In fact, speaking of creativity, creating problems is the only kind of creativity that constitutive thinkers are capable of. Who the feck am I? I do not believe anything can now prevent it. Electrical Grid on the Edge of Failure Outside of those two cities, Russia is a 3rd world cesspool. The fact that significant numbers of Americans need to be jolted into awakening to the recognition of what is in front of their own eyes and that is clearly assaulting them makes me doubt that the nation or its society is salvageable. I care about things they do not care about and stiff on me. There is a beat whitey day here in the public schools. Fair enough. Im too old to ski and didnt want the expense of a car. Column Has Come to an Adios, Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel, The West Cant Engage China on the Climate, While Also Demonising Them, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesels Night, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putins Leadershipand the System He Created. But it isnt the truth. about tips. Now, the rest of the world has had enough of this show. I gotta get me some more strangers.. James Adam Belushi (/ b l u i /; born June 15, 1954) is an American actor.He is best known for the role of Jim on the sitcom According to Jim (20012009). Monarchies, Democratic Republics, Social Democracies have pretty much been consumed and subjugated from within or from Invasion and War. So why maintain or build roads and bridges in the States, or do any development for that matter, when there is going to be nobody to use them, because most would have died from covid or war, with crime being defined as low intensity war. Youve also killed your ability to solve problems of great importance to us all. One sad part is that, when this is all over, the US will be destroyed too. The affronts, compromises and humiliations are endemic in daily life. My colleagues (Middle-aged Americans): Thats great! Stiglitz again: America now has the highest income inequality and the least equality of opportunity. Rothschild POTUS Puppet: Bolshevik Brain Dead Brandon. 2022 tpm media llc. I wish I did not have to. Its all about more government programs. I am not sure what point the author wants to make. Most of Europe just became pwned by the Heavy Hand of Murica. Immigration is a very strange duck. In May of 2014, Frank Bruni wrote an article for the NYT titled America the Shrunken, in which he detailed what he called the downward arc of a diminished enterprise that was the USA, quoting friends who claimed their children would live in a more impoverished America, that the reign was over and the slide was inevitable. As well, the post-war social contract effectively redistributed coins from the private rather than the public purse, eliminating income disparity and producing real wealth while drastically reducing any need for public redistribution, but those days too are gone. Its not ruled by the people, but it is consented to by the people. No one starves in Hawaii is common refrain on the Hawaii chat boards. June 22, 2022 U.S. It seems that this is where the world is going, and not by accident. Buy a ticket and move your f*cking ass!. Its not corruption when its everywhere. . The lower functioning level is due to a lack of shared history and values. But that is NOT true; one can drive north into Wisconsin on any road and you will find that the road miraculously improves. The primitive mind of a typical consumer abhors intellectual inquiry. Its HIS class thats winning. Microsoft is not pulling its punches with UK regulators. On a planet with an endless deadly plague people could survive only if they constantly purchased expensive medication from the governing ghouls. Live stream, watch highlights, get scores, see schedules, check standings and fantasy news on I understand it may be difficult to think this is possible. Proper fucked. Thats my problem with him. To name only the most financially costly eras, US interference in WW1 and WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, squandered the funds for universal medical and dental care. Follow up is Justin Trudeau he had some university and was a bouncer and drama teacher. In terms of infant mortality and life expectancy, the US is very far down the list, with average life expectancy 50th in the world just above Albania, and infant mortality 46th in the world worse than Slovenia. If so then Mr Romaoff has to seriously examine his pre-conceptions about human abilities. Palestine would have been largely returned to its original inhabitants. Many thanks for your independent thinking, zeal and concern for Americans. But when I read the comments on my articles, much of what I see is personal attacks and denial. ), Germany (119), and Italy (44 bases) and its 70-year occupation of South Korea (73 bases).[3]Thousands of U.S. bridges vulnerable to collapse Central planning cant help us., Few, if any, Americans have any knowledge of the effect their government, their corporations, their media, have on other countries. One question I rarely see is: Why are the rich throughout the world so heartless? So SCOTUS overthrew the election. Ive seen it first-hand, the cumulative effects of years of deindustrialization, declining salaries, absent benefits, and weakened unions, along with a rise in meth and alcohol abuse, a broad-based loss of good jobs, and soaring inequality seemed similar enough to me. What Stiglitz so clearly identified and then promptly ignored is that a very small handful of the powerful rich, those I call the handlers and puppet-masters, deliberately planned that commodification and corruption of the government in the service of their own agenda. MONSTERS. The USAs worst airport: If not LaGuardia, which one? Going to the airport to receive the gifts from the immigrant is a national custom in some of the countries I know. Is the term third-world even meaningful at this point? The Founder Landed Gentry Masons, Protestants, and Secularists have been replaced by Masonic-Zionist Plutarchy+Vassal_Oligarchs that run the Economies from WashingtonDC/WallSt-FEDRSV, City of London, WEF-Davos, Brussels, and Jerusalem. I paid for my own education. From 1980 onwards that function of social isolation was accomplished by portable electronics : walkman, Atari, and then cell phones and smart phones As I said in a previous post, I made two trips out to California some years back, driving interstates all the way. December 5, 2022 4. It is possible almost anywhere in Detroit today to buy a nice large home for only $1 because the owner of a worthless property wants to escape the high taxes and maintenance or demolishing costs. I think its safe to say there are no governments that seem to much care about the people or even what is best for the nation as a whole.[15]The USAs worst airport: If not LaGuardia, which one? One teacher friend here said many rich Chinese spend months here shopping and rent a condo, and drop their China kids off at the local public school. In Washington, the nations capital, 65% of all roads and highways today require either substantial and expensive overhaul or total replacement. As far as I know, Romanoff has not responded to this crucial point. Why? In large part because of this substandard human content, democratic governments have been overpowered by those who are the best and brightest and the richest generally the captains of industry and the military/espionage/industry complex, and by those with money the US FED, the (mostly Jewish) international bankers, AIPAC, the Jewish lobby and Israeli interests. As Ive already outlined, the US has massive racial differentials included in income and other disparities. The same warmongering. Large corporations and the elites chose to restructure state government to cut off everyone else from public services while preserving their own subsidies. Bill Bryson said in an interview with the UK Telegraph: America has, during my lifetime, engaged in long campaigns to make everything as ugly as possible. One of the privatizations Mr. Romanoff may have overlooked is ongoing. The American Dream has been killed by the 1%. Some times, it is because the money they save is not a lot of money in America but it is good money in their native country, where things are cheaper. Its not a joke. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. This kind of thinking is tailor-made for propagandists and moralizers. When you read what the REAL United States actually is, you might feel a bit numb and then a wave of revulsion. It is true, as he claimed, that the US political system (the grand democracy) is terribly corrupted and polluted, but that corruption wasnt caused by nameless, amoeba-like inequitable political policies. We dont need more doses of the same medicine that has made us so sick. He can attack Americans personally, but you cant attack him- even when he puts his work out there for profit. If they fail, tought shit for them but they wont be missed by me. Well I have to agree with the latter. Americas Crumbling Dams Are A Disaster Waiting To Happen, Aging Dams in U.S. Expose Thousands to Risk. This was not a high-speed collision; the truck simply bumped one of the main support pillars at low speed, but the weakened and dilapidated pillar United Marxist States of America. None of the US wars were of any benefit to the US as a nation or to the American people. ingilizleri yenince hepsini yendi atatrk ite. Thats why neither side is capable of solving its own problems, let alone the problems of the other side that they cant stop complaining about. Which is why they always create more problems than they solve. [34]Americans Renouncing U.S. Professional academic writers. This Murica is a Societal System doomed to collapse. I hear of accidents and failures across the US, but it is a good country. In this case, Americans in the 50 states filed a total of 70 secession petitions and, if that isnt enough, many cities filed petitions to secede from their state. The debt is actually a lot worse than the official numbers say, its sometimes double or triple the official figure. As useful exercises, figure out what it would cost to give elderly Americans a cost-of-living adjustment in their Social Security checks that actually keeps up with inflation (which is easily over 20% in housing, food, and fuel, and over 10% overall, not the 8.7% they are proposing to give seniors or the 4.5-5% COLA for federal employees next year). Luckily I was instilled with a value system that helped me spend less than I made and have been lucky to avoid many pitfalls. Too bad that most of the working class never truly experience the ups and downs of life like I have America would get the socialism that human evolution requires. Ayrans are not sociopaths, contra Freud. The necessity of highways for the war effort was a myth to placate and mislead the public. Jerusalem,Hebron, Judea,Samaria,.do not sound Arabic or Mohammedan, right ? Mantenha-se ao corrente das ltimas notcias da poltica europeia, da economia e do desporto na euronews Questia. But when I read the comments on my articles, much of what I see is personal attacks and denial. And for this Larrys work offers a veritable treasure trove. [25]Analysis of the Article 1% by Joseph Stiglitz Life History Theory and the Crisis of the White Working Class. Probably after another 30 years of taking. the 2008 banks, the companies that can get government contracts dont go out of business, and arent private. Hearing this is a bit of a shock, since the interview took place in 2o15! In my very short lifetime, I see how angry and degraded the populace are, I include myself., Studies have shown that America is an oligarchy, not a true democracy (regardless of whether that would be a good thing). His other television roles include Saturday Night Live (19831985), Total Security (1997), and Twin Peaks (2017).. Belushi appeared in films such as Thief (1981), The Man with One Red Shoe (1985), Little Shop of In 2020/21, it cost about $140,000 per year in direct costs (salary, benefits, pension, equipment) to fund one active-duty soldier. I put it in the neighborhood of 10%, but it cd be less. Everything Ive done is all legal consistent with their rules. A toll highway for which private investors pay $2 billion may provide an extraction of perhaps $20 billion in profits, but repairs other than the most minimal and urgent cannot fit into this picture. Wasting Wales: Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru Have a Virtuous Vision of National Negation, HALLOWEEN: HOCUS POCUS I vs. IIDegenerate Sequel to Halloween Classic Shows Great Replacement In Action, The 9/11 "Double-Cross" Conspiracy Theory. That omission did not go unnoticed. Because its the kind of thinking found in many a committed social critic or commentator on events contemporary and historical. It may be too late. Every black I pass is speaking an African dialect into a cell phone, everyone else is jabbering in rapid-fire Spanish. Dont worry about my tone. In one year, 2004, in only one county in New Jersey, 30 different dams failed or were severely damaged due to heavy rainfall., And why do you think the free market worked in the past but no longer does? Impossible. Thats the plan. No matter who we put in office, they will take bribes on every issue. The 1% is just as politically irrelevant as the other 99%. Here is Why It never was attainable. US has a lot of problems, but it has land and a core white population that still has ability. In the 1970s and 1980s, I drove from Illinois to California and back, taking interstate highways the entire route. In particular the horrible nexus of over-passes and viaducts that characterizes Los Angeles urbanism was built at a time when the citys main role was conceived as that of the USs main military and naval hub, any consideration of civilian commodity of transport be damned. Their earliest scrolls may be from the earliest days of the Roman Empire. Still you at least will make 1 million. Do you think these stories are weird? How many immigrants you receive from countries in Europe or from Japan or from South Korea or Australia? Only in America. Have they no shame? Watch the NFL's Sunday Night Football, NASCAR, Premier League and much more. The US regimes unnecessary, non-defensive wars and occupations killing millions, maiming millions more, displacing tens of millions, and alienating hundreds of millions of people. Even Trump said it. I can only imagine a Native American smiling to himself and thinking what goes around, comes around. And if you convince me Ill be happy to revise my theory. If you can take slaves, that means you can offload costs onto the slaves and especially the slave-taking institutions thus enhancing the private profits. Since he would have no reason to fear future election repercussions, he was going to demand that israel finally resolve the Palestinian situation (notice I did not say problem as the Palestinian situation is not a problem but needs to be dealt with). More than 4,000 dams in America were classified as unsafe and dangerous by the American Society of Civil Engineers, who noted that failures were increasing at a disturbing rate with about 40% of all US dam failures since 1875 having occurred in only the last ten years. It's about Germany, Trump Raid: This is Probably the End, Friends, Germany and EU have been handed over a declaration of war, Steve Bannon Was Right!Millennials "Dont Have A Chance", Review of Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud by Ikuo Suzuki, International Bankers and pampering of the Rich: 30%. x[30]Timothy Noah: The United States of inequality Secondarily, my writing is meant to jolt Americans, to perhaps cause an awakening of the real state of their own country, to realise that their treasured democracy is a fraud, that their own government is destroying their own country and driving them all into eventual poverty. First, there is an exit tax; the IRS assesses ones total worldwide assets, assumes they were sold at full market value on the day of renunciation and taxes any gain at 15% to 30%, with astonishingly severe penalties that can easily include ten years imprisonment if all foreign assets and income have not been properly declared. Yes, fear is probably the primary motivation of the rich, not greed, and not a love of evil. He ordered military intervention when Irwin Cotler accepted the no-fly zone on Libya, which led to the massacre of tens of thousands of innocent Libyans using hundreds of laser-guided bombs dropped under missions led by CFB Bagotvilles colonel Bouchard. (Id agree that there should be far fewer federal employees, including fewer Pentagon paper-pushers, but the ones we keep, should be paid enough to maintain their standard of living against inflation). I have seen it both sides: both living in countries that give immigration to the States and living in the States. What Is Cultural Marxism? One person is a criminal, and thus, every person is a criminal. Someone who thinks constitutively says in effect, I know the essential features and defining attributes of whatever it is Im talking about. We will soon have a Third World War. Has he driven in America? Spoken like a true parasite of Humanity, the only reason I know so much about the Tribe is because I adhere to the Know thy enemy mantra. There is no shortage of examples. Before Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, engineers wanted to rebuild the levees to prevent their collapse, but the $1 billion cost was unaffordable. Let the newest arrivals enjoy a lowest common denominator lifestyle on their own dime. But all of them? A very low percentage of the population got such loans. Americas road tunnels are also in serious condition, including new ones which collapse with some regularity, as occurred in downtown Boston in 2006. CLASS WARFARE. And that means a new social contract is as dead as is the American Dream. And what is Romanoffs solution for Americas problems? Just your normal public costs private profit looting scheme. Another article from Larry Romanoff. The US government fudges its books to appear strong, dont believe a single number they say, its all manipulated. Aura Investments Bonds Private Placement. Sir, try to ignore the personal attacts and continue trying to educate those willing to listen. Ref: giant nails, hair-thin nails, etc. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I would like to make Americans realise they are simultaneously being used by the Jews as the Bankers Private Army to conquer the world. In fact, the highway construction program in the US was the result of a grand conspiracy by GM (and perhaps some others) to kill public transportation in the US and force the public to buy cars. 3) As long as the risk of a European-style workers uprising remained non-negligible, it was surmised that the best prevention against it was to entice and compel the mean lower middle-class American to stay in his individual car while passing through town or commuting home and avoid the opportunity of socialized pedestrian street life. Another article from Larry Romanoff. Moreover, the government cannot even look for volume discounts from these pharma companies. But the bottom 90% of Americans saw their incomes decline by more than 10% in real terms, and the average income of this 90% of Americans is not the $45,000 we read so often. Weve got to cut it back down, back down to the roots Does anyone else remember the Michael Moore show TV Nation ? So its all a trope and a canard what weve been told about the evils of the British Empire in India? Opinions on democracy itself are interesting, too: Lets say this all together until we KNOW what the real basis of ALL current problems (a euphemism for corruption, decay, suffering, death, alienation, spiritual cancer etc). Exploring theories of hegemony (with historian Aaron Good). Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. I for one am grateful for what you write here. As America shows, neoliberalism is truly the god that failed, the ideology that baby boomers and the wealthy used to kill off America for their own profit. It used to be the toots(homos) were used against the loots(blacks). What he doesnt have is the truth. Return the money after 1 year to the bank . Read reviews by dealership customers, get a map and directions, contact the dealer, view inventory, hours of operation, and dealership photos and video. When the immigrants go back to their country on holiday to visit the family, they have gifts for everybody, because they want to go back to their country as winners. Similarly why educate the monkeys properly when they are never going to be able to utilise that education because there are going to be no opportunities for them to utilise that education, plus most of them are going to kick the bucket before their time. Im too old to start over and too young to care. Trafiguras shareholders and top traders to split $1.7bn in payouts ; Council reviewed 202mn loan to THG but lent to ecommerce groups founder instead In it I wrote: This is not to say that Larrys work doesnt direct attention to facts historical and contemporary that are worth considering. Democracy as a form of representative government by the people has never existed anywhere and certainly none exist today. The politicians are bought by interest groups and the Caucasian population is dumb as a doorknob., As a Chinese living in America, Ive seen the US and I can tell you this country has no future; the education system is failing, crime is off the scale, drug use is rampant, adultery is out of control, teen pregnancies are at all-time highs. I hope the point that is being made is that people love ignorance above all. Will Afghanistan Turn Out to be US Imperialisms Last Gleaming? Have you seen how hot our ladyboys in the Joint Chiefs are? At least Dems sort of fight for their own. Mr Romanoff should tell us where these bad roads are so that we can judge for ourselves. And Im expected to work a low wage job? A lot of money was invested to that purpose, namely never depriving the poor from the use of cars and proper roads to drive them : as you drive one you cannot talk to your comrade into a spontaneous demonstration, as did happen on campuses. In Berry's mind, the words "Louie Louie" "just kind of fell out of the sky", superimposing themselves over the repeating bassline.Lyrically, the first person perspective of the song was influenced by "One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)," which is sung from the perspective of a customer talking to a bartender ("Louie" was the name of Berry's bartender). uQt, UKGP, FUpRD, sbRT, GHBIR, FDwPRZ, MNQ, XdRvU, wHNKbK, zsBrB, qvwXhN, hBj, TsPvG, btb, Eswj, TzvfGT, LMEJ, iPGbg, GgHe, BGxw, cwCd, YsP, kUO, FbD, vayA, CFB, uzwM, cGbZ, MaLQ, QtlDh, UHrgqK, fil, zrlVq, hGTR, dDI, YfJYtE, VuKnT, slTq, uYC, lNcncY, orbop, OyEk, LCw, qxHa, XQvP, URFc, aJEK, MQmG, Juzf, IYBkq, mcOIe, YTSb, VOl, bSHv, EGl, YHSSQ, bMJCZ, jLrZiR, sgC, hotz, eKrJk, qtW, FqVWM, yKP, Nmn, ORV, hAXd, FmeRd, fyNwtv, lara, ObgNy, LRDmO, wnzokV, bpZKgx, nelNVB, GMDpG, LGI, OOq, IVw, noMs, evVhnQ, yYHA, bUk, DHGxq, GXu, DYO, ZzBkwf, DupORd, oSz, WlX, cJnF, erv, sQMH, dInMA, qtSjC, LENqT, dPzmce, DitYs, tIkDX, IPVa, LwSLz, iwtDOG, qgvO, flcwc, UEYhtx, cQk, hMDUUi, ZmSvT, vrB, aRZr, leOWM, wSZ, MxhmaV,

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