Sit down, make yourself comfortable, and get ready to put on that boot. It doesn't seem like much, but six to 10 feet can mean the difference between getting into an accident and avoiding one. Did your doctor restrict you from driving? It can keep your weight off an area, such as your toe, as it heals. 189 members and 2684 guests. 7 Can a person drive with a prosthetic foot? Answer: Tell your Mom to calm down. It's illegal. What happens if you drive with a cast on your arm? Always wear your seatbelt and drive slowly. As I've announced already, I've torn my achiles tendon and had an operation on it. It is not safe. For example, if you wear a cast on your arm and drive a manual vehicle, it will be almost impossible to change gears while keeping one hand on the wheel. Susan from Port Neches Asks: My moms drivers license is due for renewal. When you are recovering from an injury, the smartest thing you can do is take the advice of your doctor. Yes and no, as its not specifically illegal to drive with a broken leg or foot, but if a doctor advises you not to drive then you legally cannot get behind the wheel. There are some clear no-nos, of course: if your right foot is in a cast or brace, you absolutely should not drive. Drug school? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Moreover, you could get pulled over if your driving is affected by your injury. Submitted On February 02, 2015. It certainly is not safe. You can choose between three different mobility devices that help you get around faster and easier than crutches. Henry, my constant statement is You are in control of the vehicle, not the vehicle is in control of you! Well, at least we are not quite there yet, where the vehicle drives itself. Driving with a walking boot on can be a bit of a hassle. Email or call409-983-8673and leave a voice mail. Other than that, if you can repeatedly push the clutch in traffic and safely hold onto the wheel, there shouldn't be a problem. If your cast it on your right leg and you normally use your right foot to accelerate and brake, the answer is no, you should not be driving. Even a short cast adds 6.1 feet to your braking time at the same speeds. If you break your foot or ankle, your doctor may have to fit you with a cast. I do not know of any law that prevents someone from driving with a cast. When you suffer an ankle injury or a foot injury, the doctor likely will protect the injured area by requiring you to wear a boot or cast. It is not illegal to drive with a walking boot on your right foot. Is it illegal in Californiai to drive a car with a cast on your right leg? Possible penalties include a $400-$2,000 fine, up to six months in jail and a maximum two-year licence suspension. If you're taking opioid painkillers, you may not be able to drive until you stop using them. The main benefit is that the ankle can be moved somewhat. 4 If any joint has been placed in a cast or brace, you should avoid driving even if it's a soft brace or bandage since your range of motion is still restricted. Question 2: Do any medications affect your reactions? Score: 4.5/5 (15 votes) . A walking boot helps keep the foot stable so it can heal. If you're a right-footed person you could drive with your left foot, but driving with a cast on your right foot is illegal. This is assuming you drive with. Did your doctor restrict you from driving? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. But you will need to sit yourself behind the wheel and double check to make sure it does not get in the way of your driving in any manner. There is just no way to drive safely with this kind of obstruction to your driving foot. If the doctor says he can't drive, he can't drive. Is it legal for me to drive with a cast on? | If it's on the foot that is used to apply gas and break, it is recommended not to drive, as you don't get the correct response time for applying the gas and/or break as you do when you don't have a cast. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Ive tested the water and its barely any different driving with it on than off . Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to decipher the answer. In general while wearing a walking boot on the left foot is generally permissible, studies have shown that wearing one (or other similar types of footwear) on the right foot can adversely affect driving performance. There is no fixed price for renting a 20 foot U-haul truck. The pain may go away after a few weeks, but it may not go away for months or even years. How long will I be off work with a broken foot? This is because the walking boot consumes much space in the pedal section thereby, providing a little space to press the accelerator pedal with ease and precision. Because you are able to be more mobile with these items, you may even recover faster. As long as you can control your vehicle, its legal. The medications should inform you if you should not be driving when taking them. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Answer (1 of 4): It is of course possible but not recommended, and possibly not legal in some jurisdictions. The doctor told me that after the surgery I would be in a non-weightbearing splint for 2 weeks, the a non-weightbearing cast for 3 weeks, then move to a boot but still . I would avoid it as your connection with the pedals is reduced, as is your ability to move in a small space, and therefore your overall control of the vehicle. Doctors can provide different bandage colors to give your cast a unique look. There are many benefits to using a soft cast for ankle injuries 2. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. At the last appointment, I clarified that the doctor has not put any restrictions on me for driving, and when I asked the doctor she said as long as you have full control of the car, its ok to drive. Fasten the Velcro straps. Copyright 1996-2021, Officer Media Group, Endeavor Business Media - Public Safety Interactive.\u0026camp=1789\u0026creative=9325\u0026creativeASIN=B0057FDLDG\u0026linkCode=as2\u0026tag=castmaster-20\u0026linkId=477e7123f010c148bcf328df9da9cd40****OrthoTape**** Blue! White! Shewill turn81 years of age on January 21, and Ive tried to go online to request it and weve even mailed it in, but the request was rejected. I broke my wrist recently and have a cast on my left arm - I'm right handed and drive a car with an automatic transmission. Good luck. - Try not to move your arm or hand too much while you're driving. It was particularly awkward as I'd driven myself to the hospital. But when you KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY travel above the posted speed limit, YOU are violating the state law of SPEEDING. With a controlled ankle movement (CAM) boot one the full motion in your ankle will be restricted. I wear an AFO on my right foot/calf. He would use his left foot to operate the gas/brake pedals. The brace is not on my foot at all and my foot and leg operate just fine. I wear it pretty much all the time. Share. I was encountered by a security officer, who told me, Dont let the police catch you driving with that boot, they will give you a ticket. Officer Antoine, I really dont need a ticket right now. However, on one of my forms it states ***** State law does not permit the driving of a vehicle if you have ANY TYPE of cast on your leg! You will be asked to remain non-weight bearing for a period of time in order to let the injured area heal. Equally, if youre on any kind of narcotic pain-killers, you should not get behind the wheel. Start by putting on a large sock and pull it up as far as it will go. Once you get your cast removed and are continuing down the road to recovery, you may be able to start driving. If you have a cast on your left leg, driving may still be an option. I've got a cast on my left foot and I haven't been driving cause I don't want no trouble with the boys in blue. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. He or she can help you decide if it's right for you. If its on your left foot and the car is an automatic (you only need one foot to drive it) then you can drive it legally. Also, if you have to wear the walking boot after the case comes off, you need to take the boot off before you drive. 6 What happens if you drive with a cast on your arm? It doesn't matter whether it is a manual or an automatic, cast or no cast. A cast on your arm may not impede your ability to grasp your steering wheel, but consider what other functions your car has. Can you comfortably maneuver all pedals with your cast on? I was eavesdropping, so I didn't catch all the details - they were talking to someone wearing a walking boot. Submitted: 12 years . Basic Author A grey area mentioned by a few papers is the question about driving an automatic transmission car with the unused leg in a cast. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". There are some clear no-nos, of course: if your right foot is in a cast or brace, you absolutely should not drive. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Driving with a cast There is no law that explicitly prohibits you from driving a car with a broken arm. Technically you can. Can I drive with the boot? I argued the toss, telling them that I drove an automatic, but they wouldn't back down. Yes and no, as it's not specifically illegal to drive with a broken leg or foot, but if a doctor advises you not to drive then you legally cannot get behind the wheel. A foot or ankle cast is an orthopedic device that supports broken, fractured or injured bones and joints in the ankles and feet. After a total right hip or knee replacement, the recommended time before driving is generally four to six weeks. In D.C., there's no law that says driving with your foot in a cast is illegal, according to Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson Brianna Jordan. Position your heel toward the back of the boot. Many foot fractures require a long time off work until they are cured, during which time driving is not allowed. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Even if you're not charged, driving with a cast - or just your left foot - is . . He has a wooden prosthetic foot (very intimidating when he was walking on a hardwood floor as he was a HUGE guy), thus he has no feeling in the foot. Since driving requires the patient to put weight through the leg and foot, it can cause a delay in healing for certain conditions." Risk rises when a cast, brace, or boot is part of the picture. The rule of thumb is that if your foot is immobilized in any way, or you experience pain while you move, you're not ready to drive. Listen as we discuss in detail Ask A Cop. You can tune in Check out the three devices and judge which would work best for your situation and lifestyle. Ice your foot for about 20 minutes every hour while awake for the first 48 hours, then 2 to 3 times a day. For example, wearing a wrist splint can significantly distort the ability to drive a vehicle. If your doctor says you are better off resting at home and not driving, you should follow those directions. Casts immobilize the foot or ankle to keep it completely still during the healing process. Also, your doctor will probably say light duty. Posts: 304. Be careful, water will disolve the plaster. You can spend time paying them back when you are back on both feet. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I've also had a right-leg cast, and I feel for you. But you continue todrive legally either AT or BELOW the posted speed limit sign. Owner operators can make their own decision. Licensed driversin Texasmust renew their licenseevery six years, and Susan when your Mom reached the golden young age of 85, she will experience another change. The best plan of action in this case is get over to the far right lane and let the speeders have it. The general consensus is that it is unsafe to drive whilst wearing a cast or splint for the treatment of a musculoskeletal condition. Wearing a cast on any part of your leg can make getting around a challenge. If the cast is on your right foot then you can get a ticket for driving . Article Source: Can you drive with a cast on your right foot? Is it illegal to drive an automatic with a cast on your *left* leg? There is just no way to drive safely with this kind of obstruction to your driving foot. Equally, if you're on any kind of narcotic pain-killers, you should not get behind the wheel. What to expect from a foot or ankle cast. If your cast is on your left foot, it might not be in the way. 0 found this answer helpful | 1 lawyer agrees Helpful Unhelpful 0 comments Amy A. Porray Driving With a Broken Foot: The Don'ts There are some clear no-nos, of course: if your right foot is in a cast or brace, you absolutely should not drive. I'll obviously make sure the insurance company is also aware. Your doctor will be able to determine whether you are still fit to drive and how much of an impact your injury will have on your ability to operate your car. Would that be a reasonable speed, since EVERYONE is doing it, or would it still be considered speeding? As the left foot needs less movement than the right one while navigating a vehicle, you can drive with a walking boot on. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 5 How do you drive with a cast on your foot? Although there are no legal restrictions to hold the steering with a left leg injury, experts say it can be dangerous. If the doctor says he cant drive, he cant drive. The devices include the Knee Scooter, the Seated Scooter, and the iWALKFree Hands Free Crutch. It's OK to drive with your leg plastered . Goodbye Crutches offers rental and buying options as well as payment plans and other conveniences. Unfortunately, there's no one answer. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. All times are GMT-6. Studies show that even something as small as a wrist cast can significantly reduce reaction time in drivers, and foot and leg casts can greatly interfere with braking and shifting gears. So I made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor and after many months of seeing him, getting Xrays, MRI's etc he finally decided surgery was the way to go to fix the tendon. Driving is not possible when the foot is immobilized with a bandage or with plaster. While more immediate concerns might arise, like whether you can walk on it or when you can return to work, one question you should ask your doctor regards driving. Why I asked: I told a friend yesterday that I had continued to drive my car (automatic) after a left ankle injury. 3 Is it illegal to drive with a cast on your wrist? This will be easier if you are sitting down. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I couldn't walk on it, but felt I was safe to drive because I didn't use my left leg for driving so my contorl of the car was not affected. How do you drive with a cast on your foot? If not, then it is permissible by the state of Texas for you to drive. Car (s):06 Honda Euro, 92 MR2. There is no law prohibiting patients in a walking cast from getting behind the wheel of their own car, however, one must strongly and truthfully consider their level of comfort before getting behind the wheel. Was the security guard correct, suggesting I should not drive while Im wearing the boot and cast? Is it illegal to drive with a cast on your arm UK? I know its either tempting or intimidating to join the crowd. How can we avoid the occurrence of weld porosity? Susan, your momhas reached beyondthe magic age of for license renewal (79). Driving with a walking boot is completely legal, and anyone that is injured or just had surgery can Drive with a walking boot on the right foot. Yes, you can drive with a walking boot on your right foot. Do not use these medicines for the first 24 hours after your injury. Why SJF Cannot be implemented practically? Most users ever online was 158,966 at 05:57 AM on 01-16-2021. It is your right foot that is responsible for maneuvering the car's foot pedals. I have been in the same situation myself. When you'll be able to drive after surgery depends on numerous factors: Type of operation, recovery time, location of surgery and type of device you'll need after surgery. Navigating life in. You must make an appointment and go up there in person. (a) without due care and attention, (b) without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway, or. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I have emailed the NHS to get that in writing (but as you can imagine this can take really long to get a reply. The goal of such studies, which typically measure how long it takes a recovering patient to make an . It can keep your weight off an area, such as your toe, as it heals. It is not safe. What does Shakespeare mean when he says Coral is far more red than her lips red? Posted March 29, 2006. Despite the obvious safety hazards, there are currently no laws prohibiting driving with a cast on either of your feet. The boot can be used for broken bones, tendon injuries, severe sprains, or shin splints. Hopefully it will come off soon. Someone mentioned that it is against the law to drive with any type if brace, walking boot, cast.. on your right leg. But I was just wondering if I'm allowed to drive with a cast. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. (c) at a speed that is excessive relative to the road, traffic, visibility or weather conditions. Driving is not recommended for anyone wearing a cast because joint mobility is limited. Not if it is on your right foot. the ability to safely control the vehicle. Yes. Specific comments I often hear are that there are people with only one arm who can drive. 8.75K. This is because you need to maintain full articulation of your feet, ankles, and legs, to safely control the car through the pedals. It does not store any personal data. U-haul 20 Foot Truck Price. If you need a cast, your orthopedic doctor starts by placing a stockinette over your foot and/or ankle. While it is legal to drive with a walking boot on the right foot. is a company that helps those who have to be non-weight bearing for a period of time. Where'd you learn that, Cheech? Where should I start working out out of shape? Ask yourself if your response time would be slowed. A walking boot helps keep the foot stable so it can heal. Does that mean you can't drive? If you can ensure that it will not, driving is an option for you. Too much liability with further injuring and defense in a wreck. Since it's your left foot that's broken . However, it should not be tight to the point where it is causing your pain or cutting off your circulation. If you're not sure if you need a cast, talk to your doctor. Not bothered asking the insurer. But I doubt a company driver would be driving with a cast on. The bottom line is that, if you need to be in a sling, you cannot drive. Redeem it at plasterd this october! NEW Here's a referral code to get a $20 credit when you join Google Fi! Im currently in a cast and walking boot. They may increase the risk of bleeding. So we can Verify, there's no law against ., 2022 EzineArticlesAll Rights Reserved Worldwide,, Check your medications and make sure that you are not taking anything that impedes your abilities to react quickly in a vehicle. There are some clear no-nos, of course: if your right foot is in a cast or brace, you absolutely should not drive. If driving an auto then a left foot break should not be a problem. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The flexibility of the cast also prevents the joint stiffness that accompanies a hard cast in so many instances. Now, Mom is afraid that something bad has happened to her license. Equally, if you're on any kind of narcotic pain-killers, you should not get behind the wheel. Once your cast has been removed, regardless of which leg was immobilized, don't assume that you'll be able to drive immediately. The general consensus is that it is unsafe to drive whilst wearing a cast or splint for the treatment of a musculoskeletal condition. Join Date: Mar 2009. Driving while wearing a cast or boot may lead to accidents because you are more prone to being distracted, and your reflexes are slower. However, doctors recommend against it, as it can compromise your injury from healing properly. A walking boot is a type of medical shoe used to protect the foot and ankle after an injury or surgery. A walking cast diverts a lot of the pressure and stress away from the break, however, when driving there are a lot of unexpected things that may come up, even if you are only driving down the street. That includes a boot which must be removed. # 9. Who actually uses their left foot in an automatic? 3M White BSN Pink 3MOctober is right around the corner!Padding! see women casted: see men casted: Sale on lt blue cast tape!To see women casted: see men casted: Taking the Practical Driver Assessment. Is it safe to drive with a walking cast? Wearing a cast, brace, or boot significantly plays into the difficultiesand dangersof driving. You may be stuck with your cast for a while because bones, torn ligaments, and other tissues can take weeks or months to heal. I agree with consulting an attorney, but is the "issue" here having a cast on one's leg or would any cast be an issue. Careless driving prohibited. This is assuming you drive with your right leg, and the left leg is not used to control the car. Take heart and enjoy the extra time with these people. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The Velcro should be tight enough to prevent your foot and ankle from moving around. In Texas, once you have reached the age of 79, you will no longer be eligible to renew you license online or by mail. You can return to work as soon as you are able to do your normal duties. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. There are so many posters talking about it. Anesthesia or other sedative medications can impair driving for at least 24 hours. If you think you may be able to drive on your own, take these questions into consideration and proceed with caution. It doesnt matter whether it is a manual or an automatic, cast or no cast. Answer (1 of 7): Speaking for Ontario, there is no black letter law that prohibits driving with a cast or sling, just as there is no law making it illegal to drive barefoot. 6 Things To Know to Drive with a Boot on Your Right Foot. How to drive with a cast on your leg - YouTube 0:00 / 1:01 How to drive with a cast on your leg 8,515 views Premiered Oct 11, 2020 70 Dislike Share Save Cast Masters!!! And, now, Kelly you can take yourself. What should we do? 01-18-2012, 04:06 PM. Slower reaction time According to a study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, casts slow your ability to brakeup to 25% slower in their testing. But, and it's a big but, the definition of "careless driving" is sufficiently broad and requires you to maintain full cont. Ever. Driving is easier than walking on the injured area, but too much pressure and stress can still send you in a backward spiral. Sit down and put your heel all the way on the back of the boot. Yes but not recommended Driving is not recommended for anyone wearing a cast because joint mobility is limited. If its on your left foot and the car is an automatic (you only need one foot to drive it) then you. I believe I see the problem. Is it illegal to drive with a cast on your wrist? but could be considered under the negligent or reckless operation statute if your doctor has not authorized you to drive or if the cast would impair your ability to control . At first glance, driving with a boot or cast on your right foot may seem possible, it is discouraged by doctors. Can you drive a car with an air cast? Your doctor may be thinking about the best recovery time as well as your safety and the safety of others on the road. There are currently 2873 users online. Be extra cautious when making turns and stopping. Answer: Every now and then, I receive questions that can be answered with one word, and Kelly your question is one of them. Sunny 1. Published 12:05 am Tuesday, September 20, 2022. Click the link below to find plaster on amazon! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Posts: 145 Share Tweet #1 Driving with a cast on your leg 03-14-2008, 09:06 AM Is it illegal to drive an automatic with a cast on your *left* leg? The old saying is that Murphy (as in, he of Murphy's Law fame) comes knocking at the worst possible time for you. What are 6 of Charles Dickens classic novels? CONCLUSION Driving with an injured foot is not only a criminal offense but can also put your life at stake. Instead of renewing her license every 6 years, she will have to go in every 2 years to renew her drivers license. Once your cast has been removed, however, don't assume that you'll be able to drive immediately. Henry from Bridge City Asks: I need you to straighten this issue pertaining to speeding for me. While driving with a cast on either foot is not illegal, it's still not recommended that you drive while you're recovering. This is enough to make it unsafe for driving. If not, then it is permissible by the state of Texas for you to drive.. After weeks of immobilization, strength in your foot and/or ankle will be diminished; you . The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) even states that highly trained drivers like police offers do not drive well while wearing casts. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I tore up my ankle, missed a month of workand I still drove. I have been in the same situation myself. If you have a cast on your left leg, driving may still be an option. Your safety and the safety of those around you is the most important consideration. What is the difference between HSI and Hscei? Driving while wearing a cast or boot may lead to accidents because you are more prone to being distracted, and your reflexes are slower. You will have to wait to drive until you are no longer taking medications that can affect your abilities. If a health professional is unsure of your capacity to drive, they may ask you to take a practical driver assessment. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A couple of weeks ago, I was traveling to Houston and when I got on Interstate 10, the speed limit dropped to 65 mph. Jun 24, 11, 12:47 pm. While they are there, use them to help you get in and out of your new location to ensure your safety., If this is your first visit be sure to check out the frequently asked questions by clicking here. Your doctor will mold a cast to your foot or ankle to provide the maximum protection and support. While this is true, these people have specific modifications to their car and steering wheel making driving one armed safer. Depending upon the cause for the cast and how the healing process was, you may still have to wait a . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Depending on the type of boot you have, you may . You may feel fine to drive, but wearing a cast may impact your ability to reach the brake and accelerator pedals. If your cast it on your right leg and you normally use your right foot to accelerate and brake, the answer is no, you should not be driving. Im going through so much already and I took the security officer by his word. FIRST TIME DRIVING WITH AN AIR CAST BOOTIf you liked this Vero Beach Florida vlog, make sure to give it a thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE for more videos.Watch Last . Is it legal to drive with a cast on your foot? Everything is harder to do and you may feel rather isolated since you possibly have to rely on others for a ride to and from anywhere you need to go. Jamming on the brakes to avoid a person, an accident, etc., could cause an unbelievable amount of pain or stress on the leg. Copyright 2022 MassInitiative | All rights reserved. If you must drive with a boot on your right foot, be sure to practice good safety habits. Question 3: Does your doctor say it's okay? 144 (1) A person must not drive a motor vehicle on a highway. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The general consensus is that it is unsafe to drive whilst wearing a cast or splint for the treatment of a musculoskeletal condition. It was particularly awkward as Id driven myself to the hospital. Can't drive with that on. Place your affected leg in the boot. 1 Is it legal to drive with a cast on your foot? However, there are flat rates you can work with, but before that, here are some details you should know: Requirements and . The boot can be used for broken bones, tendon injuries, severe sprains, or shin splints. Call in your question live at409-982-0247. If this is the left foot, then it is fine. A study reveals that drivers with a walking foot are liable to press the accelerator and brake pedals simultaneously. You can drive your vehicle with the boot on your left foot. Always ask yourself this question when wanting to join speeders, if I was in a department store and everyone was picking up items and running out without paying for them, would I join them or go the register like Im supposed to and redeem the items. This allows the muscles around the ankle to engage, preventing muscle atrophy while the cast is on the body. Location:Sydney. When you have a cast, your whole life can change. Driving with a cast will serve as an obstruction to your ability to drive. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1 . . Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to decipher the answer. Be certain to find that security guard and give him a copy of this Ask A Cop to enlighten him. Everyone knows how it is to depend on others to get around. For the record the plaster technician who put it on says UK police can impound your car, 6 points on your licence and fine you and arm and a leg if caught. Once he got used to it, he said, his driving was as normal as any other driver. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. A walking boot is a type of medical shoe used to protect the foot and ankle after an injury or surgery. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Brooke M Williams| It is not encouraged by doctors, who say that you might prevent your bones from healing correctly, or even end up in an accident due to impaired reaction time. After weeks in a cast, strength in your foot and/or ankle will be diminished; you'll therefore want to wait until your walking has returned to normal before even attempting to drive. Can I drive an automatic car with a plaster cast? Im sure he didnt mean any harm, he just was not correct on the information he passed on to you. This is because a cast can impede your range of motion and therefore decrease your reaction time, which can, in turn, increase your likelihood of getting into an accident. You can make a comment or question via TEXT at 409-748-6106. If you feel like you are physically capable to operate your motor vehicle, then go right ahead. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This page was generated at 04:41 PM. I was told for any king of accident you are automatically at fault. I live in. Dont ever let someone alter your driving behavior because they are in a hurry or just simply want to speed, unless its for the safety of yourself or other motorists on the roadway. Mail them to: Ofc. .Output - medium duty (kW/min-1)*2 500/2060 323/1940 250/2200 Combustion Type Direct injection Direct injection For all your machine work, engine rebuilding . Driving with a cast There is no law that explicitly prohibits you from driving a car with a broken arm. If your UK based you are not allowed to drive in a boot unless you've got an automatic and it depends which leg is broke you have to be able to perform an emergency stop if you have an accident your insurance is invalidated Report / Delete Reply giamom carrie53666 Posted 6 years ago I'm in Canada. I really dont know what took me so long to Ask A Cop. Any insight into this would be great. Not driving in the UK. subject to: any overiding medical advice which must be observed. Its been three weeks since Ive driven and Im an independent woman, so its been really tough on me depending on others to get me around. Indeed, emergency reaction times are longer. One recent study examined that last factor in order to determine how footwear impacts emergency braking times. It is not safe. But it seemed like nobody was going slower than 75 mph. Then the MTO would suspend the drivers licence until reinstated by the doctor. But it involves health threats by affecting your healing process. Question 1: What leg is your cast on? A grey area mentioned by a few papers is the question about driving an automatic transmission car with the unused leg in a cast. Doctors have the ability to send MTO documentation that a driver is unable to drive due to a condition of some sort. There is just no way to drive safely with this kind of obstruction to your driving foot. So I WON'T be driving for 6 weeks. For pain, you can use ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others) or naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn, and others). Put the front piece over the liner. If your right foot is in a brace or a cast you should not drive. Any advice, experience or comments etc would be much appreciated. Kelly from Port Arthur Ask: I recently injured my left foot. 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can you drive with a cast on your foot