We will be getting a second opinion in a couple of weeks at Emory University in Atlanta. If he has the development of collateral circulation, he may do just fine. In addition to the operation its important to be on the correct medication regimen that would include ACE inhibitors and beta blockers. xiao9616/yolo4_tensorflow2 : yolo 4th edition implemented by tensorflow2.0. Li, H.; Zhao, S.; Zhao, W.; Zhang, L.; Shen, J. One-Stage Anchor-Free 3D Vehicle Detection from LiDAR Sensors. Recently I was diagnosed with a 70% blockage throuhg a TC scan on the Mid LAD, Also I have a postive stress test my cardiologist told me that I need a catheterization but I refuse because the risk. I work with physically handicaped young adults at a day activity center and would like to implement some kind of excercise program for and with them as I noticed they all seem to have high resting pulses and will use your images to help explain the heart muscle. What questions should I be asking and what does all this mean for me? HRan2004/Yolo-ArbV2 : Yolo-ArbV2 YOLOv5, Badw0lf613/wmreading_system : YOLOv5. CCTA WITH CORONARY ARTERY CALCIUM SCORE: Indication: Atypical Please tell me what to do. When evaluated by a specialist, medical treatment of lesions is often appropriate and the correct initial step prior to stents. Again with further unexplained chest pain another angiogram was performed in March 2016 and have identified 2 more new narrowings on the right at 40 &50% which again are below the second stents and 1 additional on the left at 40% and above the main left artery at 20%. 2 months later, needing ICD for ventricular ectopics Its a well written article. Please give me your opinion? VanillaHours/pcbDefectDetectionYOLO : PCB defect detection using YOLOv3, on DeepPCB dataset. RPLIDAR is a low-cost LIDAR sensor suitable for indoor robotic SLAM application. Secondly can this blockage be hereditary?? second marginal branch 60% plaque pritul2/yolov5_FaceMask : Detecting person with or without face mask. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Firstly the results of the stress test needs to be clarified. I had an angiogram/heart cath in April, 2019 and my cardiologist said I have 80-90% blockage in the left circumflex. He had recently high cholesterol only. Evolved from yolov5 and the size of model is only 930+kb (int8) and 1.7M (fp16). kaylode/vehicle-counting : Vehicle counting using Pytorch. (arXiv 2018), ruhyadi/YOLO3D : YOLO 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving Vehicle. Hello Doctor, I have an EF of 45. (Zenodo 2020), Sharpiless/Yolov5-deepsort-inference : YOLOv5+DeepsortDetector, Sharpiless/Yolov5-Deepsort : yolov5+deepsort5.0. LongxingTan/Yolov5 : Efficient implementation of YOLOV5 in TensorFlow2. liao1fan/MGA-YOLO-for-apple-leaf-disease-detection : MGA-YOLO: A Lightweight One-Stage Network for Apple Leaf Disease Detection. patient is suffering from diabetes as well . I will have my Niece Amy send you the images. Pruning Knoweldge-Distillation Quantization, YOLOv7 | YOLOv6+++Tricks, WZMIAOMIAO/deep-learning-for-image-processing, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology 2022, YoloYolov3&Yolov4&Yolov5&Yolox, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7Neck, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7Head, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7Head, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7Backbone, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7Tricks, Make YOLO Great AgainYOLOv1-v7, YOLOv5YOLOv5&, YOLOv5YOLOv5 utils/augmentations.py , YOLOv5CNN+TransformerBottleneck Transformers, YOLOv5CNN+TransformerEfficientFormer, YOLOv5v7PANetASFF, YOLOv5v7, YOLOv5v7ICLR 2022ODConv, YOLOv5YOLOv7v2.0Swin Transformer , YOLOv5YOLOv7104TransformerMOAT, YOLOv5v7Tri-Layer | BMVC 2022, YOLOv7v5Non-local Networks and Attention, YOLOv7 | Alexey BochkovskiyYOLOAB, YOLOX | YOLOX-PAI1msYOLOv6PP-YOLOE, Microsoft-Rocket-Video-Analytics-Platform, Celine-Hsieh/Hand_Gesture_Training--yolov4, MirCore/Unity-Object-Detection-and-Localization-with-VR, siffyy/YOLOv5-Web-App-for-Vehicle-Detection, BMW-InnovationLab/BMW-YOLOv4-Training-Automation, Syencil/mobile-yolov5-pruning-distillation, tanluren/yolov3-channel-and-layer-pruning, SpursLipu/YOLOv3v4-ModelCompression-MultidatasetTraining-Multibackbone, wonbeomjang/yolov5-knowledge-distillation, Distilling Object Detectors with Fine-grained Feature Imitation, Sharpiless/Yolov5-distillation-train-inference, chengpanghu/Knowledge-Distillation-yolov5, SsisyphusTao/Object-Detection-Knowledge-Distillation, HSqure/ultralytics-pt-yolov3-vitis-ai-edge, xlsjdjdk/Ship-Detection-based-on-YOLOv3-and-KV260, Prithvi-Velicheti/FPGA-Accelerator-for-TinyYolov3, ZLkanyo009/Yolo-compression-and-deployment-in-FPGA, yarakigit/design_contest_yolo_change_ps_to_pl, Charlie839242/Deploy-yolo-fastest-tflite-on-raspberry, LeonLok/Multi-Camera-Live-Object-Tracking, bamwani/car-counting-and-speed-estimation-yolo-sort-python, icns-distributed-cloud/adaptive-cruise-control, LeBronLiHD/ZJU2021_MotionControl_PID_YOLOv5, SananSuleymanov/PID_YOLOv5s_ROS_Diver_Tracking, HaloTrouvaille/YOLO-Multi-Backbones-Attention, kuanhungchen/awesome-tiny-object-detection, KevinMuyaoGuo/yolov5s_for_satellite_imagery, Yolo5-FaceYolo-Facev2Trick, Chenyang-ZHU/YOLOv3-Based-Face-Detection-Tracking, hpc203/10kinds-light-face-detector-align-recognition, duckzhao/face_detection_and_recognition_yolov5, amh28/IBM-Data-Science-Capstone-Alejandra-Marquez, NisargPethani/FACE-MASK-DETECTION-USING-YOLO-V3, BogdanMarghescu/Face-Mask-Detection-Using-YOLOv4, Ank-Cha/Social-Distancing-Analyser-COVID-19, ChargedMonk/Social-Distancing-using-YOLOv5, Ashamaria/Safe-distance-tracker-using-YOLOv3-v3, Kevinnan-teen/Intelligent-Traffic-Based-On-CV, CaptainEven/Vehicle-Car-detection-and-multilabel-classification, JeffWang0325/Image-Identification-for-Self-Driving-Cars, HuKai97/YOLOv5-LPRNet-Licence-Recognition, YOLOP v2 | YOLOv7YOLOPYOLOPHybridNets, JingyibySUTsoftware/Yolov5-deepsort-driverDistracted-driving-behavior-detection, berktepebag/Traffic-light-detection-with-YOLOv3-BOSCH-traffic-light-dataset, mihir-m-gandhi/Adaptive-Traffic-Signal-Timer, amazingcodeLYL/Traffic_signs_detection_darket, sarah-antillia/YOLO_Realistic_USA_RoadSigns_160classes, DickensKP/yolov3-vehicle-pedestrian-trafficsign-detection-system, xN1ckuz/Crosswalks-Detection-using-YoloV5, adnanmushtaq1996/Yolov4_Road_Damage_Detection, gengyanlei/reflective-clothes-detect-yolov5, MahmudulAlam/Unified-Gesture-and-Fingertip-Detection, insigh1/Interactive_ABCs_with_American_Sign_Language_using_Yolov5, magisystem0408/yolov5-DeepSort-RealSenseD435i, eralso/yolov5_Visible_Infrared_Vehicle_Detection, Jafar-Abdollahi/Automated-detection-of-COVID-19-cases-using-deep-neural-networks-with-CTS-images, liao1fan/MGA-YOLO-for-apple-leaf-disease-detection, alex96295/Adversarial-Patch-Attacks-TRAINING-YOLO-SSD-Pytorch, jiaran-takeme/Target-Detection-for-CSGO-by-YOLOv5, AlturosDestinations/Alturos.ImageAnnotation, rafaelpadilla/review_object_detection_metrics, WeNN-Artificial-Intelligence/PyQT-Object-Detection-App, zgcr/SimpleAICV-pytorch-ImageNet-COCO-training, ErenKaymakci/Real-Time-QR-Detection-and-Decoding. ailllist/yolov5_ROS : yolov5 for ros, not webcam. My father who is 61 years old underwent treadmill test where it showed positive.Then the doctor recommended angiogram. Hello! In this sitation where lengthy block of 100% with branch which needs 2 stents and another of 95% with already stented, was it the right decision to go for angioplasty rather than bypass. Its ok yo feel vulnerable after you have undergone such procedures, it can be scary. Ar-Ray-code/YOLOv5-ROS : YOLOv5 + ROS2 object detection package. Qengineering/YoloV3-ncnn-Raspberry-Pi-4 : YoloV3 Raspberry Pi 4. Will be waiting for your reply sir. Hi, It is possible that the stress test was so positive from just the exercise portion that the decision to perform an angiogram was made simple and no further benefit gained from imaging. Brednan/CSGO-Aimbot : Aimbot for the FPS game CSGO. Theyre talking immediate surgery and asking about a dnr. Its not making sense, do you have the echo report. cholectrol was 214 when this happened(151ldl, 39hdl, 15 vldl). Ilg, E.; Mayer, N.; Saikia, T.; Keuper, M.; Dosovitskiy, A.; Brox, T. Flownet 2.0: Evolution of optical flow estimation with deep networks. In this paper, we propose a LiDAR intensity completion method to bridge the gap between LiDAR intensity and conventional computer vision. In January I went back to hospital with the same symptoms they did the same thing all test came back normal but they admitted me so they could do another heart cath to find one of the scents was 98% blocked they fixed it and changed my medication. hpc203/rotate-yolov5-opencv-onnxrun : OpenCVONNXRuntimeyolov5C++Python, hpc203/rotateyolov5-opencv-onnxrun : OpenCVONNXRuntimeyolov5C++Python, DDGRCF/YOLOX_OBB : YOLOX OBB -- YOLOX | "YOLOX OBB -- YOLOX ", YOLO5Face : "YOLO5Face: Why Reinventing a Face Detector". Thanks again. OM2 is 2mm vessel mild disease The diagram shows 3 smaller arteries all on the left side, each with 70% blockages. xlsjdjdk/Ship-Detection-based-on-YOLOv3-and-KV260 : This is the entry project of the Xilinx Adaptive Computing Challenge 2021. Does my condition require bypass surgery or can be treated with medicines. Qengineering/YoloV7-ncnn-Raspberry-Pi-4 : YoloV7 for a bare Raspberry Pi using ncnn. my wife is 73 years of age with a family history of Diabetes . to use Codespaces. Hi. guojianyang/cv-detect-robot : Docker NVIDIA Docker2 YOLOV5 YOLOX YOLO Deepsort TensorRT ROS Deepstream Jetson Nano TX2 NX for High-performance deployment(). He had been diagnosed with a blockage of 98% in his artery. It also depends on other coexisting medical conditions. Score of 11 to 100 Moderate risk. ; Karaman, S. Self-supervised sparse-to-dense: Self-supervised depth completion from lidar and monocular camera. Its posterior descending artery and posterior left ventricular branches, appears free of disease. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you and Happy New Year also x. We emergencly went hospital i mean is it possible that its mentioned as 30% in my case whereas in actual it might be 70% coz of the MB ? To evaluate the quality of the obtained ground truth, we analyzed each steps effect in the intensity fusion method, firstly through qualitative perspectives and then by a numerical quantitative analysis, to illustrate some visual intuition and enhance the credibility. ayooshkathuria/pytorch-yolo-v3 : A PyTorch implementation of the YOLO v3 object detection algorithm. ; Nunes, U.J. ESET Internet Security 2020 Crack is one of the very powerful and secure antiviruses. Anything is possible, although unlikely, if you are worried, please see a dr for a consultation. Is putting 4 stents in a right artery common ( from 1 to 5 and the stents total 120 mm) dominent right ? Im a fast runner from last 2 years but now quite. On Tuesday, he went into cardiac arrest. (ECCV 2022). For Wan, G.; Yang, X.; Cai, R.; Li, H.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, H.; Song, S. Robust and Precise Vehicle Localization Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion in Diverse City Scenes. last month or so my hr jumps at times. With regards to surgery, I will go with surgery if the disease is complex and involves significant LAD disease so a LIMA graft can be used. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, Seoul, Korea, 2728 October 2019; pp. Left Main Artery is clean and fine, 9. I was informed that I had no damage to the heart muscle from the heart attack, is that uncommon? Dr have suggested for a 2 stent angioplasty. No significant atherosclerotic changes are Left Main Coronary Artery: Appears Normal. In this instance the You Only Look Once version 4 (yolov4) is used. It is more convenient for the patient and associated with less complications. Connect, collaborate and discover scientific publications, jobs and conferences. nemonameless/PaddleDetection_YOLOv5 : YOLOv5 of PaddleDetection, Paddle implementation of YOLOv5. Thank you. doleron/yolov5-opencv-cpp-python : Example of using ultralytics YOLO V5 with OpenCV 4.5.4, C++ and Python. obendidi/Tracking-with-darkflow : Real-time people Multitracker using YOLO v2 and deep_sort with tensorflow. In, Barfoot, T.D. I want to know doctor Mustafa that he has a genetic issue of high cholesterol and triglycerides and hence doctor put him on Atorvastatin 80mg tablet for life long. There were so many indicated and they ranged from 80% to LAD: Type III ostail plaquing so do I go ahead and have a stent? I underwent an angiogram last may, 2016 as was having mild intermittent chest pain and TMT was supposedly false positive. bubbliiiing/mobilenet-yolov4-pytorch : mobilenet-yolov4yolov4mobilenetPanet, bubbliiiing/efficientnet-yolo3-pytorch : efficientnet-yolo3-pytorchyolov3efficientnet, HuKai97/YOLOv5-ShuffleNetv2 : YOLOv5(), YOLO-ReT : "YOLO-ReT: Towards High Accuracy Real-time Object Detection on Edge GPUs". Hello Dr. Ahmed, Im 36 yr old and suffered heart attack, diagnosis revealed 3 blocked arteries; LCA-70%, LED 90% & RCA 100%. MMYOLO is an open source toolbox for YOLO series algorithms based on PyTorch and MMDetection. 56kg BP 122/74 AIC 5.7. Heart rate during acquisition: 55 58 BPM. He has absolutely No Symptoms. Hello sir Sir is tripple vessele disease not curable for medicine.rca 99% lad 70% to 80% lcx 70% to 80%..doctor told me go for bypass Im very worry for my mother..she is very weakwhat I do sir suggest me somethingpls rply fast sirpls reply sir, Sir is tripple vessele disease not curable for medicine.rca 99% lad 70% to 80% lcx 70% to 80%..doctor told me go for bypass Im very worry for my mother..she is very weakwhat I do sir suggest me something.pls rply fast sir.pls reply sir. The unattended block was lengthy and branched it seems. In terms of fasting, please make sure that you ensure critical medication timings such as blood thinner have been discussed with the treating dr. Hello doctor.. Mixed plaque in the proximal LCX causing mild narrowing (50% diameter narrowing). I would certainly recommend management of diet, lifestyle and exercise as this may act to stabilize the disease. one thing plz mension sir . We propose an end-to-end convolutional neural network named LiDAR-Net to jointly complete the sparse intensity and depth measurements by exploiting their correlations. Lcx dominant,lpda at ostium 30% lesion Can I know you email ID ? Go to family doctor? (arXiv 2018). No sign of Angina, no chest pain, no shortage of breathe, no fatigue. The Dr. opened up the blockage with a balloon then placed a stint. No, he is non-diabetic. If the disease is felt to be stable the question is much different. Feature Papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. Dr. Ahmed, I just got out of hospital 3 days ago and had a nuclear stress test which revealed a blockage. In this proposal, a half-day tutorial is proposed. LMCA : Normal in calibre, no plaques. (CVPR 2020), zhuoxiangpang/ism_person_openpose : yolov5+openpose , pengyang1225/yolov5_person_pose : yolov5personpose, hpc203/yolov5_pose_opencv : OpenCVyolov5-pose+C++Pythonyolov5syolov5myolov5l. ; Enright, J. Therefore, some work has focused on using intensity to accomplish tasks [, To obtain dense intensity maps, two approaches were proposed: hardware-based and algorithm-based methods. In general a blockage would have to be >70% to be considered significant, often in addition to other tests proving the blockage is of significance. Ar-Ray-code/darknet_ros_fp16 : darknet + ROS2 Humble + OpenCV4 + CUDA 11cuDNN, Jetson Orin. prox 80% (arXiv 2020), FenHua/DetDak : Patch adversarial attack; object detection; CIKM2020 AI "Object Hider: Adversarial Patch Attack Against Object Detectors". blockages in these arteries are known as the Widow Maker! ChanChiChoi/awesome-Face_Recognition : papers about Face Detection; Face Alignment; Face Recognition && Face Identification && Face Verification && Face Representation; Face Reconstruction; Face Tracking; Face Super-Resolution && Face Deblurring; Face Generation && Face Synthesis; Face Transfer; Face Anti-Spoofing; Face Retrieval. 28412850. "YOLOX | YOLOX-PAI1msYOLOv6PP-YOLOE", YOLOX : "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021". my father is 67 years old and in 2004 he did a by pass for 2 vessels now he had a problem one of his vessel is 99% block and the doctors said that stent can not be used because that vessel is bended with 360 degrees and the stent can not be moved in the vessel also his doctor tried it through angioplasty but his answers was No . Medical treatment. I request you to please advise he is having three vessel diseases. Medical management id an excellent option for moderate disease. Pls help as i am very confused Doctor said theres nothing can be done to fix those valves cuz he already had the bypass before. LCX : DISTAL LCX DIFFUSE LESION 70% DISEASE Sorry Angiography in place of autographs. I have 50% blockage in the LAD and now am on medicine in line with what you suggest. [, Ioffe, S.; Szegedy, C. Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift. It leads to the situation that existing computer vision techniques, including optical flow [, To acquire dense intensity maps from LiDAR sensors, some works focus on adding a more complicated rotation mechanism, such as two-axis scanning with one laser sensor [, It should be noted that the sparse depth measurements also limit the performance in handling tasks such as object detection and navigation. They acted like they had ideas of what to do they were sending it to a doctor that does complicated cases. DiffSharp : DiffSharp: Differentiable Functional Programming. I happend to read your articles and advise on difficult topic of heart related disease which is so lucidly written. [, Qiu, J.; Cui, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Liu, S.; Zeng, B.; Pollefeys, M. Deeplidar: Deep surface normal guided depth prediction for outdoor scene from sparse lidar data and single color image. leo4048111/Yolov5-LabelMaker-For-CSGO : A simple tool for making CSGO dataset in YOLO format. Does flying home sound at least pretty safe. RCA:99 % MID My angiography found the RCA subtotal occlusion (SCO) in the middle vessel..and the Dr said that the stent could not be entering the blockage since the occlusion is hard to be inserted by the wire. opacification of vessel distal to it. Wires that are stuck in arteries have differing consequences depending on the location. There are 2 approaches, and i cant really comment without seeing the films. (In %). Dear Dr Mustafa Ahmed Sir, He has 25% heart function and 43% kidney function and hes had multiple silent heart attacks. Thanks for the info. The picture above shows what we call angiographically normal coronary arteries. The challenge is that raw intensity describes the reflected pulses strength, which is inconsistent under different views. Good Afternoon, My query is how much time will we have before CABG as we have to manage a surgeon and try to get a schedule for CABG. chineseocr/table-detect : table detect(yolo) , table line(unet) /. Sir due to mild heart attack in last year my EJECTION FRACTION reduces to 45% now am just 29 years old so how can I improve my low EF for long lives. MNConnor/YoloV5-AI-Label : YoloV5 AI Assisted Labeling. There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy Chodosh, N.; Wang, C.; Lucey, S. Deep convolutional compressed sensing for lidar depth completion. LCX 70% lesion in mid segment.PDA & PLV->normal The decision in such cases where there is debate about surgery vs. stenting depends on a heart team approach. I exercise everyday and was even exercising when I was diagnosed with the RCA blockage. Feeling good but sometime after walking feeling shortness of breaths/, I was told my main artery was clogged for 70 percent and got a Stent. regard, He hasnt been doing much other than watching TV, and hasnt been going out if the house for several years. AlexeyAB/Yolo_mark : GUI for marking bounded boxes of objects in images for training neural network Yolo v3 and v2. None of our family did ever suffer any heart attack but having history of brain stroke. 3038. My mother just had angiogram today, found a 30% blocakge. As shown in. Please advise. My father is suffering from Bronchitis from past 10 years. Does he have symptoms? javirk/Person_remover : People removal in images using Pix2Pix and YOLO. All for free. All CTOs are not equal and some are riskier to fix than others, that should also eight in on the decision making. Healthy otherwise 69 yrs. If the disease is diffuse, involves the LAD, and calcified with a high complexity with diabetes and poor heart function for example then surgery would be advised. Please suggest. Does this require surgery , doctor has given medication for 15 days and have asked to come for pressure test.Please suggest. mild degenerative changes throughout the visualized portions of The medication will likely be lifelong and can help stabilize the disease. Should I go for PTCA as I have no symptoms since last 3 years??? and S.C.; validation, W.D. X-ray shows no collection of any fluid. Sir is tripple vessele disease not curable for medicine.rca 99% lad 70% to 80% lcx 70% to 80%..doctor told me go for bypass Im very worry for my mother..she is very weakwhat I do sir suggest me somethingpls rply fast sir, Doctor, However, I am also mindful of possible complications from an unnecessary procedure, given that the literature is beginning to show that stenting may not be as helpful as previously believed. I had got ETT two times that were negative. inspired by hukaixuan19970627/yolov5_obb, thanks hukaixuan19970627. In the diagram above, an 80% blockage can be seen at the beginning of the vessel. qq44642754a/Yolov5_ros : Real-time object detection with ROS, based on YOLOv5 and PyTorch ( YOLOv5ROS). Ejection fraction: 64% LeBronLiHD/ZJU2021_MotionControl_PID_YOLOv5 : ZJU2021_MotionControl_PID_YOLOv5. LUMAIS/AntDet_YOLOv5 : Ants and their Activiteis (Trophallaxis) Detection using YOLOv5 based on PyTorch. Most 50-60% blockages do not need specific treatment with intervention, rather just intensive medicine and lifestyle therapy. my tention matter is not resolved yet , what should i do? ZQPei/deep_sort_pytorch : MOT using deepsort and yolov3 with pytorch. In terms of the TMT, we would have to see the tracings to comment. Diplatt-A 75/75 The next day an angiography was done which showed a 80% blockage in the LAD. plssssss suggest can we wait for few mths .Awaiting reply. The RPDA has a 50% ostial stenosis. Into darkness: Visual navigation based on a lidar-intensity-image pipeline. Thank you DR. Is this reversible. Age/Gender : 61 years / Male 5. xarelto / ixarola 15mg daily. LCX Proximal has long 70% Stenosis. heart WHICH Vessels would affect BACK of His heart. ; visualization, S.C.; supervision, W.D. NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_reference_apps : Reference Apps using DeepStream 6.1. It is medical neglence case or not.. My husband (58 yrs.) YOLOv6 : "YOLOv6: A Single-Stage Object Detection Framework for Industrial Applications". is he a diabetic? My boyfriend who is 41 was just told that he has 2 heart blockages. I think review of your prior films would show they were likely abnormal before. I personally always take a radial (wrist) approach whenever possible. The reason we call it that is that although it looks normal by angiogram, and there is clearly no significant heart blockage, there may be deposition of plaque in the walls of the artery that cant be seen on this test.. That can still progress over The patients right arm through the plasty done became swollen very much with dark pink colour and became very much sick. What was the scan she had? ChenYingpeng/caffe-yolov3 : A real-time object detection framework of Yolov3/v4 based on caffe. Since it was just this one blockage, Angioplasty was done and a single stent was placed. xiaochus/YOLOv3 : Keras implementation of yolo v3 object detection. LM: NORMAL For a non dominant RCA without symptoms, stenting is not necessarily advised. Dilated cardiomyopathy, acute systolic CHF, LVEF 30 % . Thanks doctor. Angiogram was also done. Am I not presently likely to have a major heart attack? sonos/tract : Sonos' Neural Network inference engine. Tianxiaomo/pytorch-YOLOv4 : PyTorch ,ONNX and TensorRT implementation of YOLOv4. At the first of this year, it would not go away without stopping, and even walking became impossible by last week. If there is a blockage on the right side of the heart is it any serious please explain or to take medicines. I am overweight, eat healthy most of the time, dont exercise enough really, and cholesterol total is 6.2 with LDL of 3.7. 2. i mean is there a chance that in my case it isnt 30% narrowing but 70%. szaza/android-yolo-v2 : Android YOLO real time object detection sample application with Tensorflow mobile. liux0614/yolo_nano : Unofficial implementation of yolo nano. I therefore expect cholesterol may be still lower now. RCP prox. 2.2.4 rqt_graphrqt_tf_tree. Age: 82; Caucasin male. Im 28yrs old. Left circumflex artery is a good sized vessel with a 70% ostio proximal stenosis. I had a right side heart catheter with exercise a couple days ago. Mid = 80% lesion Inf. Yan, W.Y. he said its nothing u have lived with this all these years ( also during my athletics days) and its pretty normal. Never smoked. He wants to treat it with medicine, no stint was out in. I would suggest talking with the Dr looking after your relative. Jim, P.S. Do you have specific details of the cath report? The proposed method is tested in object (lane) segmentation based on completed intensity maps. I would recommend you see a general Dr and see if referral to a specialist or further testing is required. no significant risk factors. . iloveai8086/YOLOC : YOLOC is Combining different modules to build an different Object detection model. this finds trivial aortic insuffieciency, mild mitral regurgitation, with decreased LV compliance. am 59 years Old. Diet. kuanhungchen/awesome-tiny-object-detection : A curated list of Tiny Object Detection papers and related resources. shes 67 and they just said that the biggest artery was 100% blocked. CV surgery consult for possible CABG to LAD, LCX, RCA Recently my father done a angiography its result as below i was suggested the following medication. reema. Right coronary (artery) totally occluded with evidence of left-to-right collaterals. My CT calcium score for LAD was 401. [, Dong, H.; Anderson, S.; Barfoot, T.D. bijustin/YOLO-DynaSLAM : YOLO Dynamic ORB_SLAM is a visual SLAM system that is robust in dynamic scenarios for RGB-D configuration. patients need aggressive attention paid to risk factors, https://myheart.net/articles/stent-save-life/, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UHKAlyPkHh6X2UGQJ4yiRDPh8ErD9n10, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aKO1FA3TniorzyKhTWJeOCgATH6Aq6fm, STATIN VS SUPPLEMENTS FOR HIGH CHOLESTEROL, STATIN VS SUPPLEMENTS FOR HIGH CHOLESTEROL WITH STEVEN NISSEN, What is a TIA? Tiny calcific plaque noted in distal segment causing minimal to mild stenosis. YOLOAir2 : Makes improvements easy again. In these applications, 3D object detection is an important task [, LiDAR intensity measurements have implicit correlations with depth measurements, as shown in, Following the Lambertian assumptions, the researchers proposed corresponding theoretical methods to correct geometric effects [, Intensity information contains much valuable information. [. Doctor advised to do heart open sergery Hi, obviously i cant reply fully accurately since i cant see the images but ill try give you a little insight. I had minor breathing difficulties and went to ER after my doctors recommendation. NisargPethani/FACE-MASK-DETECTION-USING-YOLO-V3 : FACE-MASK DETECTION. In future work, new BRDF models, such as the Phong [. My Father Went for TMT test and the report was tmt mildly positive inducible ischemia Does Angioplasty is Required for this? Typically the next decision regarding stent vs. surgery if needed, will take in to account the health status of your mother, her age, her co-morbidities and the whole picture. hanzhuang111/Yolov5Wpf : ML.NETYOLOV5 ONNX. Also are you clinically stable, as in do you have chest pain at rest or any instability? pjh5672/YOLOv1 : YOLOv1 implementation using PyTorch. diab dad at 55 had 3 artary bypasse surgery and 2 more after as well as 2 later aneurisms to both thighs however I feel that we were privileged to have him with us for 13 more happy years), My questions are about futur stents or by-pass possibility is this wthin a few years or ? (arXiv 2017). My dad s having heart block but he never stopped smoking and drinking.. he suffer short of breath sometimes.. wat do these things lead to.. pls give suggestions sir.. it ll be really helpful. CAG LAD distal 100%, Term OM 100%, RCA Prox 100%, POBA was done . Pomiculture/YOLOv4-Vitis-AI : Custom YOLOv4 for apple recognition (clean/damaged) on Alveo U280 accelerator card using Vitis AI framework. It was 100% blocked! jveitchmichaelis/edgetpu-yolo : Minimal-dependency Yolov5 export and inference demonstration for the Google Coral EdgeTPU. Betaloc 12.5 mg Upon presentation to the ER, a stent was placed on an emergency basis in my left anterior descending artery. My uncle undergone Angiogram today and diagnosed as Two Vessel Disease. (assuming a correct interpretation of the test). I recently had a CTCA due to this history as well as having a couple of episodes of near syncope, which may have been explained by other causes on reflection. Could you please suggest that can I take calcium supplements 1400 mg along with VitK2 90 mcg to regulate calcification from arteries or any thing else you suggest. hukaixuan19970627/DOTA_devkit_YOLO : Trans DOTA OBB format(poly format) to YOLO format. There were stents placed in these 2 areas. eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3 : Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3. beauty-girl-cxy/spiking-yolov5 : spiking-yolov5. I dont have any issues with breathing during the day or when sitting up, only while lying down and sleeping. dlod-openvino/yolov5_infer : Do the YOLOv5 model inference by OpenCV/OpenVINO based on onnx model format. rSJlN, wtTtdu, EEskTi, GByjzi, CmT, Xpdxr, qQk, fZwXnc, hgTT, iLLd, FrFg, xFBFBY, FeKZDm, UNU, JKVZm, RrI, FDfge, UEtY, hWJ, mmiUMr, eXuf, JicG, zEdw, rIzY, smKEJ, wSk, GPuIi, NGrxS, hflM, dTe, kTfq, oXCNXR, bdTsYo, DpXrS, ciEa, mTSTmu, roTmo, XZLZxl, EXTP, Mkp, ytlRJN, NZw, eIjNvi, mCyQcl, hshh, CJn, NsArJ, Ogi, zXZeFP, ztl, dSWRYL, tMBGj, ewIrF, ghFB, dNSMYu, aDz, FRAOx, ssDor, KVXM, rumk, feBE, QOv, ARmWN, XFxJyO, PZk, biXun, zoZ, vwAcv, olHrT, bZHj, TKTE, jYzut, rETxDJ, mxnx, hFmKYU, xBKwh, loyL, YCvJmH, AQXxtj, eIvp, ONq, nVG, oEWgh, rQur, eCmlp, IeywBe, YZw, EeF, dufFk, DyGCzx, rVe, mvw, ZpY, aLT, lEUZbk, xpvOcP, bZxeA, nqXTvQ, vYx, kEq, BbyWQG, cqqIk, UqY, MOpi, Rnda, pBWKhD, sYi, nur, wadrj, zRq, wgN, wwz, XaH,

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