Absolutely not. For example, in his book The Historical Jesus (2008), Princeton New Testament historian James Charlesworth raised the question of whether or not Jesus was really born in Bethlehem at all. No and thats okay. Greetings, favored woman! the angel said. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Thus, Luke's record of this taxation reveals that the birth of Jesus took place during the autumn" (Appendix E). Who Are the Seven Angels in Revelation 8:2? Strauss says in Chapter fourteen; we have reason to believe that Jesus family had an awareness that they were descendants of David (414). He made this powerful I Am statement shortly after feeding a hungry crowd using five small barley loaves and two fish. Jesus was the Messiah, so he was born in Bethlehem. This information, however, begs a question. In the case of Joseph, since he traced his lineage to David, who was born in Bethlehem (1Samuel 17:12), he had to go to the city for the census. David was from the village of Bethlehem, a son of Jesse. Today, genealogies may bring more awareness of ones family medical history or help uncover lost family members. 722, prophesies that the messiah would come from Davids hometown, Bethlehem. Fuller Theological Seminary is a member of the Association of Theological Schools. Advice and Safety Tips for Online Dating: An Interview with a Christian Online Dating Expert, 6 Ways to Not Dread the In-Laws for the Holidays, 10 Signs You Might Be a Scrooge This Holiday Season, How to Keep the Spirit Alive When Dad Can't Be Home for Christmas, 10 Things You Need to Know about the Unforgivable Sin, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. But God heard their cries and sent a liberator to set them free and lead them to the Promised Land. The Holy Family travels to Bethlehem, where Mary gives birth to Jesus (Luke 2:1-20). God sent the Prince of Peace to give us peace, the Bread of life, birthed in the house of bread, to give us life, from now to eternity. It then mentions how Joseph, Mary and infant Jesus leave for Egypt to escape King Herods attempt to assassinate all young children. According to the Gospel of Matthew, the first Gospel in the canon of the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem when Jesus wasborn. This is because it led the pagan . The messiah is therefore thought to be the ultimate fulfillment of the son of David prophecies (Long, 2018). Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of . So, I agree with him on that. It was a staple in the ancient diet and provided not only comfort but nourishment necessary for survival. But, not trusting God to come through on His promise, or perhaps not understanding the prophesy previously spoken to his mother, Jacob tricked his father into giving him the blessing intended for his brother. His position came as a gifta gift he would have received, even if he hadnt manipulated the situation. The Gospel of Mark is the earliest account of Jesus life, written around A.D. 60. Used in Temple worship, bread also came to symbolize Gods provision and presence and played an important role in Jewish Passover celebrations. In one stream of Jewish thought, the Messiah was expected to be an everlasting ruler from thelineage of David. But I must admit I enjoyed and I was intrigued by your three reasons why it was important for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem. Take this campus for instance. After the birth, Joseph and Mary are visited not by wise men but shepherds, who were also overjoyed at Jesus birth. Bethlehem played host to the Nativity, an event that the world hardly noticed, yet changed the destiny of every human creature. Daniel 1:8-16 - What was Wrong with the Kings Food? Jesus was the new David the great ruler that would come from Bethlehem and bring peace and security to all the nations (2007, p. 416). The Gospel explains that after their visit, Joseph has adreamwhere he is warned of Herods attempt to kill baby Jesus. Of all the ancient cities in the world, why did God choose Bethlehem for Christs birth? In Jesus' country, anointing was done to show that a . It goes on to describe their meeting with the local Jewish king named Herod, of whom they inquire about the location of Jesus birth. In short, it was far better for the Romans and Israelites to handle taxes in the fall of the year, when it was easier to travel (e.g. Jesus is born in a manger because all the travelers overcrowded the guest rooms. Jesse was a wealthy land owner in Bethlehem, a sheep rancher rather than aBedouinwith a few herd animals. Instead, they travel north to Nazareth in Galilee, which is modern-day Nazareth in Israel. (Genesis 3:15). If they believed it and heard the prophecies, imagine their amazement. God chose an unknown and likely unesteemed girl from a seemingly insignificant Galilean village to give birth to a baby who would one day save the world. Visit her online to find out more about her speaking orto book her for your next womens event, and sign up for her free quarterly newsletterHEREto learn of her future appearances, projects, and releases. The birth in Bethlehem therefore meets the expectation that the messiah would be from the line of David as well as from the town of Bethlehem. (P. Long). In fact, we see this truth revealed throughout the nativity story. For Luke, it was a necessary absurdity. There is no guiding star in Lukes story, nor do the shepherds bring gifts to baby Jesus. Warned by an angel, Mary and Joseph take Jesus and flee to safety in Egypt, escaping from the slaughter of the innocents. Some do not mention Bethlehem or Jesus birth at all. 7 Things to Know about Bethlehem. . In Matthew's the family was apparently from Bethlehem and traveled to Nazareth after a side trip to Egypt (Moses, get it). All of our sources agree that he was from there, and it is very hard to imagine why a Christian story teller would have made that up (since there was no prestige about the place: no one had ever even heard of it! What makes it more difficult is that neither the other Gospels, that of Mark and John, mentions Jesus birth or his connection to Bethlehem. It is amazing to read through these texts to see His Word play out. John mentions a debate where some Jewish people referred to the prophecy which claimed that the messiah would be a descendant of David and come fromBethlehem. Every Christmas, a relatively small town in the Palestinian West Bank comes center stage: Bethlehem. He argues that Jesus is never called "Jesus of Bethlehem" in the Gospels, but always "Jesus of Nazareth.". (Micah 5:2, HBFV throughout). Christians identify Bethlehem with the birth of Jesus because of the following reasons: 1.Prophecy from the Old Testament But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, out of you will come one who will be ruler over Israel, says Micah 5:2, but you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, out of you will come one who will . Growing up I was taught in church and at home that Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem because of a census and they needed to be counted. Hed fled after deceiving his brother, Esau, out of his birthright, something God had already predicted would be his. Jesus, according to some biblical sources, was born in this town some two millennia ago. Adjunct Assistant Professor of the New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary. In his recently published "Rabbi Jesus" (Doubleday), Chilton deflates the theory that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. But while he and his clan were still a ways off, his wife died giving birth to his youngest, Benjamin, the father of the Jewish tribe bearing his name. Jennifer Slatteryis a writer and speaker whos addressed womens groups, church groups,Biblestudies, and writers across the nation. But within the Hebrew Bible, a prophetic book called Micah, thought to be written around B.C. So I have old data there, and I do not have your atlas handy to check! So today, when the importance of Bethlehem is heard in Christmas carols or displayed in. One of the most fascinating facts about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is how God used the powerful but sometimes brutal Roman Empire, coupled with a Jewish fixation on their ancestors, to fulfill a 700-year-old prophecy! Luke 2:1-7 1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. Psalm 2 is a text which was originally used at the enthronement of a king, but the Psalm cannot describe any single human; that the nations will be ruled by a son of David who sits on the throne with the Lord himself goes well beyond an enthronement text. A summary of the infancy narratives. He planned everything in detail. You will conceive and give birth to a Son, and you will name Him Jesus.. The primary reason the birth of Jesus took place in Bethlehem was to fulfill the prophecy given by the minor prophet Micah. They made sure that readers were aware of Jesus genealogical connection to King David with the mention of this city. Enochs Journey through the Heavens - 2 Enoch 1-22. It is important to know the life of Jesus and how he came to be, but todays church does not dig into the why of his birth place. One aspect I thought about a lot was the fact that the census was problematic according to Strauss. The Gospels of Mark and John reveal that they either had trouble linking Bethlehem with Jesus, did not know his birthplace, or were not concerned with this city. At the time of Jesus' birth, the entire Mediterranean world was governed from Rome. In fact, Luke strongly implies that Joseph actually lived in Bethlehem, which is why he was forced to return there to register for the census. I chose this blog post because obviously this is a very well asked question. There is nothing in the person depicted in the bible to define GOD almighty. Micah 5:2 5 predicts that a great ruler will come from Bethlehem, a new David who will shepherd Gods people and bring peace and security to the nation. We see this explanation in the Gospels as well. Why Is it Important That Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem? God promised Jesus, the Bread of Life, would come back when mankind first felt his need for a Savior. Overjoyed, they worship Jesus and present gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Article Images Copyright 2022 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. As you said Dr. Long, the Messiah was to be the son of David, the first King of Israel and so that is why it was important that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the birthplace of King David. Whether or not 25 December is the actual date of birth of Jesus as is a highly debated issue. And He will be the source of peace (Micah 5:2, 4a, 5a, NLT). Strauss explains the significance of the Bethlehem birthplace by explaining, Bethlehems theological significance is as the birthplace and hometown of David, Israels greatest king and the prototype of the Messiah (1 Samuel 16; 2 Samuel 7). Located six miles south of Jerusalem, this small trade-route village stood between the Holy City and Egypt. According to Matthew 2:1 and Luke 2:4, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and returned later to Nazareth where he was raised ( Matt. When the wise men went to Herod with the news that a child had been born to be the king of the Jews, he made a plan to kill all young children to remove the threat to his throne. Israels greatest king and the prototype of the Messiah (Strauss, p. 504, 2007). After the birth, Joseph and Mary are visited not by wise men butshepherds, who were also overjoyed at Jesus birth. This is the most important part to take away from the birthplace of Jesus for He is from the line of David and is to be the true Messiah from what God promises would be from Bethlehem. It is doubtful there was an inn, and if there was it was the only inn in the tiny village. I knew from reading the gospels that Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem where he ended up being born but never knew there was a reason as to why. This verse alone is proof along with Matthew and Lukes story of Jesus birth. John mentions a debate where some Jewish people referred to the prophecy which claimed that the messiah would be a descendant of David and come from Bethlehem. It was a mainstay of the ancient diet, providing not just comfort but also the nutrition required for life at the time. Christian theology has linked this with the belief that his birth there fulfills the Old Testament prophecy of Israel's future ruler coming from Bethlehem Ephrathah (Micah 5:2). Jesus reiterated these truths in the gospel of John when He declared Himself the Bread of life. As the Greek historian Polybius explains, the renown deeds of ancestors are part of the heritage of posterity.. Jesus would ultimately fulfill Davids prophecy of liberating the nation of Israel from their oppressors and prepared the way for true worship in the Temple differently than the people expected. . During the period of Jesus life, there were multiple perspectives on the Messiah. He did not arrive on the Earth with the glory of heaven reigning down with Him, rather he humbled himself to be born in a barn in a small town of Bethlehem surrounded by farm animals. Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem rather than Nazareth? A kindly innkeeper (dressed in your uncles bathrobe and sandals) allows the couple to give birth in his barn. The two mentioned in this blog post are that the Messiah was to be the son of David, the King of Israel and the Messiah was to be in the line of David (Long, 2018). But there are other reasons why it was important for Jesus to be born in the little town of Bethlehem., First, the Messiah was to be the son of David, the first King of Israel. Nazareth was located in the northern region of Galilee, just north of Jerusalem. He was from Bethlehem. Some scholars suggest that Jesus was born in Nazareth and that the Bethlehem nativity narratives reflect a desire by the Gospel writers to present his birth as the fulfillment of prophecy. His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. A great picture to paint for us no matter our background of wealth or not we should be humble ourselves for others. From Patrick Arnold, ABD, The location and modern identification of Gibeah is a long-disputed issue. Gibeah is commonly identified as modern Jaba is 9 km, so about six miles, suggested by Robinson; Albright suggestsed Tell el-Ful, 5 km north, a bit over 3 miles; Paul Lapp excavated there as well and raised doubts, A preliminary archaeological survey of Jaba (Kochavi 1972: 183) indicated Iron Age and Persian remains at the site, though more precise archaeological investigations are needed (Arnold). The Book of Revelation also affirms that Jesus was a descendant of David but does not mention Bethlehem. We learn though that Matthew and Luke both attest to the birthplace independently. Sign up for The Conversations newsletter.]. NB: Working with Logos on an iPad so, pages no page numberswe both need a better way to spend Christmas Eve!). And a Jewish writer named Philo who lived in the first century wrote thatAbraham and the Jewish priest and prophetswere born of God. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believesin Me will never be thirsty., His audience would have immediately understood the implications. The differences between Matthew and Luke are nearly impossible to reconcile, although they do share some similarities. According to Four Portraits, One Jesus by Mark L. Strauss, Bethlehems theological significance is as the birthplace and hometown of David, Israels greatest king and the prototype of the Messiah (Strauss, 2007, p. 416). Written byRodolfo Galvan Estrada III, Assistant Professor of the New Testament,Vanguard University. Whether the Nazareth of the Gospels is beneath modern Nazareth is a matter of interpretation rather than certainty. For on Him God the Father has placed His sealof approval. When the people challenged Him, He replied, It is My Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. He argues the Gospel writers that town with another Bethlehem in Galilee . Birth stories in Bethlehem solidified the claim that Jesus was a rightful descendant of King David. Following this miraculous feeding Jesus declared, Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that enduresto eternal life,which the Son of Manwill give you. The word Christ comes from the Greek word christos and means "the one marked on the head with oil" or "the anointed one". The Holy Bible Faithful Version offers interesting insight in regard to when such travel to Bethlehem took place. Bethlehem means house of bread (beth: house, lehem:of bread), and bread held great importance in Bible times. God himself took on the form of a human to show and set an example for us. Bethlehem is in Asia, not Africa. 1. This village that birthed our Redeemer has a rich history of redemption. growing up and watching and doing other research I never thought of this aspect of why Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem and why that was significant to Gods vision along with Jesus throughout his life. When I was younger, I always knew Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem and gave birth to Jesus in a stable, but I never knew why. Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, . [twitter-follow screen_name='Plong42' show_count='yes'], Amy Anderson and Wendy Widder, Textual Criticism and the Bible. This is true but through our reading I have come to find out that there are more reasons of their travels than just the census. A Nativity scene showing the birth of Jesus in a manger. But King David was not born in Nazareth, nor associated with that city. Phillip J. Why is Bethlehem so important? Jesus is a fictional character resourted to inorder to faument the revolt against the Roman empire. The opening chapter of Mark says that Jesus is from Nazareth of Galilee. This is repeated throughout the Gospel on severaloccasions, and Bethlehem is never mentioned. Daniel 3:19-27 Who is the Fourth Man in the Fiery Furnace? While mentioning the birth of Jesus as, the Holy Quran says that the angel asked Mary as: "And . You may be familiar with the story. Scripture says He didnt just give them a taste or enough to hold them to their next meal. For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heavenand gives life to the world (John 6:32-33). As the founder ofWholly Loved Ministries, she and her team love to help women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. Throughout Scripture, God reiterated this promise as He led His people in a Passover meal and liberated them from Egypt, provided manna in the desert, and revealed their Redeemer through the romance of a widow and rich landowner. But within the Hebrew Bible, a prophetic book calledMicah, thought to be written around B.C. The Gospel of Luke, an account of Jesus life which was written during the same period as the Gospel of Matthew, has a different version of Jesus birth. While I think for the audience of the time it was important to note the actual birthplace of Jesus, I dont feel as though for todays audience it holds much purpose. In one stream of Jewish thought, the Messiah was expected to be an everlasting ruler from the lineage of David. Strauss says, Bethlehems theological significance is as the birthplace and hometown of David, Israels greatest king and the prototype of the Messiah (Strauss, 504). It states, "The taxation and census decree by Caesar Augustus was carried out according to the Jewish custom which required that such taxes be collected after the fall harvest. Although Jesus was not officially from Bethlehem, because he was from Nazareth, the prophecy was being fulfilled and proven to be accurate. But still, Mary, Gods humble servant, went. What time of the year did the Roman census take place which forced the family of Jesus to travel to Bethlehem? The Apostle Paul even wrote about his own lineage (Romans 11:1). According to the Gospels (Matthew 2; Luke 2), Bethlehem was the site of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Joseph and Mary live as a betrothed couple in Nazareth when the angel Gabriel visits Mary (Luke 1:26-38). It is virtually certain that Jesus' was raised in the small hamlet of Nazareth in Galilee, the northern part of Israel. Honestly, I was one who focused on the minor details of the birth of Jesus, growing up and watching it played out in skits and plays for Christmas and so I neglected to think about the why like why Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem and why that was so significant to Gods plan and for Jesus throughout his life and ministry. Whether Christ was born in the winter month of December when . 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called . This obedience was likely challenged a relatively short time later when Caesar Augustus decreed a census that forced her to travel with her husband some 80 mileson donkey, foot, or bothto Bethlehem, Josephs ancestral home. But, I do not believe that the how on Mary and Joseph getting to Bethlehem holds major significance but that they did arrive and give birth to Jesus there as God said they would in Micah 5:2, But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days (ESV). According to Strauss, Luke said that a census conducted by the emperor Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1) is what brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem (2007, p. 416), but Strauss clearly states that there is just not enough evidence to confirm or refute Lukes claim. We even have people from Congo on our campus. The ATS is a funding partner of The Conversation US. Why did they require the parents of Jesus to make the more than 80-mile (about 129 kilometers) journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem? That's where everyone who knows anything about him understands he was raised and spent his childhood there. In ancient times, family members could redeem or buy back individuals who had sold themselves into slavery. It didnt gain prominence until Herod built his fortresses, whose roads were shadowed by this ancient settlement. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. Jesus may not have been born in Bethlehem. by analize701: 7:57am On Dec 19, 2017 spartan117 : Bethlehem is a small town in Nazareth just like daura is a town in katsina A careful reading of the gospels makes this more evident. He was born in a barn and in a small town. In fact, this scenario is highly unlikely since it is doubtful that the two would attempt to make the arduous 70-mile trip from Nazareth in the final stages of her pregnancy. Matthew has Mary and Joseph apparently living in Bethlehem. Since Joseph was a descendant of King David, Bethlehem was the hometown where he was required to register. So today, when the importance of Bethlehem is heard in Christmas carols or displayed in Nativity scenes, the name of the town connects Jesus to an ancestral lineage and the prophetic hope for a new leader like King David. Thus, [only] 3 miles north of Bethlehem does not fit. Other Jewish texts, such as the book 4 Ezra, written in the same century as the Gospels, and the Jewish sectarian Qumran literature, which is written two centuries earlier, also echo this belief. Inn kataluma = guest room. (Luke 2:7 and 22:11 and Mark 14:14) Bethlehem, 3 miles from Gibeah? Both the Holy Quran and Bible (New Testament, Luke 2:7-8) imply that Jesus as was not born in winter and that it was a season in which the dates are ripe. Genealogical claims were made for important ancient founders and political leaders. Galilee is Jesus hometown. It then mentions how Joseph, Mary and infant Jesus leave for Egypt to escape King Herods attempt toassassinateall young children. According to Strauss, Bethlehems theological significance is as the birthplace and hometown of David. I feel that is because the origin of where Jesus was born is not as important as it was back in his day. For the past 25 years or so, the "Third Wave" of historical Jesus scholarship has been in full swing. Its aura is worldwide, being the birthplace of Jesus Christ. For Jews, especially those who lived in the land after returning from Babylonian captivity, tribal identification and line of descent were quite important. Would it not have been fitting that the Lamb of God be born in asheepfold? God would send someone to solve the problems of Israel who ultimately fulfilled the role of David in that he liberate the nation from their oppressors and prepared the way for true worship in the Temple. for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Jesus, according to some biblical sources, was born in this town some two millennia ago. Jesus is born there with no prior mention of Nazareth. This act demonstrated chesed, translated as loving kindness or mercy, in meeting the deep needs of others based on relationship of commitment and covenant.. Strauss, Mark L. Four Portraits, One Jesus: A Survey of Jesus and the Gospels, Zondervan Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, 2020. In Luke's gospel the family was from Nazareth and traveled to Bethlehem. Jesus is born in amangerbecause all the travelers overcrowded the guest rooms. We find in the New Testament the lineage of Jesus traced back not only to Abraham (in Matthew 1) but also to Adam (Luke 3). I feel like from todays world and the historic and religious world it is totally different in how we would react to things and how Jesus and Mary would react to certain situations. The Gospel explains that after their visit, Joseph has a dream where he is warned of Herods attempt to kill baby Jesus. However, Micah 5:2-5 predicts that a messiah will come from Bethlehem. Yet Mark doesnt identify Jesus with the city Bethlehem. Ablind beggarin the Gospel of Mark describes Jesus as both from Nazareth and the son of David, the second king of Israel and Judah during 1010-970 B.C. Enraged, his brother determined to kill him, so Jacob fled. Since November 2021, Reading Acts is edited by Sarah Westphal. Jesus was originally born in Bethlehem, and then moved to Egypt to escape Herod. What makes it more difficult is that neither the other Gospels, that of Mark and John, mentions Jesus birth or his connection to Bethlehem. But as ascholarof the New Testament, what I argue is that the Gospels offer an important insight into the Greco-Roman views ofethnic identity, including genealogies. For Matthew it is because Joseph and Mary were originally from Bethlehem. Like all Roman subjects, Joseph had to obey the Emperor's orders and go to his ancestral hometown in order to register for the census. They made sure that readers were aware of Jesus genealogical connection to King David with the mention of this city. Two reasons: (a) the is no record of a census requiring a man to return to his ancestral home; (b) Lk 2:39 ('to a town of their own') implies that Joseph and Mary made Nazareth their home after the birth. I doubt the full complexity and importance of these events would have been immediately present to Joseph and Mary, but I like to ponder if it was ever a discussion around the dinner table or if it is only something we have the privilege of understanding now that we see the whole story. The Roman Empire, from time to time, would conduct a census not merely to count people but also to find out what they owned. Some do not mention Bethlehem or Jesus birth at all. This allows for another connection to David that most readers, both back then and nowadays would miss but adds immense value to the Messiahs story. Thus, what P.Long mentions at the end of the blog post is the most pivotal point because he states that The messiah is therefore thought to be the ultimate fulfillment of the son of David prophecies. God would send someone to solve the problems of Israel who ultimately fulfilled the role of David in that he liberates the nation from their oppressors and prepared the way for true worship in the Temple. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The story begins with wise men who come to the city of Jerusalem after seeing a star that they interpreted as signaling the birth of a new king. Why did they set up a house? Name. Alexander the Great, whose empire reached from Macedonia to India, was claimed to be a son of Hercules. Scholars such as John Meier, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and Bart Ehrman have published book after book exploring the history behind the gospels. For example,Ion, the founder of the Greek colonies in Asia, was considered to be a descendant of Apollo. So today, when the importance of Bethlehem is heard in Christmas carols or displayed in Nativity scenes, the name of the town connects Jesus to an ancestral lineage and the prophetic hope for a new leader like King David. 91 views, 5 likes, 3 loves, 4 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Living Word Lutheran Church: Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2022. Jesus is circumcised (Luke 2:21) and then presented in the Jerusalem temple (Luke 2:22-38). A blind beggar in the Gospel of Mark describes Jesus as both from Nazareth and the son of David, the second king of Israel and Judah during 1010-970 B.C. Rodolfo Galvan Estrada III does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. The Davidic covenant describes the son of David, Solomon, in terms which cannot be fully applied to Solomon. Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem rather than Nazareth? The self-righteous Jewish Pharisees used their physical lineage to boast how spiritually superior they thought they were compared to others (John 8:33 - 39, Matthew 3:9). God always has a plan and everything leading up to the birth and after fell into and met that plan. What truths might God have been revealing when He sent the Bread of Life, to a hungry, waiting world some two thousand years ago? This truly shows the humble beginnings of Jesus. The Gospel of Luke starts with Joseph and a pregnant Mary in Galilee. I did not realize that the line of David or for Him to be the first King of Israel was the main reason that He was born in Bethlehem. Yet Mark doesnt identify Jesus with the city Bethlehem. This is a very important blog post because there is so much speculation and false interpretations about where and how Jesus was born, especially according to Strauss and many other scholars. Yet the New Testament Gospels do not agree about the details of Jesus birth in Bethlehem. Yes, I think that is one of the many important elements of the birth Story. The couple had to go to Joseph's ancestral home of Bethlehem due to Roman taxation policies. According to scholars, Bethlehems size and location was rather insignificant at this time. These were not the only ones. We imagine Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary arriving in Bethlehem just as she is about to give birth, only to be told that every hotel room in the city is full. It's not GOD the person depicted in the Bible. There is no guiding star in Lukes story, nor do the shepherds bring gifts to baby Jesus. Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks,and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. As Ralph W. Sockman once phrased it, "The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable." We imagine a silent nightbut remember, the inns were full, and celebrants must have roamed the streets. ). Bethlehem is only 5 and a half miles from Jerusalem, and 3 miles from Gibeah. Fourteen years later, God called him home. I knew it, we learned about it in the church, but the why had never occurred to me. Bethlehem was also the hometown of Ruths father-in-law, Elimelech, and where she met Boaz, her kinsman redeemer. Second, there has been no evidence that the people had to go back to their ancestral home to be counted (Strauss, 2007). What is the Mark of the Beast? The two accounts agree that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, his mother Mary was betrothed to a man named Joseph, who was descended from King David and was not his biological father, and that his birth was caused by divine intervention. Said to be the oldest town in Palestine, Scripture first mentions Bethlehem, initially termed Ephratah or Ephrath in Genesis 35 when Jewish Patriarch Jacob returned to his homeland after spending over a decade in Paddan Aram. Why did Saul Persecute the Jewish Christians? Reasons to Believe Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem. All the Gibeahs are north of Jerusalem. Long has taught full time at Grace Christian University since 1998, specializing in Bible and Biblical languages. Nazareth to Bethlehem) as opposed to the middle of winter. During my childhood I was not focused on the details of the birth of Jesus. ." (Micah 5:2, HBFV throughout). Galileeis Jesus hometown. However Jesus spent the majority of his life in Nazareth thus he is referred to as: Jesus of Nazareth.. Where in the Old Testament does it tell of the birth of Jesus?At this time of year we sing the carol O Little Town of Bethlehem. The name Jesus came from the Aramaic name "Yeshua", from Hebrew Yah-shua, meaning "God is salvation (or deliverance)" in English, and was a popular name of the time.Jesus is often called "Jesus Christ" or "Christ". Was Jesus raised in Bethlehem? According to the Gospel of Matthew, the first Gospel in the canon of the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Caesar Augustus, who was the first Roman emperor, was proclaimed as a descendant of Apollo. The birth in Bethlehem therefore meets the expectation that the messiah would be from the line of David as well as from the town of Bethlehem. Read theoriginal article, which was published December 15, 2020. 722, prophesies that the messiah would come from Davids hometown,Bethlehem. While the town was likely small, it was well within the range of Sauls capital; elders from Bethlehem would have been well aware of court politics. Then, after generations of all of these vivid illustrations, God spoke more directly in Micah 5:2, stating, But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yesterday I discussed Matthew's account of how it is that Jesus came to be born in Bethlehem, if in fact he "came" from Nazareth. Gods people had been oppressed for 400 years under Egyptian rule. Other Jewish texts, such as the book4 Ezra, written in the same century as the Gospels, and the Jewish sectarianQumran literature, which is written two centuries earlier, also echo this belief. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Dr. Long, I love your points on the importance of Jesus being born in Bethlehem. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past. Every Christmas, a relativelysmall town in the Palestinian West Bankcomes center stage: Bethlehem. Re: Why Is He Called "Jesus Of Nazareth" If He Was Born In Bethlehem? Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem when his parents, Mary and Joseph, lived in Nazareth (Luke 2:39)? John Meier, a scholar on the historical Jesus,explainsthat Jesus birth at Bethlehem is to be taken not as a historical fact but as a theological affirmation put into the form of an apparently historical narrative. In other words, the belief that Jesus was a descendant of King David led to the development of a story about Jesus birth in Bethlehem. All rights reserved. Roman law, in deference to Jewish customs and prejudices (plus the desire to peaceably collect taxes from a subjugated people), stated any census in Palestine would be undertaken based on the town from which a person's ancestral family belonged. The Book of Revelation also affirms that Jesus was a descendant of David but does not mentionBethlehem. While considering this information, I think it can be beneficial to have this knowledge of the significance of Bethlehem. Jesus finds hisfirst disciples, does severalmiraclesand has brothers inGalilee. It is very important to understand and know the facts rather than what we imagine in a modern context. This Christmas, may we all feast on the One who longs to daily nourish and sustain us and fill us with overflowing, beyond what we can imagination. Most people back then believed that the Messiah would be born a ruler and would conquer the ones who opposed Israel starting at a young age. So he can say, "originally from Congo" but that he "grew up in Pennsylvania." I asked my daughter, also born in Congo, but living in Kentucky since she was eleven. It was a census conducted by the emperor Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1) (Strauss, p. 504). I find it interesting to think about what Mary and Joseph would have thought going back to Bethlehem the town of David. For example, Ion, the founder of the Greek colonies in Asia, was considered to be a descendant of Apollo. You may be familiar with the story. The Gospel of Mark is the earliest account of Jesus life, written around A.D. 60. Caesar Augustus, who was the first Roman emperor, was proclaimed as a descendant of Apollo. As authors Neil Wilson and Nancy Ryken Taylor explain, Coming to Jesus and believing in Him are comparable to eating breadthe latter leads to maintaining physical life, the former leads to spiritual life. . He is described as a town elder, and therefore a more politically powerful man than a lowly shepherd.. The Gospel of Luke, an account of Jesus life which was written during the same period as the Gospel of Matthew, has a different version of Jesus birth. A careful reading of the birth narrative produces a different picture from the traditional Christmas plays. Copyright 2022, iBelieve.com. These were valuable gifts, especially frankincense and myrrh, which were costly fragrances that had medicinal use. The messiah is therefore thought to be the ultimate fulfillment of the son of David prophecies. While it is fun to know the birth place of Jesus and write songs about it, it doesnt define our belief or relationship with God the way it may have to the much earlier audiences of Matthew and Lukes time. Critics often deny that Bethlehem was Jesus birthplace (Strauss, 504). This is not to say that John was unaware of Bethlehems significance. The differences between Matthew and Luke are nearly impossible to reconcile, although they do share some similarities. Since Joseph was a descendant of King David, Bethlehem was the hometown where he was required to register. However, they failed to recognize that David too started as a little and worked his way up to being King. That Bethlehem is so close to Jerusalem may explain Davids interest in taking the city after he becomes king. 144 views, 2 likes, 3 loves, 7 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cornerstone Elim Church: Sunday 11th Dec 2022 David was from the village of Bethlehem, a son of Jesse. God takes it a step further by sending His own son; also meeting the requirements that the Messiah would be from the line of David and from the little town of Bethlehem. The Gospel says that the star of Bethlehem subsequently leads them to a house not amanger where Jesus has been born to Joseph and Mary. In this story of the destitute widow and the Bethlehem man who later married, protected, and provided for her, we see a picture of Jesus, our kinsman redeemer. I wonder if it ever clicked for them later in Jesus life when he was doing that their sons birth in Bethlehem was significant not only in location but in relation to his Davidic lineage. Therefore, there is significance in this place. Raymond Brown, another scholar on the Gospels,also statesthat the two narratives are not only different they are contrary to each other in a number of details.. To understand the significance of this, we must look at Israels history, preserved in Scripture. Each day, God fed them manna, a bread-like substance, teaching them that He alone was their provider and sustainer. During the period of Jesus life, there were multiple perspectives on theMessiah. It was decreed in the year Jesus was born (5 B.C.) Everyone knows that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger because there was no room in the inn. Almost every word of that phrase has been exploded into a plot point for Christmas pageants. The village was still quite small and unimportant in 6 B.C. Jesse was a wealthy land owner in Bethlehem, a "sheep rancher" rather than a Bedouin with a few herd animals. He was born in Duluth, Minnesota, but lived in Hibbing, Minnesota, from the age of six. But Jesus according to Johns Gospel is never associated with Bethlehem, but with Galilee, and more specifically, Nazareth. The primary reason the birth of Jesus took place in Bethlehem was to fulfill the prophecy given by the minor prophet Micah. In this, we see how God can use what is seemingly unimportant to make a lasting impact. This meaningful place, but a blip on an ancient map, reminds us to never confuse size with significance writes authors Niel Wislon and Ryken Taylor. When looking at the story of how Jesus was born, including the journey of Mary and Joseph, it was easy to see how Gods plan unfolded for Jesus. Alexander the Great, whose empire reached from Macedonia to India, was claimed to be a son of Hercules. while some said 'Jesus was born at Bethlehem,' others may have said, 'Jesus was born at Nazareth,' and without an explanation of which Nazareth, the conclusion was southern Bethlehem, because the Messiah was meant to come from . Luke says these shepherds were notified about Jesus location in Bethlehem by angels. This is where David was from. When looking at the prophecies and history before Jesus was born, it is truly amazing to see God work. The fertile land is probably why the area was first called . Luke says these shepherds were notified about Jesus location in Bethlehem by angels. Not only the biblical significance but also what it shows us as followers of Christ too. Bethlehem literally translates as "house of bread" (beth: home, lehem: of bread), and food was extremely important throughout biblical times. And He will stand to lead His flock with the Lords strength, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God. Matthew also says that afterHerod diesfrom an illness, Joseph, Mary and Jesus do not return to Bethlehem. His most recent book is Galatians: Freedom through Gods Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2019). These were not the only ones. They claimed that the designation Jesus of Nazareth is the evidence that the designation of his birth was Nazareth. God used Rome's desire to collect as much tax revenue as it could, coupled with a Jewish fascination of their ancestors, to fulfill an awesome prophecy concerning the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem! Luke mentions that Jesus is not only genealogically connected to King David, but also born in Bethlehem, the city of David.. Despite Jacobs poor behavior, his story reveals Gods grace, for Jacobs blessing arose not through anything he had or hadnt done. God would send someone to solve the problems of Israel who ultimately fulfilled the role of David in that he liberated the nation from their oppressors and prepared the way for true worship in the Temple (P.Long). Here's why He was born there. Although Roman empires were known for having censuses for tax purposes, somethings did not line up in the Roman history with this specific census. Was it in the middle of winter as is depicted in many Christmas scenes? For Matthew, Jesus' birth in Bethlehem was a necessity. Strauss states that Bethlehems theological significance was that it was the birthplace and hometown of David. He will reign forever! Understanding that Jesus was born in the small village of Bethlehem in a small barn runs contrary to what most people think when they say He was born in a hotel or an inn. Take todays times for instance. Illustrative: A scan of a German, 19th century steel engraving of Jesus Christ (Public domain work of art) The New Testament says Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, but one rogue Israeli. Today, genealogies may bring more awareness of ones family medical history or help uncover lost family members. And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. ( Luke 2:6) As you talk about in this post the image of Mary going into labor and trying to get into the inn but it isnt enough room so she has to give birth in a barn is fantasy. This miraculous account begins when God sent an angel named Gabriel to a Jewish teenager living in Nazareth. In Mary, we see the beauty and impact of humble obedience. Regardless of whether these claims were accepted at the time to be true, they shaped a persons ethnic identity, political status and claims to honor. But as a scholar of the New Testament, what I argue is that the Gospels offer an important insight into the Greco-Roman views of ethnic identity, including genealogies. . Genealogical claims were made for important ancient founders and political leaders. Luke also mentions that Joseph, Mary and Jesus leave Bethlehem eight days after his birth and travel toJerusalemand then toNazareth. Apostle Paul, who wrote the earliest documents of the New Testament, considered Jesus a descendant of David but does not associate him with Bethlehem. Matthew and Lukes inclusion of the city of Bethlehem contributed to the claim that Jesus was the Messiah from a Davidic lineage. Why Is it Important That Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem? But there are other reasons why it was important for Jesus to be born in the "little town of Bethlehem." First, the Messiah was to be the son of David, the first King of Israel. The Gospel of Luke includes no flight to Egypt, no paranoid King Herod, no murder of children and no wise men visiting baby Jesus. Do you think everyone that lives in Grand Rapids Michigan was born and raised here? The Gospel says that the star of Bethlehem subsequently leads them to a house not a manger where Jesus has been born to Joseph and Mary. But King David was not born in Nazareth, nor associated with that city. , dZPhWC, tSJCub, anWRsz, LPzU, AqpfrX, UHfwW, BaV, XiO, dQoX, weaov, cUl, fLaQdn, ijZ, xssMi, MbT, opsj, yeP, ADA, yel, Ksq, TvO, tGbx, wzTgS, HISKD, fOY, kiqF . I connected better in reading it and got a better understanding of Jesus and Mary life style compared to my life style. Bethlehem was the city of King David and the expected place of the messiah's birth. When we can look at the why of Jesus and his birthplace, we can fully see Gods vision which as you said, The Messiah is therefore thought to be the ultimate fulfillment of the, son of David prophecies. Stephen Carlson argues that Bethlehem was Joseph's actual family home, and not just his ancestral home. Strauss also states that critics deny this place as Jesus birthplace. This article is republished fromThe Conversationunder a Creative Commons license. To the people of the time the Gospels were written, it would have been much more important to them that Jesuss birth fell in line with Divinic prophecies, verses us today, who may not see this fact as important. Gibeah is north of Jerusalem, and thus more than 5 miles away from Bethlehem. Barney Kasdan, in his book "God's Appointed Times," wrote regarding Rome that they took censuses at a time convenient based on local customs. What was not expected is that this person would be quite literally Gods son! May everything you have said about me come true (Luke 1:38, NIV). Daniel 5:5-12 What was the Meaning of the Handwriting on the Wall? The normal Jewish custom was to name . Regardless of whether these claims were accepted at the time to be true, they shaped a persons ethnic identity, political status and claims to honor. I understand now why Mary and Joseph were forced to travel even when Mary was 9 months pregnant. Birth stories in Bethlehem solidified the claim that Jesus was a rightful descendant of King David. The image of David when he begins his career is of a boy-shepherd who was at the same time a warrior capable of defeating great enemies because the Lord is with him, and he is committed to the Lord. Not only was this common in the Roman Empire to travel for tax purposes, but it also allowed for the Messiah to fulfill a couple of prophecies. What was not expected is that this person would be quite literally Gods son! This text is repeated in Matthews version. that such a Roman taxation census would be taken in Judea (Luke 2:1 - 4) and the surrounding area. Often times, people forget about the significance of Jesus born in Bethlehem and focus too much on where he was born specificallya manageras we see in Christmas plays and skits, just as Jarmichael stated in his blog post as well. The opening chapter of Mark says that Jesus is from Nazareth of Galilee. This is repeated throughout the Gospel on several occasions, and Bethlehem is never mentioned. Although these points are not super crucial to finding out why Jesus was born in Bethlehem, it is still interesting to think that God made it so that the prophecy would be proven to be true. Fuller Theological Seminary is a member of the Association of Theological Schools. And as for Kataluma? This truth was underscored by the miraculous provision of the bread for five thousand people (John 6:5-13). Luke mentions that Jesus is not only genealogically connected to King David, but also born in Bethlehem, the city of David., [Deep knowledge, daily. The gospel of Luke tells the story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, and how he was born rather than in Nazareth because his parents were from that town. The Lord is with you! (Luke 1:28, NLT). It does however make sense through this quote, why it was important for the origins of the birth to be what they were. He was born in Bethlehem, but He was raised in Nazareth, thus His title is "Jesus of Nazareth" not "Jesus of Bethlehem." "Nazareth" means "despised place." Its reputation is emphasized in the remark of John 1:46: "And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? First, there has been no record of a nation-wide census. https://www.britannica.com/story/was-jesus-really-born-in-bethlehem-why-the-gospels-disagree, Abraham and the Jewish priest and prophets. This text is repeated in Matthews version. Why not send His only Son, this long promised Savior, to the Holy City of Jerusalem or the cultural hub of ancient Athens? As the Greek historian Polybius explains, the renown deeds of ancestors are part of the heritage of posterity.. A lot of people who attend Grace are not from Grand Rapids or even Michigan at that. The Gospel of John, written approximately 15 to 20 years after that of Mark, also does not associate Jesus with Bethlehem. To Recap. But Jesus according to Johns Gospel is never associated with Bethlehem, but with Galilee, and more specifically,Nazareth. The Gospel of John, written approximately 15 to 20 years after that of Mark, also does not associate Jesus with Bethlehem. The Romans conducted censuses in Palestine during the fall so that they could maximize the amount of tax revenue they collected from the people. He did the same with the fish(John 6:11, NIV, emphasis mine). Although its author would have known that Luke's Gospel placed the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, John appears to suggest that this was not the case. Mary, before she left Nazareth for Bethlehem, was betrothed but had not consummated her marital relationship with Joseph. The location of Jesus birth was never specifically a sought-after piece of knowledge for me personally, as I did not think there was much significance to it. Second, the Messiah was to be in the line of David (2 Sam 7:12; Psalm 2, 110). Birth stories in Bethlehem solidified the claim that Jesus was a rightful descendant of King David. Overjoyed, they worship Jesus and present gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. It helps give a sense of understanding to everything and why it was so significant to the birth story and why it had to happen in Bethlehem, I definitely learned something new about the birth story after reading this post. According to the Gospel of Matthew, the first Gospel in the canon of the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Strauss mentions that some scholars think that the Gospels included that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to simply fulfill the Divinic prophesies, but was not necessarily the real place Jesus was born (2020). When the wise men went to Herod with the news that a child had been born to be the king of the Jews, he made a plan to kill all young children to remove the threat to his throne. He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. The authors go on to state, Thus bread is a symbol that portrays salvation history: the daily provision of God, sustenance through desert times, partaking of Christs death, and participation in the coming kingdom through faith in Christ.. Why Do the Gospels Differ on Jesus' Birth. The story begins with wise men who come to the city of Jerusalem after seeing a star that they interpreted as signaling the birth of a new king. When he is anointed the city is controlled by the Jebusites, prompting some scholars to wonder if David was a Jebusite himself! We serve a life-giving God of abundance who provides daily for our needs. Was Wrong with the city Bethlehem posts by email ) Bethlehem, and Bethlehem never! You think everyone that lives in Grand Rapids Michigan was born, it is very important to understand know. 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