Menstrual cramps happen when your uterus contracts to shed its lining, also known as the uterine lining. Women may especially benefit from going caffeine-free. What The Experts Say, Can you put coffee in solo cups? Talk to your OB-GYN about birth control options, including the pill, birth control shot or hormonal IUD. If this describes you, you likely have a caffeine allergy or extreme caffeine sensitivity. You also need: While you can meet many of your nutrient requirements with a healthy diet, you may need supplements to get everything you and your baby need. Also, are you sure nasturtium and watercress are the same plant, Ive seen both in mo and Wisconsin. Farah A. Certain herbal supplements like Echinacea and Guarana are also known to increase the effects of caffeine. CGA are shown to have the following impacts/actions: Antioxidant activity, possible anti-opioid activity, hypoglycemic, and potential effects on brain function independently of the pharmacological effects of caffeine. The Soda Package gratuity is $1.59 per person, per day. Depression during pregnancy. Life is nuts, and most of us need to mainline caffeine just to get by. Lipid peroxidation and coupled vitamin oxidation in simulated and human gastric fluid inhibited by dietary polyphenols: health implications. These practices can help you relax, release muscle tension and improve blood flow throughout your body. "Plus, alcohol also can cause you to retain water, so you can feel more puffy and bloated. An extreme adverse reaction to drinking the slightest amount of coffee may be a caffeine allergy rather than caffeine hypersensitivity. But for the most part, I've long enjoyed living each day in comfortable and familiar environs. Both therapy and medication can be helpful in treating mental health conditions in pregnancy. Submitted for publication. This can constrict your uterus, making cramps more painful. Plus, these herbal teas can have other benefits, like stress relief and helping with insomnia. Coffee: Consumption and Health Implications. "Something like a chickpea burger or a fresh wild salmon filet will provide some iron along with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, too, making it a smart swap," Smith tells us. Nicole Jardim is a certified womens health coach and the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines simplicity and sass. Also, are you sure nasturtium and watercress are the same plant, Ive seen both in mo and Wisconsin. A little heat can help your muscles relax, improve blood flow and relieve tension. (2004). This can contribute to bone thinning (osteoporosis).If you consume too much, caffeine may cause also your muscles to twitch. During that visit you'll be screened for certain conditions that could lead to complications. Effect of coffee melanoidins on human heparoma hepG2 cells. Some researchers believe the nutrient makes it easier for serotonin to pass through the cell membranes; in turn, making the effects of serotonin more powerful. We use the latest scientific research to optimize how we source, test, roast and deliver our coffees. Yes saw Palmetto helps testosterone levels to raise, but it also helps lower the DHT that the testosterone gives off therefore allowing our estrogen to raise. Instant coffee contains far less caffeine than your average freshly brewed roast. Takenaka M., Sato N., Asakawa H., Wen X., Murata M., and Homma S. (2005). Add beans to salads, soups, or whole-grain pasta and rice dishes. We use the latest scientific research to optimize how we source, test, roast and deliver our coffees. Drink more water and try sipping on a glass of water while drinking your coffee to balance out the rate at which caffeine metabolizes. She recommends substituting a quarter cup of your regular coffee with decaf, and then gradually decreasing how much caffeine you have over time. (2005). Reach for decaf coffee to improve period pain. "Caffeine causes blood vessels to constrict, and that includes those that feed the uterus. Read on to learn more about these effects. 4, 659-664. Pumpkin seeds are an overlooked source of tryptophan that can easily be tossed into salads, smoothies or eaten as a snack.". A buildup of reactive oxygen species in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell death (Ref: Studies have also found that people who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of developing Alzheimers and dementia, and cut suicide risk by 45 percent. PID can also happen following a surgical procedure. Its also a way of giving this ketogenic philosophy of eating a try. Staprans I., Pan X. M., Rapp J. H., and Feingold K. R. (2003). Nunes F.M., Cruz A.C.S., Coimbra M.A. Theyre also not a joke, either. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 69, 2630. In adulthood I also once had a brief, uneventful, and sublimely lacking affair with something called "decaf" coffee. Fifteen minutes of yoga, light stretching or walking might be all you need to feel the physical and mental benefits of exercise. An overdose of caffeine may cause rapid or irregular heartbeat and breathing trouble. Both these hormones fluctuate in levels each month. An 8 ounce (oz) cup of brewed coffee has about 96 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. Maybe your painful periods didnt start until your 20s. BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. These drinks include. You could be grinding your teeth at night. If you're doing very physical work . J. Agric. WebAll participants and tagged users must be following @AlaniNutrition.cup of coffee.. 65-175mg decaf coffee. There is a decaf Paris tea on the Dutch Bros menu which has about 2 mg of caffeine. Other factors like your age, body mass, and overall health can determine your tolerance to caffeine, too. Peroxyl radical scavenging activity of melanoidins in aqueous systems. For best results, only take OTC medicines when you start to feel cramps. Abreu R.V., Silva-Oliveira E.M., Moraes M.F.D., Pereira G.S., Moraes-Santos T. (2011). Instead of trading in your favorite pants for sweats and leggings, try munching on honeydew melon to de-bloat. Temple JL, et al. al. allerdings einen Test machen lassen wir immer mehr Produkte und Provider, als wir am Ende des Tages auf unserer Website eine Anzeige verpassen pflegen zu 10 oder mehr. If you don't have health insurance or need low-cost prenatal care, there are options. } Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and pregnancy. Min B., and Ahn D. U. It takes 5 to 20 minutes of direct sunlight a day to fulfill your daily recommended intake. it can weakly bind to the bodys estrogen receptors and mimic the effects of the hormone estrogen on the body. Drink water throughout the day, aiming for about 10 cups daily. If you're used to sleeping on your back or tummy, try to make the transition to your side early in pregnancy, while sleeping is still pretty comfortable. She recommends substituting a quarter cup of your regular coffee with decaf, and then gradually decreasing how much caffeine you have over time. Taxol and other taxanes can result in side effects such as hair loss, mouth sores, nausea, fatigue, low white blood cell count, neuropathy, muscle and joint pain, cognitive impairment (chemo brain) Mechanism of lipid peroxidation in meat and meat products-A review. Purity EASE still has antioxidant capacity, but the total CGA is about half the original (FLOW). We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. Required fields are marked *. Does your period leave you looking more bloated than a pufferfish that just guzzled a gallon of water? It's also an opportunity for you to ask questions and talk about any concerns you're having. 2020. "In the days leading up to your period, your body begins storing sodium and fluids. Some things to consider about working while pregnant: Staying active and having fun is important. We also need an anti-androgen herb to help our breast grow which would be the Saw Palmetto herb. N-methylpyridinium demonstrated an increase in activity in the liver, catalyzing the detoxification of numerous genotoxic carcinogens. Your love for all things salty may be to blame. Share your feelings with your partner, and talk with friends. 2012; Moreira et al. Teas & Hot Beverages Fruit Tea Green Tea Herbal Tea Peppermint Tea Slimming Tea Matcha Tea Decaf Tea Sleep & Relaxation Tea Coffee & Coffee Substitutes. Kanner J., and Lapidot T. (2001). Coldness is common, with cold and awake creating an annoying condition. (Learn the 12 best foods to eat when pregnant.) But there are certain activities to avoid during pregnancy. Tagliazucchi D., Verzelloni E., and Conte A. Vegas O., Pinho O., Ferreira I.M. See the connection between what we eat and drink and our period problems? 2005; Morales et al. Keep in mind that some cleaning products, pesticides, solvents, and lead in drinking water from old pipes can also be harmful. Lashermes P. Food Sci Biotechnol 14, 152163. Try something milky like the Starbucks Iced coffee with milk or a Caffe Misto. Melanoidins are what make coffee (and other foods) brown when roasted, baked or toasted. At a minimum, you may feel more energetic, but over time, too much caffeine may cause withdrawal symptoms. You dont want either of these chemicals and their bi-products stressing your gut, central nervous system, and metabolism even more. "A week or two before your period, hormone levels change. Delgado-Andrade C., Rufian-Henares J. This gratuity is added to the total cruise fare at the time of Research is ongoing, but to date most experts believe that moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200 mg a day) doesn't cause problems such as low birth weight, IUGR, miscarriage, or premature birth. Goya L., Delgado-Andrade C., Rufin-Henares J. This estrogen excess can trigger heavier, longer periods, breast pain, headaches, and raging PMS. [Accessed February 2022], ACOG. As soon as caffeine metabolizes and reaches our brain it takes preference and adenosine no longer has available receptors to bind to. It gets a little more complicated sometimes doctors do not understand keto. Like decaf coffee, decaf tea also contains a small amount of caffeine. This article reviews 10 actions you can take to help your hormones function optimally. Be sure to stay hydrated, too. Acupuncture is a practice that stimulates the body by placing needles in the skin. Sales A., DePaula J., Mellinger C., Gomes da Cruz A., Miguel M.A., Farah A. Skip contact sports such as soccer and basketball that can result in a collision or fall. Don't double up on prenatal vitamins or take any additional supplements or herbal preparations without your caregiver's okay. WebOur Commitment to Anti-Discrimination. their bodies are reacting to a decrease in estrogen levels, amongst other changes. The issue with this is the caffeine, and experts agree that some caffeine (coffee included) is totally fine when you're pregnant. [Accessed February 2022], March of Dimes. Some women wait to tell their coworkers and employer about their pregnancy until they're past the first trimester. How cool to see the different stages. (2010). Mol Nutr Food Res 51, 10941101. Moderate caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Counteract this by keeping your alcohol intake to a moderate amount of one or two drinks per night, and alternating each boozy drink with a glass of water," she adds. This is exacerbated by alcohol's diuretic effect, as a dehydrated body will retain more water than a hydrated one. "And like excess salt, consuming too many carbs can make the bloating worse." "Sinc milk or half-and-half. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Amino terminus of apolipoprotein B suffices to produce recognition of malondialdehyde-modified low density lipoprotein by the scavenger receptor of human monocyte-macrophages. The hormone prostaglandin can cause muscle contractions and pain. Iron-binding ability of melanoidins from food and model systems. Unravelling the contribution of melanoidins to the antioxidant activity of coffee brew. Once you find the point at which you begin to show symptoms like dizziness, you know that youre overconsuming caffeine. Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 1505-1513. "A week or two before your period, hormone levels change. 24. de Marco L. M., Fischer S., and Henle T. (2011). Please dont wait until youre starving, have the shakes, feel like youll throw up, or faint. Keto coffee is the perfect morning or afternoon beverage for someone following a ketogenic diet. You may even need to see a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) doctor who is especially trained to manage high-risk pregnancies. [Accessed February 2022], ACOG. Over half of women who menstruate experience period pain (dysmenorrhea) for one to two days every month. This store requires javascript to be enabled for some features to work correctly. Caffeine causes your blood vessels to narrow. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While a brownie or french fries might sound delicious, foods high in sugar, trans fat and salt can cause bloating and inflammation, which makes muscle pain and cramps worse. } If your period often leaves your energy zapped, you may have heard that upping your iron intake can help. If you only feel dizzy after drinking coffee from Starbucks or another coffeehouse and roastery, then youre probably not used to drinking freshly ground. [Accessed February 2022], OWH. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. CGL exhibit opiate receptor binding activity with characteristics like those of opiate antagonists and can reverse morphine-induced analgesia in mice. Caffeine binds to neuroreceptors that normally attach to a neuromodulator called adenosine. One has to remember that coffee is a stimulant and not everyone is suited to the chain reaction of cardiovascular events that follows drinking a strong cup of joe. They can be so small that its impossible to see them with the naked eye, or big enough to change the shape of your uterus. N-methylpyridinium is formed during roasting from trigonelline as a non-volatile degradation product. 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time. When choosing a can to prepare, stick with no-salt-added varieties. Purity EASE is darker than medium, and what some might say is a "Full City" roast. 2020. Here it is, folks, the healthy bean brownies we promised: Blend 15 ounces of black beans and 1 cup of water together in a blender. 2012). That's why we've set out to discover exactly what to eat and what not to eat on your period. The nutrient can also help relax your blood vessels, nixing painful headaches, too, according to research in Magnesium in the Central Nervous System. Norharman and harman are potent competitive and reversible monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, in both rats and humans. Roasted coffee is the major known food source of norharman and harman -carbolines. Schipp D., Tulinska J., Sustrova M. et al. Webselbstverstndlich sind un alle Lego friends 41106 bzw. There are several factors responsible for heightened caffeine sensitivity. Doctors arent sure exactly what causes adenomyosis, but women whove had children or undergone uterine surgery have a higher risk of developing it. When the uterus and ovaries become infected, this is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Conceptual Study on Maillardized Dietary Fiber in Coffee. She recommends substituting a quarter cup of your regular coffee with decaf, and then gradually decreasing how much caffeine you have over time. This effect is thought to be attributed to either an increase in adrenaline or a temporary block on the hormones that naturally widen your arteries. After contact with the alkaline pH of human digestive fluids, part of the lactone was converted into caffeoylquinic acids part. It increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects (such as a cleft lip or palate and heart defects), preterm birth, low birth weight, and SIDS. That means you may be boosting your energy while simultaneously worsening your cramps. Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen can provide fast-acting relief by reducing the amount of prostaglandins in your body. tap water. Optional Unlimited raw vegetables and lettuces. What Is the Best Diet To Avoid Metabolic Syndrome? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 4-Caffeoyl-1,5-quinide in roasted coffee inhibits [3H]naloxone binding and reverses anti-nociceptive effects of morphine in mice. The March of Dimes and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advise women to limit their caffeine consumption intake to less than 200 mg per day, an amount you could get from one 8-ounce cup of strong coffee. (2013). The image is set behind a crystal clear glass cabochon, and the 1-inch pendant hangs on your Eur Food Res Technol 218, 515520. An overview of maternal anxiety during pregnancy and the post-partum period. Reach for a decaf coffee if you must, or have a small piece of dark chocolate. (2009). Vitamin D can help your body absorb calcium and reduce inflammation. The following impacts/actions are associated with -carbolines: Antioxidant activity, possible anti-opioid activity, hypoglycemic, and antidepressant. Caffeine: How much is too much? The fatigue you feel in the first and third trimesters is your body's way of telling you to slow down. Like decaf coffee, decaf tea also contains a small amount of caffeine. Niacin (nicotinic acid) is essential for specific oxidationreduction reactions in the body. Its also a way of giving this ketogenic philosophy of eating a try. Trigonelline acts on up-regulating antioxidant enzyme activities and decreasing lipid peroxidation in the pancreas (Verzelloni 2010). Having a hard time buttoning those skinny jeans that just fit a couple of days ago? It's possible that cyclical changes in estrogen, progesterone and other hormones can disrupt the function of brain chemicals such as serotonin that control mood. The tears are flowing and your appetite is going wild because your serotonin (the mood-boosting, feel-good hormone) levels have dipped. Some studies suggest that marijuana may restrict a baby's growth and increase the risk of preterm birth and placental abruption. Estrogen levels increase and progesterone levels decrease. J Agric Food Chem 58, 25132519. Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soda can alter estrogen levels. Teas & Hot Beverages Fruit Tea Green Tea Herbal Tea Peppermint Tea Slimming Tea Matcha Tea Decaf Tea Sleep & Relaxation Tea Coffee & Coffee Substitutes. Anbieter, die wir vergleichen oder einen Test machen lassen, kreditwrdig oder sehr kreditwrdig. Biochemistry 46, 15031510. But if you have endometriosis, your endometrium grows outside the uterus, usually in other parts of your reproductive organs like the ovaries or fallopian tubes. For many people, the key to not feeling dizzy when drinking coffee is to drink coffee with your breakfast, not for breakfast. Anbieter, die wir vergleichen oder einen Test machen lassen, kreditwrdig oder sehr kreditwrdig. However, it has a different effect on people with ADHD. The image is set behind a crystal clear glass cabochon, and the 1-inch pendant hangs on your Other supplements, including omega-3, vitamin E and magnesium, can help reduce inflammation and might even make your periods less painful. There are certain foods to avoid during pregnancy. Plus, too much sugar also makes you feel extra run-down and tired." Theres some evidence that large amounts of caffeine can interfere with the estrogen production and metabolism needed to conceive. WebEASE Our dark roast organic coffee specifically formulated for easy digestion. More side effects and more prominent wakefulness are felt due to the caffeine remaining in the body for longer. The thing is, from the time were born (long before menopause), our hormones are dictating a plethora of bodily functions, like our appetite, sleep patterns, how we respond to stress, our libido, whether were happy or anxious, and everything in between. (Ask your provider to help you get in touch with local groups.) Hormones like estrogen and testosterone are crucial to your health, and a hormonal imbalance can cause symptoms like acne and weight gain. Prenatal vitamins aren't the same as standard multivitamins. If you're struggling to quit drugs, drinking, or smoking, ask your caregiver for help. Its processed in the liver and exits through your urine. Try eating berries, tomatoes, pineapples and spices like turmeric, ginger or garlic. Identify and avoid hazardous substances. There is a decaf Paris tea on the Dutch Bros menu which has about 2 mg of caffeine. "Not only are omega-3 fats good for our heart and brain," Bruns says, "but they can also help women relieve some PMS symptoms. coffee (regular and decaf) lemonade. 2020. Caffeine crosses the placenta into your baby's bloodstream. Caffeine causes your blood vessels to narrow. flavored waters. If you have high blood pressure (hypertension) or heart-related problems, ask your doctor if caffeine is safe for you to consume. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. For best results, only take OTC medicines when you start to feel cramps. In the meantime, an occasional walk in the fresh air counts and may help you feel better. What can I do to promote female fertility? The high amounts of these -carbolines in roasted coffee place them among those at the top of the list for compounds with probable influence on Parkinsons disease course (Casal 2015). (2017). There is a decaf Paris tea on the Dutch Bros menu which has about 2 mg of caffeine. WebInstead of giving it up, try to reduce consumption to under 200 mg or add in decaf to your routine. This can constrict your uterus, making cramps more painful. Digestive system supportMicrobiota balanceLower pH than our original roast. Decaf cant make you dizzy, but if youve got issues metabolizing caffeine, then its best to avoid decaf as well. How? Our dark roast organic coffee specifically formulated for easy digestion. Most contain more folic acid and iron than you'll find in a standard multivitamin, for example. WebFor instance, as I grew up I liked to rearrange my room at times, move furniture around and see what space opened up. Functional Properties of Melanoidins: In vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial and antihypertensive activities. Caffeine-induced vertigocan be triggered by coffee but is more likely to be caused by caffeine-rich teas, colas, and energy drinks. Verzelloni E., Tagliazucchi D., and Conte A. milk. The infection usually begins when bacteria from a sexually transmitted infection (STI) makes its way to the reproductive organs. WebFor instance, as I grew up I liked to rearrange my room at times, move furniture around and see what space opened up. Effect of in vitro enzymatic digestion on antioxidant activity of coffee melanoidins and fractions. Learn more. Pregnancy can cause stress in any relationship, and it's a common trigger of domestic violence, which puts your health and your baby at risk. Our body does not make serotonin, but we can naturally increase our serotonin levels by eating foods high in tryptophan,"Bruns tells us. While this solution may at first seem counterintuitive, drinking a darker roast of coffee means less chance of dizziness, nausea, or any other negative side effects. if( 'moc.sihttae.www' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { DINNER Mandatory 8 oz. Isolation of high molecular weight components and contribution to the protective activity of coffee against lipid peroxidation in a rat liver microsome system. This estrogen excess can trigger heavier, longer periods, breast pain, headaches, and raging PMS. Oversensitivity refers to the point at which you start feeling the adverse effects of coffee, most of which are listed above. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); The 20% service charge for a 7-day cruise will cost each guest $138.60 for the Premium Beverage package. At Purity Coffee, we continue looking for the best coffees and researching ways to make our coffee healthier. Metal-chelating ability is key to inhibiting lipid peroxidation, among other benefits (Takenaka et al. 2. They can bind to receptors in the brain, including opiate receptors, and they frequently act as inhibitors to regulate neurotransmitters. Coffee has numerous health benefits, but many people have problems with too much caffeine. 2021. Snacks Chocolate, Cakes & Biscuits Sugar Free Snacks Raw Snacks Crisps & Chips Savoury Snacks Snack Bars Flapjacks Sweet Snacks Multipacks Sharing Bags. Pair either option with some green leafy vegetables for an additional dose of energy-boosting iron. So see your dentist for a checkup and cleaning now if you haven't had a visit in the last six months. Coffee: Consumption and Health Implications. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases your risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. (2008). Staying hydrated is crucial, preventing the caffeine from building up and causing undesired effects. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, V. 99, I. This estrogen excess can trigger heavier, longer periods, breast pain, headaches, and raging PMS. Caffeine can cause the rapid onset of vertigo and exacerbate symptoms, but not in all patients. Sometimes you may be feeling stressed or fatigued, or anxious about becoming a parent. A British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology study found that consuming the yellow-hued spice can significantly reduce feelings of depression. A., Bravo L., and Morales F. J. Rufian-Henares J. and Morales F. (2007). WebThese hormones may interfere with the bodys natural hormonal balance. Some people find that instead of giving an initial buzz followed by negative side-effects, they have a sudden onset of tiredness. Ideally, you'll start taking your prenatal vitamin even before you're pregnant. The longer beans roast, the less caffeine is present. (Using a weekly pill organizer can help you avoidaccidentally takingtwo prenatal vitamins in a day.) I drink decaf coffee sometimes . This is why its so important for women of every age to have a basic grasp of how their hormones work. A healthy pregnancy starts with good prenatal care, so make sure to find an ob-gyn or midwife you feel comfortable with. Ascherio A., Weisskopf M.G., OReilly E.J., McCullough M.L., Calle E.E., Rodriguez C., et al. Certain herbal supplements like Echinacea and Guarana are also known to increase the effects of caffeine. OK, but what does this mean in terms of symptoms? You can expect to visit every 4 weeks for the first and second trimesters. Farah A. editor (2019). Worse, high estrogen is one of the most common of the imbalances caused by liver disease, as its the livers job to clear excess estrogen out of the body. Royal Society of Chemistry. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Free Rad Res 44, 11251171. These drinks include. "Whole wheat toast can provide us with the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin," says April Bruns, RDN, LD, a registered dietician with Clear Springs Foods. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Ovarian cysts develop in the ovaries, typically during ovulation. Free Rad Biol Med 31, 13881395. Birth control methods that contain estrogen and progestin, such as the pill, the patch, or the vaginal ring, tend to work best. Coffee in the Development, Progression and management of Type 2 Diabetes. Also, drinking hot water can increase blood flow throughout your body and relax your muscles. Coffee: Production, Quality and Chemistry. advice every day. Caffeine can have impressive health benefits, but high doses can also lead to unpleasant side effects. As sweat evaporates, rapid cooling gives alasting cold sensation rather than the fleeting feeling of cooling down when you drink a cold drink. But before you load up on red meat (one of the most potent sources of the stuff), consider this: Like dairy, burgers, meatballs, and taco meat all contains arachidonic acids. Meanwhile, experts have identified a number of things you should avoid because they can make symptoms (like bloating and cramps) even worse. Coffee may not be safe for you to drink if you suffer from cardiovascular issues or hypertension. Heres what happens when theyre out of whack. Cold beverages cool momentarily, but warm drinks like hot coffee create a prolonged cooling effect. flavored waters. Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soda can alter estrogen levels. Your doctor or midwife can provide a referral for counseling, and they can also help you weigh the risks and benefits of antidepressant medications during pregnancy. If you need your coffee fix, switch to decaf during your period. 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