation Guided Set Matching for Few-Shot Action Recognition, Spatio-Temporal Relation Modeling for Few-Shot Action Recognition, Alignment-Uniformity Aware Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Video Classification, Cross-Modal Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition, Cross-Modal Background Suppression for Audio-Visual Event Localization, Fine-Grained Temporal Contrastive Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization, An Empirical Study of End-to-End Temporal Action Detection, Everything at Once - Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for Video Retrieval, DirecFormer: A Directed Attention in Transformer Approach to Robust Action Recognition, MS-TCT: Multi-Scale Temporal ConvTransformer for Action Detection, Uncertainty-Guided Probabilistic Transformer for Complex Action Recognition, AdaFocus V2: End-to-End Training of Spatial Dynamic Networks for Video Recognition, UBoCo: Unsupervised Boundary Contrastive Learning for Generic Event Boundary Detection, Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Group Activity Recognition, Multi-Grained Spatio-Temporal Features Perceived Network for Event-Based Lip-Reading, Efficient Two-Stage Detection of Human-Object Interactions With a Novel Unary-Pairwise Transformer, Interactiveness Field in Human-Object Interactions, GEN-VLKT: Simplify Association and Enhance Interaction Understanding for HOI Detection, Object-Relation Reasoning Graph for Action Recognition, UBnormal: New Benchmark for Supervised Open-Set Video Anomaly Detection, Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-Based Motion Recognition, SPAct: Self-Supervised Privacy Preservation for Action Recognition, Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation Learning and Online Clustering, InfoGCN: Representation Learning for Human Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, Learning Video Representations of Human Motion From Synthetic Data, Learnable Irrelevant Modality Dropout for Multimodal Action Recognition on Modality-Specific Annotated Videos, EyePAD++: A Distillation-Based Approach for Joint Eye Authentication and Presentation Attack Detection Using Periocular Images, Gait Recognition in the Wild With Dense 3D Representations and a Benchmark, Camera-Conditioned Stable Feature Generation for Isolated Camera Supervised Person Re-IDentification, Lagrange Motion Analysis and View Embeddings for Improved Gait Recognition, DeepFace-EMD: Re-Ranking Using Patch-Wise Earth Mover's Distance Improves Out-of-Distribution Face Identification, Learning Second Order Local Anomaly for General Face Forgery Detection, PatchNet: A Simple Face Anti-Spoofing Framework via Fine-Grained Patch Recognition, Face2Exp: Combating Data Biases for Facial Expression Recognition, Local-Adaptive Face Recognition via Graph-Based Meta-Clustering and Regularized Adaptation, EMOCA: Emotion Driven Monocular Face Capture and Animation, Robust Egocentric Photo-Realistic Facial Expression Transfer for Virtual Reality, FaceVerse: A Fine-Grained and Detail-Controllable 3D Face Morphable Model From a Hybrid Dataset, ImFace: A Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model With Implicit Neural Representations, Physically-Guided Disentangled Implicit Rendering for 3D Face Modeling, RigNeRF: Fully Controllable Neural 3D Portraits, HeadNeRF: A Real-Time NeRF-Based Parametric Head Model, Sparse to Dense Dynamic 3D Facial Expression Generation, Learning To Listen: Modeling Non-Deterministic Dyadic Facial Motion, Knowledge-Driven Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition, gDNA: Towards Generative Detailed Neural Avatars, GraFormer: Graph-Oriented Transformer for 3D Pose Estimation, Uncertainty-Aware Adaptation for Self-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation, Towards Diverse and Natural Scene-Aware 3D Human Motion Synthesis, PINA: Learning a Personalized Implicit Neural Avatar From a Single RGB-D Video Sequence, OSSO: Obtaining Skeletal Shape From Outside, LiDARCap: Long-Range Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture With LiDAR Point Clouds, Unimodal-Concentrated Loss: Fully Adaptive Label Distribution Learning for Ordinal Regression, Spatial-Temporal Parallel Transformer for Arm-Hand Dynamic Estimation, LISA: Learning Implicit Shape and Appearance of Hands, MobRecon: Mobile-Friendly Hand Mesh Reconstruction From Monocular Image, Mining Multi-View Information: A Strong Self-Supervised Framework for Depth-Based 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Estimation, Low-Resource Adaptation for Personalized Co-Speech Gesture Generation, D-Grasp: Physically Plausible Dynamic Grasp Synthesis for Hand-Object Interactions, Synthetic Generation of Face Videos With Plethysmograph Physiology, Contour-Hugging Heatmaps for Landmark Detection. The collection sites were Jiulong town (232229.5 N, 1132952.9 E; 232213.4 N, 1132846.9 E) (collected, These seven IAPs pose a huge threat to native species and biodiversity. The key to analyzing the demagnetization fault of the motor by analytical method is to establish the model of the demagnetized PM, to define the expression of motor performance parameters. This prospective study recruited patients with UVFP, and the diagnosis was confirmed with videolaryngostroboscopy and LEMG. Papers and Code from CVPR 2022, including scripts to extract them. 7, no. The first phase of the study aimed to test the agreement between measurements performed with ButterfLife vs. standard of care (SoC) in 42 hospitalized patients affected by acute respiratory failure. Convolutional neural networks are used to develop articial intelligence systems for diagnostic tasks in oral and maxillofacial radiology. LQ22E070008). Endodontists and general dentists can learn about new concepts inroot canal treatmentand the latest advances in techniques and instrumentation in the one journal that helps them keep pace with rapid changes in this field. The proposed method in this study showed that the 3D AR visualization of medical data on the patients body is possible by using a single depth sensor without having to use markers. Included in the analysis is a method for automatic anatomical landmark localization based on convolutional neural networks. Xu, Y.; Zhang, C.; Jiang, R.; Wang, Z.; Zhu, M.; Shen, G. UAV-based hyperspectral images and monitoring of canopy tree diversity. Tu, Continuous detection of the variations of the intersection curve of two moving quadrics in 3-dimensional projective space, Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. Finding the Needle in the Growing Haystack. Dental Arch Prior-Assisted 3D Tooth Instance Segmentation With Weak Annotations: Paper: Yang, Q.L. No special progress in the field that systematically reviews the most exciting advances in scientific literature. A New Demagnetization Fault Recognition and Classification Method for DPMSLM. Li, L.; Li, L.; Wu, Y.; Ye, M. Experimental Comparisons of Multi-class Classifiers. Qiao, X.; Liu, X.; Wang, F.; Sun, Z.; Yang, L.; Pu, X.; Huang, Y.; Liu, S.; Qian, W. A Method of Invasive Alien Plant Identification Based on Hyperspectral Images. Based on the preprocessing results, by comparing the results of dimensionality reduction and no dimensionality reduction, the method of dimension reduction may not improve the accuracy of recognition, but it can improve time efficiency. Diagnostics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on medical diagnosis published monthly online by MDPI.The British Neuro-Oncology Society (BNOS), the International Society for Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISIDOG) and the Swiss Union of Laboratory Medicine (SULM) are affiliated with Diagnostics and their members receive a discount on the Inflammasomes can trigger inflammation and pyroptosis and ultimately contribute to disease development. ; Eskelson, B.N.I. 6, (2017), W. K. Chen, Y, X. Ma, S. Lefebvre, S. Q. Xin, J. Martinez, and W. Wang, Fabricable tile decors, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), vol. Masemola, C.; Cho, M.A. Yu, and W.P. The present study compared the usefulness of 22G Fork-tip and Franseen needles for EUS-TA and assessed the ability of contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS (CH-EUS) to diagnose SELs 2 cm. Diagnostics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on medical diagnosis published monthly online by MDPI.The British Neuro-Oncology Society (BNOS), the International Society for Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISIDOG) and the Swiss Union of Laboratory Medicine (SULM) are affiliated with Diagnostics and their members receive a discount on the Elly Kipkogei, Gustavo Alonso Arango Argoty, Ioannis Kagiampakis, Arijit Patra, Etai Jacob. Both nonoperative and operative treatment of proximal humerus fractures (PHF) and humeral shaft fractures can result in torsional side differences. ; Coughlan, N.E. Instance-Wise Occlusion and Depth Orders in Natural Scenes, PhoCaL: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation With Photometrically Challenging Objects, Replacing Labeled Real-Image Datasets With Auto-Generated Contours, M5Product: Self-Harmonized Contrastive Learning for E-Commercial Multi-Modal Pretraining, It Is Okay To Not Be Okay: Overcoming Emotional Bias in Affective Image Captioning by Contrastive Data Collection, From Representation to Reasoning: Towards Both Evidence and Commonsense Reasoning for Video Question-Answering, Point Cloud Pre-Training With Natural 3D Structures, The Auto Arborist Dataset: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Multiview Urban Forest Monitoring Under Domain Shift, SmartPortraits: Depth Powered Handheld Smartphone Dataset of Human Portraits for State Estimation, Reconstruction and Synthesis, BigDatasetGAN: Synthesizing ImageNet With Pixel-Wise Annotations, Rope3D: The Roadside Perception Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Monocular 3D Object Detection Task, Unifying Panoptic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving, DAIR-V2X: A Large-Scale Dataset for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative 3D Object Detection, SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-Task Domain Adaptation, Ithaca365: Dataset and Driving Perception Under Repeated and Challenging Weather Conditions. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. The image samples used were hyperspectral images taken with a handheld spectrometer. prior to publication. You seem to have javascript disabled. ; Leishman, M.R. Shen, L.; Gao, M.; Yan, J.; Li, Z.L. Zhao, and Z.Y. In order to reduce the burden on dentists, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based regional Yu, and W. Wang, Medial meshes: a compact and accurate medial shape representation, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. He has been Founding Chairman of Asian Graphics Association (2016-2020). This can be obtained by standardizing terminology when annotating diagnostic images. : project administration. Shu, Intrinsic girth function for shape processing, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. The major cause of death worldwide is due to cardiovascular disorders (CVDs). Dysgerminoma represents a rare malignant tumor composed of germ cells, originally from the embryonic gonads. 6 W. Wang, H. Pottmann and Y. Liu, Fitting B-spline curves to point clouds by squared distance minimization, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), vol. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vo. First derivative (FD), Savitzky-Golay (SG) smoothing and standard normal variate (SNV) were used to preprocess the raw spectral data, respectively. 30. no. Kaya E, Gunec HG, Aydin KC, Urkmez ES, Duranay R, Ates HF. You seem to have javascript disabled. and S.L. Fei, S.; Zhang, X. 1060-1069, (2019), L.J. Tu, W.P. c The speech-detection model, consisting of a recurrent neural network (RNN) and thresholding operations, processes the neural features to detect a silent-speech attempt. Department of Computer ScienceRm 301 Chow Yei Ching Building The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam, Hong Kong 301, Email: emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_1dcca321", 1); 3D Face Reconstruction and Gaze Tracking in the HMD for Virtual Interaction. Topic analysis (or topic detection, topic modeling or topic extraction) is a machine learning technique that automatically analyzes and organizes data by topic. MetS is also linked to numerous cancers and chronic kidney disease. 23: 9440. Following that, a new CVT-Trans architecture was created to categorize the CWTS signals into five groups. On the other hand is the consideration of the average spectra of more organs of the invasive plant, such as the flowers, stems, leaves, etc. Choi, L.G. Dynamic simulation of Spartina alterniflora based on CA-Markov model-a case study of Xiangshan bay of Ningbo City, China. You are accessing a machine-readable page. Please Explainable Transformer-Based Neural Network for the Prediction of Survival Outcomes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Barmpatza, A.C.; Kappatou, J.C. Study of a Combined Demagnetization and Eccentricity Fault in an AFPM Synchronous Generator. Experiments using phantom and patient data also confirmed high accuracy in AR visualization. Although the total accuracy of the SG-ACO-SVM is slightly less, the testing time has been significantly shortened. L Chu, H Pan, and W. Wang, Unsupervised shape completion via deep prior in the neural tangent kernel perspective, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 2016, 4064-4069, [95] Xia, Zhongpu, Zhao, Dongbin. Z.G. 37, no. Levy, Z.G. Then, on the basis of preprocessing, principal component analysis (PCA) and ant colony optimization (ACO) were used for feature dimensionality reduction, and the reduced features were used as input variables for later modeling. The influence of laryngeal neuromuscular control on aerodynamics in UVFP remains unclear. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)null. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Liu, and W. Wang, Variational blue noise sampling, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol. 6361-6370. Timely and accurate detection technology is needed to identify these invasive plants, helping to mitigate the damage to farmland, fruit trees and woodland. Experimental results of 20 patients data showed 98.35 0.71% skin segmentation accuracy in terms of Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) value, 2.79 1.54 mm nipple detection error, and 4.69 1.95 mm registration error. Chen, L. Chu, Y.H. In the current popular endodontic treatment, most dentists spend a lot of time manually marking the lesion area. several techniques or approaches, or a comprehensive review paper with concise and precise updates on the latest In the visual evaluation, both readers revealed an average score of >3 for all images. Dysgerminoma occurs at a fertile age. In the current popular endodontic treatment, most dentists spend a lot of time manually marking the lesion area. Long-term trends indicate that invasive plants are pervasive and increasing in eastern national parks. Editors Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. 13, no. Using open-source software and digital imagery to efficiently and objectively quantify cover density of an invasive alien plant species. Within breast imaging, AI, especially machine learning and deep learning, honed with unlimited cross-data/case referencing, has found great utility encompassing four facets: screening and detection, diagnosis, disease monitoring, and data management as a whole. We evaluated the impact of an electronic AKI alert together with a care bundle on the progression and mortality of AKI. Goktas, T.; Zafarani, M.; Lee, K.W. GanOrCon: Are Generative Models Useful for Few-Shot Segmentation? articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Such as the selection and collection of optimal conditions for hyperspectral images of the plant under test, the determination of the spectral distributions and correlated color temperatures of solar radiations, the calibration of black and white under different atmospheric conditions, the possibility of mounting a hyperspectral sensor on an unmanned aircraft, the calibration of the sensor, the collection, storage and analysis. (This article belongs to the Special Issue. Looking for a Tree Surgeon in Berkshire, Hampshire or Surrey ? Zhong, X.H. Fine-Grained Action Understanding With Pseudo-Adverbs, Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description and Synthesis, Learning To Recognize Procedural Activities With Distant Supervision, Implicit Motion Handling for Video Camouflaged Object Detection, Dynamic Scene Graph Generation via Anticipatory Pre-Training, Learning To Refactor Action and Co-Occurrence Features for Temporal Action Localization, OCSampler: Compressing Videos to One Clip With Single-Step Sampling, A Hybrid Egocentric Activity Anticipation Framework via Memory-Augmented Recurrent and One-Shot Representation Forecasting, TubeFormer-DeepLab: Video Mask Transformer, ASM-Loc: Action-Aware Segment Modeling for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization, STRPM: A Spatiotemporal Residual Predictive Model for High-Resolution Video Prediction, Look for the Change: Learning Object States and State-Modifying Actions From Untrimmed Web Videos, End-to-End Compressed Video Representation Learning for Generic Event Boundary Detection, Contextualized Spatio-Temporal Contrastive Learning With Self-Supervision, Deep Anomaly Discovery From Unlabeled Videos via Normality Advantage and Self-Paced Refinement, A Deeper Dive Into What Deep Spatiotemporal Networks Encode: Quantifying Static vs. In an aspect, the system and method employ a deep database of images and/or prior image analysis results so as to improve the outcome from the present automated landmark and L.Y. 36, no. Extract 3D information from images and learn the basic principles of geometry-based vision. Zhao, B.; Zhang, X.; Wu, Q.; Yang, Z.; Zhan, Z. Lake, T.A. The new MCVL and IIC independent markers had a superior sensitivity and specificity in predicting surgical risk complications and, respectively, mortality in the group of patients with acute pancreatitis during the COVID-19 pandemic, which makes them widely applicable in populations with modified immune and inflammatory status. However, the challenge remains to simultaneously identify multiple invasive alien plants with similar colors based on image data. PDF | On Jun 1, 2012, Jaafar Alsalaet published Vibration Analysis and Diagnostic Guide | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Add your e-mail address to receive forthcoming issues of this journal: 1996-2022 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. 3D Medical Point Transformer: Introducing Convolution to Attention Networks for Medical Point Cloud Analysis. Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are considered to be one of the greatest threats to global biodiversity and ecosystems. 3, 2014, pp. To update your cookie settings, please visit the, Prevalence and Characteristics of Root Resorption Identified in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scans, Synchronized microbubble-photodynamic activation to disinfect minimally prepared root canals, Assessment of Concordance Between Chairside Ultrasonography and Digital Palpation in Detecting Myofascial Trigger Points in Masticatory Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Effect of intracanal scaffolds on the success outcomes of Regenerative Endodontic Therapy - A systematic review and network meta-analysis, Association of Chronic Systemic Medications with the Incidence, Prevalence, or Healing of Endodontic Disease: A Systematic Review, Clinical Efficacy of an Extraoral Dental Evacuation Device in Aerosol Elimination During Endodontic Access Preparation, Characteristics of Cracked Teeth with Reversible Pulpitis After Orthodontic BandingA Prospective Cohort Study, Clinical Outcome of Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment Using a Matched Single-Cone Obturation Technique with a Calcium Hydroxidebased Sealer: ARetrospective Analysis, Fibroblasts Control Macrophage Differentiation during Pulp Inflammation, A Deep Learning Approach to Segment and Classify C-Shaped Canal Morphologies in Mandibular Second Molars Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography, Combination of Nonsurgical Endodontic and Vital Pulp Therapy for Management of Mature Permanent Mandibular Molar Teeth with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis and Apical Periodontitis, Maxillary Anterior Teeth With Extensive Root Resorption Treated With Low-level Light-activated Engineered Chitosan Nanoparticles, Regenerative Endodontic Procedure of Immature Permanent Teeth with Leukocyte and Platelet-rich Fibrin: A Multicenter Controlled Clinical Trial, Prognosis of Vital Pulp Therapy on Permanent Dentition: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (3) The model-based fault diagnosis method constructs the mathematical model of the motor to estimate the operating states or the performance parameters of the motor. Editors Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. McArdle, M.G. Vijayraghavan, P.; Krishnan, R. Noise in Electric Machines: A Review. 1278-1290, W. Hu, Z. Chen, H. Pan, Y. Yu, E. Grinspun, and W. Wang, Surface mosaic synthesis with irregular tiles, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. ; Dick, J.T.A. Zhao, H.; Zhong, Y.; Wang, X.; Hu, X.; Luo, C.; Boitt, M.; Piiroinen, R.; Zhang, L.; Heiskanen, J.; Pellikka, P. Mapping the distribution of invasive tree species using deep one-class classification in the tropical montane landscape of Kenya. ; Akin, B.; Sculley, T. Comprehensive Analysis of Magnet Defect Fault Monitoring through Leakage Flux. The expert system [. Evidence-based scientometric analysis was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline, resulting in 71 included review works. We employed ten machine learning algorithms along with different metaheuristics for feature selection. 10, 2012, pp. Hyperspectral remote sensing, which combines the advantages of imaging and spectroscopy, has been successfully applied to invasive plant monitoring. We carried out a non-systematic, narrative literature review aimed at describing the main known genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that are involved in the pathogenesis and prognosis of IPF and FPF. The Journal of Endodontics, the official journal of the American Association of Endodontists, publishes scientific articles, case reports and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods of pulp conservation and endodontic treatment.Endodontists and general dentists can learn about new concepts in root canal treatment and the latest advances in techniques and Apical Lesions, one of the most common oral diseases, can be effectively detected in daily dental examinations by a periapical radiograph (PA). For a proper diagnosis of CVD disease, an inexpensive solution based on phonocardiogram (PCG) signals is proposed. paper provides an outlook on future directions of research or possible applications. The SG-SVM identified 92.97%, 89.06%, 90.40%, 93.28%, 80.51% and 85.49% accuracy for. ; Runquist, R.D.B. He, Autonomous deployment for load balancing ksurface coverage in sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Modelling of Backscattering off Filaments Using the Code IPF-FD3D for the Interpretation of Doppler Backscattering Data, Rapid Localization and Mapping Method Based on Adaptive Particle Filters, Multiscale Kernel-Based Residual CNN for Estimation of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault in PMSM, Sensors for Electric Machines Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring, The radial component of magnetization of healthy PMs is, According to (13) and (17), (12) can be transformed into, The radial and tangential component of magnetization of healthy PMs are, According to (23) and (31), (22) can be transformed into. No Problem, Continual Object Detection via Prototypical Task Correlation Guided Gating Mechanism, On Generalizing Beyond Domains in Cross-Domain Continual Learning, Online Continual Learning on a Contaminated Data Stream With Blurry Task Boundaries, DyTox: Transformers for Continual Learning With DYnamic TOken eXpansion, Self-Sustaining Representation Expansion for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning, En-Compactness: Self-Distillation Embedding & Contrastive Generation for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning, VGSE: Visually-Grounded Semantic Embeddings for Zero-Shot Learning, Siamese Contrastive Embedding Network for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning, KG-SP: Knowledge Guided Simple Primitives for Open World Compositional Zero-Shot Learning, Non-Generative Generalized Zero-Shot Learning via Task-Correlated Disentanglement and Controllable Samples Synthesis, WALT: Watch and Learn 2D Amodal Representation From Time-Lapse Imagery, Unsupervised Learning of Accurate Siamese Tracking, Beyond 3D Siamese Tracking: A Motion-Centric Paradigm for 3D Single Object Tracking in Point Clouds, GMFlow: Learning Optical Flow via Global Matching, GridShift: A Faster Mode-Seeking Algorithm for Image Segmentation and Object Tracking, SNUG: Self-Supervised Neural Dynamic Garments, Weakly-Supervised Action Transition Learning for Stochastic Human Motion Prediction, Multi-Objective Diverse Human Motion Prediction With Knowledge Distillation, Context-Aware Sequence Alignment Using 4D Skeletal Augmentation, Enabling Equivariance for Arbitrary Lie Groups, Self-Supervised Material and Texture Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Tasks, RCP: Recurrent Closest Point for Point Cloud, Audio-Visual Speech Codecs: Rethinking Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement by Re-Synthesis, Balanced Multimodal Learning via On-the-Fly Gradient Modulation, Block-NeRF: Scalable Large Scene Neural View Synthesis, SceneSqueezer: Learning To Compress Scene for Camera Relocalization, Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images, Super-Fibonacci Spirals: Fast, Low-Discrepancy Sampling of SO(3), Stochastic Backpropagation: A Memory Efficient Strategy for Training Video Models, It's All in the Teacher: Zero-Shot Quantization Brought Closer to the Teacher, NLX-GPT: A Model for Natural Language Explanations in Vision and Vision-Language Tasks, Explaining Deep Convolutional Neural Networks via Latent Visual-Semantic Filter Attention, Parameter-Free Online Test-Time Adaptation, Patch-Level Representation Learning for Self-Supervised Vision Transformers, Deep Spectral Methods: A Surprisingly Strong Baseline for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation and Localization, Mixed Differential Privacy in Computer Vision, DPGEN: Differentially Private Generative Energy-Guided Network for Natural Image Synthesis, Local Learning Matters: Rethinking Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning, On the Instability of Relative Pose Estimation and RANSAC's Role, Bootstrapping ViTs: Towards Liberating Vision Transformers From Pre-Training, Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing, Maximum Consensus by Weighted Influences of Monotone Boolean Functions, MS2DG-Net: Progressive Correspondence Learning via Multiple Sparse Semantics Dynamic Graph, Styleformer: Transformer Based Generative Adversarial Networks With Style Vector, Scanline Homographies for Rolling-Shutter Plane Absolute Pose, Self-Supervised Models Are Continual Learners, The Two Dimensions of Worst-Case Training and Their Integrated Effect for Out-of-Domain Generalization, Beyond Supervised vs. Unsupervised: Representative Benchmarking and Analysis of Image Representation Learning, SimMIM: A Simple Framework for Masked Image Modeling, Semantic-Aware Auto-Encoders for Self-Supervised Representation Learning, UniCon: Combating Label Noise Through Uniform Selection and Contrastive Learning, One-Bit Active Query With Contrastive Pairs, HCSC: Hierarchical Contrastive Selective Coding, Motion-Aware Contrastive Video Representation Learning via Foreground-Background Merging, Hierarchical Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Movie Understanding, Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation From One-Class Embedding, Unsupervised Representation Learning for Binary Networks by Joint Classifier Learning, DC-SSL: Addressing Mismatched Class Distribution in Semi-Supervised Learning, Learning To Collaborate in Decentralized Learning of Personalized Models, Highly-Efficient Incomplete Large-Scale Multi-View Clustering With Consensus Bipartite Graph, DASO: Distribution-Aware Semantics-Oriented Pseudo-Label for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning, Global Convergence of MAML and Theory-Inspired Neural Architecture Search for Few-Shot Learning, Semi-Supervised Object Detection via Multi-Instance Alignment With Global Class Prototypes, Unbiased Teacher v2: Semi-Supervised Object Detection for Anchor-Free and Anchor-Based Detectors, Spectral Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Visual Recognition, DATA: Domain-Aware and Task-Aware Self-Supervised Learning, Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and Memory Efficiency in Meta-Learning, DeepDPM: Deep Clustering With an Unknown Number of Clusters, PLAD: Learning To Infer Shape Programs With Pseudo-Labels and Approximate Distributions, Robust Outlier Detection by De-Biasing VAE Likelihoods, Image-to-Lidar Self-Supervised Distillation for Autonomous Driving Data, CrossPoint: Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding, Cross-Domain Correlation Distillation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Nighttime Semantic Segmentation, DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation, WildNet: Learning Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation From the Wild, UCC: Uncertainty Guided Cross-Head Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation With Error Localization Network, Unbiased Subclass Regularization for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, Integrative Few-Shot Learning for Classification and Segmentation. 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tooth detection with convolutional neural networks