1) Created my own CA (MyCompany) 2) Enabled web services (mostly for ease of configuration) 3) Generated a certificate request on the Sonicwall itself 4) Used web services to sign the certificate 5) Imported the sign certificate into the Sonicwall .this caused the certificate to show "No" for the Verified field. This article covers on how to import settings file to a SonicWall firewall. make sure it is on the latest 7.0.1-5050-R2374 if not already. I have a local network partner remoting in to see if he can see anything out of the ordinary, but I'm thinking I might end up restoring the thing back to factory settings and then config it up from scratch. How Can I Save A Backup Settings File From A SonicWall Firewall? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Source Preview. I connected to the default IP via a notebook and tried to upload a previously exported settings file from the failed unit. The Import Configuration dialog displays. Connect a client to the SonicWALL via Ethernet. The Appliance namehelps you differentiate appliances in several contexts (especially if more than one appliance is running). New SonicWall won't import config file Posted by Rockermann on May 27th, 2015 at 11:21 AM Solved SonicWALL Just took a brand new SonicWALL TZ 205 out of the box and tried setting it up for my remote site where I had one fail. Due to feature differences between some platforms, importing settings from the 1200/1600 to the 4200/4600 and vice versa is not fully supported. To import a configuration file: 1 Navigate to the System > Settings page. I'll post back the results. By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement. Select "Use the Following IP Address.". Please note that this is not a malfunction of the firewall nor the firewall becoming unresponsive. I've used these files in the past, so I know they're not corrupt. Do you have DHCP from the sonicwall or somwhere else? See Log > Settings for more information. You can select the Automatically email new settings upon generation check box to have emails sent to you of the newest settings once they are generated. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.5 firmware. Navigate to System > Settings, and click the Import Settings button to import the converted settings to your appliance. We have a Windows XP computer (don't ask) with network shares that, as of yesterday, are no longer reachable by other computers on the LAN. Called SonicWALL and their tech remoted in and fixed the issue. But only the 'latest' version. SSLVPN Timeout not working - NetBios keeps session open, Configuring a Virtual Access Point (VAP) Profile for Internal Wireless Corporate Users, How to hide SSID of Access Points Managed by firewall, Login to the SonicWall firewall and navigate to. By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement. We have used the tool "Autodoc" to be able to export our configuration files but aren't able to compare it with others easily. ", Any ideas whats wrong here, this basically means I am locked out of the new unit for now, I thought since my first issue is resolved this new problem is basically also a new thread. Exporting a backup configuration file allows you to save a copy of your configuration settings on your local machine. Not all models can import other models config files. Then, click the Email Settings button. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. We would like to be able to export a file of a "good" firewall configuration and be able to compare it to our other firewalls. the only time I've seen this and the only thing that could possibly cause this, is if on your original configuration you have Enforce password complexity or OTP enabled on your previous configuration file, as otherwise you are not normally prompted to change the password when logging in for the first time after importing a config file, as you know the config file doesn't contain the password but it does contain the password settings. Goalieman, yes, it's a site to site VPN. This is expected behavior when the imported settings have a different X0/Management IP address than the existing one. Select the Automatically email settings on firmware upgrade check box. You may then save the configuration settings or export them to a backup file and import the saved configuration file at a later time, if necessary. "Network error" is prompt when trying to import settings file into the firewall. Welcome to the Snap! This is expected behavior when the imported settings have a different X0/Management IP address than the existing one. This release includes significantuser interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. Please note that this is not a malfunction of the firewall nor the firewall becoming unresponsive. To encrypt the configuration files, select the Encrypt settings file check box in the System > Settings page. In the Basic area, click Edit. Once you import the file, the system overwrites the existing settings immediately. The backup directory structure contains the following elements: You may email the current settings, auto-generated settings on upgrade, and scheduled settings to an email address as another way to back up your system. After that, I can no longer make any subsequent upload attempts, and any other function will not work. Remove password complexity from old Tz400 config and exported config, and finally I could connect AND login - so far skipping through everythig I do not see any messed up setting or corrupt config. The Import Settings dialog box is displayed. To import a previously saved preferences file into the firewall: CAUTION: It is recommended that you create a backup, either locally or to the cloud, before proceeding to import the configuration file. The old unit was a TZ170. We needed to add an 'allow' rule for VPN>LAN and one for LAN>VPN. These file sets can be saved and uploaded through the System > Settings page in the SRA management interface. Any help is appreciated. To sign in, use your existing MySonicWall account. did you check? You may then save the configuration settings or export them to a backup file and import the saved configuration file at a later time, if necessary. This release includes significantuser interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.5 and earlier firmware. Once the file has been imported, restart the appliance to make the changes permanent. Set the Link Speed to Auto Negotiate (Unless you are required to set it to something specific). The issue has to be on the new SonicWALL, right? I have migrated configuration from SonicWalls into Check Point firewalls and the process I went through consisted of the following steps: 1) Export the configuration from the SonicWalls. You can still try to get to it via cli or reset it and set it up from scratch. The unit rebooted and I can connect to the webgui - after entering "admin" and "password", so the default credentials I am asked to change my password. Change the VDOM mode in the output result. Select the Automatically email settings on firmware upgrade check box. I chose a 200 we'll see if that works. You can see below link much more details for GEN 7. The backup file is called, Backup Configuration Directory Structure in Zip File, To save a backup version of the configuration, click, Choose the location to save the configuration file. No, it's a different model/firmware. Ah ha the new unit does have the enhanced OS firmware on it. it would take awhile but it seems like the only option at this point. A security ecosystem to harness the power of the cloud, Protect Federal Agencies and Networks with scalable, purpose-built cybersecurity solutions, Access to deal registration, MDF, sales and marketing tools, training and more, Find answers to your questions by searching across our knowledge base, community, technical documentation and video tutorials, 10/14/2021 443 People found this article helpful 175,920 Views. Bonus Flashback: Back on December 9, 2006, the first-ever Swedish astronaut launched to We have some documents stored on our SharePoint site and we have 1 user that when she clicks on an Excel file, it automatically downloads to her Downloads folder. It's acting very strangely. Source configuration file names are shown in the table. Safe mode:https://support.software.dell.com/kb/sw8010 Opens a new window. (https://convert.global.sonicwall.com Opens a new window). You may set scheduled backups for your current settings by selecting the Enable scheduled settings backup check box. Secondly, the cert needs to be keyed to the FQDN of the sonicwall, if that's internal it needs to be however you address it internally. Yes thats what ahppened. Make sure you are ready to reconfigure your system. I think my favorite is #5, blocking the mouse sensor - I also like the idea of adding a little picture or note, and it's short and sweet. The reason Wipe device is an option is if you want securely wipe the device and remove everything from the appliance before selling or scrapping the device, as this was not an option on previous Generation appliances, so if you had created a backup on Gen 6 and then you Factory Default the appliance the settings backup was still there with no option to remove it, technically you could just factory reset the appliance then create another backup which would then overwrite the original, but with the option on Gen7 you are making sure there isn't anything left on there that could include sensitive data. Is this a site to site VPN? I have limited experience with the SWs. We are trying to see differences between offices and even changes over time. Double-click "Ethernet," then "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).". Click Import/Export Configuration and Select Import Configuration. Rename the VDOM name. "There was a network error". This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. We work with a few SonicWall's, not a fan of them. But thanks anyway. 3) Sort out the data in Excel and save the resulting files in csv format. That went much better than I expected! Well, the good luck didn't work. Under the General tab, click the Configure icon to the right. All rights Reserved. I tried importing two other config files from other sites and I get the same error. Well, what you could do is open the config file in a text editor after you factory reset the sonic wall and copy down the essential information i.e zone policies and lan addresses, etc. And as I said I see the login page, enter the default credentials (as it is after every migration) and then I am beeing asked to enter my new admin password (as usually) but after that I get this non specific error, @blublub Can you access via ssh or console? Importing a Configuration File You may import the configuration settings that you previously exported to a backup configuration file. Log in to the management interface for your SonicWALL appliance. @blublub , So you are saying the prompt for changing the password is before you get in to the main GUI but after you login with admin/password? I've imported settings like this before on older to newer units and it usually has just given me an error that it came from an older model and all settings my not work (or something to that effect. The name is not visible to users: flash format? Mine and others have a popup asking if we want to open the file and once I click on open, it We have a bunch of domains and regularly get solicitations mailed to us to purchase a subscription for "Annual Domain / Business Listing on DomainNetworks.com" which promptly land on my desk even though I've thoroughly explained to everyone involved that SONICWALL: Where are the Access Policy logs (and how to activate them), Netextender wont connect after DC migration. Cool! I know it's a new TZ205 but have you tried to start it in safe mode and reset it one more time to the default firmware settings? To sign in, use your existing MySonicWall account. The, You may set scheduled backups for your current settings by selecting the. SSLVPN Timeout not working - NetBios keeps session open, Configuring a Virtual Access Point (VAP) Profile for Internal Wireless Corporate Users, How to hide SSID of Access Points Managed by firewall. SRA appliances allow you to save and import file sets that hold the SRA configuration settings. SonicWALL Discarding LAN to VPN connections. I did had some problems from NSA2600 to 2650.. just ended up importing the NSA2600 config directly in the 2650.. it is not flawless CalculatingTrauma 1 yr. ago I have a pretty good success rate when using the Sonicwall Migration Tool between a SonicOS 6 Sonicwall and a SonicOS 7 model. You can specify for the back ups to occur Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly. It's lit up green, but I have no connectivity back to our main office. However, if the configuration files are encrypted, they cannot be edited or reviewed for troubleshooting purposes. The Import Configuration dialog displays. Click the Download button, select Save to Disk, and click OK to save the new target SonicOS Enhanced Network Settings file to your management computer. And importing different models, see here: https://support.software.dell.com/kb/sw6974 Opens a new window, I don't see a TZ170 listed, but I am sure the TZ170 has standard versus the 205 has the enhanced OS, so I'd give the converter a shot., Is the config file you are trying to import from thesame model / firmware?Are you trying to import from standard OS to enhanced OS?There is a 'converter' for that. If you need to access the management remotely you should do so over a VPN. Yes, as mentioned in my link: https://support.software.dell.com/kb/sw6974 Opens a new window, Unfortunately not all SonicWalls are inter-upgradable.. To create a free MySonicWall account click "Register". Never worked with Sophos before either. Select the preferences file with the configuration settings you want to import. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. 2 To import a backup version of the configuration, click Import Settings. This is expected behavior when the imported settings have a different X0/Management IP address than the existing one. A security ecosystem to harness the power of the cloud, Protect Federal Agencies and Networks with scalable, purpose-built cybersecurity solutions, Access to deal registration, MDF, sales and marketing tools, training and more, Find answers to your questions by searching across our knowledge base, community, technical documentation and video tutorials, 09/30/2022 2 People found this article helpful 21,026 Views. Select "View Network Connections.". Press "Windows-W" and enter "ip" (without the quotations) into the search field. The name of the managed device which the converted interface or route configuration would be imported in FortiManager. Select/Unselect the VDOM item. Specify an email address in the, You may also have the email settings sent automatically upon every firmware upgrade. I get an error that the 'Imported settings file is corrupt.' The file is named, You may email the current settings, auto-generated settings on upgrade, and scheduled settings to an email address as another way to back up your system. Computers can ping it but cannot connect to it. Set Interface Egress Bandwith to match the available Bandwidth. So after a couple of tries I did get it working! If not, you should just give your computer or laptop or whatever you use, a static IP in the same subnet of the LAN, Lets say your lan is 192.168.10./24, you assign one on the net e.g. If external (and I strongly recommend against external access), it needs to have that FQDN. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. You may also have the email settings sent automatically upon every firmware upgrade. and could you try private windows with opera or chrome, SSH isnt available on that port - since I uploaded my ol FWs config X0 subnet is identical to the productrion network, so it is not connected and the additional Port I use for configuration SSH is disabled. The backup file is called sslvpnSettings-serialnumber.zip by default, and includes the contents shown in the following figure. I have internet access (if I use an external DNS server) and local network connectivity, but the VPN is not passing data. Flashback: Back on December 9, 1906, Computer Pioneer Grace Hopper Born (Read more HERE.) I connected to the default IP via a notebook and tried to upload a previously exported settings file from the failed unit. https://community.sonicwall.com/technology-and-support/discussion/comment/13454#Comment_13454, https://community.sonicwall.com/technology-and-support/discussion/comment/13456#Comment_13456, https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/how-can-i-put-the-sonicwall-into-safe-mode/170507123738054/, https://community.sonicwall.com/technology-and-support/discussion/comment/13459#Comment_13459, https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/safemode-options-on-sonicwall-gen-7-devices/200806113015557/, https://community.sonicwall.com/technology-and-support/discussion/comment/13464#Comment_13464. so you should boot with safe mode and format flash after import config file. Expand the Network Category > Click on Interfaces> Click on X1 (WAN). The Mail Server and Mail From Address values must be configured for automated email delivery. 2. Select the preferences file with the configuration settings you want to import. It appears because there is a different IP address in the settings file from the existing IP address of x0 management. Sonicwall Capture ATP Destination IP is not mine, https://support.software.dell.com/kb/sw8010, https://support.software.dell.com/kb/sw6974. Hi @blublub, even if it turns out to be that you are not enforcing any Password restrictions, it does sound like there is corruption with the original config file, in this case I would recommend just manually rebuilding the config on the new appliance from scratch. It appears because there is a different IP address in the settings file from the existing IP address of x0 management Resolution I managed to migrate my config from v6 to v7 and imported it without error. Specify an email address in the Email Settings to field. I'm heading out to the remote site now to replace and HOPE everything works. Today must be my lucky day. Login to the SonicWall firewall and navigate to Device|Settings| Firmware & Backups. if it is the case that your original config file did contain password complexity requirements just log in to the original Gen 6 appliance under Administration/Login Security and disable the settings before exporting the config file, you might want to also enable SSH on the X0 Interface also before export just in case you need another way in. In addition, importing Virtual Machine settings to any other platform is not fully supported. - is that a menu option in safe mode and will it keep my config? Automatically email new settings upon generation, SRA appliances allow you to save and import file sets that hold the SRA configuration settings. Next-generation firewall for SMB, Enterprise, and Government, Comprehensive security for your network security solution, Modern Security Management for todays security landscape, Advanced Threat Protection for modern threat landscape, High-speed network switching for business connectivity, Protect against todays advanced email threats, Next-generation firewall capabilities in the cloud, Stop advanced threats and rollback the damage caused by malware, Control access to unwanted and unsecure web content. Please check the for link for instructions on creating a configuration backup. Next-generation firewall for SMB, Enterprise, and Government, Comprehensive security for your network security solution, Modern Security Management for todays security landscape, Advanced Threat Protection for modern threat landscape, High-speed network switching for business connectivity, Protect against todays advanced email threats, Next-generation firewall capabilities in the cloud, Stop advanced threats and rollback the damage caused by malware, Control access to unwanted and unsecure web content, This article provides information about the situation where error message. If you dont know ip address, you should decrypt config file and read interface config. Just took a brand new SonicWALL TZ 205 out of the box and tried setting it up for my remote site where I had one fail. CAUTION:It is recommended that you create a backup, either locally or to the cloud, before proceeding to import the configuration file. The DHCP is handled at the Site via the SonicWALL, not from the main office. When I try to set my new password I get an error like this: "An error has occurred but the cause could not be determined at this time. policies, nat rules, objects etc.). I've not tried safe mode (I'll have to look up how to do that) and I'll see if the enhanced OS is the problem. safe mode -> factory reset -> import migration config -> and then what? if it is the case that your original config file did contain password complexity requirements just log in to the original Gen 6 appliance under Administration/Login Security and disable the settings before exporting the config file, you might want to also enable SSH on the X0 Interface also before export just in case you need another way in. I'll dig a little deep and get back with what I find. I got lucky on that too.. was only on hold about 5 mins at best. 6) Imported the CA's certificate. Then, specify the frequency of back ups to be scheduled. To specify system identity 1. Ill try again now :-(. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 7.X firmware. Join the Conversation . You may import the configuration settings that you previously exported to a backup configuration file. The resolution would be to either change the NIC adapter on the PC to acquire the IP address from the firewall, if the firewall has DHCP server enabled for that respective interface or to manually set the adapter IP address in the same subnet as the X0 network in the imported settings. You can unsubscribe at any time from the Preference Center. What Firmware is the Gen7 Appliance on? This article provides information about the situation where error message "Network error" is prompt when trying to import settings file into the firewall. This error message does not means that the settings were not imported into the firewall. Settings can be imported between the 1200 and 1600 and between the 4200 and 4600. To create a free MySonicWall account click "Register". From the main navigation menu in AMC, click Network Settings. Nothing else ch Z showed me this article today and I thought it was good. This release includes significantuser interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.5 and earlier firmware. Cause This error message does not means that the settings were not imported into the firewall. I have done a LOT of import export, all on enhanced OS and always for it to work but standard to enhanced was always a mess. These tasks are described in the following sections: For security purposes, you can encrypt the configuration files in the System > Settings page. No, the migration is a 1:1 migration so no different ports. You can unsubscribe at any time from the Preference Center. 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