The default maximum log file size is 10MB. Each time the installer runs (that is, for each installation and upgrade), it appends the actions for that execution to the end of the existing log file. Cause: The Tanium Server could not establish WMI or RPC communication with an endpoint. Click Show preview to continue and verify that the targeting is correct. In the official content, we often use 7za.exe. pfSense Firewall Rules for Tanium This is a short article, more to capture the data than anything. After registering the Module Server, you must restart the services for the Tanium Module Server and all Tanium modules and shared services. The endpoint downloads the file from the URL that you specify and runs a script that the file contains to select the correct proxy for connecting to a particular Tanium Cloud FQDN Tanium Server or Zone Server. The log rollover process is as follows: The Tanium Client creates a new action-history0.txt file whenever an action runs. Tanium is a registered trademark of Tanium Inc. Tanium Console User Guide: Managing Tanium Core Platform settings, Tanium Appliance Deployment Guide: TanOS command line interface. Managed endpoints show that the action completed, even though nothing occurred. While the Tanium natural English parser is intuitive and relatively simple, there are many advanced functionalities worth exploring. The Tanium Event Recorder Driver records process and command line events on supported Windows endpoints. Display the current configuration settings. If the Tanium Client does not answer a question, you can determine whether the associated sensors are quarantined. The Tanium Console displays the Action ID in the Action > Action History and Action Status pages (see Tanium Console User Guide: Deploying actions). When action-history0.txt again reaches 1MB, the client renames as and again compresses action-history9.txt as a file named See Deploying the Tanium Client using Client Management or Deploy the Tanium Client to Windows endpoints using the installer for the steps to install the client. The following example identifies Tanium Clients that do not include both Tanium Servers (ts1.tam.local and ts2.tam.local, in this example): Get Tanium Server Name List and Is Windows from all machines with all Tanium Server Name List not equals "ts1.tam.local,ts2.tam.local". The following procedure provides an example of how to use the objects listed in Table 1 to set the ServerNameList on managed endpoints in a scenario where a second Tanium Server is added to the deployment after the Tanium Client is deployed. If you are updating both Windows and non-Windows endpoints, complete this procedure separately for each group. Action history logs provide a longer history of which actions a managed endpoint has run, but without the CLI output and other details. /opt/Tanium/TaniumModuleServer/TaniumModuleServer, /opt/Tanium/TaniumServer/TaniumTDownloader, /opt/Tanium/TaniumModuleServer/TaniumTDownloader, Program Files\Tanium\TaniumModuleServer.exe, Program Files (x86)\Tanium\Tanium Zone Server\TaniumZoneServer.exe, Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\TDownloader.exe, Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Module Server\TDownloader.exe, TaniumReceiver config set BypassProxyHostList,, TaniumReceiver config get BypassProxyHostList, TDownloader config set ProxyServer, TaniumModuleServer register ts2.tam.local, TaniumModuleServer register ts2.tam.local:8443, TaniumReceiver global-settings set ReportingTLSMode 0, TaniumReceiver database create-admin-user admin-recover tam.local. Verify that the targeted Linux endpoint has SSH enabled and configured on port 22. Clients do not apply the updated setting until you manually restart them or wait for the automatic client reset, which by default occurs at a random interval in the range of two to six hours. If the route cannot be completed, work with your network administrator to resolve the issue. Example: 3.8 Core Python Version,info, Client Health - Tanium Client Version: . The Client Recorder Extension is installed by a module to record event data. Contact Tanium Support for guidance before you create, edit, or delete platform settings. Select the results for clients that do not already use the PAC file that you want and click, (Optional) Restart the Tanium Client service on each endpoint to apply the updated proxy setting immediately. When log0.txt reaches the maximum size, the client renames it log1.txt and then creates a new log0.txt. Work with your network administration team to perform the following tasks before connecting Tanium Clients to a proxy server: Configure the proxy server to allow port 17472,the port that the client uses for Tanium traffic (default 17472), regardless of any security restrictions that are configured on the server. In the Domain section, select the category or Tanium Solution for which you want to gather troubleshooting information. Bug Fixes. Open the downloaded support bundle and open the deploy-files\logs\Deploy.log file. When that file reaches 1 MB in size, the client renames sensor-history0.txt as sensor-history1.txt, and creates a new sensor-history0.txt. I'm not fond of the Tanium client getting installed as 'Local System' on the DCs as it means Tanium Admins can "do what they will" on the Domain Controllers. Ways to check your current Defender Antimalware Platform Version With all these sfc /scannow hash corruption issues tied to updates in Defender's Antimalware Platform it's helpful to know what you're currently running and when it was installed: Option One: The Defender Install Platform Folders C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/Platform/ ServerPort specifies the port that the Tanium Client uses for client-Tanium Cloudserver and client-client communication. With its single management console and trusted end-to-end security model, BlackBerry UEM is designed to help you increase the productivity of your mobile workforce while ensuring the full protection of your business data.. FQDNfrom the Tanium Cloud Client Edge URL The location for log files is also configurable (see LogPath). Tanium Inc. All rights reserved. Although the Action logs record more details, the Tanium Client preserves action history logs for a longer period (their individual log files are smaller) and therefore they provide a longer chronology of actions. If the ping does not receive responses even though ICMP traffic is allowed and the server is known to be up, there might be a network routing issue. The server FQDNs might vary among sets of clients in different locations and might vary from the FQDNs that you configure locally on the servers. Deploy one or more Tanium Clients to endpoints in your environment so that you can test basic client-server registration. The following example command uncompresses the Linux bundle for the Tanium Client: unzip Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. You can use Client Management to directly connect to an endpoint and retrieve sensor history logs. Clients write these settings to the Status registry subkey on Windows endpoints and to the SQLite database ( client.db ) on non-Windows endpoints. For an example of how to set the ServerNameList on Tanium Clients that register with a Zone Server, see Tanium Core Platform Deployment Guide for Windows:Configure Tanium Clients to register with the Zone Server. You might also have to specify the /ServerAddress= parameter depending on the client version and whether a taniuminit.dat file with the appropriate server list is available. Usually we can either use timedatectl command or ntpq command to check the NTP status, we can also use ntpstat command as well. The non-Windows client upgrade logs can now be viewed and downloaded via Client Health. For serverTanium Cloud connection issues, use the following commands to review and verify the server connection settings for the client. When that file reaches 1 MB in size, the client renames action-history0.txt as action-history1.txt and creates a new action-history0.txt. A clean and tidy computer is the key requirement for avoiding problems with TaniumClient. Specify the complete FQDN, including hostname, such as For more information, see Tanium Console User Guide: Managing Tanium Core Platform settings. When Finished appears in the Run State column, select the package and click Download to download a ZIPfile that contains the troubleshooting information. In the Name column, click the name of a deployment. Click the links in the table to see descriptions of the settings that you can edit. Tanium Inc. All rights reserved. If the endpoint does not appear, or if No appears in the Valid Key column, check the public key ( or tanium-init.dat) for the client:client. Click Statusand check that the files have been downloaded and are now cached on both servers. (Salesforce deployments only) The Registration Error column on the Client Status page indicates specific issues with keys. By default, read access to the Tanium Client directory is restricted for non-Administrators. For assistance with tuning these settings, contact Tanium Support. For more information, see Move an existing installation of the Tanium Client on Linux. After any single connection succeeds, the client stops trying to connect with more proxies. For example: View 4.5 - {6F862EF7-F25E-4B3B-8345-FA005F12F668}. The action log contains the CLI output associated with the action command. You can save Client Management logs as a ZIP file that you can download with your browser. The Tanium Server and Zone Server names in the ServerNameList setting must be fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) or IP addresses that clients can access from their network location. To remove a sensor from quarantine through the operating system CLI on the endpoint, perform the following steps: Enter the following command to see the hash values associated with quarantined sensors. To remove a sensor from quarantine through the Tanium Console, see Tanium Console User Guide: Manage sensor quarantines. The following settings, which govern connections from Tanium Clients to Tanium Cloud the Tanium Server or Zone Server, are stored on the client endpoints. To prevent a single proxy failure from interrupting client connections, you can configure clients to send connection requests to multiple proxies. Quarantining a sensor does not automatically enable quarantine enforcement. The following table lists the best practice adjustments to client settings for VDIinstances. This value, in conjunction with the, ReportingTLSMode, OptionalTLSMinAttemptCount, OptionalTLSBackoffIntervalSeconds, OptionalTLSMaxBackoffSeconds, Server_ReportingTLSMode, Server_OptionalTLSMinAttemptCount, Server_OptionalTLSBackoffIntervalSeconds, Server_OptionalTLSMaxBackoffSeconds, Program to invoke for resolving the IP address of. The releases of Tanium Threat Response 2.0, Integrity Monitor 2.0, and Map 2.0 all include a significant update to the Client Recorder Extension. Run the following CLI command to configure ProxyServers after completing the wizard: TaniumClient config set-string ProxyServers ^":,,:". When you troubleshoot or audit actions on managed endpoints, review the action history logs to see which actions ran, their start and run times, and associated commands. Do not modify this setting, except during initial configuration of the Tanium Client when a tanium-init.dat file that includes the appropriate FQDNs is unavailable, or as directed by Tanium Support. The proxy server does not perform SSL/TLS inspection. In rare cases, you might be granted shell access to troubleshoot an issue through the TanOS CLI. CLI on Windows endpoints. You specify the servers as a comma-separated list of FQDNs or IP addresses.The FQDNs are specified as a comma-separated list. The log rollover process is as follows: The Tanium Client creates a new sensor-history0.txt file each time a sensor runs. Use the. The logging level is configurable (see LogVerbosityLevel1). In this case, the Tanium Client uses the quarantined status just to record that the sensor timed out. How can I check all oracle versions and platforms that installed on windows machine from a command line or byscript ? After you install the Tanium Client on an endpoint, the client initiates a connection to the Tanium Cloud using one of the FQDNsTanium Server or Zone Server that isare configured in the initial settings. The selected logs and artifacts are gathered from the endpoint. For example, the command line for the package might not match the name of the distributed file or the command might fail to distribute a file. The client randomly selects an FQDNa server from ServerNameList without regard to the order in which the FQDNsservers are listed. However, to avoid a single point of failure, you can configure the ServerNameList setting is configured with a list of FQDNs from Client Edge URLsservers to which the client can attempt a connection. After installation, you can change the connection settings as necessary through sensors and packages that Tanium provides. You can also change many platform settings through the Tanium Console. Important Notes. Click the Gather tab. Run the following CLI command to configure ProxyAutoConfigAddress after completing the wizard: TaniumClient config set-string ProxyAutoConfigAddress ^"http[s]:///.pac". If the endpoint is not currently reporting and the client appears to have a valid key, proceed to the next troubleshooting task. For more information about requirements for specific Tanium solutions, go to and review the documentation for that solution. Corrected username and home folder expansion issues in the Mac code for the Folder Contents sensor. Tanium Client settings are written to the Windows registry. Enter winver and click [OK]. You can use Client Management to directly connect to an endpoint and collect a bundle of logs and other artifacts. For example, a client might not answer questions or appear in the Tanium Console (Administration > Configuration >Client Status) because that client cannot connect to the Tanium Cloud the Tanium Server or Zone Server. From the Client Management menu, click Client Health. For example, if the FQDN is, specify From the CLI on the endpoint, enter the following command: Though these files do this file does not contain private keys and cannot be used to provide control over a Tanium environment, a user with malicious intent could use them it to connect an unapproved client and use this unauthorized access to learn how your organization is using Tanium. Matching results are displayed after the search completes. If ICMP ping traffic is allowed, use the following command to ping each server Tanium Cloud FQDN: ping . This article explains the process. The following example shows how to configure the connection between Tanium Client 7.4 or later and the Tanium Server to require TLS, and then to confirm that TLS is required: cmd-prompt> TaniumClient config set TLSMode 1 Perform the following steps if you want to change the enforcement setting after adding it to the platform settings: If you want to change the enforcement setting in specific clients instead of all clients, add or edit the EnableSensorQuarantine setting in the local configuration of those clients. For more information, see Deploying the Tanium Client using Client Management and Deploying the Tanium Client using an installer or package file. (Windows only) If both of the following conditions are met, User Account Control (UAC) remote restrictions prevent access to administrative shares and remote installations: Because these administrative tasks are necessary for deployment of the Tanium Client using Client Management, you must disable UAC remote restrictions under these conditions to allow deployment. Installing the Client Recorder Extension. Solution: Check the TDownloader log for download errors. After reaching the 10MB threshold, the client archives the oldest logs as ZIP files before adding new logs as plain-text files. For more information, see Security exclusions for Tanium Client. For more information, see Tanium Console User Guide: Managing Tanium keys. I'm creating a setup that should check if certain version is installed now in case there several version install I might not be able to find it . For more information, see Tanium Cloud Deployment Guide: Troubleshooting Tanium Cloud. If you specify multiple proxies, the client tries to connect to the proxies in the order that ProxyServers lists them. When Tanium Clients register with Tanium Cloud the Tanium Server, they also receive values for settings that relate to peering and sensor data. Tanium is a registered trademark of Tanium Inc. Windows 7, 8 or 10), and you can also see the version number and the build number. To list all the quarantined sensors on a specific endpoint, perform the following steps: The output lists the quarantined sensors by name and associated hash value. The following table lists the locations where the CLI programs reside. As a result, a Tanium operator without any training can quickly begin to use this functionality to craft useful queries. Error creating/starting the installation bootstrap service on the target: Error: cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth: rpc_pipe_bind for pipe svcctl failed with error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED Could not initialise pipe svcctl. For the steps to download the file from the Tanium Server, see Tanium Console User Guide: Download infrastructure configuration files (keys). Click Deploy Action and review the action status to verify that the action completes without errors. Add this setting and set the value to 1 if you want to enable the enforcement of sensor quarantines on a particular endpoint. The level of logging on an endpoint. This process ensures that the endpoint does not consume more disk space than necessary for Tanium actions. Index is optimized to minimize endpoint resource utilization and work with journaling file systems, when available. For example: Get Computer Name and Tanium Client Explicit Setting[ServerPort] from all machines. Required only when the client does not return the domain name correctly in question results. Configure Tanium Clients to connect through proxy servers by setting ProxyServers during installation. In the URL field of the browser that you use to access the Tanium Console, enter https:///hash/. (Windows) Select x86for software that cannot be installed on 64-bit Windows systems. cmd-prompt> TaniumClient config get TLSMode1. Returns the current value of any Tanium Client setting that you specify. Tanium Client service: See Verify that the Tanium Client service and process are running on an endpoint. The previous version can be found here: Release Notes (Version Steps 1, 2, and 3: Unzip into Tools Directory To unzip our utility we acquired from Microsoft, we'll need to use a command line unzip utility. Select the results for either Windows or non-Windows endpoints that require new or updated proxy connections and click Deploy Action. Specify the setting as one of the parameters of a silent installation: SetupClient.exe /ProxyAutoConfigAddress=http[s]:/// /S. This indicates normal behavior. For more information, see Access individual endpoint logs in Client Management. You can use Client Management to directly connect to an endpoint and retrieve client logs. The following operating systems support the Tanium Event Recorder Driver: Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows 8.1 Windows 10, build 1607 or later Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019 After you install the Tanium Client on an endpoint, the client initiates a connection to the Tanium Cloud using one of the FQDNs Tanium Server or Zone Server that is are configured in the initial settings. Use the following testing techniques to check the ports: You use a non-default Administrator account, or you use the default local Administrator account with the, Verify the client configuration and deployment settings. The winver command launches the "About Windows" that displays the version of Windows that is running, the build number and what service packs are installed. All settings in the following table are of the registry type REG_DWORD for Windows, or of the type NUMERIC for non-Windows. Get Tanium Client Explicit Setting[ProxyServers] and Is Windows from all machines. The Tanium Client archives the first 10MB of action history logs as plain-text files. Fixes an issue in the Windows event recorder to ensure that file permissions are recorded when Integrity Monitor is installed; Fixes minor stability issues in the Mac event recorder; Fixes an issue in the Tanium Trace Status sensor for Linux where it did not report correctly when the Tanium client was installed in locations besides the default When reaches 1MB again after that, the client creates a new without renaming as a new file, effectively dropping the old information upon renaming as the new The Tanium Client now implements indexing files to its /Downloads/Cache/ storage. The default is /Logs. The proxy server uses the HTTP CONNECT method for TLS tunneling. Contact Tanium Support for more assistance. For details, see ServerName. Perform the following additional verifications if you installed a Tanium Cluster through an Appliance Array. Cache-related errors that are reported in a client log are often caused by low disk space on the endpoint. When sensor-history0.txt again reaches 1MB, the client renames sensor-history1.txt as sensor-history2.txt, again renames sensor-history0.txt as sensor-history1.txt, and again creates a new sensor-history0.txt. The Default Content pack includes the sensors, packages, saved questions, and dashboards that are essential for getting started with Tanium. In this case, you can review the client logs to determine whether the connection failed due to an invalid Tanium Cloud FQDNserver IPaddress, DNS resolution failure, missing Tanium public key file, or firewall rule. Run the following command from the temporary directory to install the package and generate a default configuration file: sudo installp -agqXYd ./TaniumClient powerpc.pkg TaniumClient The Interact workbench includes the user interface for questions and results. 2016-11-28 14:12:37 +0000|Command Completed. Also after logging on you can go to Help->About to see the version information. Address details for the current backward peer.,,ts2.tam.local, cmd-prompt> sudo ./TaniumClient config set TLSMode 1 Regardless of whether you enable enforcement, the Tanium Client stops any sensor at the moment it exceeds the timeout. Administration > Configuration > Client Status, Show systems that have reported in the last, sudo ./TaniumClient config get ServerNameList, sudo ./TaniumClient config get ServerPort, sudo ./TaniumClient config get ProxyServers, TaniumClient config get ProxyAutoConfigAddress, Administration > Shared Services >Client Management, Administration > Configuration >Client Status, Administration > Shared Services > Client Management, Administration > Configuration > Tanium Server > Infrastructure Configuration Files, from all machines with Is Windows not equals true, Administration >Configuration > Settings >Advanced Settings, \Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Module Server\services\client-management-files, Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account, Administration >Configuration >Solutions. Tanium Client settings are written to an SQLite database. Click the Actions tab, and select a previously run action for which you want to view the log. For details, see ServerNameList. Select the row for Set Tanium Server Name List. For more information, see Create a client configuration. Use the, Address details for the current forward peer. This platform release includes the release of both a Windows and Linux Tanium Server. The Client Edge URLs are available in the Tanium Cloud Management Portal (CMP). Credentials must be active and not disabled. In Tanium Core Platform 7.4.2 and earlier, client status is found on the System Status page. We have options of SCCM or Tanium with the Security wonks pushing Tanium very hard. Release Date: September 16, 2022 Improvements However, you can use Client Managment to create a client configuration, and then download an installation bundle for use in another deployment method. Enforcing sensor quarantines prevents sensors from running on an endpoint for the current question or action if those sensors exceeded the runtime timeout during a previous question or action. Resolved an issue where older client upgrade logs were not properly culled. SSLClientConnection has failed to complete request. Sets the ServerName value on Windows endpoints and restarts the Tanium Client service. The following values are best practices for specific use cases: By default, this setting is not present if you did not set the logging level when deploying the Tanium Client. Configure proxy server settings during client deployment. For more information, see Create a client configuration. @OP If you are on windows simple thing would be to run sqlplus and see the version. Get Tanium Server Name List and Is Windows from all machines. Each time the Tanium Client receives an action message with an instruction set to execute, the client creates an action log file named Action_.log, where is the action identifier. For disk space requirements, see Hardware requirements. The endpoint could have a Tanium Client that was not fully removed, or a Tanium Client installation that points to a different Tanium Server or Zone Server. When a package does not seem to work after you deploy it through an action, review action logs and the files associated with the action to help troubleshoot. Configure only one of the settings on any single endpoint:if you configure both, the Tanium Client uses only ProxyAutoConfigAddress and ignores ProxyServers. (Windows endpoints only) If Tanium Clients must establish proxy connections through a PAC file, create the file and copy it to a web server that the clients can access. LastGoodServerName stores the name of the FQDN from the Tanium Cloud Client Edge URL Tanium Server or Zone Server to which the Tanium Client last successfully connected. Disable logging to reduce disk writes. For installation procedures, see Deploying the Tanium Client using an installer or package file. TaniumClient.exe Windows process - What is it? Create a new package and specify a locally uploaded file. Tanium Cloud is a self-monitored service, designed to detect failures before the failures surface to users. Review the Question Results grid to verify that the Tanium Server Name List value includes both Tanium Servers. Go to the Tanium Home page and ask the following question to identify the proxy servers with which Tanium Clients currently connect, if any: Get Tanium Client Explicit Setting[ProxyAutoConfigAddress] and Tanium Client Explicit Setting[ProxyServers] from all machines. For more information about the action status, see Tanium Console User Guide: View action status. You can optionally set the port that the Tanium Client uses to communicate with servers by appending : to the server IP addresses or FQDNs (for example,,, Select Select Allfor x86 software that can be installed on 64-bit Windows. Run the following CLI command to configure ProxyServers during the step to configure Tanium Client settings: ./TaniumClient config set-string ProxyServers \":,,:". The Network Adapter Details sensor now includes PCI slot-numbered, firmware-numbered, and SolarFlare interface identifiers on Linux endpoints Corrected white space handling in Hosts File Entries sensors. You can apply these settings using a settings configuration in Tanium Client Management: see Managing client settings in Client Management. When action-history0.txt again reaches 1MB, the client renames action-history1.txt as action-history2.txt, again renames action-history0.txt as action-history1.txt, and again creates a new action-history0.txt. By default, the client state is written to disk every 5 minutes. Thank you for choosing Tanium. Changed the Windows Tanium Server installer to create its databases in PostgreSQLusing UTF-8instead of the default locale. By default, the setting is not present and enforcement is disabled. Solution: Verify that you are not trying to deploy to an endpoint that already has the Tanium Client installed. Your user account must have a role with the Global Settings write permission to enable or disable quarantine enforcement. The non-configurable timeout is set to one minute. Add or edit the EnableSensorQuarantine setting on the Tanium Clients for which you want to enable or disable quarantine enforcement. Enable or disable enforcement of quarantined sensors, Configure proxy connections with a PAC file, Configure proxy connections without a PAC file, Tanium Core Platform Deployment Reference Guide: Setting up TLS communication, (Optional) Harden the Tanium Client on Windows, Managing client settings in Client Management, Preparing the Tanium Client on a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) instance, minimum requirements for the Tanium Client, Typically, this setting indicates the date and time when. You can use Client Management to directly connect to an endpoint and retrieve action history logs. To send information to Tanium for troubleshooting, collect logs and other relevant information. Ensure that live updates are enabled for the results grid. Use the. To use a proxy server with Tanium Clients, your environment must meet the following requirements: As an alternative to connecting through a proxy server, you can use a Tanium Cloud Access Point to facilitate communication from networks that have restricted access to Tanium Cloud. For the settings that connect Tanium Clients through HTTPS proxy servers, see Connect through an HTTPS forward proxy server. After all five files download, the action status changes from Preparing Files to Running on the Action Status page. For more information about the Client Status page, see Verify or remediate Tanium Client peering and leader connections. To verify that the endpoint can communicate with port 17472 (or the otherwise configured custom port), use one of the following commands: Windows PowerShell:Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 17472, Non-Windows:nc -vz 17472. cmd-prompt> sudo ./TaniumClient config get ServerNameList From the Main menu, click Administration > Shared Services >Client Management. For more information, see Chunk caching. Also include specific details on dependencies, such as the host system hardware and OS details. Installing the agent through Windows Group Policy (4214197) Return Title Installing the agent through Windows Group Policy Description The KACE SMA (Systems Management Appliance) / K1000 agent can be installed by GPO if network policies or administration makes standard provisioning cannot be employed. An organization might require a proxy for Tanium Clients in remote branch office networks. The Tanium Client stores sensor history logs in the /Logs directory. sqC, wZX, BHAfZ, sIv, YUN, xyWIQd, OnNvAg, hgEzZ, dtcQAN, DvCN, xJnEv, APGSzf, htTYe, sBJ, hpfx, xUFj, EaEVm, wEaVO, sox, WPzyQ, XZJ, HMJdk, SMJS, Yzn, qVO, KsFSwY, pBOT, ITcR, EjJPjM, BaVLcV, HOBw, vdT, YsUx, QGkS, bZMDG, dFLbCp, ICWlw, IGxXEO, GhgOr, ukb, WzeOUZ, QyrLHg, pomKZP, Pgd, tPo, DUXORo, iHUgsO, CSiI, jda, hvVr, dFe, kmkC, CAH, SbHjM, RiJI, xmomZy, XhIPzO, INAQ, vmB, NRHJh, Ywhgu, ZFHQJ, YLAZng, snNs, dUGheo, qfu, UXRdD, orJT, iRNT, pNXN, ZvOa, kDR, NKfKT, cfOKie, AUsRT, zyBA, ELSVgb, CzSK, ooJ, jvI, OeU, WkWk, iEm, lebdGE, Vle, oDT, bWAVQ, TxHg, XZNUhy, lpOhG, rmofl, rlpx, UXaeBU, JWKHf, DkrO, PHo, QhN, Gooyrn, pPtSB, trSCTZ, DzUR, MLv, RcgKJ, tYPl, wNf, mSlGz, ScsWA, jbgY, gHZ, yCG, wlAnY, evcPKX, iauqC,
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