Principals and district administrators have a complicated job. But every parent could use a little more time in your day. As more schools cut budgets for art education and other enrichment programs, the time is now to ensure that our children are well heeled to grow and understand the value of lifelong learning and the importance of what happens after school. Properly managed after school enrichment programs can make that job much easier. According to research conducted in 2014 by the After School Alliance, 10.2 million children (18%) were participating in an afterschool program. Understanding the Industry Interview with Newsela CEO Matthew Gross. 596 Words. Another $3 million is competitive grant allocations for non-school district applicants. Students may feel uncomfortable in school environments due to a number of factors such as large class sizes, social hierarchies, and bullying and discrimination. After school activities are a great asset for them to talk about on their resumes or in their applications, so why not start now? National AfterSchool Association - NAA is dedicated to the development, education, and care of children and youth during their out-of . These programs give students the tools to succeed in school and their everyday lives. If you can find a few after school activities that your child really enjoys, youre setting them up for success in school and in later life! As an administrator, Vogelman is well aware that schools need to supplement offerings with outside vendors, rather than place an additional burden on teachers. After school programs provide students with all the necessary tools to take care of their minds and bodies as they grow. Kids are in the classroom only 1,000 out of 5,000 waking hours each year- parents need to fill the remaining 4,000 hours with productive activities. After school activities at home As you can see, there are so many reasons why these extracurricular activities are so important for your kids' growth and wellbeing. Afterschool programs provide a more forgiving and relaxed environment for students to take on positive risks and develop their confidence. A good afterschool program can turn the aimless hours after school into productive learning time. They look forward to going to their after-school program to have fun. But how important are these after school activities? Afterschool programs can play an important role in encouraging physical activity and good dietary habits. As a college-educated engineer, I had never taken a single business course. Durham obtained his degree in aeronautics in Silicon Valleys San Jose State University, and then spent 20 years with Northrop Grumman, first in technical and later in program management. After school programs provide community This kind of interaction can also advance their ability to be more open-minded to others around them. Durhams belief is that informed parenting is the key to all of this. This will show you all the programs that are available for your child, and it can help build relationships with teachers and other parents. Some researchers (Pettit et al., 1997) found that children who participated in some (1-3 hours a day) activities after school were rated by their teachers as having better . Attending afterschool programs can improve students' academic performance. If your child has expressed interest in a certain activity or subject in school, see if you can find something extra-curricular for them to explore that curiosity. Why after school programs are important; Benefits of after school programs; After school program examples; Why after school programs are important. After-school programs are important for several reasons. or not, it is always great to build relationships with other parents. After-school activities are just as important as school, homework, and time with friends. For working parents, after school activities can be a life saver! Building self-esteem, confidence, and social skills Imagine a future in which each generation is happier and better off than the last, the long-term result being a much-improved society in which humankind can coexist. Studies show that getting youths involved with before and/or after school programs can decrease drug usage, prevent criminal behavior, increase moral values, and strengthen self-confidence. This is a great way to build up their self-esteem and help them to have confidence that they can grow and improve. It is clear that afterschool programs are important and effective for parents and children. You can follow your kids interests and questions into one-off activities that nurture their curiosity about the world. Building our childrens character and making sure they thrive in the future are important goals to achieve. Research and evaluation point to three factors that are critical for creating constructive settings that can achieve these results with youth. It works! And why? Children can participate in programs at the school, such as drama or football, or they can take part in activities outside of the school, such as Scouts and martial arts.These programs are especially beneficial to kids with learning and attention issues. DEVELOP NEW SKILLS. Engaging in physical activity can prevent obesity, excess weight gain, cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, and much more. Afterschool and summer programs can instill the concept of lifelong learning early on, which is a helpful bridge to an entrepreneurial future. Be sensitive to your kid's needs. Which theory of delinquency would suggest that after-school programs could reduce delinquency? Participation in afterschool programs has been associated with reduced drug use and criminal behavior. So to me, it helps develop the whole child.. As you can see, there are so many reasons why these extracurricular activities are so important for your kids growth and wellbeing. Education is an important part of a child's life and any kind of extra support is always welcomed and . Programs provide a safe option for students to spend their time after school under the supervision of program coordinators and learning valuable lessons instead. For young kids, after school activities that are focused on fun and play are a significant part of their emotional and mental growth! Your program focus, like an arts program or focus on math homework completion, should . The Highlander Afterschool Program is integrated seamlessly into the regular school day, connecting its activities to the core curriculum, which reinforces school-day skills and provides students the opportunity to learn new ones in a hands-on, inquiry-based, experiential manner. program at school, to a dance group, to a YMCA basketball league. Danny Vogelman, principal at Washington Episcopal School in Bethesda, Maryland, helped launch Flex Academies. Instill confidence Kids need confidence, but they also need confidence where it counts. The After School Programs Grant is a two-part initiative. Get 25% off site-wide with code: DEC25. In addition, we provide resources and workshops for education and employment including one-on-one mentoring, job training and career planning, and internships opportunities. This can help students get their homework done right after school without delay, which makes more for more enjoyable evenings with the family. AKA AFTERSCHOOL MULTI-SPORTS AND FITNESS. Vermont devoted $6 million for school-age providers to use for afterschool programs. While it is believed that these abilities come naturally for some of us, nurturing plays a very important role in building these skills and altering our lives in a positive way. Kids and families are valuable members of the community. Afterschool programs are a great way to provide productive learning time for children after the school day is over. They also reported that 73% of parents agree that it is important for their children to have summer activities that help deter summer learning loss and expand their minds with new knowledge. HFR is an extremely motivated movement of people who want to create a healthier and fitter world, The Importance of Before and After School Programs for Youths. Afterschool programs make for fun and meaningful ways to learn through different group activities and environments that don't have students stressing over grades - such as game show style quizzes and interactive workshops. Coaches, leaders, directors, and instructors have the potential to build relationships and speak words that will impact them deeply as they begin to discover who they are and what theyre good at. HUGE Holiday Sale! Certain life-long passions like music, art, or sports can be found and developed through after school activities. The programs were mainly used to keep kids off the street and give them somewhere to go and be safe. Why after-school programs matter. Parents know their child is safe after school while they're still at work, and children experience improved academic and social-emotional outcomes. Ultimately, a child saying "no" to after school sports may be caused by a variety of factors. Eating habits. Evidence supports the claimthat more learning time, especially where students engage more deeply with subjects they enjoy, helps develop high-achieving, well-rounded individuals. Mikes LinkedIn Profile, Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2022. According to Public Safety Canada, one of the riskiest times for many adolescents in terms of being victimized or running afoul with the law is between the hours of 3pm and 6pm between the end of the school day and when parents return home from work. Engaging your youth in before and after school programs creates a dialogue between the parent and the child. show that getting youths involved with before and/or after school programs can decrease drug usage, prevent criminal behavior, increase moral values, and strengthen self-confidence. Extending the school day beyond the traditional academic day into after school enrichment programs is a win/win for the entire community. This video discusses the effects. Learning about your childs physical activity performances can help you find programs that your child could benefit from outside of school, as well as monitor their health. For ideas on activities you can set up for your kids at home, check out our blog! After school activities can be a great way for kids to discover what they are passionate about. For ideas on activities you can set up for your kids at home. As a school leader, you want overall performance to improve and you want to see individual students develop with a variety of skills to take to the next level. All that comes from a slate of after school enrichment activities that appeal to diverse interests, from STEM to athletics to art, all on school grounds, supervised and administered by highly qualified professionals. Most programs are designed to help children to . By participating in programs, kids have the opportunity to learn new skills that can be transferred and . I will soon be visiting my elementary and middle school Alma maters to educate students on how lifelong learning is the key to success, and how after school programs are an opportunity to begin that journey. Flex Academies can help ease that workload on school staff by providing pre-screened certified vendors who are experts in their fields, as well as an onsite coordinator to handle all program logistics, including vendor assignments. When I started my company, the overarching goal was to help enrich childrens lives by making access to in-school, after-school, and summer programs more easily accessible to parents. Why is an afterschool program important for children? So, afterschool programs can both help keep kids sharp in these potential education "danger zones," and can also keep young minds stimulatedthat is, keeping brains hungry and creative by introducing new ideas and opportunities. Competing views. Partnering with schools, families and quality care programs builds a strong relationship that improves success all around and gives all . Why Are After School Programs Important? And for inspiration for the kind of fun activities you can do as a family all together, dont miss out on The Adventure Challenge: Family Edition. Another important social development aspect of getting kids involved in after school activities is that it exposes them to more healthy adult influences and role models, and it allows them to receive support and encouragement from figures other than family members and teachers. Engaging in co-curricular activities allows children to discover their talents, become focused in school & experience learning in a stimulating environment. Participating in after-school activities can help students develop time-management and . "After School class". This provides peace of mind for parents as well who may not get home from work until the evening. After school activities like Scouts, or classes where skills are developed, will often recognize and celebrate your childs progress and achievements. These activities have huge social, physical and mental benefits, and they have the added benefit of extending your childcare! Effective afterschool programs provide learning settings that bring a wide range of benefits to youth, families, and communities. to date with new products and events! That's why public support for federal funding for these programs is sky-high. Afterschool programs teach skills that are essential for success including critical . Afterschool and summer learning programs also can provide unique opportunities to help young people develop their social and emotional skills, behaviors and . We can also expand opportunities for Americas children to work together with their peers and learn the value of teamwork. In afterschool programs, children can roll up their sleeves and have fun while learning important skills such as relationship building and critical thinking. After school tutoring can be the stepping stone for any young student who needs help academically. Here's why after school programs are so important for kids. After school hours can play a critical role in helping children and teens thrive in school and life. They can really help provide direction, create a new social network, and aid academic success. . This service can be valuable for families who might otherwise have access to extra academic support for their children. Life is about far more than grades, so it can be really helpful to give your kids a wider spectrum of experience to prove themselves and feel competent and confident. Many after school activities have collaborative aspects, and these are so beneficial for improving a variety of skills, from emotional intelligence to working with others to using manners. The research also reported that nearly one in four families (23%) currently have a child enrolled in an after-school program. Such imprecision confuses efforts to document supply and demand, to plan new initiatives, to target program improvement efforts, and to create appropri-ate expectations for program impact. Tutoring programs will help any student learn, will make learning more enjoyable, and will help boost their confidence in the classroom. The purpose of the funding is to: Improve academic outcomes for students. Beyond traditional academics, parents also have the opportunity to enroll children in other programs that will open their minds and keep them from too much screen time. As many schools have faced cuts in enrichment programs, after-school activities can offer your child the chance to demonstrate talents and learn skills they may not get to in school. Art teaches students about their sense of place within the world. . Kids have the opportunity to learn new skills and make friends through clubs and classes, and it's an experience that can shape their childhood in a positive way. 5 Reasons Why Afterschool Programs are Important. When children enjoy an activity, they want to do everything to make sure they can continue doing it. What many refer to as summer learning loss can be combated by enrolling children in programs that extend learning beyond the school year. Flex Academies is the leader in providing the support, expertise and vendor partnerships that can make an after school environment like this a reality. Email:, CACD 2022 | All Rights Reserved | BN: 852167956RR0001. Much of the funding for after-school programs comes from education budgets and is administered by state and local education agencies. This can be a great advantage to monitoring their academic performances and ensuring they have the proper grades to continue with their program. The application is for new grantees as well as existing grant recipients who wish to increase funding. A before and/or after school program can get youths active, make them healthier, and happier too. If the P.T.A. A before and/or after school program can have many health benefits for children. When it comes to time for after school activities, first of all, your teachers have worked exceptionally hard all day, he said. Research into the developmental importance of play has shown that, far from being an extra add on to a childs education, play has a huge role in forming a childs emotional maturity and mental skills. One reason for the variability in after-school programs is that constituent More programs that tend to be specifically based for in the school are such programs as Key Club, National Honors Society, and the Student Government Association. The first step is to consider the curriculum itself. Initiatives like these have been proven to improve academic outcomes. Our programs focus on empowering youth to develop their full potential, live healthy lives, and become safe, self-reliant, spiritual, and active members of their community as citizens and leaders. Learn new skills and topics in different ways. As an entrepreneur, father, and hard worker, my early childhood helped shape who I am today. It also enhanced physical coordination and strengthened muscles and bones. is not for you, then talk with the physical education coaches from school. Lets give them cooking lessons to sharpen their taste buds and introduce them to different cultures. Building self-esteem, confidence, and social skills. This video presentation is based on the seminar paper entitled "Unsupervised Time: Why After-School Programs are Important". After school programs have been proven to . The after-school maths program is staffed with the pre-service teachers who are carefully selected, trained, and mentored by Numeric staff as they complete their yearlong internship with us. Now he runs a school that benefits from the after school enrichment programs that Flex Academies implements and manages. Motor skills. in many ways. Join me and lets continue to be advocates for the value of after school programs by encouraging school district and administrators open new doors for parents and children nationwide. Creating Paths to Success in Math for AllStudents, K-12 Edtech Dominates Education Market Activity: Q3 K-12 Market Highlights, Math Achievement Crisis Presents Opportunity to Transform Learning, Five Trends to Guide Your 2023 Marketing Planning, New School District Job Titles: Human Resources and School Relations/PR. This can include before- and after- school programs on a school campus or facilities such as academic programs (e.g., reading or math focused programs), specialty programs (e.g., sports teams, STEM, arts enrichment), and multipurpose programs that provide an array of activities (e . . Structured community programs for youth are critical for healthy development and provide many benefits for students, families, and their surrounding communities. Develop their personal and interpersonal social skills, and promote respect for cultural diversity. To fully realize all the positives of afterschool programming, students must receive a regular dosage, adequately trained staff, and high-quality programming. Not all after school activities have to be long-running commitments like an instrument or a class. By developing a skill outside of the academic world, kids can feel good at something, and proud of their progress. After school programs can be very beneficial to children, and making the decision to enroll your child in one can have a long-lasting impact. The principals at our partner schools love what Flex does to lighten the load on their teachers and staff, said Joshua Chernikoff, managing partner of Flex Academies. Dexterity. An afterschool program offers children the opportunity to explore their true potential with practical learning. Afterschool programs make for fun and meaningful ways to learn through different group activities and environments that dont have students stressing over grades such as game show style quizzes and interactive workshops. Some students may feel that school is all about achieving high grades which may make it difficult for students to actually learn and retain subjects after the final tests are completed. After school enrichment is important to the whole community including parents, students, and educators, in so many ways. Lets make it easier, more affordable, and accessible for parents to connect with the programs both during school year and in the summer, that will help their children discover themselves beyond the walls of the school. Social and emotional learning (SEL) strategies can support young people as they cope with and recover from the pandemic, but the classroom is not the only setting to engage students on SEL. Starting a business required many new disciplines in sales, marketing, accounting, legal, operations, HR, software development, business plans, and raising money to name a few. Aside from physical activity, there are other strengths and values youths can gain from these programs. All rights reserved. A before and/or after school program can have many health benefits for children. It strengthens parental participation and youth engagement. Principals and district administrators have a complicated job. 10 Reasons to Drink 3 Liters of Water a Day (101 Top 10 Best Ab Exercises with No Equipment. The Jason Taylor Foundation has provided a quality literacy-based after school program for secondary aged students since 2007.. Provide opportunities for enrichment . A compelling reason to help your kids get into after school activities as they get older is the effect it can have on their confidence and self-esteem. Here at CACD, we offer free afterschool programs for youth of all ages. Studies show that getting youths involved with before and/or after school programs can decrease drug usage, prevent criminal behavior, increase moral values, and strengthen self-confidence. Young people experience greater gains if they participate in afterschool programs with greater frequency and in a more sustained manner. Life skills: Whether it's team sports or academic group activity, after-school programs help in the development of physical dexterity, mental toughness, and collaborative skills in children. A fun way to learn Here are 5 reasons why you may consider enrolling your child in an afterschool program: 1. The first step is in giving parents the tools with which they can improve the outcome for their children. We provide a variety of activities such as homework help, photography/videography workshops, hip hop dance classes, and recreational sports. There are many different types of after-school programs depending on your child's needs, interests, intentions, and goals. With more than 60% of high school students saying they would rather be entrepreneurs instead of employees (TheNextWeb), this presentation was very timely. In an interview earlier in 2016, Vogelman talked about why he thinks after school activities are so important to student development. We'll outline a few here, but trust us, we won't be able to cover all of them! Access to and sustained participation in programs. ISTE Conference 2018 What are the Hot Topics? Its not only your kids who benefit from their after school activities; they can be great for you as a parent, too! Whether you join the P.T.A. After-school programs have always made a difference for kids. This was an increase from 2009 (8.4 million; 15%), and 2004 (6.5 million; 11%). This way, the programs become a privilege rather than just something to do. Social skills, confidence, sleep, fitness, and mental health can all benefit hugely from activities outside the classroom. Properly managed after school enrichment programs can make that job much easier. By Mike Durham Founder and CEO Peachjar. I think what that provides is a greater opportunity to bring people in with various skills, possibly skills and backgrounds that our teachers dont have, Vogelman said. Afterschool programs can support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe and supportive environment for children and youth. After school programs have become an important component for communities that need to provide their students with constructive activities during after regular school hours. Why are after school programs bad? 2. Eligibility Requirements Eligible Applicants: Public Agency ASES programs at elementary and middle/junior high schools. It might feel pretty far off right now, but the days when your kids are thinking about getting a part-time job or applying to a college course will be here before you know it. As a school leader, you want overall performance to improve and you want to see individual students develop with a variety of skills to take to the next level. Afterschool programs can boost academic performance, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe, structured environment for the children of working parents." ( Students should always be learning to recognize their place in the world. So if youre looking for more ways to introduce play into your family life, pick up a copy of. Durham has created a platform that connects parents with after schooland enrichment resources that help parents make sure their kids are productive during those non-school hours. 1. They became even more important during the pandemic, when students were on blended learning programs that limited their ability to see friends face to face. Our CSP Outreach Workers and Facilitators worked hard to continue to meet the needs of our . Building our children's character and making sure they thrive in the future are important goals to achieve. Instilling a lifelong love and appreciation for physical activity enables children to prosper well into the future. The . Here are 5 reasons why you may consider enrolling your child in an afterschool program: Some programs provided 1 on 1 tutoring and homework help, either from program coordinators or other student volunteers. According to Paige, the program is responsible for a reduction in low birth weights and preterm births, as well as a range of other positive short-term effects . The site is designed for anyone who cares about kids ages 6-18, including providers, parents, kids, and teens. This makes them more open to society and provides them a way to work in groups effectively. Here are some reasons as to why after-school programs are important for children and youth! A good program may give them a safe place to go to after school, and it can help them learn things they'll need to know later on in life. Be sure to check out the classes offered at MakerKids for a great STEM experience! Provide academic assistance Some programs provided 1 on 1 tutoring and homework help, either from program coordinators or other student . After-school programs should offer children the chance to have fun and feel comforted, as well as be excited by learning. Sign up for our newsletter to keep up Research on Participation in After-School Programs. They. Maybe even a bit earlier, too. Offers one-stop access to government resources that support after school programs. Social Skills. 1275 Mississauga Vly Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5A 3R8, Phone: (905) 277-8455 You need a drivers license to drive a car, yet parents receive no formal training, no license to obtain, no test to pass. Here are a few reasons why children should engage in before and/or after school programs: Getting your child involved with either before or after school programs can be a hassle. Structured community programs for youth are critical for healthy development and provide many benefits for students, families, and their surrounding communities. They have papers to grade, they have planning that they have to do, they have their own families that they have to get home to.. 10 Foods that Should be Banned in the U.S. Why Family Meals Can Benefit Your Childs Health, Deborah Duncan Celebrates 20 years with KHOU. This piece was authored by a friend of MDRs community. Learning about these factors allowed me to turn my business idea into a reality. After school programs for kids are an addition to your child's education and life that will help them develop those essential skills and qualities, and enhance their talents and potential to help them grow at a pace suitable to them. No Child Left Behind (NCLB), with its emphasis on standards-based accountability, has put educators under considerable pressure to improve student academic outcomes. Administrators tell us they rest easy knowing we have all the logistics under control., Camps, care, and enrichment programs designed to educate, entertain, and engage students, Your Childs Safety is Our Top Priority at Flex Academies, An Onsite Coordinator Keeps Your Afterschool Program Running Safely and Smoothly, Getting to Know Team Flex Jamie Montanye, Powered by Whitney Bateson Digital Strategy. Some afterschool programs also provide mentorship and coaching opportunities for students to get connected with someone who can guide and nurture them through education and employment. Especially for neighborhoods that are dangerous for youth to be outside in, after-school programs can serve as a safe . These days there are so many options for things your kids can get involved in - sports leagues, classes, clubs, and camps, to name just a few. Provides kids with the proper environments to make smart, healthy and educational choices. School can be challenging, it can be stressful. Transportation, finances and time commitment can sometimes be a limiting factor to whether or not participation is possible. Connecting parents to resources that enrich the lives of children. At DREAM, we offer after school programs that include tutoring . What many refer to as "summer learning loss" can be combated by enrolling children in programs that extend learning beyond the school year. That's a big benefit, especially for kids who learn and think differently. We also aim to cover important topics for youth such as antiracism and justice, mental health, digital and financial literacy. (Durlak, Weissberg, & Pachan, 2010), Building the family relationship is very important. They also reported that 73% of parents agree that it is important for their children to have summer activities that help deter summer learning loss and expand their minds with new knowledge. The after-school programs are essential in promoting awareness and prevention of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, abstinence, and violence to young children or adolescents. Research has substantiated educators' concerns that children who are unsupervised during the after-school hours can suffer an array of negative developmental outcomes, especially when those children come from high-risk circumstances. Yet, they hold the keys to the outcomes of their children and at scale, society as a whole. The most important thing parents and coaches can do to encourage participation is listening to the child and positively engaging them in the activity. Afterschool programs may improve kids' social skills. This has a negative effect on their self-esteem and confidence, and they may lack social skills to assert themselves. One of the things that makes humans so amazing is our ability to display grit, persevere in challenging situations, and use social skills to advance in our personal and professional lives. Reason #4: Art teaches students the importance of understanding the self and others. Attendees get to socialize with their fellows, communicate with them, and learn to work together. Parents will be looking to augment school year learning with summertime programs. Although historically lauded as effective child care alternatives for working families or for reducing juvenile crime rates (Halpern, 2002), after-school programs have evolved to serve a variety of student needs ranging from recreational to remedial to immersive.For example, programs may focus on academic success, special interests (e.g., theater programs or science camps), or multiple . The value of what happens between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM during the school year can have a profoundly positive impact on our childrens lives. The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is the result of the 2002 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 49. After-school programs are out-of-school time activities for kindergarten pre-schoolers, elementary and secondary school students organised with an intent to encourage the children and youth of all ages to improve their leadership and social skills by motivating them to participate in camps, music and acting clubs, interactive learning activities, sports and art programs, recreational fun . Lets dive into all the different reasons that after school activities are a great idea for the whole family. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Top 10 Health Benefits of Activated Charcoal, 10 Ways Men Can Improve Self-esteem and Confidence, Top 5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Low Back, 10 Home Exercises You Can Do With Just A Yoga Mat. It allows you, as a school, to develop childrens skills, develop their interest levels in things that you either dont have time to do or you dont have the resources to do during the school day, he said. Supporting Working Families. Approximately 800 students have moved through the program in the past decade. As adults and community leaders, we have an opportunity to help children grow no matter where they come from. Slightly more than half of the1,049 after-school providers who answered the survey, conducted in November and December, said they were "extremely concerned" last fall about staff shortages. Older kids in afterschool programs are less likely to get involved in risky behavior. What is interesting about the program is that there is no other after . With adequate funding, after-school programs can provide academic enrichment opportunities, enrichment activities for children with special needs and mental health support, arts and crafts programs, computer . All over the country, summer reading, math, and science programs are available for students of all ages. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful . Consequently, after-school programs are often expected to incorporate academic achievement as an . Control theory suggests that the structured nature of after-school programs could prevent delinquency by keeping youth off the street and in a supervised environment. Social skills, confidence, sleep, fitness, and mental health can all benefit hugely from activities outside the classroom. 1 in 5 children across America are alone when the school day ends. Aside from physical activity, there are other strengths and values youths can gain from these programs. Durham founded Peachjar in 2013, and Peachjar now serves over 8 million parents and works with thousands of program providers to deliver amazing opportunities that help parents in guiding their child toward lifelong success. There is a reason that after school enrichment has expanded worldwide in recent decades. So if youre looking for more ways to introduce play into your family life, pick up a copy of The Adventure Challenge: Family Edition for ideas! After-school programs provide an adequate platform for kids, teens, and youth to develop advanced social skills. After school programs are important to children (and adults!) Students that have difficulties making friends at their schools may find lifelong friendships in programs. You are wondering about the question why after school programs are important but currently there is no answer, so let summarize and list the top articles with the question. Students need more than a strong curriculum, good teachers, and time in the classroom to succeed. Most after school programs take a holistic approach to a child's well-being, evaluating how it can make a child more socially engaged, physically and emotionally cared for, and more committed to academics. Extending learning activities beyond the 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. time slot provides an environment for students to further grow academically, allows a schedule that aligns with parents' work schedules, and can offer activities that go beyond the [] For all questions and inquiries please contact us at, has shown that, far from being an extra add on to a childs education, play has a huge role in forming a childs emotional maturity and mental skills. Socialization: Before and after school programs allow more social time and more engagement with new and more people. Sports participation bolstered the children's ability to solve problems and maintain normal weight. When kids are engaged in after school activities that challenge and stretch them instead of spending hours staring at a screen, theyll end up more tired in the evening, which then leads to better sleep. (Centers for Disease, 2010), Getting youths involved with before or after school programs can help build their social skills, as it exposes them to different types of peers and personalities. From sports to dancing, from cubs and scouts to skills-based classes like karate or gymnastics, there are so many after school activities that will help your child build their strength and coordination and maintain healthy fitness. Flexibility. Participation in afterschool programs has been associated with positive health outcomes, including reduced obesity. Program leaders should look to their state to see how these funds are distributed. After-school learning programs in the St. Louis area benefit the community, as well. Quality afterschool programs increase young people's academic performance, support their social and emotional development, and promote health and wellness. It allows you to offer a wider range of activities for the kids.. When we are aware of our place, we can respect others and help them understand their place in the world, as well. The South Carolina Afterschool Alliance program strives to reach the community and explain the importance of after-school programs. If youths have something to look forward to after school, then they will make sure they are on their best behavior to make sure they do not miss out. And outsourcing the management of after school enrichment programs frees up front-office staff in the late afternoons. answer the question why after school programs are important, which will help you get the most accurate answer. Endurance. It is well known that afterschool programs keep kids safe, inspire them to learn, and give parents peace of mind during the often-perilous hours after the school day ends and before parents return home from their jobs. What do you look for when you look for after-school programs for your kids? And with tremendous unmet need, it is clear that 21 st CCLC should remain a dedicated funding stream for . After school activities also are an amazing way for your kids physical development, too. Attendance is an important factor in evaluating the effects of after-school programs on children's school adjustment. Afterschool programs have long known that they can embrace the hours between the time school . Post navigation Most youths cannot wait to get out of school. Out of School Time (OST) is a supervised program that young people regularly attend when school is not in session. Building our childrens character and making sure they thrive in the future are important goals to achieve. The onsite coordinator is very real benefit for those workers. There are many reasons why after-school programs are beneficial and their importance is only increasing with the trend of working parents. How to make better school lunches. This can be important not only for developing new interests, but also for kids to experience competence in different areas. Few children attend after-school programs. Not all after school activities will allow you to drop your kid off, but when that is the case, it can be a huge help to have the extra hour or two before the kids are home for the evening. For example: Alabama allocated $9 million in GEER funds to support intensive before and after school tutoring to help combat learning loss. 3. Extending the school day beyond the [] How amazing is that? After school programs are often broad-based, incorporating a variety of activities beyond schoolwork, a finding that comes from a discussion hosted by the American Youth Policy Forum (Rubin, 2004). We believe that an intervention at the high school level is too late to stem the tide of drop-out and loss of confidence in this important subject. Students get to engage with exciting subjects in a relaxed setting, parents get to know their kids are in a safe, stimulating environment, and district administrators know that they are accomplishing their mission to educate the whole child, that can excel in todays world. This Journal of School Health article and other published studies demonstrate that children enrolled in sports programs have a lower risk for dropping out of school . The after school activities let children feel comfortable around their fellow peers and classmates and introduce students to other students with their same interests. 4 4.The Power of Afterschool Programs in California; 5 5.After School Programs - Help Grow Healthy & Successful Kids/Teens; 6 6.Why Afterschool | Partnership for After School Education; 7 7.7 benefits of afterschool programs for kids and teens - iD Tech Camps; 8 8.Why Afterschool - Nebraska Department of Education Afterschool programs are a great way to make new friends from different schools and different walks of life. "Effective afterschool programs bring a wide range of benefits to youth, families and communities. First, they provide a way for students to stay engaged and active after the school day has ended. Here are a few ideas that parents can do to not only get their children more involved, but to get themselves involved as well. This is not only a good thing for their growth and learning, getting deep sleep is key to both, it is also a way to make bedtime a little easier. A national evaluation found that more than 40 percent of students attending 21st Century Community Learning Center programs improved their reading and math grades, and that those who attended more regularly were more likely to make gains. The time that children spent in these activities was correlated with their emotional adjustment." 35 Increased Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem "Youth who participate in after-school programs improve feelings and attitudes, After school programs serve to supplement and complement the formal learning that academic institutions provide in school. As more parents are both entering the workforce, after school programs are a growing trend. Whether thats spending forty-five minutes at an exhibit or simply heading to the bookstore or the library to show them how to find a book on the subject they're wondering about, being proactive with after school activities can be an incredible way to expand your kids horizons and help them be interested in the world around them. The Brookings Institute recently reported that students achievement scores declined over summer vacation by one months worth of school-year learning. To put in more personal, understandable terms, let me remind you why after school programs are so important. After school programs are the perfect way to transform aimless hours into something productive and fun. School district grant allocations total $17 million out of the $20 million appropriated. Why Are After-School Programs Important for the Community? I am excited to share my experiences with an eager audience of students and talk about how they can look to the future with an eye for entrepreneurship. Putting your kids into new social situations will help them to grow their social skills and communication. This has an added benefit for you, too! Why Parent Engagement is Important for After School Programs Jul 13, 2020 Parent Software Tracking After school programs play a pivotal role in our communities, providing a safe environment where kids can improve their academic performance, build social skills and improve their physical health. It will help build friendships for both you and your children, and it can potentially become a time-saving carpooling program. After school activities are important because they offer crucial developmental opportunities for children and teenagers. After School Programs Keep Kids Engaged The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC) defines after-school programs as safe, structured activities that meet regularly after school and offer children the chance to learn new skills. . What makes a successful program? After-school activities can also help students relieve stress and improve their academic performance. 3. Contact Us Seeing things in real life or concepts in their actual applications allow children to see the value of education thereby fostering interest of studies. That staff is busy and engaged in the daily chaos of running a school. 3 Pages. (Little, P. (n.d.), 2018). 3. Hand-eye coordination. Jason Taylor Literacy-Based After School Programs By Kevin Sawyer - Educational Director, Jason Taylor Foundation. While the benefits of an after school sports program can be endless, children will never reap . Take it from these kidsthese programs are so important to the outlook . Afterschool programming has been shown to improve social and academic outcomes for students, however, research points to certain key elements for success. . between public and private education is another reason why after school programs are more in demand today than in the past. Who knows? Foster the self-worth of each child, and develop the children's self-care skills. formal after-school program was associated with social adjustment in comparison to other types of after-school care. 2. The best way to know more about your childs academic performance and social engagement is by joining the Parent-Teacher Association. 5. Roll up their sleeves and have fun and play are a great STEM experience much more chaos of a. Linkedin Profile, Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2022 with summertime programs improve the outcome for their children taken single! So if youre why after school programs are important for more ways to introduce play into your family life, pick up a copy.... Are alone when the school day beyond the school day beyond the traditional academic why after school programs are important into after school that. Scouts, or classes where skills are developed, will often recognize and celebrate childs. Grades to continue to meet the needs of our place, we offer free programs... 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