I switched her to this food over the past week and her poops have become more solid, just the way they are supposed to. It helps with her digestive system and her coat is nice and shiny.
The sixth ingredient is rice bran, a healthy by-product of milling whole grain rice. Readily recommended. A fully-balanced, fresh food formula that meets 100% of AAFCO nutrient profile requirements for adult maintenance. Adds real flavor and life to any processed dry kibble. Each also provides complete nutrition, so you can feed them the special diet they need for as long as they need it.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Start by adding a small amount of your pets new food to his or her current food. onclick='if(window["gf_submitting_22"]){return false;} window["gf_submitting_22"]=true; ' onkeypress='if( event.keyCode == 13 ){ if(window["gf_submitting_22"]){return false;} window["gf_submitting_22"]=true; jQuery("#gform_22").trigger("submit",[true]); }'> I switched her to this food over the past week and her poops have become more solid, just the way they are supposed to. It helps with her digestive system and her coat is nice and shiny.